Hunting High School

Chapter 260 Steady Profit Without Loss

More than a month ago, on the viewing platform of the school hunting meeting, Zheng Qing and others were persuaded by the blue-green eyes to buy a few lottery tickets to guess the final champion and best hunter of the school hunting game. He received three credits, five silver horns, and eighteen copper coins, and Xiao Xiao also pressed five golden beans.

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The end result was astonishing.

The more people who know the rules of the hunting game in detail, know the hunting teams well, and talk about the hunters well, the more unlucky people such as Zhang Da Elder and Xin Fatty are. Thank God for barely maintaining a small loss.

And the less cared about the hunting game, the less knowledgeable the guy, the more amazing his luck.

For example, Zheng Qing won the championship, the best hunting team and the best hunter of the freshman competition, so the three credits in hand immediately turned over and earned nearly ten credits.

And Dr. Xiao is even more heaven-defying. He chose the not-so-outstanding Judgment Hunting Team in the main match of the strong school hunting competition, betting that Judgment can finally win the Academy Cup. The ruling lived up to expectations, not only won the school hunting championship this year, but also won the best hunter and best hunting team. Because of this, the five golden beans that Dr. Xiao put in turned into more than 400 in an instant, cutting off 10% of Little Johnnyville's bonus.

The incident left a deep impression on Neville.

So, the blue-green-eyed boy who had just sold lottery tickets to a group of second-year old students couldn't help but come over after seeing a few young wizards sitting in this room studying.

"Doctor, doctor, doctor!" He patted Xiao Xiao's shoulder affectionately, and emphasized in a somewhat exaggerated tone: "It really made it hard for me to find... How about this year's 'Akara'? It will be announced in two days, this is the last chance to get in the car!"

Xiao Xiao silently turned his head and looked at Zheng Qing.

"That's why I was insensitive to gambling at the beginning." He analyzed very calmly: "If I lose the bet, I will have nothing; Will be planted in front of the gambling table and become nothing."

"Be careful that he sues you for slander." Zheng Qing remembered Neville's taboo, and couldn't help laughing: "It's gambling, not gambling... Besides, since you don't like it, why did you throw in five golden beans?"

"Because of lack of money." Xiao Xiao sighed, and carefully closed the notebook in front of him.

'Give me a hairstyle and put it in the pen holder! ’ A brush in Xiao Xiao’s hand yelled, he raised his head vigorously, and moved the tip of the brush with some Xu Mo juice: ‘I really can’t stand the monotonous hairstyle for decades...’

Xiao Xiao didn't seem to hear the brush's struggle, he took a pen holder with no expression on his face, grabbed the brush, and stuffed it in violently.

Little Johnnyville's right hand was still on Xiao Xiao's shoulder. When Xiao Xiao was packing up and chatting with Zheng Qing, he acted as a very polite listener, which was in stark contrast to the self-awareness a few minutes ago.

This is also the basic skill of a good broker, he always knows when to shut up and keep quiet.

It wasn't until Xiao Xiao stuffed the noisy writing brush into the pen holder that the blue-green eyes smiled again: "How about it, have you decided who to buy?"

Before Xiao Xiao could speak, Xin Fatty next to him couldn't hold back anymore.

"If you can guarantee us to make money, then we will buy it," Fatty said in a very firm tone: "Otherwise, don't even think about taking a penny out of my pocket."

This is obviously embarrassing Mr. Broker.

But Neville unhurriedly stretched out a finger, pointed at Fatty, and then pointed at himself in turn: "I can guarantee you money, but you also have to guarantee me, understand... If you want to win, then buy a bigger one, if you bet less than ten jade coins, I won't make any money."

As soon as these words came out, even Xiao Xiao couldn't help but look at the broker more.

Few people dare to boast like this, especially when conducting a high-risk investment activity.

"Do you know someone from 'Wand'?" Zhang Jixin lowered his voice, with a hint of excitement on his face: "Or, are you a member of 'Wand'?"

Neville put on an inscrutable look and said nothing.

Xiao Xiao suddenly adjusted his glasses, glanced at Zheng Qing, and then looked at Neville again: "If I buy Brother Qing to enter the 'Arkana', what are the odds?"

"Eh? What does it have to do with me?" Zheng Qing looked puzzled.

The inscrutability that Neville had held on for just a few seconds suddenly collapsed.

"I know I can't hide it from you." Blue-green eyes smiled wryly, and nodded: "The odds are very low... Under normal circumstances, public-funded students will be included in the Arcana list. According to previous earnings, you are on the Zheng Qing classmate If you bet on one jade coin, you can only earn one copper coin at most."

"One jade coin for one copper coin? Is this considered making money?" Xin Fatty finally came to his senses, looking like he was eating shit: "You are considered a fraud... Who doesn't know that public finance students will definitely be included in the Arcana list! With that spare cash, I might as well hand it over to the financial manager of Sam Chase, the risk is low and the profit is more.”

"Risk is directly proportional to profit, this is the iron law." Neville explained solemnly: "If you want to earn more, you can also bet that Zheng Qing will not enter the Arcana list... just bet a coin , if he can't get in by then, we will pay you ten jade coins."

"It's a fool's job." Fatty pretended to spit on the floor.

"Then I believe there should be a lot of idiots in the school." Xiao Xiao folded his arms and nodded thoughtfully.

"I'm such a fool," Zheng Qing hurriedly said from the side: "One copper coin is exchanged for ten jade coins, I want to buy a copper coin after hearing it... After all, losing only one copper coin, you can completely laugh it off. And if you win, you can laugh wildly for a whole year."

"What do you think of your voluntary withdrawal?" Zhang Jixin also came up with a bad idea: "Akana's list will only include the students of the First University... After you drop out, the magic wand will definitely take your name Withdrawn from Akanari."

"Extremely extreme, we raised funds and pressed him for a hundred or so jade coins, wouldn't he make a lot of money in the blink of an eye?!" Xin Fatty was gearing up, with an expression of such a great idea.

Zheng Zheng stared blankly at his two companions: "Do you think I'm the kind of person who would give up my studies for ten thousand jade coins?"

This time, including Xiao Xiao, they all turned their faces away and nodded solemnly at Zheng Qing.

"Okay, have the final say." Zheng Qing spread his hands and looked at Neville with a smile: "What do you think of our idea?"

Neville silently put away the own lottery ticket.

"Okay, okay, just say it if you don't want to play, don't be scary at every turn." The blue-green eyes said with a look of resentment: "If you really do this, those old guys at the school will definitely pay for the loss of a public-funded student to us."

"I can't bear it."

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