Hunting High School

Chapter 261: End Of Period

The encounter with Nevel in the cafeteria was just a small episode of Zheng Qing's campus life.

For the students of Jiuyou College, the most important thing in the world during this time is the final exam. Whether it's the aftermath of the winter hunt that has just passed less than a week, or the new "Arkana" list to be released by "Magic Wand", none of the exams that are getting closer and closer is suffocating.

The senior students are alright, they have had several final exam experiences, so that they can adjust themselves to a certain extent when facing this kind of atmosphere, so as not to explode their mentality.

And the lower grades, especially the freshmen who just entered this year, don't have such a strong heart.

Because Jiuyou College is a college that pays great attention to fairness, so the examination plays a very high role in the promotion of students. The final exam, as the most important way to test the learning outcomes of a semester, is especially valued.

It is now the eighteenth week of school.

According to the syllabus issued by the school, theoretically, classes will be officially suspended from the nineteenth week onwards to enter the examination state. But in view of the tense atmosphere in the school, the professors wisely gave up the boring and tedious lectures in the classroom, and returned all their time to the young wizards in the classroom.

"You are all adults, and it is not the first time to take the final exam. You should have a more mature and effective learning method for each of you." On Wednesday morning, Mr. Sima, the history lecturer, told everyone in the last class Said: "I am also a person who has been here, and I know that everyone is nervous now... The only thing I hope is that you don't confuse the two groups of 'hard-core wizards' and 'conservative wizards' during the exam, and remember clearly that in 1862 The "Declaration of the Emancipation of Goblins" has played a huge role in promoting the modernization of the wizarding society in Millikin, as well as several taboo magics that appeared in the Lich War in 1918..."

It was said to be the "only" hope, but after Sima Yangyun mentioned the key points of the exam, he couldn't help talking about it. After half an hour of speaking, the "only" hope gradually became the "only ten" ''Only 20, 30' hope.

Zheng Qing sat at the back of the classroom, scratching his hair, and kept adding a few asterisks next to the key content that had been drawn under the multiple wavy lines.

It was a very useless obsession, because there were so many key points in the book with their own colors, and he never seemed to have time to go over those key points again.

But if he doesn't mark it, he will fall into a kind of inexplicable panic, always feel that he has not reviewed any important points, and his heart is empty.

Relatively speaking, Zheng Qing's state is quite normal.

Students like Zhang Jixin and Duan Xiaojian whose daily homework is sloppy and their memory is not very good, now life has become particularly difficult. If they don't have anything in their minds, that's fine. When they go to the examination room, they will do more or less to see if God favors them.

But the bad thing is that their minds are not blank, but they are not a well-organized library either. Their brains are more like a labyrinth. They often hide the correct information behind winding and secret passages. Whenever they pick up their pens, they always write some plausible answers. , or misremember the name of 'Gavrino Princip' as 'Galinov Principe'. The former is the fuse that triggered the Lich War, and the latter is a wild werewolf who promotes vegetarianism.

Faced with this situation, there is no better way but to memorize it by rote.

Therefore, after Sima Yangyun announced free review, Zhang Jixin folded his arms, rolled his eyes strangely, and began to mutter to the bare wall beside him: "...1775 Laike Xington, 1777 Saratoga, 1783 "Paris "Peace Treaty"..."

"Elder, you can't memorize like this!" Zheng Qing listened to the buzzing sound next to him, without stopping for a long time, and finally turned his head helplessly, looked at Zhang Jixin, and interrupted: "Remembering the historical time must be consistent with the event. Combined, it is easy to make mistakes by only memorizing part of the content... Just like the "Paris Peace Treaty" you just said, there are many articles, such as the "Paris Peace Treaty" between the Blood Demon Party and the Secret Party in 1783, and the dwarves and snowmen in 1814 The "Paris Peace Treaty" in between, and the intermission period of the Lich War in 1919, also signed a "Paris Peace Treaty"..."

"Yes, yes, you are right!" Zhang Jixin waved his hand as if to repel flies, without pausing at all, still stubbornly insisting on the own review method: "...1775 Laike Xington, 1777 Saratoga, 1783" Treaty of Paris"..."

Zheng Qing sighed long, touched the gray cloth bag, and pulled out two meditation talismans from it.

There is no way, Fu always has to be used at the most critical time. Is there a more critical moment than an exam?

Compared with the buzzing red-faced wizard and distraught payer, Xin Fatty seems a lot more relaxed. He even has the mind to look around and play tricks with other students in the class. From time to time, Zheng Qing could see a paper frog or a paper mouse coming out of the hole in Fatty's table, slowly crawling towards the adjacent table.

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"What are you doing?" Zheng Qing couldn't help poking Fatty with a brush before he slapped the meditation amulet on his forehead.

The pen sticks into Fatty's back, making a satisfying indentation.

"Hiss...!" Xin Fatty gasped, turned around with difficulty, and glared at Zheng Qing: "Didn't you see that I'm doing business? Don't disturb others at this critical moment, okay?"

"Business?" Zheng Qing blinked with confusion.

"If you haven't played disappearance from time to time these days, you should know what business I'm in." Fatty sneered, and didn't seem to want to explain further.

Zheng Qing curled his lips, and smacked a meditation talisman on his forehead.

Then he changed hands, and with a 'slap', he slapped another meditation talisman on Zhang Jixin's back.

"Thank you..." Elder Zhang didn't turn his head back, just waved his hand friendly with Zheng Qing behind his back, and still muttered to the wall: "1775 Laike Xington, 1777 Saratoga..."

"By the way, what have you been up to recently? It feels like Irina a while ago, mysterious." Xiao Xiao, who had been flipping through his notebook at the side, turned to look at Zheng Qing when he heard this.

"Well, I'm just busy in the library." Zheng Qing explained vaguely, and at the same time subconsciously turned his head to look in the direction where Elena was. The gypsy witch was burying her head behind a pile of books, and from Zheng Qing's perspective, only her big wine-red curly hair could be seen.

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