Hunting High School

Chapter 267: Confused

In the end, Lao Yao did not come to Shushan Pavilion to lead the people.

In view of the fact that the school is currently not well-managed, and Dean Yao's whereabouts have been uncertain recently, Pink Octopus finally did not let the dean of Jiuyou Academy come to lead the people as he said when he was angry.

It was Professor An from the Academic Affairs Office of Jiuyou College who came to the library to lead the two young wizards away.

At the beginning of the semester, Zheng Qing and others fought in groups in Beta Town, and it was the chubby, good-tempered Professor An who finally introduced them to the college.

[To be honest, I have been using Yeguo to read and read books recently, change sources, and read aloud with many timbres, yeguoyuedu Android and Apple are all available. 】

This made the two young men breathe a sigh of relief.

Of course, no matter how good your temper is, you won't have a good face when you face this kind of Losing face.

"You two stand here and reflect on yourself!"

Professor An pulled his face, glared at the two young wizards, then turned around and dragged the librarian to the corner next to him. Faintly, Zheng Qing heard him say: "...the first grade...the final exam... Mental tension is inevitable...and recently...please be sure..."

Because Professor An spoke very fast and his voice was very low, Zheng Qing missed many keywords. But this didn't affect him guessing what Professor An was talking about based on the context.

Zheng Qing estimated that the professor was using the final exam as an excuse to excuse them.

First University, especially Jiuyou College, during the final exams every year, due to the huge exam pressure, the number of students suffering from hysteria and mania will increase significantly, and it is not uncommon to go to the school hospital for treatment or prescribe related drugs. It has become a tradition among students.

Similarly, the hospitalization rate of Star Academy students during this period will be higher than in the past. If the weekly hospitalization rate of Star Academy students is 20% on weekdays, the hospitalization rate will soar to 40 or even higher at the end of the semester. This also led to a very heavy workload for Star Academy every year for making up exams.

Relatively speaking, Zheng Qing and Xin Fatty just made a lot of noise in the library. Compared with those guys who broke down and cried in the library on weekdays, the impact is actually not that bad.

Perhaps because Professor An comforted him well, with the conversation in the corner, the color of the pink octopus became lighter and lighter, gradually returning to its previous translucent color, and its size also continued to shrink Zheng Qing quietly clenched his fist , he guessed right before, this guy was inflated just now.

What a small mind, the young Gong Feisheng muttered secretly in his heart.

Professor An quickly finished talking with the librarian and walked back to the young wizards.

"Your behavior is very bad and has seriously violated the relevant regulations of the "First University Campus Management Regulations." Professor An first severely criticized the two young people: "If Mr. Zhang applies to the college for more severe punishment, it is also in line with the relevant regulations Specified."

"very sorry!"

Zheng Qing and Xin Fatty continued to bow at ninety degrees, expressing their own repentance very well.

"However," Professor An paused, and his tone eased a little: "However, since it is the final exam period, you are under a lot of pressure to study, and sometimes you will inevitably lose control of your own emotions...Mr. Zhang agrees to let you go. horse."

Fatty immediately stood up straight with a smile.

"Thank you, Mr. Zhang, I'm very sorry for causing you trouble!" Fatty leaned forward in a doggy manner, trying to shake hands with the librarian. It's just that he immediately realized embarrassingly that Mr. Octopus has eight legs and no clear hands. He wasn't sure if he would be knocked to the ground by Mr. Octopus' legs if he held them casually.

So his outstretched hands slid a graceful arc in mid-air, and finally turned into a nondescript cupped fist movement.

"It won't happen again next time, I promise!" Fatty clenched his fists and said the word of promise in his mouth, which seemed weird no matter how you looked at it.

If it wasn't because the atmosphere needed to be a little more serious, Zheng Qing would have been laughing with his stomach in his arms.

"There will never be a next time!"

Mr. Octopus sprayed out a series of large bold characters with sharp edges and corners, which looked very serious: "Even if you have a good reason today, you can't go without punishment. This is the rule of library management."

The two young wizards clasped their hands and stood obediently in front of the octopus waiting for the final judgment.

"From now until the end of this semester, students Zheng Qing and Simbana Schmidt-Bayer will be included in the 'blacklist' of the First University Library, including the Jiuyou College Shushan Library Both of you will be banned from all libraries."

"Duration until the end of the semester."

Seeing the last sentence, Zheng Qing and Fatty immediately heaved a sigh of relief.

It's okay, it's okay, it just lasts until the end of the semester.

Fortunately, there are only less than two weeks left in this semester, and there are not many homework assignments that need to be checked in the library. As for things like reviewing homework, it is completely possible to find a quiet study room.

As long as this incident doesn't really alarm the school, or be punished in some way, everything is fine.

The situation is much better than what Zheng Qing thought before. Mr. Octopus just now looked like he wanted to eat them alive. It is inevitable that his expectations will be bad.

Before leaving, Mr. Octopus sprayed out a series of monograms as if complaining: "The current system of Jiuyou College is really terrible, and it puts too much pressure on the children... More and more people collapse in the library every year. Go on like this and take jujube pills... I will write a statement of opinion and submit it..."

Naturally, the other three people, including Professor An, could not comment freely on the school's educational philosophy.

With fake smiles on their faces, they watched Mr. Octopus go away respectfully, and finally disappeared in the depths of the bookshelf corridor.

It wasn't until he walked out of the Shushan Pavilion and was blown by the cold wind outside that Zheng Qing came back to his senses. He turned to look at Professor An, and thanked him very sincerely: "I'm really sorry for your inconvenience, Professor... I'm so sorry today."

"It's not too troublesome." Professor An was unexpectedly easy to talk. I don't know if it's an illusion. Zheng Qing feels that Professor An's attitude seems to be better than before: "...every year during the final exam, a lot of student spirits will appear. There was so much stress that led to behavioral misbehavior. I stayed at the academy to deal with these things."

Then he turned his head to look at Fatty, nodded, then looked at the young public fee student, and said with a smile: "Besides, today is your good day, so don't worry about these little things."

As he spoke, he stretched out his hand to straighten Zheng Qing's collar, patted him on the shoulder, and added: "Go back and take a good shower, get together with your friends, and waste another night at most... Don't affect the next week Exam."

After finishing speaking, the professor waved his hand, and Shi Shi ran away.

The young public finance student was left standing in the cold wind with a disheveled face.

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