Hunting High School

Chapter 268: Codename 'World'

"What the hell is going on here?"

Zheng Qing folded his arms, frowned, and looked at Xin Fatty.

"You have become the world!"

Fatty finally recovered from the nervousness a moment ago, turned to look at the young public fee student excitedly, and murmured repeatedly: "It's crazy, the school is crazy! They let you be the world!"

Zheng Qing listened in a cloud of fog, but his heart became more and more impatient.

"Be clear," he stuffed the gray cloth bag into his pocket while shaking his head annoyed, "Oops, the notes and textbooks I used for review are all in the library... I have to ask the doctor to help them out." .”

"Don't worry about notes and textbooks, you are the world now!" Fatty grabbed Zheng Qing's arm and shook it vigorously: "The world! You are the world now!"

Zheng Qing gasped in pain, and slapped Fatty on the head: "You have a cat disease! I am the world? Why don't you say that I am Universe? Let you speak clearly...with you Shaking the world?"

Fatty immediately came to his senses, took a step back, clasped his hands together, and apologized exaggeratedly: "I'm really sorry, World, I was too emotional just now, I couldn't help it, I offended, I really offended..."

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Zheng Qing smacked his lips, feeling a throbbing pain in the alveolar after owning.

Without further ado, he pulled out his own Dharma book again, and cast a meditation spell on Fatty's face:

"Speak quietly and think about it!"

Then he put away the book and reminded angrily: "What's the situation, let's make it clear...the final exam is three days away, is it interesting that you blacklisted us in the Shushan Hall?"

Fatty took a meditation spell to recover.

He took a deep breath, looked at Zheng Qing solemnly, and said, "Wand has you in this year's "Arkana" list, the Major Arcana, ranked twenty-second, codenamed 'World'."

After all, Fatty looked at the public fee student anxiously, hoping to see a shock similar to his own from his expression or demeanor.

Zheng Qing's face was wrinkled into a ball.

"That's it?!" He was indeed a little shocked: "Just because I was included in the 'Arkana' list by the 'Magic Wand', you are going to make such a fuss in the library? Do you really need to go to the school hospital to have a look? See?"

Fatty slapped himself on the face: "This is really playing the piano to the cow."

Zheng Qing also slapped Fatty on the back: "It's not that you don't know that I am a public fee student, and I will definitely be included in the Arcana list by the magic wand. What is there to make a fuss about... After all, this year's Ah Hasn’t the Kanna list not been released yet? I remember that the first edition will be available after nine o’clock in the evening.”

Fatty's spirit was visibly sluggish because he didn't resonate with Zheng Qing, and he explained listlessly: "You know, I was shortlisted for this year's 'Golden Quill', so the editor-in-chief likes to point out any big or small things Let me click. Just now, the magic wand sent a copy of the list of 'Arkana' to be published to the editor-in-chief of the school newspaper, and I happened to be next to me and took a look. I saw your name in the vast sea of ​​names at a glance."

"There are less than a hundred names in total, and I dare to say the word "bangbang." Zheng Qing complained from the side.

As Fatty talked, his emotions became agitated again: "The world, the world! You have become the world..."

"So, why can't I be the world?" Zheng Qing interrupted Fatty and argued feebly.

"Because the 'World' belongs to the 'Grand Arcana' list." As he spoke, Fatty raised a finger and listed them one by one: "The first in the Greater Arcana, code-named 'The Fool', is the principal of the first university , Unnamed Professor."

"The second place in the Grand Arcana, code-named 'Magician', is the vice president of the First University, Professor Ruoyu."

"The third place in the Grand Arcana, code-named 'Priest', is the vice president of the First University, Ms. Shi Hui."


"...Codenamed 'Pope', he is the dean of Atlas Academy..."


"...The ones code-named 'Chariot' and 'Power' are the current dean and vice-president of Starry Sky Academy..."


"...The person code-named 'Reaper' is the director of the school hospital..."


"...The code-named 'Devil' is Dr. Chen, the former head of the two-dimensional evolution laboratory..."


As Xin Fatty listed everyone on the twenty-two major arcana list one by one, Zheng Qing gradually realized the reason for Fatty's previous shock and excitement.

Everyone on the Grand Arcana list, from the first to the penultimate, is the youngest, Su Shijun, who just took office in the school this year, has the status of a member of the parliament next month, and the director of the two-dimensional evolution laboratory; fame The weakest is Master Baoyangzi who works in the relevant department; the lowest status is Mr. Octopus who just trained two young wizards in the library behind him.

But even the octagonal octopus was rumored to be recuperating in the library because of the failure of the breakthrough wizard. Including the school's senior professors, old janitors, and senior students, all of them are respectful in front of the octopus and dare not be rude in the slightest.

Relatively speaking, although Zheng Qing is a public student of Jiuyou College, has a Merlin Medal, and has won the championship in this year's freshman competition, compared with the above-mentioned characters, the gap is really too big.

It can be said that there is no comparison at all.

"You mean," Zheng Qing carefully analyzed his words after Fatty finished breaking his fingers, and slowly analyzed: "I'm in the wrong place in the Arcana list?"

Fatty didn't agree with that right away.

"It is not unheard of for students from the First University to enter the list of the Grand Arcana." Fatty spit, and said quickly: "Because the school newspaper arranged for me to write a manuscript about the list of the Arcana, I checked After looking through the relevant historical lists, I found out that there was also a public-funded student in the Alpha Academy in 1980, named Terry Duzem, who was also shortlisted for the Grand Arcana list as a student."

"But he was only shortlisted, and was not approved by the professors' joint meeting in the end... and he was already in the fourth year of university when he entered the Grand Arcana list. At that time, he already had his own independent laboratory in First University!"

"Compared to him, you are a scumbag!"

Xin Fatty's words were merciless, even a little harsh.

But Zheng Qing didn't think it was too much.

He also gradually realized the reason for Fatty's excitement. More importantly, he happened to know the senior who was once shortlisted for the Grand Arcana: "Dr. Do you have a senior record?"

"Is this the point?" Fatty suddenly raised his voice, spit on Zheng Qing's face: "You are the world! You are the world now! You are the youngest world ever recorded in the wizarding world!!!"

"The man with the wand is absolutely insane!"

"I thought it would be nice if you could rank in the same rank in the scepter sequence... Who the hell thought you were the world!"

"Those guys with blue and green eyes are probably laughing like crazy counting money now."

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