Hunting High School

Chapter 271 An Uninvited Guest Comes To The Laboratory

The first university, nine schools.

Office Building, Middle-Room 101.

There is no sound in the empty and dark room, which makes this place, which is very heavy in color, even more depressing. In the void in all directions, those dots of light sources flickered faintly, against the conference table in the center of the room, it seemed increasingly distant and small.

The dragon-shaped chandelier hovers over the oval conference table. Dozens of elves, holding rags and brushes, shuttle silently among its delicate scales, polishing its body until it shines. .

Under the chandelier, instead of dozens of high-backed chairs as in the past, there were only six scattered chairs.

One for the first person, two for the left and right.

The two vice-principals of the First University sat at both ends of the table, and the deans of the four colleges lined up on both sides. All of them did not come in person, but sat by projection.

"Is it really okay to do this? He's still just a child." Professor Emma changed from her previous aggressive demeanor, and her tone was a little more worried.

Under the light of the dragon-shaped chandelier, her figure was slightly deformed, making her look a little slimmer.

"It's nothing good or bad... Misfortune is where blessings rest, and blessings are where misfortune lies." Although Lao Yao was just a projection, he still habitually bit his pipe, and the invisible smoke curled up with the shaking of the projection, as if The light fluctuates.

In front of him, a large newspaper was opened, covering most of his face, making it impossible for people to see his expression clearly. Although the projected expression was originally difficult to see clearly.

In the newspaper, "Who Is 'The World'? whose world? Who will save the world! "The huge bold headline is very eye-catching, even through the back, it seems that you can still feel the sharp breath in the article.

Vice-principal Shi's eyes slid over the headline of the newspaper, and his eyes suddenly became darker.

"The most important thing about "Arkana" is its authority... Sometimes, the belated proof will make this authority more deeply rooted in people's hearts." Vice President Shi tapped his index finger on the table without making a sound. But it easily grabbed the attention of several other great wizards.

She changed the topic, and her tone was a little more serious: "Compared with this list, I am more concerned about the dynamics of the next month's parliament... Their claws are too long... And they keep pushing back and forth on the affairs arranged by the school."

"The school has no jurisdiction over the next month's council." Vice-principal Ruoyu, who was sitting opposite her, reminded softly. He huddled himself in a loose robe, with a hood on his head, and at a glance, he was completely black, like a shadow.

"But if you turn a blind eye to their successive temptations, I'm afraid those hyenas who were watching from a distance outside the school will jump up and bite a few times." Professor Emma obviously did not agree with Vice President Ruoyu's opinion.

"Do you need to cut off their claws?" The dean of Starry Sky Academy chuckled: "As far as I know, there have been a few sneaky visitors recently."

"Su Shijun is still staying at the school. This is the best statement for the next month's council. Even the First University is not monolithic, and we can't hope that there will be no dissent in the next month's council." Lao Yao put down the newspaper and took a deep puff on his cigarette : "Fu...give them another chance, prepare for a call-up order."

The meeting room suddenly fell into silence.



Just when the big guys at the school mentioned Su Shijun.

In the depths of Phuket Island, a two-dimensional evolution laboratory.

In Su Shijun's office, there happened to be an unexpected visitor.

"I remember you are the monitor of Dean Yao's class." Su Shijun wore a pair of wide glasses on his face, propped his chin with his left hand, pressed a stack of experimental materials with his right hand, tilted his head, and looked at the opposite person curiously. Witch: "Is there anything you can do with me?"

Although in theory, wizards can know many things through divination, but on the one hand, divination has a great backlash, and on the other hand, not everyone is good at this kind of complicated magic skills, and not everyone can clearly and accurately see through it. fog.

Therefore, except for some freaks, very few people use divination to calculate everything.

Jiang Yu was wearing the red robe of Jiuyou College and was sitting opposite Su Shijun.

On her chest were pinned the badge of Jiuyou College and the badge of her squad leader, her hands were on her knees, her upper body was straight, her sitting posture was upright, and her expression was very solemn.

"I'm very sorry to disturb you." After hearing Su Shijun's question, she first lowered her head to express her apology, and then explained: "I'm here today because of Zheng Qing's matter."

"Oh..." Su Shijun elongated his voice, sat up a little bit straighter, squinted his eyes, and looked at the witch opposite, with an inscrutable smile on his face: "Who is Zheng Qing?"

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Jiang Yu pursed her lips.

"It is the student who was included in this year's Grand Arcana sequence with you," she explained very seriously even though she knew that the beautiful woman on the opposite side was pretending to be stupid: "He is also a student of Dean Yao. Tianwen Class 08-1 is my classmate."

"Well, I'm a little impressed by what you said." Su Shijun adjusted his glasses and asked briskly, "So, what is the reason you came to see me?"

Jiang Yu took a breath, and then explained quickly: "Because of the Arcana list this time, Professor Trudeau intends to invite Zheng Qing to a duel, and the time is set at the end of the final exam... I I have been to the office building, but many professors, including Dean Yao and Ms. Emma, ​​have disappeared. So I can only come to you in the end."

"But I don't know that Trudeau?" Su Shijun blinked: "And, what does this kind of thing have to do with you?"

There was a slight blush on Jiang Yu's face.

"I'm the monitor of Tianwen Class 08-1," she cleared her throat, emphasizing: "Zheng Qing is a classmate in our class...Knowing this and not stopping it is considered dereliction of duty."

"Tsk, let's just believe what you said." Su Shijun curled his lips and asked back: "It's just that I still don't quite understand why you are looking for me about his affairs?"

Jiang Yu boldly looked at the famous witch on the opposite side, hesitated for a moment, and finally said three words softly:


Su Shijun's expression suddenly became serious.

She tapped lightly on the desk with her fingertips, and the half-covered offices were immediately hit to death.

There was silence in the room.

Sitting on the chair, Jiang Yu seemed to be able to hear the rapid divination in the heart of the witch across from her. But she remained calm and did not explain further.

a long time.

Su Shijun finally spoke again.

"It's the little girl Su Ya." Su Shijun said clearly, "She has a good relationship with that little spirit witch from the Li family."

As a great wizard, as long as she calculates seriously, few things can be hidden from her eyes. And she didn't bother to deny or cover up anything. (to be continued)

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