Hunting High School

Chapter 272: Trends Under The Moon

The First University is a university, so there are mostly young wizards aged 18 or 19 on campus. After following Su Shijun to this school, it was difficult for Su Ya to find playmates of the right age.

And Li Meng happened to be such a candidate. With a similar family background, similar age, and the same gender, the two little witches quickly became good friends.

Li Meng is not a tight-lipped, calm and steady guy, and neither is Su Ya.

Although the head maid of the Qingqiu mansion has repeatedly emphasized work discipline to the little fox girl, it is like the nuns asking Su Ya to "tuck her tail around her waist when standing" and "cover her ears when combing her hair" The rules are the same, as long as there are no constraints around her, she will easily forget those rules.

How comfortable it is to hang the tail behind your back when running, and you can keep your balance by swinging left and right! Why must it be rolled around the waist?

Therefore, the news that Zheng Qing often took Poseidon to the two-dimensional evolution laboratory and the Qingqiu mansion was inadvertently leaked by Su Ya. Li Meng, who was originally dissatisfied with Zheng Qing's refusal to make an appointment with the Qingqiu mansion last time, after knowing the news, returned to the dormitory and complained angrily to her cousin. She didn't understand the deeper information, but just Zheng Qing was very dissatisfied with pretending to be deaf and dumb despite knowing how to get to the Qingqiu mansion.

The speaker didn't mean it, but the listener meant it. When Li Meng complained, Jiang Yu simply deduced it and captured the shocking fact behind the news.

This is also the reason why she is sitting in front of Su Shijun now.

"Professor Trudeau, right?" Su Shijun leaned on his own high-back chair, looked straight at the girl opposite, and said softly, "I see... I will remind him of the relevant moral hazard... The First University will never There will be things where the big bullies the small, it hasn't happened in the past, and it won't happen in the future."

As a member of the next month's council and a great wizard, a simple reminder to an ordinary wizard in the school is completely sufficient.

Jiang Yu is very aware of this.

She immediately stood up and bowed slightly to express her gratitude: "I'm's getting late, so I won't disturb your work."

"Well, don't be in a hurry." Su Shijun raised his hand and waved to stop Jiang Yu's plan to leave immediately. Then he put his hand on his chin and looked at the girl with a smile: "Since I did him a favor for you, you also do it for him." How about I do him a favor?"

This sentence is a bit of a mouthful, but it is not difficult to understand.

Jiang Yubingxue is smart and knows everything.

"Before I came here, I drew up the relevant terms of silence, and I have already asked Li Meng to sign." She lowered her eyelashes, without looking into Su Shijun's eyes, she simply explained a sentence, then bowed slightly, and left quietly.

Su Shijun watched the back of the girl leaving, and after a long time, he took a deep breath.

"Tch... young people nowadays." She commented old-fashionedly, but did not say the final conclusion.

She didn't finish speaking, but someone beside her finished it for her.

"Young people these days... don't always understand the severity." While speaking, a shadow, like a piece of paper, floated down from behind the door and appeared on the ground. into normal human size.

The uninvited guest was slender, wearing a black tuxedo and a high hat, with a few strands of golden curly hair scattered under the hat, and was holding a slender walking stick in his hand.

"Susu, long time no see~" Duke Milton took off his hat and greeted the owner of the house very politely.

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What responded to him were several green wind blades.


The vampire duke, who had just revealed his human form, was cut into several pieces by these wind blades. Only a few red flames flashed, and the vampire who had been dismembered was glued together again in the blink of an eye, and sat on the chair that Jiang Yu had just sat on.

"Huh..." The Vampire Duke panted heavily, looking like a salted fish coming ashore: "It's really the most difficult thing to bear, beauty... the way you greet me is still so warm."

Su Shijun didn't say a word, just folded his arms, squinted, staring at the unexpected visitor in the office.

It seemed that she had made up her mind not to speak.

Duke Milton gasped for a while, seeing that the witch was still silent, he finally felt a little embarrassed, coughed a few times, sat up straight, and showed a somewhat serious look.

"The council judges that there will be some kind of big move in the school within half a year, which may have a very big impact on the council, so I hope you can find out this matter within your ability." He dryly described the purpose of own, and finally He emphasized: "If you really can't figure out what those guys in the school are doing, it's enough to figure out their real whereabouts."

After listening to the vampire's request, Su Shijun finally showed an expression on his face.

"Hehe..." The witch sneered, and said mercilessly, "Parliament? Which council? The council under the moon or the council of darkness? Do you need to prepare two sets of uniforms for you?... Don't think that wearing a black cloth on your body is enough It can deceive people's eyes...Why do you think the school finally sent me to clean up the mess at the Winter Hunting Party? Do you really think that you can sneak out of the school's guardian formation with the hands and feet of the dead mouse in the underground world?"

A bit of embarrassment suddenly appeared on Duke Milton's face.

At the Winter Hunting Meeting not long ago, taking advantage of the emptiness inside the school, he and several other companions did try to snatch a certain young wizard away from under the nose of the First University. Unexpectedly, he was chased by a witch who presided over the guardian formation, and fled in a hurry. In the end, he even lost the prosthetic body that he built after saving hundreds of years of family wealth.

In addition, it is said that a certain boss in the Dark Council was also seriously injured in that accident.

"I don't know what you're talking about." The vampire duke blushed, bit the bullet and denied that he could make the pale vampire blush. One can imagine how embarrassing his situation is now.

Su Shijun sneered, and did not continue to add insult to injury.

Fortunately, Milton is not a brat, and he has been the rotating patriarch of the Karen family for some time, so it is easy to readjust his mentality.

"The request I made before is the opinion of the next month's parliament." As he spoke, Duke Milton's eyes fell on the corner of Su Shijun's desk, where a half-open newspaper was placed, and large black letters could be vaguely seen Title '"Speaker of Parliament under the Moon: Abandon Prejudice, Unite and Win-win"...'

The Duke paused for a few seconds, and added: "Before the 'Arkana' list is released, even if we want to do something, we can only do something quietly. But now that the Arcana list has been released, the entire wizarding world, including the world The Demon King must have noticed some abnormalities... You can't expect the council to just watch such a good opportunity slip away..."

"That's your business!" Su Shijun interrupted Milton roughly.

"This is your business too." Milton did not flinch this time, but looked seriously into the witch's eyes and emphasized.

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