Hunting High School

Chapter 32 Interview

"As a public-funded student, your academic performance must be very good, right." At the beginning of the interview, Ms. Pulitzer first gave a small compliment to the young public-funded student, and then asked:

"It is said that you got the highest score in the talisman test last semester, and wrote all the basic talismans silently. This is something that most registered wizards cannot do... Can you tell everyone where you learned these talismans? Knowledgeable?"

Zheng Qing looked at the lady reporter vigilantly, and then slowly opened his mouth, saying vaguely, "I just learned from the teacher..."

"But as far as I know, you didn't have any middle school study records before you entered No. In front of Zheng Qing: "Here is the list of all middle schools in the wizarding world, including Hogwarts, Genius Boys, Changdian Shangji, and Bailu Academy. Among them, your name is not included in the list of middle school students who graduated in 2008... "

Zheng Qing swallowed again.

Are all journalists working so hard these days? It's just a small accident investigation in the Silent Forest. Do you need to check the information of the 18th generation of your ancestors?

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"This kind of information belongs to the school's secrets." He glanced at the stack of materials, trying to make his own voice a little more friendly: "Is it in compliance with the relevant regulations?"

"I'm a man of principle," Ms. Pulitzer replied succinctly.

The small silver bell hanging on the archway rang crazily.

Zheng Qing glanced at the little bell, then at the reporter opposite, and gave a dry laugh.

A blush appeared on Ms. Pulitzer's face, but her expression didn't change much. She still looked at the young public fee student firmly.

The scene was once very embarrassing.

A late coffee saves a guest caught in an unusual atmosphere.

"Hello, the espresso you ordered," the elf's shrill voice sounded in the ears of the two guests, and then two white porcelain cups flew up from the tray and landed firmly on the flower-shaped paper mat on the table.

This hand alone is much stronger than most of the food elves that Zheng Qing has seen, like the group of elves raised by himself, who are dangling with a kettle, making people feel that those kettles will fall from mid-air at any time .

"Thank you." Ms. Pulitzer nodded gracefully, and threw a silver dime into the elf's tray. Zheng Qing noticed that the small silver bell hanging on the archway was shaking feebly, but there was no sound.

"It's our honor to serve you!" The elf in the maid outfit tugged at the hem of her skirt, thanking her in a shrill voice: "If you need help, please tell me!"

Ms. Pulitzer waved her hand, and the elves immediately disappeared from the table without a trace.

With this episode, Zheng Qing also figured out how to answer the reporter's question just now.

"Private school, I study in a small private school." Zheng Qing glanced carefully over the wooden archway, staring at the small silver bell, lest it wobble.

Obviously, when he was telling the truth, the bell would not move.

This gave him a little more confidence in his heart. The following answers seemed more fluent:

"A private school that is not registered with the Education Bureau, has no classrooms, and is the only student... I don't know the teacher's name. I always thought I was learning Taoism... Before I took the exam, I didn't even know this There are so many wizards in the world!"

He's telling the truth.

The little silver bell hanging on the arch next to it didn't move at all, much to Ms. Pulitzer's disappointment.

She glanced at the notebook, and saw that the pen had stopped recording, was holding a mouthful of ink, and was hanging in mid-air, as if waiting for a follow-up conversation.

Ms. Pulitzer did not pause, but continued to ask: "Shortly after entering school, you were awarded the Merlin Medal by the Wizarding Union. According to sources, the reason why the Wizarding Union awarded you the medal is related to your teacher... ...Are you clear about this?"

"Nonsense." Zheng Qing shook his head resolutely. If the other party asked him if he had suppressed the pig demon, his answer might make the bell jingle, but the other party said that the own medal was related to Mr. Wu. It seems ridiculous.

Ms. Pulitzer frowned.

Zheng Qing hesitated for a moment, and said, "I thought you were looking for me to ask about the incident on the Silent River today..."

The implication is that if it is not for this matter, then I will not accompany you.

Ms. Pulitzer immediately asked, "What happened on the Silent River today, can you tell me about it?"

Zheng Qing immediately breathed a sigh of relief. The reason why he agreed to accept the interview was actually to help him speak out. Sometimes, the voice of public opinion is more authoritative than the voice of professional investigation.

If the public opinion said that he didn't kill the evil monster, then even if he did kill the evil monster, the punishment would be much lower as appropriate. Being able to influence the judiciary is also one of the origins of the reporter's title of "uncrowned king".

So, he took the trouble to recount what happened on the Silent River today. Starting from Linzhong Lake, to discovering the frog monster, to fighting back in self-defense, and finally ending the whole process with the monster turning into a puddle of mud, Puli Ms. Ce kept quiet, letting Zheng Qing play freely, she only focused on dancing with her own pen.

"So, it was the descendants of Satogua who attacked the ferry boat, and then turned into mud under your counterattack." She finally concluded: "The shot you fired was just the last shot that crushed the camel. Straw...that's what it means."

Zheng Qing nodded hurriedly.

The lady reporter's summary was much better than he expected.

Then he glanced at the small archway next to him. The silver bell hanging on it was about to shake, but it didn't ring after all. This made him feel more relaxed.

Thinking of this, he picked up the porcelain cup and took a sip of the drink inside.

The taste is strong, worthy of espresso, the young wizard thought, and put the cup back on the paper pad on the table, and he still couldn't get used to the taste.

"Where did you get your rune gun?" Ms. Pulitzer grabbed at a thread in the answer. She flipped through the information in her hand, raised her eyelids and looked at the young wizard: "According to the information, you are not from a wizard family, and your school tuition is paid by the school scholarship... Logically speaking, you shouldn't be able to afford a rune gun, right?" .”

Zheng Qing did not directly answer where he bought the talisman gun, but began to prove to the reporter his ability to make money: "You also mentioned just now that my talisman is very good, so I can sell standard talismans to make money. In addition, the above In the freshman game of the school hunting meeting in the semester, the hunting team I formed hunted more than half of the prey on the field...these incomes are well documented."

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