Hunting High School

Chapter 33 Interview (2)

"So you mean, you bought the rune gun yourself?" Ms. Pulitzer pressed.

Zheng Qing glanced at the small archway, and finally replied stiffly: "It's a gift from a friend."

"Is it Dean Yao?" Ms. Pulitzer couldn't wait to say a name that surprised Zheng Qing.

"Dean Yao? No, it's not him." Zheng Qing raised his eyebrows and denied, "The dean is my professor, and my talisman gun was given by another friend... But I can't disclose her information when it comes to the security of my friend's information." name."

The bell on the table did not respond.

Ms. Pulitzer seemed a little disappointed, and continued to ask: "Referring to last year's 'College Cup' freshman competition, there was news that the Excuse Hunting Team, your hunting team is called this name, right? The hunting ground cheated and summoned a spirit beast that exceeded the limit, what do you think about this?"

"The College Cup Hunting Organizing Committee has checked, and the results meet the standards." Zheng Qing replied dryly.

"So, this matter has nothing to do with the 'departments' of the school, right?" Ms. Pulitzer asked abruptly.

Zheng Qing took a breath.

He was a little intimidated by the reporter lady in front of him. He really dared to ask anything, and dared to check anything. Asking about the "relevant departments" at the First University is like asking about the progress of 094 or 002 at the Dalian Shipyard. The water meter was checked.

"My achievements in the hunting ground have nothing to do with the 'relevant departments'." He finally answered this question in this way.

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The bell hanging on the small archway shook slightly, but made no sound.

Ms. Pulitzer frowned, apparently dissatisfied with Zheng Qing's answer:

"Then how do you evaluate Dean Yao's actions in the freshman competition?"

"responsibly handle."

"If I remember correctly, the tutor of Tianwen 08-1 is Dean Yao himself, right... Do you have any ideas about the students in his class winning the freshman competition?"

"I thought I came today to talk about the accident that happened on the Silent River this morning." Zheng Qing reminded again tactfully.

Ms. Pulitzer immediately flipped through the notes she had just made.

"According to reliable sources, when you faced the descendants of Satogua, you used a bullet made of blood charms, is that true?"

Zheng Qing looked worried and nodded.

He bet that the so-called reliable news must have been poked out by Andrew's little Fatty.

"Do you, or you students of Jiuyou College, use blood charms often?" Ms. Pulitzer asked another very pointed question.

"Not at all." Zheng Qing shook his head, and replied honestly: "Except that sometimes it is inconvenient to use blood to collect the feet of the talisman, under normal circumstances no one uses the blood talisman."

"Then why do you use blood charms?"

"Because relatively speaking, the blood talisman is more powerful. Under the circumstances at that time, I had to ensure that I used the most powerful attack method."

"You make blood charms. Does the academy have any restrictions?"

"Restriction? Why should it be restricted?" Zheng Qing was a little confused by the reporter's question: "There is no difference between the blood talisman and the talisman drawn with cinnabar or dragon's blood ink...except that it will have a slight impact on the wizard himself."

Ms. Pulitzer showed a hint of excitement on her face: "That is to say, you are not clear about the relevant restrictions on the production and use of blood charms in "Several Opinions of the Wizards' Union on the Production and Use of 'Blood Talismans'" ?”

And that kind of thing? Zheng Qing looked surprised.

"Jiuyou College has not publicized this policy to students, right." Ms. Pulitzer looked at Zheng Qing's expression and affirmed.

Zheng Qing shook his head blankly.

Ms. Pulitzer immediately grabbed her pen and underlined the sentence she had just recorded.

The corners of Zheng Qing's eyes twitched, and he felt as if he had accidentally stepped into a pit.

"How do you feel about killing an evil monster?" Ms. Pulitzer asked the next question.

"Feeling?" Zheng Qing still couldn't forget the emphasis mark that the reporter ticked just now. Hearing this, he was stunned for a few seconds before replying slowly, "First of all, I didn't kill that evil monster alone."

The reporter nodded perfunctorily, and continued to look at the young wizard.

"Secondly, being able to correctly respond to the evil monster's attack shows that Jiuyou Academy has been very successful in our education, allowing us to make correct responses when faced with threats." Zheng Qing tried hard to eliminate the impact of the previous answer. Negative effects, at the end, jokingly replied:

"In the end, I remembered that to respond correctly to this threat, I was able to apply for a certain credit reward from the academy... The feeling is naturally pleasant."

Ms. Pulitzer grabbed the pen again and wrote a brief comment next to her notebook 'The desire for credits outweighs respect for life and dealing with danger when it comes...'

"Pfft..." Zheng Qing took a sip of coffee and spewed it out. The coffee mixed with saliva and splashed all over the floor. The food elves who were originally staying behind the bar crackled and teleported over a large group, carrying a rag and a water basin, and diligently cleaned the stains that had just landed.

Zheng Qing is not in the mood to say sorry to these little guys.

"I just said that hunting and killing such threatening creatures will be rewarded, not what you mean!" He pointed to the notebook under the reporter, his tone a little panicked.

"Don't worry, this is just a speculation based on the conclusion of the investigation, and it may not be published in the newspaper." Ms. Pulitzer comforted her. The small bell hanging under the arch next to it shook but did not make a sound, which reassured the young public finance student a little.

But her next question made Zheng Qing's heart rise to her throat again:

"We all know that Jiuyou College has a strict examination mechanism. What do you think about this inhumane learning method?"

"It's not harsh." Zheng Qing was choked, and murmured: "Although there are many exams, you can learn a lot. For example, in the freshman competition last time, a few students in our class were able to Good application of the semi-open spell."

"Do you remember the first half-open spell you learned?"

"Binding spell." Zheng Qing still remembers this vividly: "At that time, Professor Yao summoned a silver-backed orangutan to be our training partner, which scared the girls so much...I mean, that orangutan, helped us, helped us very much Good mastered the binding spell!"

In the middle of answering, Zheng Qing saw Ms. Pulitzer grabbing the pen again, which made him immediately stutter in the subsequent answer, and at the same time, he was desperately thinking about whether there was something inappropriate before speaking.

"As you said, these spells are relatively dangerous. How did you master them in your daily studies?"

"Dangerous? No, I think these spells are still safe." Zheng Qing smiled dryly and said, "We usually practice with each other, of course under the supervision of the professor or teaching assistant."

"Oh!" Miss Pulitzer's eyes opened wide, and a long sigh of contentment came from her mouth.

Zheng Qing twitched in his seat a little uneasy, and couldn't help taking another sip of coffee.

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