Hunting High School

Chapter 43 The Edge

Because Zheng Qing was sitting closer to the edge of the bar and he was agile, he just sprayed the drink on the floor.

The other two companions were more unlucky, because they sat close to each other, and Xin Fatty was inconvenient, so he and the doctor sprayed drinks on each other.

But compared to what senior sister Kerma said just now, getting a few sips of wine on her body doesn't seem so bad.

" magic?!!" Zheng Qing resisted the severe chest pain after coughing, blushed, raised his head, and looked at Korma in panic: "No, I'm sorry, I don't quite understand your mean!"

Dr. Xiao Da and Xin Fatty's violent coughs were sandwiched between his chaotic expressions, making the entire bar even more chaotic.

[To be honest, I have been using Yeguo to read and read books recently, change sources, and read aloud with many timbres, yeguoyuedu Android and Apple are all available. 】

It's just that Xiao Xiao's cough is like a frightened rabbit, and it seems that it will run away with its tail between its legs at any time; while Xin Fatty's cough is more like a whining fat pig, and its blinking eyes are full of excitement and excitement.

"Oh, it's the 'pop' magic...don't you know?" Kerma said, making a circle between the index finger and thumb of her left hand, extending her index finger with her right hand, and then poking her right index finger into the ring on her left hand, in and out, Reminding: "It's like this...don't young people like this kind of sports magic?"

The gestures made by the witch's hands are a little rough, but the meaning is very clear.

Zheng Qing confirmed that the beautiful pictures that emerged in his mind were not illusions.

"Witch, the Wizarding League, isn't the Wizarding League not encouraging this kind of magic?" Xiao Xiao stretched out his hand weakly, as if he wanted to take the power of attorney back from Korma.

But the witch turned her wrist nimbly, and put the power of attorney into the drawer under the bar.

"Not encouraging, doesn't mean prohibiting." Korma winked at Zheng Qing, held the pencil between the fingers of his left hand, and the tip of the pen slid along Zheng Qing's wrist, the back of his hand, all the way to the tip of his index finger, and said coquettishly : "Haven't the wizards of the alliance always like to come to the North District to guide the female jugglers to complete this kind of magic?"

Zheng Qing felt a layer of goosebumps rising from his arms and spreading to his back, making him shiver involuntarily.

"Wow." There was a meaningful sigh in the wizard's ear, and he recognized that it was Xin Fatty's voice: "Should we change clothes now?"

There is no doubt that Fatty is always brave to try new things like this. In other words, boys are always brave enough to try new things that sound like there is no loss.

But for Zheng Qing, he only has one thought now, and that is to disappear in place.

Even if it explodes in situ.

He felt that Own shouldn't be so hasty for the first time.

The young public fee student's face was flushed, his eyes were wide open, his mouth was half open, and he uttered ahh, syllables with unknown meanings. He looked like he had a heart attack and was about to die at any time. In just a short dozen seconds, he felt that his own brain had been boiled by Cyclonus' thoughts.

And Korma, who was standing opposite him, still looked at him seriously, as if he didn't know why he had such a big reaction, which made Zheng Qing feel that he was really making a fuss too much.

But after only a moment, he knew that there was nothing wrong with the own reaction.

"Hahahaha... I can't take it, I can't take it anymore!!" Korma, who was originally serious, suddenly slapped the bar table hard, and burst into laughter: "You are serious! You are serious?! Hahahaha, I laughed so hard!"

A little farther away from the bar, the young people in gray robes who were sitting together looked around one after another, as if wondering why their big sisters were smiling so happily.

Unlike Korma, Zheng Qing was not so happy.

It only took him half a second to realize that the three of them had been tricked. Xin Fatty's reaction time may have been a little longer, about fifteen seconds.

"That is to say, there is no 'papa-like' magic that requires our assistance, right?" After reacting, Fatty resentfully opened his mouth to confirm.

"This is really bad news, sister." After realizing that it was just a joke before, Dr. Xiao also started to joke, and joked: "You ruined Fatty's only chance to get rid of the virginity...he will hate yours."

"Fart!" Xin Fatty blushed suddenly, which was completely different from the previous blushing due to excitement. He whispered annoyedly: "How could I... how could I... eh?!"

He couldn't finish the sentence in the end.

It's not a pleasant topic after all.

"It's always so naive, you will be sold out in the North District." Korma raised his glass, walked around the bar, walked to Zheng Qing's side, put his other hand on his shoulder, and said with a smile: "You know , the heart, liver, spleen and lungs of the little wizards in the school, as well as the brain, eyeballs, etc., every part of the body is very valuable in the North District."

"I'm not that stupid." Zheng Qing shrugged his shoulders. He didn't shake the witch's hand, but he couldn't use more brutal methods, so he said sullenly: "...I'm not so naive as to be thrown in the street." Get up and go."

"Hehe," Korma snorted and laughed, "You're really not it's not an accident that your application was rejected by the First University Student Union, right?"

This sentence is obvious and has a meaning.

Just when Zheng Qing was frowning and trying to find the hidden meaning of that sentence, Xiao Xiao interrupted his train of thought: "What do people in the North District want wizard's body parts for? Don't they know that magic talent is related to the wizard's body parts?" Is there no necessary relationship between a certain part of it? ... This kind of behavior is illegal!"

"Illegal?" Korma seemed to have heard some joke, and she leaned forward and backward with a smile, and the tears of laughter were about to come out: "In a place where you have to do everything you can to survive, and you have to do everything you can to survive, the wizard's code counts. What did you say? To say that you are naive is really naive!"

It was Xin Fatty who explained Xiao Xiao's question just now.

"I have investigated your question before." Xin's face no longer had the previous embarrassment and became heavy: "Wizards naturally believe in the conclusions of the Wizards Union, that is, a certain part of our body is related to us. It doesn't matter to the Magic Talent... but the magicians don't think so."

"They think this is a smoke bomb thrown by the wizards to prevent them from obtaining wizard talents... From the point of view of many magicians who represent a large part of the North District, every point of 'real wizard' in you ' parts, your magic talent will recover a little until it is fully recovered."

"It's not just ignorance or superstition."

"It's one of the few lights you can see when you look up in the depths of despair."

"It's something they're going to go all out for."

The topic was so heavy that Zheng Qing's previous embarrassment and embarrassment were all gone. He didn't even want to pursue the inside story about Korma's rejection by the First University Student Union just now.

"Cough," the young public fee student coughed softly, clapped his hands lightly, and changed his tone with a lighter tone: "Then, senior sister, what kind of assistance are you looking for us for?"

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