Hunting High School

Chapter 44 Two Theorems About Magic

The jobs Colmar assigned to Zheng Qing and others were mediocre.

Of course, this is only for the 'popping magic' she mentioned earlier. In fact, Zheng Qing felt that the job that Korma arranged for him was not easy at all. This made him feel a little bit of regret in his heart.

The reason why it is called ordinary is because the work that the witches confessed to them is very "academic" magic work, such as constructing magic circles, outlining talismans, mixing potions, etc., and each of the three Zheng Qing can find their own tasks in it.

The reason why it is not easy is because many of the requirements she put forward are beyond the level that junior college students can achieve. For example, Zheng Qing is in charge of the talisman section. There are many basic talismans that are not even covered in the fourth grade textbooks. Only a 'professional' like him who has mastered a complete set of basic talismans and has studied ancient talismans for more than half a semester can barely complete the task. .

"For this job, you will give us three credits..." Zheng Qing held the task list, scanned the requirements at a glance, and couldn't help complaining to Korma: "Isn't it a bit too cheap..."

The long parchment list was full of dense requirements, and Zheng Qing reckoned that it was a full three feet long, and that didn't include the detailed explanation of the magic array on the attached parchment.

Before Kerma opened his mouth to answer, Xiao Xiao, who was standing by the side and kept looking down at the parchment list, interjected, and said thoughtfully, "Rather than saying that it's too cheap, it's better to say that I'm a little overwhelmed... Excuse me, we I'm just a first-year student, can we do this kind of project? Also, where do you plan to set up this magic circle?"

Saying that, Xiao Xiao looked around, looked at the layout of the hall on the second floor, and finally shook his head: "The space here is too small, and according to the description in your request, the overflow of magic power after the magic circle is activated will be very serious... Are you going to Do you want to demolish this small building of yours?"

"Hahaha, you are indeed a special recruit with the title of 'doctor'. You can see so many things just from the list I gave you." Kerma laughed, and took out a dusty bag from his pocket. The small bag, placed in front of the three wizards:

"Of course the real magic circle will not be set up here... You just need to sit behind the desk and complete my requirements like homework. Of course, if you feel uncomfortable sitting, you can also choose to lie on the carpet, I have no restrictions on this."

Zheng Qing took the dusty little bag, reached in and fumbled for a bit.

Then he took out a stack of peach wood boards used for engraving seal talismans. Each piece was of different sizes. Mortise and tenon structure can be seen.

Touch it again, and take out the corresponding dragon blood ink, yellow paper, special talisman pen, raw materials of medicinal materials wrapped in kraft paper, various gems, tools for constructing magic circles, ink fountain thread, etc., and the small bag seems to contain a head. dragon.

"What are you going to use these things for?" Zheng Qing finally couldn't bear it, and asked the witch the purpose of her actions.

Although this kind of inquiry makes him seem unprofessional, professionals never ask the purpose of the employer's entrustment, they will only complete the own entrustment seriously and responsibly, but for Zheng Qing, after curiosity arises, other needs have to be set aside move.

After all, there is a cat living in his heart.

"What kind of assistance are you looking for us for?" Zheng Qing coughed dryly, repeated the question just now, and rubbed his hands together: "You only noted in the entrustment request 'above the registered wizard level' and 'registered wizard level' Pharmacist level''divination level of registered wizard level'...To be honest, this requirement is a bit vague...Of course, it's not that we don't meet the requirements..."

"Yes, you must." Korma interrupted Zheng Qing's chatter, and smiled: "The wizard who has mastered all the basic symbols is standing in front of me, and it is impossible for me to find a wizard who is more cost-effective than you. As for my purpose..."

She paused, turned her head, and looked at the young men and women sitting together in the center of the hall.

"Do you know who the members of the Kini Cabin are?" She looked at Zheng Qing again, and before he could speak, she replied, "It's a magician...except for me, the other members of the club are all magicians .And in the beginning, when I was young, they were my partners who played and grew up with me."

"But now, I'm the only one who got rid of that embarrassing identity, entered the First University, and became a real wizard."

"And they, if there is no accident, just like what the boy said before, there is no hope from birth to death. I noticed that you were surprised when you heard the boy's answer... But It's the miserable future of a juggler."

Looking directly at Zheng Qing Zheng Qing, Korma's expression was very solemn: "My purpose is very simple, to create a hope for them."

What a great, admirable idea.

The above thoughts floated through Zheng Qing's mind, but at the same time, he also realized that it was a very difficult, very difficult thought.

"There are outstanding mortals, and there are ordinary wizards. For this world, there is no tragic fate. Heaven has its own way, and everything is a dog." Xiao Xiao closed his own notebook at some point. He raised his head and said in a very flat tone: "If possible, I would like to know your specific thinking."

Kerma glanced at him with some surprise.

"Of course." The witch twirled the slender pencil in one hand, and replied very straightforwardly: "The theory is very basic and very simple."

"If you know the first law of magic, you should understand that magic in the universe is neither created nor destroyed, but only transformed from one form to another, or transferred from one individual to another. Another individual. And the total amount of energy remains the same. This is one of the most common and fundamental theorems in the magic world."

Having said that, Korma turned her face and looked at the three wizards with burning eyes: "What I want to do is to slowly waste the life of some old, undead, rigid, and unmelted beings." The magic power is transferred to my friends."

"What you have to do is to assist me in completing the relevant transformation formations and ensure that the magic power is poured into them as much as possible."

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As she said that, the witch raised her head, glanced at the center of the hall, and said with high spirits, "If everything goes well, in half a year, they will be able to embark on the path of magic, like us, under the protection of the First University."

In the center of the hall, more than a dozen young men and women in gray robes were still sitting together, praying and looking forward to it in a low voice. There seemed to be a hopeful glow on everyone's face.

This kind of scene, looking at it, makes people happy.

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