Hunting High School

Chapter 45 Dialogue In The Sakura Tavern

"There is one most critical question, senior."

Xiao laughed and interrupted the witch's speech. The doctor adjusted his glasses and looked at Korma seriously: "Which existence or His Highness does the magic power you plan to 'transfer' belong to?"

Existence is mostly used for individuals who are indescribable but can be looked up, such as giant beasts roaming the starry sky, Titans, and Cthulhu hidden in the center of the dark world and other inexplicable creatures.

Your Highness is mostly used as the title of God.

Of course, no matter which one, in Xiao Xiao's view, it is too strong for Korma's team. Based on the current situation, the whole team only has Korma as an official wizard, and she has not yet graduate from school. The other members of the club are basically magicians with low magic power.

It's a bit overwhelming to want to pry the starry sky above your head with such a little power.

But only those "high-dimensional" individuals can easily transfer the magic power to the "low-dimensional" magician, achieving Korma's intended purpose.

As for using the magic power of other wizards and magical creatures of the same dimension to transform, the efficiency will be too low, and the result will outweigh the gain. In the past, wizards tried to collect the magic power of other wizards for transformation, but the results were unsatisfactory. Instead, the wizard's own magic power was polluted, and eventually he lost his mind and became a lunatic.

This effect, summed up by the great German wizard Clausius and the British wizard Kelvin, has become the second theorem in magic mechanics, that is, magic power cannot be spontaneously transferred from a low-dimensional individual to a high-dimensional individual, and it is impossible to transfer from a single magic power Source Drain uses mana to fully transform it into a useful effect with no other effects.

From another point of view, those high-dimensional individuals all have powerful magic power, and it is difficult for ordinary wizards to obtain power from them unless they sign contracts with Lucifer, Faith, Diablo and others under strict conditions. , The contract with the soul as collateral, we voluntarily contribute our strength.

This natural contradiction is one of the reasons why transformation magic has not been popularized on a large scale.

"This question is a commercial secret, and I have no comment." Korma blinked, and naturally refused Xiao Xiao's further inquiry. Of course, as a compensation, she still gave them a little hint:

"I can only tell you that individuals with high-dimensional magic power exist not only in the starry sky above our heads, but also in the island under our feet...such as our descendants."

When mentioning descendants, the image of a big frog squatting in a river bend immediately came to Zheng Qing's mind. Xiao Xiao and Xin also looked at Zheng Qing at the same time, with delicate eyes.

Earlier today, the young public fee student had blown up a descendant of Tsatogua on the Silent River. This matter has not been publicized yet. Looking at it this way, Korma's plan doesn't seem to be as impossible as it seems.

Even so, Zheng Qing still felt that the witch's experiment was too risky.

"It's still too dangerous... It's not the way to seek death," the young public fee student shook his head, trying to persuade her again: "Do you want to find a professor or other senior magicians to help?"

"I don't have money, I can't afford the rent, I don't believe them." Korma shook her head decisively three times.

Zheng Qing suddenly had nothing to say.

The witch bit her pencil and said to Zheng Qing in a relieved tone: "Actually, it's not a big deal... Before birth and after Death, there is no difference between these two states. Since you are not afraid of your pre-birth self now, So why should I be afraid of my post-Death self now?"

Hearing this, Zheng Qing showed a wry smile.

Originally, he wanted to persuade the witch to stop, but unexpectedly she persuaded him.

"You are the employer, you have the final say." The young public finance student muttered, and finally said nothing more.



When Zheng Qing and two companions began to lie on the table, helping the owner of the Kini Hut to construct the magic circle, draw talismans, and configure potions, at their feet, in the Sakura Tavern on the first floor with the doors and windows closed, there was also a The uninvited guest was drinking quietly. To be precise, she was arranging and combining the Tarot cards in her hand on the spacious table while drinking.

The tavern hadn't opened yet, and she was the only figure in the huge room.

Until the sound of kicking footsteps came from the stairs around the corner.

"Walk softly," Elena complained without turning her head, "You disrupted my thoughts during divination."

"Then you should use a more precise divination method, such as the trend calculation method." Colmar replied bluntly, "Instead of sticking to the old-fashioned card counting method of the gypsies."

Elena ignored what Korma said, but changed the subject.

"If you don't want to tell them the truth, just refuse to answer, why tell lies?" She put down the tarot cards in her hand, looked up at Korma, and joked: "I never remember to catch those Monsters like evil spirits come to recharge your magic circle."

Beside her, a morning glory growing in a brown flowerpot nodded appropriately, as if agreeing with the witch's speech.

"It's better to point them in the wrong direction than to let them find the right direction by mistake." Kerma walked down the stairs briskly, snapped her fingers, a wine bottle was hung with a wine glass, and she stumbled Landing in front of her, he automatically poured half a glass.

Then Kerma picked up two ice cubes and threw them in: "I don't want to see some irrelevant figures outside the magic circle when the plan is implemented."

"They helped you perfect the plan, and they are not irrelevant people." Yi Lianna picked up a card, frowned, and immediately put it back in place: "When do you plan to do it?"

"No rush, no rush... Both Lei Zhe and Augustus will step down in the next semester. With the alternation of power, the previously suppressed contradictions will suddenly erupt. , no one will care about our little disturbance."

"In other words," Elena concluded: "In two months, we will have enough time and space to carry out your task."

"This is your chance too." Korma added: "As for now... the last pressure point of the silent resurgence is close at hand, and the monsters who have been starving for the winter will set their sights on the rich First University. But the school is in this At the critical moment, the professor responsible for suppressing the forest was dispatched to that place. It is foreseeable that Beta Town will become the first-line victim... just like before."

"Anyway, this is not the first time that this place has been destroyed by the Kuroshio." Elena comforted: "Don't worry too much."

"Worried?" Kerma smiled exaggeratedly: "Why would I be worried? I just don't want to take the blame for those monsters in the forest... So, our plan can wait two months before starting."

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