Hunting High School

Chapter 51: Fire In The Marsh

The hustle and bustle involving diplomatic accidents is no longer something that a few young wizards can participate in.

Zheng Qing and others did not continue to pay attention to whether many people finally found their lost children in the forest goods market, and the development of subsequent events.

Considering the large number of onlookers and the risk of uncontrollable magical battles at any time, and the fact that it was almost time for dinner, the three wizards had a brief discussion, then resolutely gave up their plan to continue shopping, and left the forest goods market for the time being.

Of course, for the sake of convenience, they didn't go too far. They just searched for a clean restaurant next to the market, planning to rest for a while, and then enter the market to re-purchase after those people left.

Lunch was very simple. Zheng Qing ordered three servings of fried rice with eggs, and added two dishes of side dishes, one with celery and bean curd sticks, and one with cold cucumber. The drink is big leaf tea that is served openly in the store.

Fatty frowned at this modest lunch.

"When you go out, it's best to be careful. It's common to be ordinary, and it's reasonable to keep a low profile." Zheng Qing dug a spoonful of fried rice with a spoon, stuffed it into his mouth, and comforted him: "When you get back, you can buy what you want to eat yourself. "

"This is Phuket Island, less than a kilometer away from the gate of the First University... Is it true that there are little thieves who don't have long eyes who will trouble us?" The school badge is more eye-catching.

Zheng Qing caught the envious eyes of some around, and also felt that he was a little too fussy.

"If you insist." He nodded reluctantly, but then emphasized: "The meal that has been ordered must be finished. For other snacks, you can watch your own stomach and get some."

Xin Fatty patted his belly nonchalantly.

"I can't eat it, put it in the watch." He showed off his wrist to Zheng Qing, and the watch that was both a timer and a memory was hanging securely on his wrist.

Soon, the small dining table was filled with Fatty's new fried chicken, beef soup, braised knuckles and other food. After Zheng Qing and Xiao Xiao insisted on eating a few spoonfuls of fried rice with eggs, they gave up keeping a low profile and happily ate the pig's trotters with Fatty.

It is an old rule not to eat or sleep, but for energetic young people, this rule seems a bit too rigid. Especially since I saw a live alien just now, everyone had enough topics to talk about.

"You said, is it true that a black wizard stole the children of many people?" Zheng Qing held a pig's trotter, patiently gnawed the skin on the bone, and asked curiously: "The children of many people Isn’t the brain not yet fully developed, how do they tell the difference? Also, do wizards really do human experiments?”

Xin Fatty picked up a cup of big leaf tea and took a sip happily. Drinking this kind of tea after eating greasy food feels really good.

"Whether it was really stolen by a black wizard, I can't guarantee it." Fatty smacked his lips, and added: "But since I was a child, I have heard of a certain child who was disobedient and was caught and dismembered by a black wizard." Belly, the story of soaking in formalin."

"I've also heard stories about children being picked up from garbage dumps." Zheng Qing complained: "Are you willing to tell such stories about deceiving children?"

Xin Fatty's face turned red, he immediately picked up a new pig's trotter, and began to chew it silently.

Next to him, Xiao Xiao, who had eaten Fatty snacks, made a sound in time to help him out: "It's mainly news about aliens, except for some positive, positive, and censored news, other news will rarely be spread... There seems to be an unwritten rule in the league that forbids this kind of information to go around."

Zheng Qing's eyes lingered between the fried chicken nuggets and the stewed hoof, subconsciously asked: "Why should it be banned? Is it for the face of both parties, or to protect those aliens?"

"I've said it all, it's an unwritten rule... In fact, I'm not sure if there is such a rule." Dr. Xiao picked a chicken nugget, stuffed it into his mouth, and said vaguely: "But in my opinion, Prohibiting the dissemination of alien information should be the common choice of those families and forces standing at the top of the wizarding world."

"After all, even in the magical world, information is a very precious resource. Every piece of unknown information represents a huge benefit."

"Humans are already extremely selfish creatures, and wizards are even more so. And the resources of this world are limited after all. Those aliens, behind each race, have enough interests."

"It's a cold reality." Zheng Qing finally chose to scoop up a small bowl of beef soup, and drank it.

"It's just a compromise." Xiao Xiao chewed the chicken nuggets, as if he was a little distracted: "The wizards have enough enemies outside... From the demons of the old world to the natives of the new world, from fantasy to reality, from ancient times to the present, Even in the future...the wizards have enough enemies to deal with. There is no need to stir up internal conflicts for some modest interests. This is not in the common interest of all wizards."

Zheng Qing doesn't like to hear such depressing negative comments.

Holding a small bowl of beef soup, he turned his gaze to his neighbor.

There, a chubby wizard was looking up, sitting lazily on a chair, with his mouth wide open, allowing green elves the size of bees to hold forks in and out of his mouth.

"What is that guy doing?" He tugged on Dr. Xiao's robe.

Xiao Xiao frowned, carefully glanced at the place where his robe was pulled by Zheng Qing, and found that it was not stained with oil, so he raised his head and glanced at the adjacent table.

"Oh, tooth picking elf." He answered briefly, turning his attention back to the food in front of him.

"Wow!" Zheng Qing sighed lowly: "It looks so convenient."

"No need, you can't afford it." Xin Fatty pouted, raised his greasy index finger and waved in front of Zheng Qing's eyes: "Dentists, lawyers and housekeepers are not services that poor people like us can enjoy at will. …those teeth-picking elves have a shorter lifespan than mayflies, only a few hours, but are more expensive than normal green elves.”

Speaking of this, Fatty seemed to think of something, and added in a slightly nostalgic tone: "But they are really comfortable to pick your teeth... and they are very clean. It is much better than we use small bamboo sticks and toothbrushes."

[To be honest, I have been using Yeguo to read and read books recently, change sources, and read aloud with many timbres, yeguoyuedu Android and Apple are all available. 】

Zheng Qing felt that he didn't need to emphasize this point again.

Just look at the look of enjoyment on the face of the fat wizard sitting next to you.

"It's a terrible world," the young payer muttered and sighed.

He couldn't figure out whether he was mourning for the short lives of those elves who picked their teeth, or he was worried about the obvious gully between the different levels of the wizarding world.

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