Hunting High School

Chapter 52: The Crucible Frog

In the restaurant in the afternoon, the atmosphere is lively and comfortable.

Diagonally in front of the tables of Zheng Qing and others, there is a fat customer who is enjoying the service of a tooth-picking elf; directly behind is a pair of male and female wizards who are rubbing each other's ears; ; under the window, there is a group of chattering young girls who only ordered a large plate of fried rice and a few cups of cold drinks.

"...What kind of acne do you use now?" A girl with a pointed chin and a soft voice asked her companion: "The Miaojiang series I use now is very effective in removing acne, but every time I always feel a bit sore on my face after using it.”

"That's because the worms in Miaojiang contain some toxins, and my mother won't let me use them." Her companion took out a small box from her handbag and put it on the table: "I'm using the worm series now... the acne-removing effect It’s okay, and it’s less irritating to the skin. Why don’t you try it?”

As she spoke, she opened the lid of the box, dug out a little yellow rice-like paste with her fingers, and wiped it on the face of the girl with the pointed chin.

"No, no need." The girl resisted for a while, and then let her companion apply the yellow cream evenly on her cheeks.

The yellow paste came alive when it touched the face, and soon wriggled and spread flatly on the girl's face. In a moment, it lost its vitality and turned into a dry film, which fell off the girl's face.

Zheng Qing took a serious look.

Indeed, compared with before application, the girl's face is obviously refreshed, smooth and clean.

"How about it, your face doesn't hurt...As far as I know, worms are the least irritating to the skin in the market." Her companion said coquettishly, and put the small box back into her own handbag.

Zheng Qing opened a small notebook in her heart and recorded their conversation.

For the next holiday, he doesn't need to worry about what gifts to prepare.

Speaking of the next holiday, the young public finance student secretly calculated the time. Today is February 8th, Sunday, and tomorrow is the Lantern Festival. Naturally, there is no custom of giving gifts during the Lantern Festival. But one week later, February 14th was the traditional Western Valentine's Day. On this day, I had to prepare a gift for Elena.

Coincidentally, February 15th is the time to register before the start of school and continue to pay tuition fees. I should be able to find Elena by then.

Thinking of this, Zheng Qing couldn't help but recall the scene when he came to the North District of Beta Town by boat a little earlier, and met the Gypsy witch on the boat. After that day, he never invited the witch out to play because of complicated matters. I don't know if she will be angry about it.

In fact, Zheng Qing always felt that the relationship between the two of them was a bit embarrassing. They were a couple, but they rarely spent time together like the young man and woman behind him now. If they were talking about an ordinary relationship, who had ever seen an ordinary boyfriend and girlfriend who had kissed?

Thinking of this, he couldn't help sighing, picked up the teacup, and took a sip of the big-leaf tea.

The bitter tea flowed between his lips and teeth, suppressing the sourness in his heart again.

Below the window, the conversation among the girls was still going on.

"...The feeling of worms is really good, but the price per unit of worms is about half of that of Miaojiang." The first girl showed a hint of envy in her tone: "Unless I can find a public-funded student as a boyfriend, I can't afford it." That sort of thing."

"Cough," Zheng Qing's half-swallowed tea went into the wrong channel, choking him to death. His face was flushed red, and his chest throbbed in pain. But he forcibly suppressed the urge to cough.

In front of him, Xiao Xiao and Xin Fatty, who had been concentrating on the delicious food on the table, gave him a suspicious look.

Fatty opened his arms swiftly and covered the food under his arms.

"Pay attention to hygiene! It's shameful to waste!" Fatty opened his eyes wide and warned very seriously.

Zheng Qing covered his face and turned to look at the aisle on the other side. He hid most of his head in the shadow below the table level, trying to reduce the sense of own presence. At the same time, he waved to his two companions to indicate that he understood and that he was fine.

The nameless shame told him that as long as he pretended nothing happened, everything would be normal after two minutes.

This intuition is very correct.

In fact, two minutes hadn't passed.

Only about a minute later, the wind chime 'jingling bell' at the entrance of the hotel rang, and as the new guests entered, the weird feeling that had been hanging over Zheng Qing's head just now quickly disappeared.

"Miss Boss, it's the same as before...Crucible Frog, add more spicy peppers, and a large portion of rice." The new guest shouted.

"It's very early today, old Li... how many catties does the frog cost?" The proprietress behind the bar, who had been drowsy, woke up instantly, and the abacus in her hand was crackling.

"A catty and a half is enough...Peel the frog skin clean, and don't use the frog's tongue. As a side dish, pickled cucumbers, and fried centipede and gecko tail." The new guest urged.

"It's cold and poisonous in winter, so we really should pull out the poison!" The proprietress flew a pen like flying, and quickly flew an oily paper crane towards the back kitchen.

Zheng Qing looked at the crooked flight of the paper crane, and wondered if it would fall into the crucible halfway.

He feels that he has returned to normal now, especially his thinking.

To prove this point, he sat up straight and asked Xin Fatty a question that he just remembered: "Why haven't I seen the report that Ms. Pulitzer interviewed before? It's almost a week away." !"

Xin Fatty licked his greasy lips, blinked, and pondered for a few seconds: "The interview is not instant messaging, it's not that fast. From the interview, to the finalization, to the approval, to the final publication, I guess it takes only half an hour." month. You will definitely be able to see that report around the start of school at the latest."

"I'd rather never see it." Zheng Qing muttered in disappointment.

He had hoped that the interview would be unsuccessful, and Ms. Pulitzer dropped the story. It seemed that he still needed to struggle with the torment of waiting for a while.

"Speaking of which, I'm more concerned about another thing." Xin Fatty picked out a piece of fried chicken from the plate again, gnawed and gnawed, and said vaguely while gnawing: "The Sator you killed on the Silent River Gu Ya’s descendant, that big frog, why haven’t there been any follow-up reports? It’s been almost a week, and there isn’t even a piece of tofu... It’s really abnormal.”

Zheng Qing nodded again and again, he also always felt that this matter was very strange.

It was as if someone had quietly suppressed this matter.

"Perhaps the school thinks that the outside environment is complicated now, and one more thing is worse than one less thing." The young public-funded student guessed: "Just like you said just now, the Wizarding Union will suppress the negative news about aliens... Satogua It's an alien, too."

[To be honest, I have been using Yeguo to read and read books recently, change sources, and read aloud with many timbres, yeguoyuedu Android and Apple are all available. 】

"It's not human," Fatty concluded, dropping the clean chicken bone and licking his oily fingers.

"Without a doubt." Zheng Qing twitched the corner of his mouth.

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