Hunting Immortals and Demons

Chapter 212 The inner god, the subsequent realm

"Just wait a little longer."

Lu Yan shook his head.

Since he agreed to Guan Shan, he must go to Prince Ming's Mansion.

but not now.

Now, it's not like he can't be promoted in the six counties of Lingdong.

There are three levels of martial arts, and there are a lot of martial arts to practice.

It is better to stay in the six counties of Lingdong first, and when it becomes difficult to improve the strength, it will not be too late to go to the Ming Palace.

For example, when Kunwu Mountain lacked third-level exotic animal meat.

Or, when the physical training martial arts and the speed martial arts are merged into the ultimate martial arts.

"That's okay. It's not a bad thing to go to Prince Ming's Mansion when your strength improves a bit. Even though you are invincible in the six counties of Lingdong, you can even fight the fourth level as a grandmaster. That's because the grandmasters of the six counties of Lingdong, too weak."

"Beyond Lingdong, there are so many masters, especially the disciples of the great disciples. You must not underestimate them."

Guanshan Road.

"Senior, do you mean innate martial body?"

Lu Yan said.

"The innate martial body is only one aspect. The master-level innate martial body is almost invisible in the six counties of Lingdong, but it is different outside."

"Whether it is Shengxuan Sect, Prince Ming's Mansion, or some noble-level clans, they all have ways to help the innate martial body break through the master. Therefore, outside of Lingdong, there are not many grandmaster-level innate martial bodies. Each of these people They are all very powerful in combat and possess more than two internal powers."

"In addition, there are top martial arts. There is no doubt that Prince Ming's Mansion and Shengxuan Sect must have top martial arts, and there are more than one or two. And those senior sects all have top martial arts. When you meet those people, you With his extreme inner strength, he lost his advantage."

"The last one, which is also the rarest, but also the most powerful and the most difficult one, is the inner god."

Guan Shan explained.

"The one with the inner spirit?"

Lu Yan was confused.

He knew that a noble-level clan was a clan that had a strong person in the True Body Realm and occupied the third-level bloodline. It was called a senior-level clan.

The overall strength far exceeds that of the Grandmaster level.

But this was the first time Lu Yan had heard of the term "Inner God".

"In this world, there are always some people with extraordinary talents, such as innate martial bodies, who are born with strong vitality and blood, far beyond ordinary people. There are also some people who are rarer and rarer than innate martial bodies. They have special internal organs. These people's The internal organs contain miracles and endless mysteries. They have a special constitution and are also called the inner gods."

"Of course, the special features of each inner spirit are different. Some people have special hearts, some have special livers, some have special kidneys, and some have special lungs or spleens."

"Before these people were masters, there was nothing unusual about them. Some of them even had average talents. But once they became masters and stimulated their special internal organs, they would explode with infinite potential, develop special inner strength, and soar to the sky."

"The Inner God possesses special inner strength. Even if there are only one in number, the combat power is extremely terrifying. It is normal to crush the innate martial body."

"The innate martial body is special in flesh and blood, and these people are special in internal organs."

Guanshan Road.

"I see."

Lu Yan nodded. The world is so big and full of wonders, but what he knows is still very limited.

"Then if these people fail to break through to the Grand Master, wouldn't they have wasted their talents?"

Lu Yan said.

"Indeed, but there is nothing that can be done about it. Of course, some top gatekeepers and powerful forces also have ways to check the internal organs of a martial artist, such as Shengxuan Sect. Every time a new disciple enters the school, there will be someone who will perform a special internal examination to see if there are any internal organs. Those who have inner spirit will not miss the opportunity to cultivate them. Once they are discovered, they will focus on cultivating them.”

Guanshan Road.

"Is there anyone who has several special internal organs at the same time?"

Lu Yan asked again.

Today, the door to a new world has been opened, so Lu Yan naturally wants to ask more questions.

After all, it is possible to face this kind of person in the future.

Knowing yourself and your enemy is the last word.

"Yes, but it is extremely rare. There have been only a few cases in ancient times. I don't know if it exists in the world today."

"There is another kind of person who has both an innate martial body and special internal organs. There are some in history, but they are extremely rare. Once such a person appears, he will dominate an era."

Guanshan Road.

"Senior, does my hard-heartedness count?"

"Not really. He has a heart of stone. It's just that his heart is stronger and tougher, which can increase the probability of breaking through to the Grand Master. Other than that, there is nothing abnormal."

Guanshan Road.

Lu Yan nodded.

I don’t know if his internal organs are special.

My heart is definitely in trouble.

I don’t know if there is any play for the remaining four kinds of offal, or if there is a special one.

But Lu Yan felt that there was probably no chance.

His body is really ordinary.

Others thought he had an innate martial body, but he was the only one who knew that he had a purely acquired martial body, which he had accumulated by stacking Taoist books and martial arts.

The internal organs are probably useless.

"Senior, what's the realm behind the Grandmaster? I heard it's the True Body realm. What about after the True Body realm? Are there any other realms? How many realms are there in total?"

Lu Yan seized the opportunity and continued to ask.

"Since you asked, I will talk to you carefully. These are common sense outside."

Guan Shan nodded and said: "Grandmaster, cultivate the internal organs, open the source of the internal organs, and release the potential. It is divided into six levels. When all five internal organs are cultivated, it is the fifth level of the master. In the last step, the internal energy enters the six internal organs, which is the sixth level of internal energy. The pinnacle of Grandmaster.”

"After cultivating to this point, the physical body is almost developed, reaching the extreme, but it is not perfect yet. It works in its own way and is inconsistent internally and externally."

"The next step is to integrate qi, blood, flesh, bones, and internal organs into an integrated whole inside and outside, so that the true body is not leaked, and the true strength is condensed to the highest level. Only this state can be regarded as the perfection of the physical body. It is called the true body state, and is respected by the world. For the Martial Lord."

"After the physical body is perfected, it is the realm of Yuanshen, which develops the potential of the soul. This step is so mysterious that even the master knows very little about it, and I don't know much about it."

"I only know that there are some people with extraordinary talents and special souls. Once awakened, they can soar into the sky and become more powerful than those with innate martial bodies and inner gods. In history, there have been such people who were unknown in the early stage, but when they reached the level of soul The environment is invincible in the world.”

"When you reach the realm of Yuanshen, you will be a strong man standing at the top of the whole Chu, and even the whole world. He is famous all over the world and admired by hundreds of millions of people."

Guanshan Road.

"Prince Ming, what state is he in?"

Lu Yan asked.

"This old man, Prince Ming, is known as one of the twenty most powerful men in Chu. He is naturally in the Yuanshen realm."

Guan Shandao showed admiration in his eyes.

"Is there a realm above the Yuan Shen realm?"

Lu Yan asked again.

"This, it's hard to say. After all, my cultivation level is too low and I have had too little contact with it. But according to legend, there is some. It's just that in history, almost no one has reached it."

"There is only one person who is suspected of having reached that level, and that is the first emperor of the Great Ancient Dynasty, who the world calls the Martial Ancestor, but no one can confirm whether it is true or not."

Guanshan Road.

"The road is still long."

Lu Yan clenched his fists.

"This is the realm of martial arts practice. You just need to know it in your heart. Don't aim too high. Train your internal organs first. You will naturally experience the realms that follow when you step into them."

"Also, when you leave Lingdong in the future, you must keep a low profile. There are really too many masters. If you encounter some scary inner gods, you may not have a chance of winning at the same level, let alone fighting at a higher level."

Guan Shan warned seriously.

"Junior took note of it."

Lu Yan nodded seriously.

"Senior, can you give me another fairy bone?"

Lu Yan's voice suddenly changed.

"Ah? What? You want immortal bones again?"

Guan Shan stared.

"The junior needs it for cultivation. Otherwise, the junior can borrow it from the senior. If he gets new immortal bones in the future, he will definitely return them to the senior."

Lu Yan said.


Guan Shan looked unbelieving.

He became more and more certain that the first three immortal bones must have fallen into Lu Yan's hands, and Wu Ling took the blame for Lu Yan.

But now, it doesn't matter anymore.

"No need to return it, I'll give it to you."

Guan Shan waved his hand, brought out a piece of immortal bone, and handed it to Lu Yan.

"By the way, the Zhao family, the Ding family and the Li family have all come to me recently to buy third-level exotic animal meat. Tell me, do you want to sell it?"

Guanshan Road.

"The meat of the exotic animals in Kunwu Mountain belongs to the seniors, and it is the seniors' decision."

Lu Yan said.

"You also know it's mine, so did you pay one tael of silver for the third-level martial arts food you took from me before?"

Guan Shan seems to be smiling but not smiling.

Lu Yan looked embarrassed.

"If you want to sell it, that's fine. You can sell a small part of it, but you can't sell more."

Lu Yan said.

"Okay, then you can contact them, and the silver from the sale will be yours."

Guan Shan waved his hand casually.

"Thank you, senior."

Lu Yan clasped his fists.

Although he knew that Guan Shan only wanted to use him to atone for his master's sins and return to the Ming Palace, Lu Yan was still moved by how he treated him.

Not long after, Lu Yan returned to Li'an City with a large box of third-level martial arts food, riding a bloody butcher.

After returning to Li'an City, Lu Yan plunged into the practice room and studied martial arts wholeheartedly.

Every time he successfully mastered a martial art, Lu Yan would have his divine intentions and secret books sent back to his clan.

Lu Yan is a man of his word.

During this period, I took the time to go to Kunwu Mountain and sold some of the third-level exotic animal meat to Zhao, Ding and Li.

Grade 3 exotic animal meat is expensive.

In the past, all the major master-level clans purchased third-level martial arts food from the clan clan outside Lingdong. The cooked third-level martial arts food cost three hundred taels per kilogram.

Pure third-grade exotic animal meat costs one hundred taels per kilogram.

This time, 80% of the third-level alien beasts were killed in Kunwu Mountain, dozens of them, and tens of thousands of kilograms of alien beast meat.

This time, Lu Yan sold a total of 15,000 kilograms to the three major clans and received 1.5 million taels of silver.

Guan Shan didn't want it and gave it all to Lu Yan.

According to Guan Shan, he was alone and had so much money that it was of no use.

With the money, Lu Yan paid back all the money he borrowed from those Wuhou-level clans.

More than forty days later, Lu Yan mastered the four body-training martial arts, and together with the previous ones, the nine were complete.

Four of them combine human and martial arts into one.

The five doors are all just starting out.

Lu Yan took out the piece of immortal bone, mixed it with the Taoist book, and swallowed it.

Soon, energy gushed out from the Taoist book and entered the body of a body refining martial arts student, and the progress began to increase rapidly.

This immortal bone may have been used in the last battle at Kunwu Mountain, which consumed a lot of energy. In the end, it only allowed the three body-refining martial arts to be upgraded to the stage of integrating human and martial arts.

Two more doors to go.

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