Hunting Immortals and Demons

Chapter 213 The ultimate physical training martial arts

In the physical training martial arts, seven of them have reached the point where human and martial arts can be integrated into one, and there are still two schools left, which makes Lu Yan feel itchy.

After persisting for two days, Lu Yan was finally defeated. He found Guan Shan and worked hard to get the last piece of immortal bone from Guan Shan.

Guan Shan only had the last fairy horn left in his hand.

Guan Shan made it clear that the fairy horn must not be given to Lu Yan, because it was Chu Chenzhou's few relics left to him, and he wanted to keep it as a souvenir.

After getting the immortal bone, Lu Yan did not devour it immediately.

Because of fear of waste.

Take out the speed martial arts and start to understand.

A month later, Lu Yan continued to practice three speed martial arts to the basic level.

At this time, Lu Yan controlled the Taoist book and swallowed the immortal bone to improve his physical training martial arts.

In a little more than a day, the eighth and ninth martial arts achieved the integration of human and martial arts.

Suddenly, the nine body-refining martial arts rushed together, merged quickly, and burst into dazzling light.

The light dissipated and the nine types were unified. Lu Yan felt a special energy pouring into his body. His body was changing violently and seemed to be transforming.

Flesh, bones, and internal organs are all undergoing transformation.

A few hours later, Lu Yan's body transformation was completed, and the surface of his skin was covered with a dark layer of impurities.

After Lu Yan fetched water and washed it, he felt refreshed.

He realized carefully that without using body training martial arts, his body felt several times stronger than before.

Beside the Taoist book, only one of the nine body-refining martial arts avatars remained, with the words above it: Supreme martial arts, nameless, human and martial arts combined into one.

"Before the battle at Kunwu Mountain, I swallowed two pieces of immortal bones. During this period, I swallowed two more pieces of immortal bones. The Taoism seems to have undergone new changes. Go out and try it."

Lu Yan left the city lord's mansion and came to the mountains outside the city.

With a thought, three clones appeared beside him.

That's right, now, three clones can be summoned at the same time.

"Test the distance."

With a thought in his heart, the three clones rushed in three directions and returned soon.

"Ten miles, the distance that can be moved has doubled."

"Okay, the distance from the main body to not move, the desire to clone thousands of miles to kill the enemy is getting closer and closer."

Lu Yan was looking forward to it.

Then he put away his avatar, shouted lowly, and his body began to change.

The muscles bulged slightly, and a layer of dark golden light filled the surface of the skin. Dark golden scales crawled all over the body, like a scale armor, covering the whole body.

"After the nine types are combined into one, and the physical training martial arts is used, the changes are not as big as before. The body is more well-proportioned, but it's just this power."

Lu Yan focused on a hill several miles away.


He bent his legs and kicked hard, causing the earth and gravel under his feet to fly, creating a large crater two meters in diameter and one meter deep, and his body had already rushed 800 meters away.

On the way, a large tree as thick as a human waist blocked the road, and he was directly hit into two pieces.


After landing firmly, another big hole appeared on the ground.

Several people leapt to the front of the hill and punched the cliff on one side of the hill.


The entire hill was shaking, gravel was flying, and a huge pit appeared on the cliff wall, with fine cracks centering on the pit and extending to all sides.

Then, Lu Yan came to a towering tree where two people hugged each other, hugged the tree, exhaled loudly, and pulled up.

The roots of the big tree broke away from the ground at a speed visible to the naked eye, and a large number of snake-like roots were pulled out from the ground.


Lu Yan threw the big tree to the ground.

"Excellent physical training martial arts, really amazing, so powerful, defense is needless to say."

Lu Yan was smiling and very satisfied.

In some aspects, physical training martial arts is more difficult to practice than other martial arts.

Not only the speed of cultivation is slow, but the conditions for improvement are often very harsh.

Some body-refining martial arts are similar to the Heart-Quenching Art, requiring an introduction when breaking through.

Understanding alone is not enough.

Therefore, very few people can practice a physical training martial arts to the point where human and martial arts become one.

Not to mention the top martial arts level body training martial arts.

The ultimate achievement in physical training martial arts greatly increased Lu Yan's strength, and at the same time, his life-saving ability also skyrocketed.

Now, if he faced the leader of the Spiritual Cult again, he was confident that he could fight head-on without the help of others.

The other party can't even think of breaking through his defense.

"What's the name?"

Lu Yan started to think.

"Among the nine body-refining martial arts, the divine dragon body is undoubtedly the most powerful. After it is used, the vision will be the most obvious. So why not just call it the divine dragon golden body."

Lu Yan whispered.

Immediately, the words on the head of the martial arts branch changed: supreme martial arts, golden body of divine dragon, human and martial arts integrated into one.

The physical training martial arts has been completed, and the next step is to improve the speed martial arts.

But now that he lacks immortal bones, he can only take martial food to slowly improve.

Level three martial arts are mainly used to improve cultivation.

Level 2 martial arts is used to improve martial arts.

Because, after reaching the Grandmaster realm, Lu Yan discovered that taking level 2 martial arts food improved his internal energy very slowly and very little.

Fortunately, at this time, good news came.

After months of research, Lu Wenxuan was finally able to cook level three martial arts food. In this way, Lu Yan no longer had to trouble Guan Shan.

And the captive breeding of exotic animals has gradually formed a scale.

Previously, Lu Yan had purchased several second-level exotic beasts and recipes from major grandmaster-level sects, and placed them on Changfeng's second-level hidden blood leyline and Li'an City's second-level blood leyline.

Although most of his current exotic beast meat comes from the exotic beasts killed in the Kunwu Mountains.

But those exotic animal meats will be used up sooner or later. If you want to maintain a virtuous cycle for a long time, you still need to rely on yourself to raise them in captivity.

In a blink of an eye, another half month has passed.

Lu Yan received the news that someone from Prince Ming's Mansion finally came.

Ding, accompanied by Zhao's grandmaster, is heading to Kunwu Mountain.

After hearing the news, the masters of the various sects headed towards Kunwu Mountain one after another.

Other clans were fine. The Qiu clan, Ouyang clan, Fang clan, and other clans that were out of the martial spirit were trembling with fear of being punished by the Ming Palace.

But if you don’t go, you have no choice but to go there.

Lu Yan rode Xue Tu and arrived at Kunwu Mountain first to meet up with Guan Shan.

Then, the masters of Li family, Gao family and other families arrived one after another.

On the third day, Zhao Tianyang and others walked into Kunwu Mountain accompanied by seven men wearing tight purple robes.

The seven men are tall and tall, with tall and straight postures and breaths like tigers.

The edge of the purple robe is embroidered with gold.

"It's Prince Ming's personal guard."

Guan Shan whispered.

Lu Yan's heart moved.

He heard Guan Shan talk about the main structure of the Ming Palace.

The military power of the Ming Palace was mainly divided into three parts.

King Ming's army, King Ming's Imperial Guards and King Ming's personal guards.

The Prince Ming's Mansion is said to have 300,000 troops of the Prince Ming.

Moreover, there is no warrior in King Ming's army who has broken the limit once and twice. The worst ones have broken the limit three times.

As for the Imperial Guards of King Ming, they numbered 30,000. Warriors who broke the restrictions were not allowed to enter. Those who could enter the Imperial Guards of King Ming were, at worst, Marquis Wu.

In other words, this is a military army composed of Wuhou.

As for the personal guards of King Ming, it is said that there are only three thousand people, which is even more terrifying, with masters like clouds and strong men like rain.

Lu Yan looked carefully at the seven guards of Prince Ming.

Judging by their auras, these seven Ming Prince guards are all masters.

"See the seven lords."

All the great masters and nobles bowed down one after another.

Only Guanshan, with his hands behind his back, remained motionless.

One of the guards of Prince Ming, who was headed by him, nodded, walked up to Guan Shan, clasped his fists, and said, "Brother Guan, it's been a hundred years since we've seen you again, and you'll be fine again."

"It turns out it's you, Yuchizhong. It seems that your cultivation has progressed rapidly over the years. You should have completed your five internal organs and are about to enter the six internal organs."

Guan Shan nodded and looked at the person in front of him with complicated eyes.

Yu Chizhong looks like a big man in his fifties, but his real age is earlier than a hundred years old.

When he was in Prince Ming's Mansion, Yuchizhong was far inferior to him in terms of cultivation and talent.

But now, it has far surpassed him.

Although Kunwu Mountain is a third-level bloodline, there is no shortage of exotic animal meat, and their masters and disciples are all masters of martial arts.

But in terms of resources, how can it compare with the Ming Palace?

A hundred years have passed by, but things and people have changed.


Yuchizhong nodded and said: "As for Wangsun, I heard that he died at the hands of Wu Ling. Speaking of which, Wangsun was also kind to me back then. If things like that hadn't happened back then. Hey, where is Wangsun's tomb? I'll be the one to sacrifice myself." bye."

"Wang Sun?"

After hearing this, the masters of the various sects in Lingdong looked at each other in shock.

Master and disciple Chu Shenzhou and Guan Shan in Kunwu Mountain actually have such origins?

They are secretly afraid.

"follow me."

Guan Shan Road, turned around and walked away.

Seven of Prince Ming's personal guards followed Lu Yan and others, also following behind.

After worshiping Chu Chenzhou, Wu Ling's body was examined.

Although the masters of the Spiritual Sect died and the black shadows disappeared from their bodies, their bodies had been penetrated by the power of martial arts all year round. Even if only the corpses were left, the Ming Palace could still detect them.

Guan Shan had known this for a long time, so after the battle at Kunwu Mountain, he ordered people to collect the remains of the Ling Cult people into one piece, waiting for someone from the Ming Palace to come to examine them.

The body of a grandmaster is extremely difficult to decay, but a corpse tempered by the power of martial arts is even more difficult to decay and can be preserved for decades without any problem.

"Chen Hao, come and check it out."

Yuchi Zhong ordered.

A thin man who looked to be in his thirties came forward, picked up a piece of corpse, smelled it carefully at the tip of his nose, and said: "It does contain magic power, but specifically, it needs to be brought back to Prince Ming's Mansion for analysis by experts. .”

"The Spiritual Cult is really getting more and more rampant, even in remote places like the six counties of Lingdong."

Yuchizhong said coldly.

Guan Shan's expression changed and he said, "Is it possible that there are also spiritual sect activities outside Lingdong?"

"Naturally, and it's more serious than you think."

"In the three states of Ming, Yun, and Xuan, martial spirits can appear from time to time. In recent years, evil disasters have often occurred. However, Lord Ming adheres to the laws of Dachu. Once a martial spirit appears, he will immediately send troops to kill him. , so in the three states, martial arts will never become a climate."

"But in other states, it's hard to say. Some princes even use the power of martial arts to attack other princes."

Yuchi Zhongdao.

Guan Shan looked solemn and said, "Has the strength of the Spiritual Cult actually developed to such an extent?"

"In troubled times, evildoers appear. What can be done? It's a pity that Mr. Mingwang is not the common master of the world. Otherwise, how could these evil heretics be allowed to flourish?"

Yuchi Zhongdao.

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