Hunting Immortals and Demons

Chapter 214 Takemaru

All the great masters present were silent.

The general trend of the world is ultimately too far away from them, and they just want to keep their current foundation.

After pondering for a while, Yu Chizhong said again: "We will take these psychic corpses back for inspection. You have done meritorious service in killing the martial spirits this time. Once the inspection is correct, the Ming Palace will reward you."

"Also, in order to prevent Wu Ling from retaliating again, we will station people at the passage of Magic Ridge Mountain."

The Ming Prince's personal guards acted vigorously and resolutely. After a brief explanation, they left with the corpses of the psychics. As for the Qiu family and the Ouyang family, they did not mention much about the Qiu family and the Ouyang family that had been infiltrated by martial spirits.

This made the masters of the various sects breathe a sigh of relief.

After Prince Ming's personal guards left, Lu Yan's life returned to calm. He practiced martial arts every day or gave guidance to his disciples.

Three months later, the reward from the Ming Palace arrived.

First, they were all handed over to Guan Shan, who would reward them based on their merits.

Although the Qiu family, Ouyang family, Gao family and other clans are jealous, they have no share in this reward, so naturally no one will come to ask for trouble.

After Lu Yan heard the news, he rushed to Kunwu Mountain as soon as possible.

Then, I saw an iron box containing round pills the size of longan, and I was a little confused.

"Senior, what is this?"

Lu Yan asked.

"This is a martial pill. This is a good thing. It is more than a hundred times more valuable than martial arts of the same level."

"This box contains a total of one hundred level three martial pills, worth more than three million taels of silver."

Guanshan Road.

"Wuwan?" Lu Yan was surprised.

Knowing that Lu Yan was unclear, Guan Shan explained: "Martial food is a superficial use of exotic animal meat and elixir. Although it tastes excellent, it is actually not very effective and a lot of the essence is wasted."

"The martial pill is a perfect fusion of exotic animal meat and elixir. The essence is taken and the dross is removed, and concentrated together. Such a small martial pill is as effective as a hundred kilograms of martial arts of the same level."

"However, it is extremely difficult to cook martial arts balls. An ordinary martial arts master cannot do it. Only senior martial arts chefs can do it."

Guan Shan explained.

"One piece is worth a hundred catties of martial arts food?"

Lu Yan was shocked.

Eating martial food requires gastrointestinal digestion. After all, the strength of the gastrointestinal system is limited, and the number of martial food eaten in a day is also limited, which limits the speed of improvement.

If there are enough martial pills, wouldn't the training speed be able to increase quickly?

"Martial pills are precious. One is thirty thousand taels. How many people can afford it?"

Seemingly sensing Lu Yan's thoughts, Guan Shan struck back.

Lu Yan smiled awkwardly.

"One hundred martial pills, I'll take twenty, and you can take the rest."

Guanshan Road.

"Should I take them all? What about Zhao and Ding?"

"Just give them some third-level martial arts food. They don't know what rewards the Ming Palace has given them."

Guan Shan smiled.

Lu Yan couldn't help but give a thumbs up in his heart, but he took it away unceremoniously.

Back in Li'an City, Lu Yan couldn't wait to take out a martial pill, swallowed it in one gulp, and then began to cultivate the golden body of the divine dragon.

As Lu Yan practiced, there was a warmth in his abdomen, and strong energy spread from his abdomen to his whole body, and finally turned into qi and blood. The qi and blood passed through the bones and heart vessels, entered the internal organs, and turned into internal energy.

Lu Yan felt that the internal energy in his body was increasing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

It took Lu Yan a whole day and night to digest one martial pill. He could clearly feel that his internal energy had improved a bit, which was comparable to taking a hundred kilograms of level three martial arts food.

"The effect is amazing. This martial pill is a bit like the elixirs in the novels of previous lives."

Lu Yan said secretly.

If he takes this kind of martial pill every day, his cultivation level should soon reach the second level of Grandmaster.

Grandmaster level is much more difficult to upgrade than Wuhou.

An average grandmaster, even if he has no shortage of martial arts, would often take decades to advance to the next level.

Normally speaking, Lu Yan's ability to control eleven internal energies requires eleven times the resources of an ordinary person.

But with the help of two superb martial arts that combine human and martial arts into one, his transformation rate into martial arts is far higher than that of ordinary people, so he requires much fewer resources.

For example, if he takes one pound of martial food, the effect is equivalent to someone else taking three, four or even five pounds.

Lu Yan's improvement rate is so fast, it is important to have enough martial arts, and the high conversion rate brought by martial arts is even more important.

The next day, Lu Yan took another martial pill and continued practicing.

In the blink of an eye, three months passed.

Eighty martial pills, all eaten.

Lu Yan's cultivation level has improved a lot, and he is not far from the peak of the first level of Grandmaster.

It’s normal to think about it.

Eighty martial pills, worth two million four hundred thousand taels of silver.

Coupled with the high conversion rate brought by the two peerless martial arts combined into one, it is worth hundreds of martial arts pills taken by others.

"City Lord, a demonic figure seems to have appeared near Yunfeng City, and it has massacred several villages and towns. It is horrific."

Li Quan hurriedly came to report.


Lu Yan's eyes turned cold.

Could it be a remnant of the Spiritual Cult?

"Well, this is what our spies reported. Several spies died because of this."

Li Quandao.

"Did any experts dispatch the Qiu family in Yunfeng City to annihilate them?"

Lu Yan said.

"According to the spies, they were dispatched once and seemed to have lost some men. After that, they were not dispatched again and turned to defense."

Li Quandao.

"Ms. Qiu, hey, it's time."

Lu Yan's eyes flashed with murderous intent and he said, "I'll go and see for myself."

After giving Li Quan some warnings, Lu Yan rode on Xue Tu and headed towards Yunfeng City.

Soon, Xue Tu came to the area near Yunfeng City and hovered high in the sky.

"Xue Tu, get down."

Lu Yan pointed in a direction.

Xue Tu swooped down.

Below, is a village.

In the village, hundreds of corpses were lying everywhere.

They are all villagers in the village.

Lu Yan checked carefully and found that all these villagers had been disemboweled, had their internal organs removed, and died in extremely miserable conditions.

"It is indeed Wu Ling's method."

Lu Yan thought to himself.

Of course, normal psychics who follow the path of martial arts will not do this, but martial spirits who are on the verge of becoming malignant or even possessed by demons will do this.

That was the case with the martial spirit in Changfeng City back then.

After observing for a while, Lu Yan mounted the Xue Tu and continued to circle. After that, he discovered several villages and towns in succession, all of which were like this.

"Martial spirits, or demons, who are undergoing a malignant transformation, usually act at night and watch at night."

Lu Yan found a place to rest and wait for nightfall.

At night, there are stars, and the moonlight is like mercury, falling on the vast land.

Bloody Massacre, soaring silently hundreds of meters in the sky.

After all, night vision had a great impact on sight, so Lu Yan didn't let Xue Tu fly too high.

In the quiet night sky, insects were chirping constantly, and from time to time, beasts roared.

"Why is there no sound at all in that mountain forest? It's a bit abnormally quiet."

After hovering in the sky for a while, Lu Yan noticed that a certain mountain forest was eerily silent. Not to mention the roar of animals, there was no sound of insects.

Lu Yan asked Xue Tu to lower his altitude and fly towards the mountain forest.

Roar! Roar!

At this time, Lu Yan heard a low roar coming from a certain valley.

When Xue Tu flew over the valley, Lu Yan saw a monster.

To be precise, it was a huge praying mantis, several times larger than a human being. It was completely black, but on top of the mantis's head, there was still a human face, twisted and struggling in pain.

On both sides of the mantis's body, there are two dry arms hanging on it like withered branches.

"Qiu Cao."

Lu Yan's pupils shrank slightly.

In that face, Qiu Cao could barely be seen.

"This Qiu Cao should be completely unable to suppress his malignant transformation. It seems that he has already gone through the demonic ritual, but I don't know how many times he has gone through it. Judging from the remaining human characteristics, it should be less than three times."

Lu Yan thought to himself.

When a martial spirit transforms into a demon, regardless of its level of cultivation, it needs to undergo a ritual of becoming a demon.

With each pass, the demonic features will become more obvious and the human features will fade.

After three rituals of becoming a demon, the person's characteristics will completely disappear and he will completely become a spirit demon.

When he saw Qiu Cao, Lu Yan already knew that Qiu Cao was definitely responsible for these 'magic disasters'.

No wonder Qiu didn't dare to take action.

Not only was Qiu Cao their ancestor, but his cultivation before his evil transformation had reached the second level of Grandmaster. After his evil transformation and becoming a demon, his strength would only become more terrifying.

The Qiu family also served food together.

"You are not an opponent, but you don't ask for help from other clans. What are you doing? Are you afraid that Qiu Cao's appearance will be recognized now? When Qiu Cao is completely possessed and his appearance and features completely disappear, you won't be able to recognize him, right?"

Lu Yan speculated in his mind.

call out!

He drew his bow like a full moon, and his arrows were like shooting stars, tearing apart the night and shooting towards Qiu Cao.

After Qiu Cao became possessed by the devil, his spiritual sense was extremely keen and he immediately sensed danger. He jumped out with six legs like a spring, avoiding Lu Yan's arrow.

But the next moment, arrows fell like raindrops one after another.

Lu Yan shot eight arrows in one go.

No matter how hard it was for Qiu Cao to dodge, he could only wave his two sickle-like front paws to resist.

bump! bump! bump!

The front claws, which were many times harder than gold and iron, exploded into pieces after blocking several arrows.

Qiu Cao was shocked and ran away into the distance. His body was filled with black mist and his broken front paws were recovering.

But how could he be faster than Xue Tu?

call out!

Another arrow hit Qiu Cao. No, it can no longer be called Qiu Cao, but a demon, a mantis demon.

The arrow hit the mantis demon's body, blasting a big hole in its body.

The terrifying inner strength is constantly destroying the mantis demon's vitality.

The mantis demon fled frantically towards the mountain forest.

"Is that the direction of Yunfeng City?"

Lu Yan's heart moved, and he stopped killing him for the time being, and kept following the mantis demon.

After escaping for a distance and seeing that Lu Yan did not attack, the Mantis Demon wanted to turn around and escape, but was forced back by Lu Yan's arrow and could only continue towards Yunfeng City.

When approaching Yunfeng City, Lu Yan fired arrows continuously, forcing the mantis demon towards Qiu's bloodline.

This is Lu Yan's real purpose.

The mantis demon had no place to escape, so it could only rush towards Qiu's bloodline.

Qiu's military army discovered it immediately.

"what is that?"

"It's a demon, it's that demon, send the signal quickly."

The military troops guarding the mountain were so frightened that they dared to stop him. After releasing the loud arrows, they immediately ran for their lives on both sides.

The mantis demon rushed all the way towards the castle on the Bloodline.

There was chaos in Qiu's bloodline.

Soon, Lu Yan saw two figures rushing out of the Qiu family's castle. They were the two grandmasters of the Qiu family.

"Shoot the arrow, shoot the arrow quickly, and stop that demon."

a grandmaster yelled.

A dense rain of arrows shot towards the mantis demon.

But these ordinary armor-breaking crossbows, or the arrows shot by the limit-breaking warriors and Wuhou, could not cause the slightest harm to the mantis demon.

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