Hunting Immortals and Demons

Chapter 215 Annexing the Qiu Family and the Fang Family

The mantis demon roared and rushed past. Qiu's military army abandoned their helmets and armor and collapsed.

The mantis demon rushed directly towards the two grandmasters of the Qiu family.

The two masters of the Qiu family were so horrified that they did not dare to take action, so they turned around and ran away.

But from the sky, two arrows fell, heading straight for the two masters.

"It's you."

The two masters roared angrily, and the next moment their bodies were pierced by arrows, killing them immediately.

Then, Lu Yan jumped down and rushed towards the mantis demon.

The two front claws of the mantis demon have been repaired, and they slashed at Lu Yan like two magic knives.

Lu Yan didn't dodge or dodge, he was condescending and punched twice.

bump! bump!

The mantis demon's front claws exploded, and Lu Yan kept attacking. He hit the mantis demon's body with both fists, and the mantis demon immediately exploded into pieces.

However, as wisps of black threads pulled him back, Lu Yan punched out a few more times to recover, completely blasting the mantis demon's broken body into powder.

Bursts of black smoke filled the air and dissipated between the sky and the earth.

"It's Lu Yan, the lord of Li'an City."

When Qiu's warriors saw Lu Yan, their throats rolled and they swallowed saliva wildly.

I had always heard that Lu Yan was the best master in Lingdong, and now that I saw him, his reputation was well-deserved.

Those invincible mantis demons were defeated by Lu Yan.

This scene is so visually impactful.

"This demon was transformed by Qiu Cao. Qiu Yan and Qiu Lin not only allowed the mantis demon to kill people wantonly, but also intentionally kept the mantis demon in captivity. Their intentions were evil and they should be killed."

"Among the Qiu family, are there two other accomplices?"

Lu Yan said coldly.

Some senior members of the Qiu family looked at each other.

There is indulgence, but where does the idea of ​​'raising mantis demons in captivity' begin?

But they are not fools and know that this is a crime they want to inflict.

Besides, the last two masters of the Qiu family are dead, who dares to resist Lu Yan?

"City Master Lu, this is what Qiu Yan and Qiu Lin did privately. They are masters and they don't need to explain their actions to us. We don't know about it."

"Yes, sir, we really don't know that Qiu Yan and Qiu Lin are really hateful. They actually committed such a sinful thing and deserved their death."

"I can't wait to kill them myself."

Some of the senior officials of the Qiu family were filled with indignation and cursed Qiu Yan and Qiu Lin.

"According to the laws of Dachu, even though Qiu Yan and Qiu Lin are dead, the Qiu family cannot escape their involvement. There is no need for the Qiu family to exist."

Lu Yan said coldly.

The top management of the Qiu family looked miserable.

They get it.

Today, Lu Yan's real target is Qiu.

I'm afraid that even if there was no Qiu Cao incident, Lu Yan would find any reason to start a war with the Qiu family.

With Lu Yan's strength and appetite, how could Li'an County satisfy him?

"My subordinate Qiu Shengpeng is willing to lead his subordinates to defect to City Lord Lu. I also ask City Lord Lu to take him under his wing."

An old man immediately knelt down on one knee and saluted with clasped fists.

Others reacted immediately.


The seven or eight senior executives of the Qiu family also followed suit and knelt on one knee.

They thought about it. Anyway, without the grandmaster, the Qiu family would never be able to capture Yunfeng City or the second-level bloodline.

It's better to surrender to Lu Yan.

Moreover, the force created by Lu Yan was not like other clans. Generally, the real power positions were controlled by the direct descendants of the clan. It was difficult for people with foreign surnames to grasp the real power. At most, they could only serve as guest elders.

But with Lu Yan's power, people with foreign surnames can still hold high positions.

It is not a clan, nor is it based on bloodline. Its structure is more like a sect or a dynasty.

Instead of taking refuge in other clans, it would be better to take refuge in Lu Yan.

"Very good, but you have to show some sincerity. Qiu Yan, Qiu Lin, and some cronies will be left to you. Li'an City's army will come to Yunfeng City soon."

After Lu Yan finished speaking, he jumped onto Xuetu, who spread his wings and left.

Soon after, the army from Li'an City set off towards Qiu's family.

The entire Qiu clan surrendered, and Lu Yan captured the Qiu clan without a single blow.

The Qiu family's military force was still quite complete, with a total of three thousand in number being disrupted by Lu Yan and incorporated into Li'an City's military force.

In this way, the Wei family and the Qiu family will check and balance each other, so that one family will not dominate.

At the same time, Lu Yan received the news.

The Zhao family in Lingwang City sent their troops south to fight with the Ouyang family. They destroyed the Ouyang family in one fell swoop and took away their blood.

As for the Ding family, they also sent their troops south to attack the Bai family in Qingfeng County. The Bai family was defeated and surrounded in the main city, summoning the corpses to compete.

However, there is only one grandmaster left in the Bai family, and it will be a matter of time before the city is defeated.

"The Zhao family is still powerful. They wiped out the Ouyang family so quickly. Although there are only two grandmasters left, they have a profound foundation. The number of martial arts far exceeds that of other grandmaster-level clans. There are many masters at the peak level of Wuhou. In a few years, It is not difficult to give birth to a few more masters."

Lu Yan said secretly.

"City Lord, what should we do now?"

Li Quan asked.

"Gather the army, go south, and destroy the Fang clan."

Lu Yan said.


Li Quan bowed, overjoyed.

Now, they already have three second-level blood veins and dozens of first-level blood veins. If Fang is eliminated, they will have four second-level blood veins.

With such an expansion of strength, the status of these old people has also risen with the tide.

"Li Quan, your cultivation has reached the limit of five times."

Lu Yan asked.

"Yes, we just broke through not long ago."

Li Quandao.

"Practice hard, strive to reach full Qi and blood as soon as possible, and break into Wuhou. The limit has been broken five times, which is a little lower."

Lu Yan said.

Li Quan was shocked.

He knew that his cultivation level was too low after all. Now that Lu Yan's men's strength was rapidly expanding, breaking the limit five times, it was really not enough.

If he doesn't break through, someone will probably climb on top of him.

There's nothing we can do about it.

In this world, strength is respected, and if your cultivation level is too low, you will eventually be unable to control the situation.

"Li Quan must break through Wuhou as soon as possible and live up to the city lord's high expectations."

Li Quan secretly made up his mind to improve his cultivation level as soon as possible. Then he changed the subject and said, "By the way, City Lord, I have recently collected a batch of antiquities. Do you want to take a look at them?"

"Oh, bring it over and show it to me."

Lu Yan became interested.

Collecting Taoist food was Lu Yan's top priority.

What is the purpose of creating a territory for power expansion?

First, there is a place to settle down and live, where some people can keep exotic animals in captivity and some people can cook martial arts.

Second, of course someone collects Taoist food.

Soon, a large box of antiques was brought up.

There are various types.

Bronze artifacts, stone artifacts, strange stones, ancient iron artifacts, etc.

Lu Yantong really made a discovery when he read the book.

Inside, there were actually four pieces of Taoist food.

They are two pieces of bronze, one piece of iron, and one piece of strange stone.

Lu Yan put away the four pieces of Taoist food and said with a smile: "Well done, keep doing this. The more ancient relics like this, the better."


Seeing Lu Yan happy, Li Quan was also in high spirits.

After Li Quan left, Lu Yan called out the Taoist book, swallowed the four Taoist foods in one gulp, and then used them to improve a speed-based martial arts.

However, the effect of Taoist food is far inferior to that of immortal bones. Four pieces of Taoist food can only elevate a speed-based first-class martial arts to the pinnacle, or even less to perfection.

Two days later, the army set off. A total of four thousand troops were dispatched to kill the Fang family in a mighty manner.

Of these four thousand troops, three thousand were from the Qiu family, and one thousand were from the Wei family.

Wherever he passed, those powerful people at the Wuhou level descended upon hearing the news.

Lu Yan reorganized the armed forces along the way, and the number of the armed forces soon expanded to 6,000.

After hearing the news, the Fang family summoned the Wuhou-level sects in the surrounding area to defend Qingfeng City.

Qingfeng City was originally the county seat of Qingfeng County. The city is majestic and majestic. Although it is not as good as Lingwang City, it is not far behind.

The army rested ten miles away from Qingfeng City and then pounced directly on Qingfeng City.

Lu Yan rode Xue Tu, one person at a time, directly to the front of Qingfeng City.

Everyone in the Fang family looked frightened when they saw Lu Yan.

Be timid before fighting.

In particular, Fang Ri, the only grandmaster of the Fang family, was hiding behind numerous military forces and was guarded by shields weighing a thousand kilograms.

Around him, there were more than a dozen refined corpses.

"Fang Ri, do you want to resist? Do you think that these corpses alone can protect you? If I want to kill you, it will be easy."

Lu Yan spoke condescendingly and indifferently.

"City Lord Lu, why should you go too far? Our Fang family's 200-year-old inheritance cannot be ruined in my hands."

Fang Ri said sadly.

Lu Yan was too lazy to talk nonsense, so he took out the horn bow and shot an arrow.

call out!

The arrow pierced the void and fell instantly.


A refined corpse was shot and exploded without even reacting.

Then, with two more consecutive arrows, two more refined corpses were shot.

Fang Ri's face turned pale.

Lu Yan could easily shoot Lian Zhi, and he could easily shoot him.

"Fang Ri, surrender, you will still be the lord of the city, otherwise, the next arrow will hit you."

Lu Yan said coldly, with murderous intent.

"Let me continue to manage Qingmaple City?"

Fang Ri showed a look of anticipation.

"What are you thinking? After surrendering, you will be allowed to manage Yunfeng City."

Lu Yan said.

Fang Ri felt sad.

"My patience is limited."

Lu Yan bent his bow and nocked an arrow, aiming at Fang Ri.

Fangri's scalp was numb, his eyebrows were stinging, and a breath of death came to his face.

"Wait, I. I'm willing to surrender."

Fang Ri sighed and said.

He knew very well that even if he resisted, he would not be able to change the outcome.

Facing other grandmaster-level sects, they can still compete by relying on corpse refining.

But Lu Yan is so perverted, he rides a master-level giant eagle, and he has terrible archery skills. How can he fight?

Whoever wants to die will die.

As Fang Ri surrendered, the Wuhou of the Fang clan also breathed a sigh of relief.

It’s best not to fight.

Soon, the city gate opened and Fang surrendered.

Another bloodless battle.

After occupying Qingfeng City, another round of reforms was carried out.

The Fang family, the Qiu family, the Wei family, and the military forces from Changfeng City were completely disrupted and mixed together.

Among them, the upper-level people are still mainly old people from Changfeng City.

They were assisted by masters from the Fang, Qiu, and Wei families.

Then Lu Yan asked Fang Ri to take a part of the military force to Yunfeng Town to defend it.

Lu Yan originally had no intention of keeping Fang Ri, but now that there is a lack of masters, no one can stand alone, so it would be good to stay as a boss.

Although there would be hidden dangers if Fang Ri stayed, Lu Yan had this confidence that as long as he was still alive, Fang Ri would not dare to have any different intentions.

Later, senior officials from the Qiu and Wei families were transferred to guard Qingfeng City.

Some senior officials of the Qiu and Fang families were transferred to Li'an City and followed him to guard Li'an City.

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