Hunting Immortals and Demons

Chapter 218: The distinguished family member, Yan Clan of Xuanhuo City

That giant lizard is too terrifying, let alone Yun Zhongbu's clone. Even if he faces it in person, it's just a matter of one move.

The gap is too big.

Xuetu hovered in the sky for a while, and when he saw that the giant lizard did not come out, Lu Yan was relieved and then headed towards Kunwu Mountain.

When he saw Guan Shan, Lu Yan told him in detail what he had seen and heard before, without hiding anything.

Guan Shan, if he had known that Lu Yan had a method similar to that of a clone, he would have become accustomed to it and thought it was a special kind of martial arts that needed to be practiced with immortal bones. He also told Lu Yan many times not to spread it to others.

"Immortals, they must be immortals. How can there be immortals in the six counties of Lingdong?"

After hearing this, Guan Shan paced back and forth, obviously feeling very uneasy.

"Senior, are you really an immortal?"

Lu Yan asked.

"It shouldn't be wrong. Nine times out of ten, the beasts on the second-level bloodline cannot be so powerful."

"Moreover, when you first saw it, it was only a dozen meters long. That should be its true body. After that, it turned into a hundred meters long, which should be its 'immortal body'. Alien beasts do not have such means."

"I'm just curious, how did this fairy appear? Could it be that it ran away from the fairy ruins, but there are no fairy ruins in the six counties of Lingdong? Did it come from outside?"

Guanshan Road.

"Seniors, immortals, are all so powerful?"

Lu Yan asked.

"Strong? This is considered weak. He is probably still underage. Adult immortals are much stronger than this."

Guanshan Road.

Lu Yan was stunned.

Is this still underage?

"You have to know that during the heyday of Da Chu, martial arts masters were called to hunt for immortals in the Immortal Ruins. What level of masters could participate? Those were all from the Yuanshen realm, and even those from the True Body realm were not eligible to participate."

Guanshan Road.

All right!

He is too ignorant.

"Senior, since the Immortal is so powerful, why do you hide in the Immortal Ruins and not come out?"

Lu Yan continued to ask.

"I don't know about this. Maybe it's because the number is too small to compete with human martial arts, or there are other reasons. I, even the master, don't have enough cultivation to have access to deep secrets. Maybe King Ming He knows that when your cultivation is strong enough in the future, you can ask Prince Ming."

Guanshan Road.

After pondering for a while, Guan Shan added: "But one thing is certain, the existence of immortals is extremely long ago, and they must have existed before the Great Ancient Dynasty. The existing evidence proves that some relics in the world today are related to immortals. "

Lu Yan immediately thought of Taoist food.

Taoist books can absorb Tao food and immortal bones.

Is there a connection between the two?

Is the energy in Taoism also an immortal power?

If the ruins were related to immortals, then it would make sense.

"There are many secrets in this world. I also want to know, but I am powerless. Please work harder and tell me when you find out."

Guan Shan looked at Lu Yan expectantly.

Lu Yan: "."

"Senior, what should we do next? With our strength, we cannot deal with immortals at all. This matter must be reported to Prince Ming's Mansion and let Prince Ming's Mansion send someone to solve it?"

Lu Yan said.

Guan Shan nodded: "Since the immortal has appeared, we must not leave it alone. It will continue to plunder the essence of the world. Over time, not to mention the vicinity of Changfeng City, but also the entire six counties of Lingdong will turn into death and fall into When it dries up, nothing can grow.”

"It is said that immortals can fly to the sky and escape from the earth. A minor immortal can escape from the earth even if he cannot fly. After he turns the vicinity of Changfeng City into a dead place, he will move to other places."

Can you escape?

Lu Yan couldn't help but wonder, was the severe drought in Woye City in Qingfeng County also caused by this fairy?

Calculating the time, it is really possible.

First, there was an earthquake in the ruins of Changfeng Mountain, and the mountain collapsed, exposing the ruins.

Then there was a severe drought near Weye City, and they fled to Changfeng City.

Later I heard that the severe drought in Woye City lasted for several years before it was relieved.

Immortal, first caused the earthquake, then ran to the area of ​​Woye City, and recently, returned to Changfeng City.

The more I think about it, the more possible it becomes.

"It's a pity that Prince Ming's personal guards guarding the Demon Ridge Mountain have already left. Otherwise, we could just inform them directly and ask them to report to Prince Ming's Mansion."

Lu Yan said.

Prince Ming's personal guards guarded the passage of Moling Mountain for a year and a half, but they left without waiting for anyone from the Spiritual Cult.

After all, Prince Ming's personal guards also have other things to do and cannot stay here forever.

"Lu Yan, it seems that you have to go to Prince Ming's Mansion in advance."

Guanshan Road.

Lu Yan nodded.

That's almost it.

He had already broken through to the second level of Grandmaster, and there were not many third-level beasts left in Kunwu Mountain. He had originally planned to go to Prince Ming's Mansion after some time.

"Senior, after I leave, please take care of my parents, as well as Wen Yuan and the others."

Lu Yan said.

After all, Lu Qingshan, Wen Yuan and others are still low in cultivation.

If he leaves for a long time, they may not be able to control the situation.

"Don't worry about this. After you leave, I will stay in Li'an City permanently. But when you go to Prince Ming's Mansion, there are many variables, so you need to be careful."

"Moreover, if you want to minimize the trouble and successfully enter Prince Ming's Mansion, you need someone to introduce you. The master had a relationship back then, and he is a talented person. He entered the true body realm a hundred years ago, and is probably still alive today. Can you Go to him with the master's token and ask him to recommend and vouch for you."

Obviously, Guan Shan had already thought about everything and chatted with Lu Yan in detail for more than an hour.

Afterwards, the two rode Xue Tu and Xue Sha to Li'an City.

Lu Yan immediately summoned his senior officials to introduce Guan Shan and told everyone that he had important matters and would be away for a while. After he left, all matters would be at Guan Shan's discretion.

Two days later, Lu Yan rode Xuetu and left Li'an City, flying towards the Demon Ridge Mountains.

Then he and Xue Tu walked on foot. After passing through the passage, they continued to ride Xue Tu and headed west.

The Prince's Mansion of Ming Dynasty occupies the land of three states, namely Mingzhou, Yunzhou and Xuanzhou.

Xuanzhou is in the east, close to the sea.

Yunzhou is to the south of Xuanzhou, also close to the sea.

Mingzhou is to the west of Xuanzhou and Yunzhou, bordering the two states.

The Ming Palace is located in Mingzhou, which is extremely far away from the six counties in Lingdong, more than 100,000 miles away.

Even if Xue Tu could travel thousands of miles a day, it would still take at least ten days, not including rest.

Xuetu cannot fly forever, and he needs to rest midway.

Lu Yan sat cross-legged on Xue Tu's back, overlooking the boundless territory and thousands of miles of rivers and mountains. He suddenly felt open-minded and had a feeling that the sky was high and birds could fly.

Half a day later.

"That is."

Lu Yan saw a majestic mountain range ahead. On top of it, blood filled the air and strange beasts roared endlessly.

"Level three blood veins."

Lu Yan's heart moved.

Judging from the range and concentration of earth blood energy, it is definitely a third-level blood earth vein.

"The six counties in Lingdong are too barren after all. Although the territory is vast, there are not many blood vessels."

Lu Yan thought.

Before coming out, Guan Shan gave him a map of the three states of King Ming.

Xuanzhou has a total of twenty-eight counties, and Lingdong accounts for six counties.

In terms of territory, it is not small, accounting for about one-fifth of Xuanzhou.

But in terms of blood and martial arts masters, there is a long way to go.

There is only one third-level bloodline in the six counties of Lingdong.

But the other twenty-two counties in Xuanzhou have ten third-level blood lines and one fourth-level blood line.

Regardless of resources or the number of martial arts cultivators, the other twenty-two counties are more than ten times more than the six Lingdong counties.

Master, that's more.

"Blood Slaughter, bypass this third-level blood vein."

Lu Yan patted Xue Tu's neck.

Generally, those who occupy the third-level bloodline are senior-level sects, and there are powerful people in the true body state who are in charge. This level of strength is more than ten times stronger than the Zhao family in Lingwang City in its heyday.

There might be birds and strange beasts, so it's better to avoid them to avoid misunderstanding.

Xue Tu drew an arc and moved away from him.

After flying continuously for a day, Xuetu landed on a mountain peak.

There is a box tied to the eagle's back, and inside it is a piece of elixir that looks like a bloody carrot. This is the blood slaughter's ration.

Lu Yan took out two sticks and fed them to Xue Tu, while he himself took a piece of martial arts dried meat, practiced his sword skills for a while, sat cross-legged, closed his eyes and rested.

Nothing happened all night.

The next morning, after resting, Lu Yan rode Xuetu and set off again.

"Hey, are those people searching the mountain?"

Half a day later, Lu Yan saw figures flashing in a mountain forest below, forming a fan shape around them, as if they were searching the mountain.

At the same time, Lu Yan saw a big bird flying quickly in front of him.

This is also a bird-like beast. It is bigger than Xue Tu, with a wingspan of more than 20 meters. Its whole body is red, but there are purple feathers on the edges of its wings.

"This seems to be a strange beast, a purple-winged blood roc."

Lu Yan was moved in his heart. He had seen it in a book introducing various kinds of strange beasts.

The purple-winged blood roc is a rare beast that is inherently stronger than the blood eagle.

A terrifying aura came, making Xue Tu feel uneasy.

There are two figures standing on the purple-winged blood roc.

A young man in his twenties and a middle-aged man in his fifties.

The purple-winged blood roc was obviously coming towards Lu Yan. Lu Yan asked the blood butcher to stop, and the blood butcher waved its wings and floated in the air.

The purple-winged blood roc was extremely fast, like a red and purple lightning bolt. In the blink of an eye, it came close and stopped several hundred meters away from Lu Yan.

"A terrible master."

Lu Yan's eyes fell on the middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man looked ordinary, but when his eyes opened and closed, he gave people an extremely terrifying feeling. Lu Yan felt as if he was being stared at by a wild beast.

This person is not only a Grandmaster, but also a top expert in the Grandmaster level.

"The Yan clan of Xuanhuo City is here to do business, please take a detour."

The middle-aged man said, his voice gentle but revealing an unmistakable flavor.

The Yan clan of Xuanhuo City, that respectable clan?

Lu Yan's heart moved.

On the map given by Guan Shan, all the more terrifying forces are marked.

The Yan clan of Xuanhuo City is one of them.

"It turns out to be Mr. Yan. I've admired him for a long time. Since Mr. Yan is here to do business, I'll take a detour."

Lu Yan cupped his fists.

Naturally, it was impossible for him to offend a giant like Yan just because of such a trivial matter as taking a detour.

Isn't that something wrong with your brain?

And at the speed of the bloody massacre, it wouldn't be a big deal to take a detour.


The purple-winged blood roc glanced at Xuetu with disdain, and let out a long cry, which made Xuetu tremble three times in fright. He quickly spread his wings and flew to the side, bypassing the mountain forest far away, then changed direction and continued to the west. .

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