Hunting Immortals and Demons

Chapter 219 Meeting Wu Ling again, a jade book

"Beyond Lingdong, there is indeed a Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, with a cloud of masters. Not long after we came out, we met the masters."

Lu Yan sighed secretly.

The middle-aged man just now gave Lu Yan an extremely dangerous feeling.

Now, those who can bring this kind of feeling to Lu Yan must have reached the fifth level of Grandmaster.

Of course, this is excepted if the opponent has an innate martial body or an inner spirit.

Shaking his head, he stopped thinking about it and silently took martial arts to improve his progress in a first-class speed martial arts.

When night fell, Xue Tu landed in a valley again. Lu Yan fed it two elixirs and let Xue Tu rest by himself.

After Lu Yan practiced the sword technique twice, he also leaned on a piece of bluestone and closed his eyes to rest.

A few hours later.

Lu Yan suddenly opened his eyes because he just heard a slight movement, and there was a creature approaching.


Immediately afterwards, Xue Tu's sharp and panicked cry was heard.

Lu Yan's eyes narrowed.

He saw a dark figure hugging Xue Tu's neck and biting him crazily.

This is a bat.

No, to be precise, this was a humanoid bat with a pair of huge fleshy wings. It strangled Xue Tu's neck with both hands and bit into Xue Tu's neck with its mouth, as if sucking blood.

"Martial spirit."

Lu Yan's heart was shocked.

He was too familiar with Wu Ling's aura.

This bat-like creature is covered in black mist and has a ferocious appearance. It is not a martial spirit, but it is also a martial spirit that is about to turn evil.

call out!

In a flash of thought, Lu Yan had already shot an arrow.

The arrow locked onto the bat's head.

The bat flapped its wings and swept towards the arrow, trying to sweep the arrow away, but it obviously underestimated Lu Yan.

With a pop, the arrow pierced the bat's wing.

Immediately afterwards, Lu Yan's second arrow shot out.

This arrow drew a strange arc and hit the opponent's head. The humanoid bat's head exploded, but black lines filled the air, connecting the exploded blood and bones. Its head was recovering quickly.

It was indeed Wu Ling.

He and Wu Ling were really destined. In the six counties of Lingdong, he destroyed a group of Wu Ling. Not long after leaving Lingdong, he met another Wu Ling.

Bat Wu Ling's head was shot, so he naturally let go of Xue Tu.

Xue Tu took the opportunity to spread his wings and rush into the sky.


Lu Yan stepped on his feet, covering a distance of tens of meters in an instant, and punched the bat martial spirit.

The bat martial spirit was about to wave its wings to take off, but it was too late, so it could only wave its flesh wings to block it in front of it like a shield.

Lu Yan punched through the wings of the bat martial spirit, crushing it with all its strength, and struck it with one punch, breaking it into two pieces.

The bat turned out to be carrying a cloth bag, so it flew out and landed in the grass.

A black shadow rushed out of the opponent's mutilated body. It was a huge bat. It made a sharp cry and quickly retreated with the psychic's mutilated body.

Lu Yan strode forward, the red blood knife on his back was unsheathed and struck at the black shadow of the bat.

The black shadow of the bat, filled with thick black mist, pounced on Lu Yan, its wings streaking through the void like a black magic knife.


The red blood knife hit the wings of the black shadow of the bat, making a violent roar.

The black shadow of the bat retreated violently and its wings were split into two.

"Very strong, but seems to have been severely injured and damaged."

Lu Yan's heart moved.

After several battles, he judged that the psychic's original cultivation level was at least at the third level of the grandmaster, or even the fourth level of the grandmaster.

But the strength of the attack was not good, and he looked sluggish.

Based on the way he wanted to suck blood and kill him just now, Lu Yan deduced that the other party had been severely injured and wanted to suck blood to heal his injuries.

As soon as he stepped forward, his figure rushed forward, the light of the sword was like a steel chain, cutting through the darkness.


The bat martial spirit was beheaded.

With another strike, Bat Wu Ling's other wing was cut off and his flight was restricted.

Then there was another stab, and Bat Wuling's body was split in half.

The extreme inner energy penetrates into Wu Ling's body like a meat grinder. While destroying Wu Ling's body, it also destroys Wu Ling's vitality.

Let Wu Ling weaken quickly.

After Lu Yan gained the upper hand, he kept attacking and struck several times in a row.

The bat martial spirit let out a scream and bursts of black smoke erupted, disappearing into thin air.

The broken corpse of the psychic fell to the ground.

"Every time I kill a martial spirit, it's always so bloody."

Lu Yan was speechless as he looked at the bloody mess on the ground.

There is no way, Wu Ling is too difficult to kill.

It's not like ordinary martial arts can kill someone by hitting the vital point or decapitating them with a knife.

To kill a martial spirit, you have to cut it into pieces because its vitality is too strong.

"There is a package."

Lu Yan remembered clearly that Bat Wuling was carrying a package on his back and flew into the grass somewhere.

Lu Yan walked over and raised it.

Opening the package, there was a stack of gold and silver tickets with the word "World" printed on them.

This is the orthodox gold and silver ticket of the world's banks.

In fact, most of the gold and silver notes circulating in the world come from the ‘World Bank’.

Because World Bank is mysterious enough, powerful enough, and has enough credibility.

The World Bank has existed for an extremely long time. It seems to have existed since the ancient dynasties. Even after wars and dynasties collapsed, it has always stood firm.

No one can explain the origin of World Bank.

But one thing is that the strength of the world's banks is extremely terrifying and unpredictable.

A hundred years ago, there was a powerful prince who was as powerful as the Ming Dynasty. He wanted to create a world bank. He wanted to control the world bank, obtain huge wealth, and compete for world hegemony.

But within a few days, the master of the huge lords and a world-famous master died in his bedroom.

After this incident, countless people kept secret about the world's banks.

Fortunately, World Bank never participates in the struggle for hegemony.

There is a legend that if the world's banks wanted to compete for hegemony, they would have already dominated the world.

Therefore, even in this chaotic era, with clans fighting and princes vying for hegemony, the value of gold and silver tickets issued by world banks has always been very stable.

After a casual inventory, it was probably worth hundreds of thousands of taels of silver.

Most gold tickets with large denominations are worth one thousand taels each, and ten of them are equivalent to one hundred thousand taels of silver.

After stuffing the gold and silver notes into his arms, Lu Yan's eyes fell on an iron box.

The iron box is a cuboid, one foot long and one inch wide.

The exterior is inlaid with gold foil to outline patterns, which is quite noble.

Opening the iron box, there was a volume of books lying inside.

The material is very special and feels as warm as jade.

This is a jade book.

After opening it, the jade book was filled with densely packed words written on a special material. At a glance, there were no fewer than thousands of words written on it.

"This is a martial arts."

Lu Yan's eyes lit up and he read it carefully.

But immediately, Lu Yan's brows wrinkled.

Because I can't understand it at all.

The martial arts recorded in the jade book seemed to be a section of a certain martial arts book, with no beginning or end, and it was confusing to read.

At the end of the text, there are eight words written: Seven volumes merge into one, and the will of God appears.

"Seven volumes merge into one, and divine will will appear on its own? Does this mean that this martial arts is divided into seven volumes, and this jade book is just one of them. If all seven volumes are obtained, divine will will appear on its own."

Lu Yan speculated in his mind.

What kind of martial arts is so mysterious?

Lu Yan smiled and didn't pay too much attention.

Put the jade book into the box and put it into your cloth bag.

Then he waved his hand for the blood massacre to come down.


After the bloody slaughter came down, he roared several times and crushed the psychic's corpse with his claws, with a look of hatred on his face.

Lu Yan smiled.

This guy, who was scared to death before, is now becoming arrogant.

"How's your injury? Let me see."

Lu Yan said.

Xue Tu immediately stretched his neck over, looking pitiful.

Lu Yan took a look and saw that a large piece of flesh and blood had been bitten off Xue Tu's neck. It was now scabbed, but a lot of blood should have been sucked away by the bat martial spirit.

Lu Yan brought a few radish-like elixirs to Xue Tu and said, "Okay, I'll take some more elixirs later to replenish my body. Let's go first and get out of here."

After thinking for a moment, Lu Yan punched the ground, making a big hole, buried the psychic's body in the hole, and rode the Blood Slaughter into the sky.

After a while.

From the side and behind, there was the sound of birdsong, and a big bird came quickly.

"It's that purple-winged blood roc again."

Lu Yan frowned.

He didn't let Xue Tu stop and continued flying at the previous speed.

As expected, the purple-winged blood roc locked onto him and kept getting closer.

Soon, the distance between the two sides narrowed to several hundred meters.

Sure enough, there were two figures standing on the purple-winged blood roc, which were the middle-aged man and the young man he had seen before.

"Brother, please stop for a moment and ask me something."

came the voice of a middle-aged man.

Lu Yan asked Xue Tu to stop and said, "You two, I've taken a detour, what's the matter?"

"Brother, to be honest, we are chasing a martial spirit. This martial spirit is on the verge of becoming malignant. It is shaped like a bat and is extremely dangerous. Did you see it when you flew all the way here?"

asked the middle-aged man.

Lu Yan's heart skipped a beat, but his face remained calm as he said, "I've been resting just now, so I haven't seen him before."

"You dare to deceive us. Your mount's neck is injured. It was bitten out. The bat martial spirit was severely injured by us and its vitality was damaged. He must find a powerful beast or a martial artist to suck blood in order to recover. Your This mount must have been bitten by the bat martial spirit. Where did the bat martial spirit go? Was it killed by you?"

The young man said coldly, his aura was strong, and he actually had the cultivation level of a grandmaster.

As for the middle-aged man, his aura was even more terrifying, and his eyes were locked on Lu Yan.

Forget about this one.

Lu Yan had no choice but to say: "I was afraid that you and that martial spirit were in the same group, so I tested you. Yes, I did meet that martial spirit, but that martial spirit was too strong and I couldn't kill him. He escaped."

"That Wu Ling has a package on him, have you seen it before?"

The middle-aged man continued to ask, his eyes locked on the cloth bag behind Lu Yan.

"You don't have to rush to deny it. The iron box in that package is very important to me, Yan. No matter what, we have to recover it. Even if you deny it, we have to search it."

The young man said coldly, more powerful and domineering than the middle-aged man.

While talking, the other party controlled the purple-winged blood roc and kept approaching, and was more than ten meters away from the blood butcher.

The purple-winged blood roc stared at Xue Tu with sharp eyes, making Xue Tu tremble with fear.

Lu Yan frowned slightly.

It seems that the other party is after the jade book.

It's just a incomplete volume of martial arts, and a high-ranking family attaches so much importance to it?

It seems that this martial arts is not simple.

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