Hunting Immortals and Demons

Chapter 222 Mingwang City, full of Taoist food

Lu Yan did not stop and continued running. He ran for more than five hundred miles in one breath before stopping to rest and eat Wushigan.

After recovering, continue on your way.

Without the blood massacre, the speed was much slower. It took Lu Yan more than twenty days to reach the vicinity of Mingwang City.

In the distance, you can see a majestic mountain range, creeping on the earth.

On the mountain range, the peaks are like bamboo shoots, standing between the sky and the earth, filled with red mist, mysterious and weird.

This is the blood ground where Prince Ming's Mansion is located, Mingwang Mountain, the only fifth-level blood ground in Mingzhou, Yunzhou, and Xuanzhou.

It occupies a vast area, has a vast territory, and is full of earth-blood energy. It is far above Kunwu Mountain and can't be seen at a glance.

Even though they are far apart, you can still see groups of birds and animals rising into the sky and soaring between the sky and the earth from time to time.

"How many alien beasts can be cultivated by such a magnificent bloodline? How many alienated beasts can there be? It is estimated that phoenix bloodworms or second-level alienated beast kings will form in groups. No wonder Prince Ming's Mansion can support 300,000 armed troops. , Thirty thousand Imperial Guards of King Ming."

Lu Yan was secretly shocked.

A huge city can be seen in the distance, sitting at the foot of the mountain.

One side is backed by Mingwang Mountain, and both sides are towering grand canyons. Only one side is accessible for entry and exit. The location is unique and easy to defend but difficult to attack.

This is Mingwang City.

Lu Yan ran quickly, and Mingwang City gradually grew larger.

This is a huge city that is more than ten times larger than Lingwang City.

The city wall is thirty feet high and dozens of miles long. There are military troops wearing armor patrolling up and down the city wall, numbering nearly 10,000, and they are magnificent.

As I got closer, I found that each of these warriors had an astonishing aura, and their bodies were filled with cold killing intent. They were obviously elites who had experienced hundreds of battles.

"He is worthy of being one of the eighteen most powerful princes in Da Chu, far beyond what Lingdong can match."

Lu Yan sighed secretly.

In the Chu Dynasty, the current situation was chaotic and there were countless clans.

In addition to the clans, there are seven major sects, plus some warlords.

Those warlords were originally generals from the Great Chu Dynasty who led troops to guard one side.

After the world was in chaos, he led the troops to separate one side.

Compared with the clans that have been passed down for hundreds and thousands of years, these warlords have a little less background, but their strength is amazing.

For example, the Four Elephants Legion of the Great Chu Dynasty was famous all over the world. Among them, the White Tiger Legion led the troops to stand on their own and separatist forces, becoming one of the most powerful princes today.

There are countless clans, sects, and warlords with varying strengths and weaknesses. The eighteen strongest among them are called the eighteen princes.

Prince Ming's Mansion is one of them.

The city gates were wide open, and there was an endless stream of people and vehicles transporting goods in and out.

Lu Yan followed the crowd and walked towards the city.

There are armed troops guarding both sides of the city gate, but no one is checking it and they can enter and exit freely.

But Lu Yan saw two dark skeletons embedded in the stone walls on both sides of the city gate, exuding a permeating aura.

"Demon Bones."

Lu Yan's eyes narrowed.

What a generous gesture.

Lu Yan knew that this was to test martial arts.

As long as a psychic passes by the city gate, the demon bone will surely activate the martial spirit in his body. If he shows the power of the martial spirit, he will be killed on the spot.

People who practice martial arts can't even think of sneaking into King Ming's city.

No wonder there is no need to check when entering or leaving the city gate.

Of course, this also requires confidence.

There are many forces hostile to Prince Ming's Mansion, but Prince Ming's Mansion is not afraid of people from hostile forces sneaking into Prince Ming's City.

In King Ming City, there are a cloud of masters and a rain of strong men. People from hostile forces sneak into King Ming City. Once exposed, there is only one way to die.

Entering the city gate, you will see a wide street, a hundred meters wide, with shops on both sides and a constant stream of people. You can even see martial arts cultivators riding huge beasts walking on the street.

There are also people who are accompanied by huge birds and beasts.

"I wonder if there is Taoist food in Mingwang City."

Out of habit, Lu Yantong read the book.

The Taoist book suddenly trembled violently, exuding a dazzling light and conveying a deep desire.

Lu Yan's heart also started beating loudly.

Taoist food, lots of Taoist food.

According to the induction from Taoist books, Mingwang City is full of Taoist food.

Lu Yan's throat rolled, he swallowed, and then concentrated on reading the Taoist book. He sensed carefully and found that Taoism existed in every direction of Mingwang City.

There are no fewer than dozens of places where Taoist food exists.

Following the guidance of the Taoist book, Lu Yan stepped forward and soon stopped in front of a huge mansion.

Tao Shu sensed that there was Tao food in this mansion.

"This is the residence of the Commander-in-Chief of the Imperial Guard. No one else is allowed to watch here."

A big man guarding the door saw Lu Yan lingering at the door and scolded him coldly.

Lu Yan strode away.

This is obviously the mansion of a big shot.

The Imperial Guard obviously refers to the Imperial Guards of King Ming. The commander of the Imperial Guards of King Ming is at least in the True Body Realm and is not something he can care about.

After a while, Lu Yan stopped near another mansion.

This mansion is also grand and huge. Upon inquiry, it turned out to be the mansion of the Minister of the Ministry of Revenue.

Lu Yan quickly ran away.

The Minister of Household Affairs is a more powerful person than the commander of the Imperial Guard.

The structure of the Ming Palace completely continued the structure of the Imperial Court of Chu, with three palaces and six departments established.

Its structure is somewhat similar to the three provinces and six departments of the ancient dynasty in the previous life, but it is only similar. In some places, it is still very different.

For example, in this world, martial arts chefs, exotic animal breeders, and elixir growers are extremely important, which was not the case in previous lives.

The Six Divisions established by Lu Yan were actually modeled after the Six Divisions of the Ming Palace.

The Minister of the Ministry of Finance was a powerful figure in the Ming Palace.

Then, Lu Yan followed the guidance of the Taoist book and visited several places. Without exception, they were all the mansions of important people.

"These big shots really like collecting antiquities."

Lu Yan muttered.

Finally, Lu Yan arrived at the core of Mingwang City and stopped for a long time.

Because the desire for Taoism is so strong that it surpasses any other time.

There is a large amount of Taoist food here, most likely immortal bones.

But this place is the core of Mingwang City, the real Mingwang Mansion, and the place where Mingwang lives.

"It's not something I can get involved in."

Lu Yan could only retreat.

After turning around in a big circle, Lu Yan's eyes lit up slightly.

This time, the place where Taoism was sensed was not the mansion of a big shot, but a chamber of commerce.

Since it is a chamber of commerce, it can be bought and sold.

Lu Yan walked into the Chamber of Commerce.

The Chamber of Commerce is huge and has a dazzling array of items.

Lu Yan even saw first-class martial arts placed on the container, as well as first-, second-, and even third-level martial arts.

I even saw level three martial arts pills, but the prices were ridiculously high.

A martial pill is priced at thirty-five thousand taels.

In addition, there are various magical weapons.

"The Red Blood Knife has a crack. It is no longer useful and needs to be replaced."

Lu Yan thought.

Divine weapons are also divided into different levels, but the classification is not too detailed. They are roughly divided into two levels, low-level magical weapons and high-level magical weapons.

The Red Blood Sword is a low-level magic weapon.

Low-level magic weapons can still play a significant role in the confrontation between Wuhou level or low-level masters, but they are not good in the confrontation between high-level masters and are easily destroyed.

Not to mention the existence of the true body level.

I'm afraid that when the real power comes out, the low-level magic weapon will explode directly.

But high-level magic weapons are extremely expensive.

Even if the quality is average, it will cost more than 50,000 taels of silver, and if the quality is better, it will cost 100,000 taels.

Lu Yan decided to buy Taoist food first, and then buy magic weapons as long as the silver was available.

After turning around, Lu Yan stopped in front of a tree stump.

"Sir, what do you need?"

a young woman asked with a smile.

"This piece of wood looks good, how can I sell it?"

Lu Yan asked.

"This wooden pile has an extraordinary origin. It is an ancient relic left over from ancient times. It has survived for thousands of years and has not decayed. It is a rare treasure. It contains 120,000 taels of silver."

the young woman said.

Lu Yan took a breath.

Mingwang City is indeed the palace of Mingwang, and everything is ridiculously expensive.

"Although it is an antique, it is of no great use. I saw that the material of the wooden pile is good, and I want to buy it for carving. One hundred and twenty thousand taels is too expensive. I can buy a high-level magic weapon."

Lu Yan shook his head.

In response to the Taoist book, this wooden pile is Taoist food, and it contains a lot of energy.

Lu Yan is determined to win.

But Lu Yan would not be taken for granted and slaughtered.

"Sir, please tell me what price is appropriate. I can report it and let the shopkeeper decide."

the young woman said.

"Fifty thousand taels, that's the most I can offer. If it doesn't work, forget it."

Lu Yan said.

"Sir, you are too cruel. You can't even stop me and chop me down."

The young woman smiled bitterly, and then said: "But I can only report it. Whether to sell it or not depends on the shopkeeper. Please wait a moment, sir."

After the young woman finished speaking, she turned and left.

Lu Yan waited quietly.

After a while, the young woman walked over accompanied by a middle-aged man.

"Sir, do you want to buy this incorruptible treasure wood?"

The middle-aged man said with a smile.

Lu Yan nodded.

"Fifty thousand taels is too low. I'll give you a little more. I'll treat you as my friend at eighty thousand taels."

The middle-aged man said.

Lu Yan shook his head and said: "The maximum is fifty thousand taels. If it can be done, I will need to buy other items, such as high-level magic weapons."

The middle-aged man's eyes lit up slightly and he said: "If you want to buy other items, you can buy them cheaper, 50,000 is enough."

Although this wooden pile is extraordinary, no one knows how to use it. It has been placed here for decades and has not been sold. Therefore, if it can be sold for fifty thousand taels, the chamber of commerce can accept it.

After all, it was only twenty thousand taels collected that year.

Lu Yan was overjoyed and looked at the magic weapon with a calm expression on his face.

Of course, the main thing is to look at the knife.

Finally, Lu Yan chose a sword with a blade length of two meters, a palm width, and a dark body.

This knife is made of Xuanming black iron. The hand is cold and gives off a chill. It is priced at 150,000 taels of silver.

On the handle, there are a few small characters engraved: Xuan Ming, Ou Xuansheng.

Xuan Ming is the name of this sword. As for Ou Xuansheng, he should be the one who made the sword.

Including the previous tree stump, the total is two hundred thousand taels.

When he came out this time, Lu Yan brought hundreds of thousands taels of silver with him. On the way, he got another hundred thousand taels of silver from the bat martial spirit.

After paying, he had less than one hundred thousand taels of silver.

Spend money like water.

When your cultivation level is high, you won't be able to spend money.

Carrying the tree stump and the Xuanming Knife on his back, Lu Yan came to stay at an inn and closed the doors and windows. Lu Yan immediately summoned the Taoist shadow and swallowed the tree stump.

Soon, a strong energy poured out from the Taoist book, and Lu Yan transferred it into the body of the Cold God Palm to improve the progress of the Cold God Palm.

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