Hunting Immortals and Demons

Chapter 223 Commander of the Imperial Guard, Xiang Chongyang

The progress of Cold God Palm has increased rapidly.

Cold God Palm is an extremely powerful martial art. It is useless to use level 2 martial arts. You need to use level 3 martial arts, so the progress is extremely slow.

After the death of Condensed Martial Arts, he was still in the introductory stage, so he didn't use it in the previous battle with the Yan clan.

Soon after, Cold God Palm entered the realm of slight success, and continued to improve, all the way across integration, reaching 80% of perfection, and then stopped.

You know, this is the ultimate martial arts, and it consumes many times more energy than first-class martial arts to improve.

A piece of wood stump has directly reached 80% of perfection, not far from reaching the peak. Lu Yan estimates that the energy of this piece of tree stump is close to a piece of fairy bone obtained from Kunwu Mountain.

Fifty thousand taels of silver, a big profit.

You know, Guan Shan has been practicing for more than a hundred years, and he has only become proficient in the Cold God Palm.

Using the Cold God Palm, Lu Yan's palms suddenly turned snow-white, and waves of coldness filled the air.

Lu Yan held onto the wooden table, and suddenly, a layer of ice crystals appeared on the surface of the wooden table.

"The masterful Cold Divine Palm is already quite powerful. If you face someone from the Yan clan, you can use the Yanjin Divine Fist to restrain the opponent."

Lu Yan was quite satisfied.

At dinner time, Lu Yan ordered eight dishes on the first floor of the inn.

They are all martial arts, including two third-level martial arts, two second-level martial arts, and four first-level martial arts.

They were all things Lu Yan had never eaten before.

In Mingwang City, there is no purchase limit for military food.

Full of wine and food.

"Xiao Er, I would like to ask, do you know where Xiang Chongyang's family lives?"

Lu Yan asked the waiter.

"Xiang Chongyang? From what I've heard, there are three in Mingwang City. Which one are you looking for?"

The waiter said.

"The genius who broke through to the true body state a hundred years ago and is a genius from Prince Ming's Mansion."

Lu Yan said.

"Oh? It turns out to be that gentleman. That gentleman is now one of the ten commanders of the Royal Guards of Mingwang City. He is very famous. Everyone in Mingwang City knows that he lives in the south city."

The waiter told me the specific address.

"Thank you."

Lu Yan took out a twenty-tael silver note from his arms and handed it to the waiter.

The waiter happily took it.

Lu Yan returned to his room. The next morning, Lu Yan arrived at Xiang Chongyang's mansion early.

“So this is where it is”

Lu Yan shook his head and smiled.

He had been here before according to the guidance of the Taoist book. At this time, he could still sense the traces of Taoist food after communicating with the Taoist book.

"Why is it you again? Why are you here looking around again?"

A big man guarding the door recognized Lu Yan, his face turned cold, and he scolded.

"This big brother, Xiang Chongyang is here with Commander-in-Chief. My master is an old friend of Commander-in-Chief. We have something important to do and I want to see Commander-in-Chief Xiang."

Lu Yan cupped his fists and said politely.

"Commanding an old friend? Why are you sneaking around and looking around?"

The big man obviously didn't believe it.

"Brother, there is something really important. Please let me know. If the important matter is delayed, you and I will not be able to afford it."

Lu Yan summoned up his inner energy, his body was filled with light, and his powerful aura flashed away. Then he took out a banknote from his arms and handed it over.

On it, the words "five hundred" are written.

The gatekeeper was not an ordinary person. He also had the cultivation level of Wuhou Realm. He felt the aura of Grandmaster Lu Yan first and was shocked. Then when he saw the banknote handed over by Lu Yan, a smile appeared on his face and he also felt numb. He took the banknote in a special way and said: "It turns out that your Excellency is already the Grand Master and you made a mistake. The Commander-in-Chief happens to be at your house today. Please wait a moment and I will report it right away."

At the Grand Master level, even in Prince Ming's Mansion, he is not considered a big cabbage, he still has a certain status.

Lu Yan waited for a while, and the big man guarding the door came out and said with a smile: "Commander, please come in and follow me."

Lu Yan followed the big man into the Xiang Mansion, walked around the corridor and two separate courtyards, and came to a hall.

From a distance, I saw a tall and muscular figure sitting at the top of the hall, drinking tea.

"That's the Commander-in-Chief. I'll step back now. You can go there by yourself."

After the gatekeeper finished speaking, he left.

Lu Yan came to the hall, and just as he was about to clasp his fists, he saw a tall and muscular figure looking up at him.

Immediately, the hair on Lu Yan's body stood up. In his eyes, the burly man seemed to have turned into an indestructible spear and stabbed towards him.

The inner energy in Lu Yan's body unconsciously started to work with all his strength, and then he took five or six steps back before regaining his balance.

Taking a closer look, he saw that the burly man was clearly sitting there, motionless.

"What a terrifying aura? It's like a peerless magic weapon that can destroy everything. It's unfathomable and terrifying. Is this a strong man in the True Body Realm?"

Lu Yan was shocked.

"You said you are my old friend? It's best to prove it to yourself. I don't like others to lie to me."

The burly man spoke with a deep voice, not domineering, but full of majesty, making people dare not offend him.

"Junior Lu Yan, I would like to pay my respects to Commander Xiang."

Lu Yan took a deep breath, bowed and clasped his fists, and at the same time took out a jade pendant from his arms and said, "Do you know this thing, Commander?"

The moment Xiang Chongyang saw the jade pendant, a terrifying aura arose on his body again, but this time it just passed away for a moment, then he calmed down and said, "Where did you get this jade pendant?"

"Junior Master Chu Chenzhou, this jade plaque is naturally given to this junior by the master."

Lu Yan cupped his fists and said.

The jade plaque was given to Lu Yan by Guan Shan before leaving. It was Chu Chenzhou's personal keepsake, and Xiang Chongyang would definitely recognize it.

"So, you are from Lingdong? I heard that your master has passed away, is it true?"

Xiang Chongyang said, his eyes softened a little.

The royal guards of the Ming Dynasty went to Lingdong to investigate the spiritual sect. Xiang Chongyang, as one of the ten commanders of the Imperial Guards of the Ming Dynasty, knew that this was normal.

"Yes, the master is old and nearing his end of life. He passed away after a battle with the Spiritual Sect a few years ago."

Lu Yan sighed, showing sadness.

Xiang Chongyang showed a complex look in his eyes and said: "We have been apart for a hundred years, but I didn't expect that it would be forever."

"Why did you come to me here?"

Said to Chongyang.

"Commander, this is a letter written by Senior Brother Guan Shan to the commander. The commander will know it as soon as he reads it."

Lu Yan took out a letter.

Xiang Chongyang grabbed it in the air, and the envelope flew out and fell into Xiang Chongyang's hand.

Xiang Chongyang opened the letter and read it carefully.

In the letter, Guanshan General Lu Yan made it clear that he wanted to join the Ming Prince's bodyguard because he had an innate martial body and could control eleven bones. He hoped that Xiang Chongyang could recommend him so that Chu Chenzhou's spiritual throne would be returned to the Ming Prince's Mansion in the future.

After closing the letter, Xiang Chongyang looked at Lu Yan, his eyes changed a little, and said, "Have you really mastered eleven internal energies?"


Lu Yan nodded.

"Then how did you break through to the Grandmaster realm? Even if your master is a martial arts master, it would be difficult for you to break through."

Said to Chongyang.

"Because this junior has a heart of stone." Lu Yan said.

Xiang Chongyang suddenly realized, "You are quite talented."

He paused for a moment and said: "The innate martial body with eleven internal strengths has passed the two levels of Wuhou and Grandmaster. It is considered a supreme talent. It is expected to become a top-grade true body. I will definitely recommend you to join the Ming Prince's personal guard." It will be taken seriously, of course there is no problem.”

"But I can't believe you just because of a piece of jade pendant and a letter. How are you practicing Chu Chenzhou's unique martial art Cold God Palm? Give me a slap with all your strength."

"Then this junior will be offended."

With eleven internal pulses, Lu Yan pushed the God of Cold Palm to the extreme. His palms became snow-white and crystal clear, filled with waves of chill.

With a soft drink, he pushed towards Xiang Chongyang with both palms.

The cold current swept across, and wherever it passed, a layer of ice crystals formed on the ground, which was astonishingly powerful.

However, when his palms were three feet away from Xiang Chongyang, they were blocked by an invisible wall of energy. No matter how he activated his inner energy, he could not make any progress.

Suddenly, he felt the invisible wall of energy shake, and a force as vast as the sea surged in. Lu Yan couldn't help but take three steps back, his energy and blood boiling.

"Is this the method of the real body? It's unbelievable. I sit still and don't move. Even if I attack with all my strength, I can't do anything. The gap is huge, the difference between heaven and earth."

Lu Yan was shocked.

However, he speculated that the ordinary true body state would never be so powerful.

Xiang Chongyang was originally a genius. He entered the true body state a hundred years ago, and now he is even more unfathomable.

"Yes, the Cold God Palm has reached the level of perfection, and you are not far away from reaching the peak. I see that you are not old enough to be able to practice the Cold God Palm to this level, and your understanding is also extremely high. Join the Ming King's personal guard and enter the Qianlong Camp to receive key training. , it’s a sure thing.”

"Of course, Prince Ming's personal guards are expected to have contact with Prince Ming. The control is extremely strict. Only after your life experience is clearly investigated can you officially join."

Xiang Chongyang nodded and looked at Lu Yan with admiration in his eyes.

Lu Yan secretly rejoiced. Fortunately, he got a piece of Taoist food before, which improved the Cold God Palm a lot. Otherwise, he would only be at the entry-level Cold God Palm, and he doesn't know how to explain it.

"Of course, I am only the commander of the imperial guards, not the commander of Prince Ming's personal guards. I only have the right to recommend you. I cannot make the decision for you to join Prince Ming's personal guards. If you want to join Prince Ming's personal guards, you need to have the senior officials of Prince Ming's personal guards test your talent. I It will be reported first, you have to wait a few days."

Said to Chongyang.

"Thank you, senior."

Lu Yan thanked him.

"Well, do your best and strive to return Shen Zhou's spirit to the Ming Palace and the ancestral temple as soon as possible to fulfill his last wish."

Xiang Chongyang said, with complicated eyes, as if he was missing.

"Juniors must go all out."

Lu Yan said, then changed the topic and continued: "Senior, this junior came to Prince Ming's Mansion this time. In addition to wanting to join Prince Ming's personal guard, I also have something important to report."


"In the six counties of Lingdong, a fairy is suspected to have appeared."

Lu Yan said.

Xiang Chongyang's eyes were gleaming, his aura was astonishing, and his true energy was rising and falling like a tide.

"Immortal? Is what you said true?"

Said to Chongyang.

"Absolutely true."

Immediately, Lu Yan explained in detail the drought near Changfeng City and the drying up of blood veins.

Of course, he did not say that he went down to investigate as a clone, but said that he went down to investigate as a real person and found a huge monitor lizard sleeping, so he escaped.

In addition, Guan Shan’s judgment was also stated.

After listening to what Lu Yan said, Xiang Chongyang thought carefully and said, "According to what you said, it is very likely that it is an immortal. Judging from the body shape, it is most likely that he is not an adult. Okay, I will report this matter, and the Ming Palace will definitely send it." If a master hunts immortals successfully, it will be a great achievement."

"However, my suggestion is to wait until you pass the test of Prince Ming's personal guards before reporting the matter. At that time, you will be rewarded with many merit points."

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