Hunting Immortals and Demons

Chapter 236 Lu Yan, Master of Martial Arts Chef

Lu Yan smiled slightly and didn't take it seriously.

He knew that these antique sellers were like lions and could kill every one of them.

Putting the iron bowl back, Lu Yan went to another shelf, holding an old and cracked bronze mirror, and asked, "Where is this, how much silver is it?"

"Forty thousand taels."

The fat shopkeeper held out four fingers.

Lu Yan smiled again and put the broken bronze mirror back on the shelf.

"Sir, do you really want to buy it? If you really want to buy it, make an offer."

The fat shopkeeper said.

"Of course I really want to buy it, but the shopkeeper wants to kill me like a pig. How do you want me to buy it?"

Lu Yan smiled.

"Sir, I'm serious. When I do business, I am the most conscientious person. The price is absolutely fair. I'm honest with you. You will make a profit if you buy it."

The fat shopkeeper swore so emphatically that he almost swore to the sky.

"Okay, in that case, the two items I just looked at add up to one thousand taels."

Lu Yan stretched out a finger.

The fat on the fat shopkeeper's face trembled sharply, and he said, "Sir, are you too cruel?"

"If you agree, I will choose a few more items. If you don't agree, I will leave."

Lu Yanyi was concise and concise, crisp and clear.

"Okay, deal."

The fat shopkeeper clapped his hands.


Lu Yan secretly thought that he had miscalculated.

Seeing how readily Fatty agreed, Lu Yan knew that Fatty would sell it even if he cut it a little more.

With a sullen face, he picked out the remaining five Taoist dishes and started an extremely fierce 'confrontation' with the fat man.

After a heated exchange of words, seven pieces of Taoist food totaled thirteen thousand taels.

It's much cheaper than buying it at the Chamber of Commerce.

"Sir, welcome to come again next time."

Before leaving, the fat man said goodbye with a smile.

"I like to collect ancient relics. If you still have channels, I will come often."

Lu Yan said.


The fat man's eyes lit up and he said: "Don't worry, I have channels in many cities. I will spread the news later, buy more, and wait for the customers to come."

"Okay, I hope we can cooperate for a long time."

Lu Yan was overjoyed, but his face remained calm. He nodded, said goodbye, and quickly returned to Qianlong Camp.

Put ten pieces of Taoist food into a box.

"I hope that fat man won't disappoint me."

Lu Yan was looking forward to it. It would be very comfortable if the energy could continue to purchase Tao Food.

At this price, to be honest, he must have made a lot of money.

To put it simply, the Taoist food worth ten merit points only cost four thousand taels of silver, but the ten merit points were worth three hundred thousand taels.

After putting it away, Lu Yan took out the 'Coral Beef' recipe book and looked through it.

After completely writing down the contents of the recipe, Lu Yan walked into Wu's kitchen.

In Wu's kitchen, all kinds of equipment are complete and all of them are of high quality.

After cleaning it, Lu Yan started cooking the 'coral beef' according to the recipe.

Among the second-level martial arts, Lu Yan only mastered one, which was the second-level Yinuo lizard meat, but he had reached the realm of "human and food integration", and his vision was there.

Cooking martial food is similar to cooking delicious food.

Different dishes, although the heat and cooking time are different, the basic principles of cooking are the same.

The same goes for Mushoku.

Different martial arts have different heats, different materials, and different times, but the basic principles are the same.

Therefore, although Lu Yan only mastered one kind of Yinuo lizard meat, when he reached the highest level, he could also quickly master other martial arts.

Of course, it is unrealistic to succeed quickly with a martial art that has never been used before, even if one understands the basic principles.

So in the first few days, Lu Yan failed more than ten times in a row.

After failing for more than ten times in a row, Lu Yan slowly found his rhythm, became more and more proficient in his techniques, and got closer and closer to success.

In the following days, after Lu Yan practiced martial arts every day and refined his martial arts food, he dove into the martial arts kitchen.

In this way, Lu Yan spent more than twenty days and finally succeeded in cooking a 'coral beef' and condensing a martial arts clone.

The second-level martial food clone can be upgraded with the second-level martial food. Lu Yan did not waste the Tao food.

He went out and bought a lot of second-level martial arts food.

Anyway, the digestion ability has greatly increased now. After digesting twenty kilograms of third-level martial arts food every day, he will take dozens of kilograms of second-level martial arts food.

The martial arts clone increases its speed.

After more than ten days, he was promoted to the state of integration of human and food.

Lu Yan's understanding and mastery of martial arts have improved a lot.

However, Lu Yan did not start with the third-level martial arts for the time being. Instead, he bought a second-level martial arts recipe book and began to study it.

This time, it only took more than ten days to successfully cook and condense the martial arts clone.

He continued to take the second-level martial food for more than ten days, and he was promoted to the state of 'human and food unity'.

"Now, can we start studying the third-level martial arts?"

Lu Yan thought to himself.

By upgrading the three second-level martial arts to human food, Lu Yan's understanding of martial arts chefs has reached an extremely high level.

The three second-level martial arts and several first-level martial arts were compared and verified with each other, and many common points were discovered. The understanding of the basic principles of martial arts was raised to a new level.

Lu Yan is now confident that even cooking martial arts such as 'alienated nine-section heart meat' will have a very high success rate.

He is now infinitely close to the realm of a martial arts master.

After going to the Chamber of Commerce to buy a third-level martial arts recipe book and the corresponding exotic animal meat and elixir, Lu Yan dived into the martial arts kitchen.

Level three martial arts is much more difficult than level two martial arts.

Lu Yan didn't have the guidance of a famous teacher, so he had to explore on his own, which naturally made it even more difficult.

It took more than two months, and after hundreds of failures, to successfully cook a third-level martial arts food, successfully get started, and condense the martial arts clone.

At this time, the new year's Hidden Dragon Ranking Challenge also kicked off.

On this day of the challenge, the battlefield was still crowded with people.

Of course Lu Yan also went to see it.

However, he did not launch a challenge.

Compared with last year, this year's ranking has not changed much.

This year, not only Wang Tianyu did not challenge, Chu Hongye also did not take action. It seemed that there was no big breakthrough and no big leap forward.

Feng Yuanyi did not challenge.

However, there was a master ranked lower than Feng Yuanyi who challenged Feng Yuanyi and allowed Lu Yan to see Feng Yuanyi's strength.

Feng Yuanyi's kidneys contain miracles, and his inner energy contains the wind attribute. The top martial arts he majors in are leg skills, both offensive and defensive, and his movements are as fast as lightning. His opponents can't even touch him. In the end, he kicked him out of the arena.

"This guy is very strong. He is ranked thirty-three. Unfortunately, his cultivation level is a little lower. He is still at the fifth level of Grandmaster. It is not easy to make a big leap and enter the top thirty, so there has been no challenge."

Lu Yan thought to himself.

A few days later, the main event came.

As expected, Shang Wushang challenged Mo Wenzhuo, and the two had another peak showdown.

Compared to last year, the two fought with more tricks and more intensely.

But in the end, Shang Wuxiang weakened a little and was defeated by Mo Wenzhuo.

But anyone with a discerning eye can see that the gap between the two is extremely small, and this gap is getting smaller year by year. Maybe in a few years, the number one throne will be changed.

Feng Yuanyi looked at the two figures on the battlefield with envy on his face.

"Brother Yi, when you let others call you Brother Yi, do you have the ambition to be number one?"

Lu Yan asked Feng Yuanyi.

"Nonsense, I have a name, okay?"

Feng Yuanyi denied it. Seeing the disbelief on Lu Yan's face, Feng Yuanyi said helplessly: "So what if there is one? People without lofty ambitions are no different from salted fish. One day, Mo Wenzhuo and Shang Wushang will both break through." In the true body state, I may not have no hope."

"Isn't there another Chu Hongye?"

Lu Yan muttered.

"Can I be the second brother?"

Feng Yuan was shocked and turned around to leave.

"Isn't there Wang Tianyu?"

Lu Yan continued to mutter.

Feng Yuanyi walked faster and faster.

"Isn't there still me?"

Lu Yan's voice came out.

Feng Yuan made a swipe sound and ran away without a trace.

The Qianlong Camp Challenge Competition returned to calm after a few days of excitement.

Everyone is very busy and hardworking.

Some are assigned by superiors to perform tasks, while others take on tasks themselves and earn merit points.

Some spend the entire day in seclusion doing ascetic practices.

Even if the people in Qianlong Camp have talents that are superior to others, if they don't work hard, they will be incompetent.

"The third-level martial food clone wants to be improved, but the second-level martial food has lost its effect, so do we need to use Tao food to improve it?"

Lu Yan said secretly.

During this period, he went to the antique store twice and bought five more Taoist dishes.

Now I have fifteen pieces of Taoist food on hand.

“I’ll improve first and then talk about it.”

Lu Yan made a decision.

In the future, if you need to improve your martial arts, you can just think of a way.

Take out a piece of Taoist food and give it to the Taoist book to devour.

The improvement of third-level martial arts requires more energy than that of first-class martial arts. After an ordinary Taoist food is consumed, the progress of martial arts clone improvement is very limited.

Every piece of Taoist food was absorbed by Taoist books.

After absorbing a total of nine Taoist food and third-level martial food clones, he was promoted to the state of 'human and food unity'.

Of course, these nine Taoist items are all relatively thin in energy, while the remaining six items are relatively rich in energy.

Including two pieces worth ten merit points.

A third-level martial arts has achieved the 'integration of human and food', which greatly increased Lu Yan's experience in martial arts and officially entered the ranks of martial arts masters.

When it comes to cooking level 2 martial arts food, many things can be learned at your fingertips. The things that were easy to make mistakes in the past are now naturally mastered and become masters.

Lu Yan felt that if he was asked to cook the 'alienated nine-section heart meat' now, he would have a very high success rate.

"How about giving it a try?"

Lu Yan was tempted and wanted to buy a piece of alienated meat to try, but after thinking about it, he decided not to do it. If it failed, it would be a waste of money.

"I have upgraded a third-level martial arts to a human-food combination. Next, I can cook the third-level martial arts by myself."

Lu Yan smiled.

The price of buying third-level exotic animal meat and auxiliary elixirs is much cheaper.

The finished third-level martial arts food weighs three hundred taels per kilogram.

But the cost price is less than two hundred taels, about one hundred and eighty taels.

"If you cook a lot, you can sell it and earn the price difference, forming a virtuous circle. Wouldn't there be no shortage of martial arts training?"

Thinking of this, Lu Yan became energetic and immediately went to the market to buy one hundred kilograms of third-level exotic animal meat and the corresponding elixir, and started cooking it.

Soon, a fragrant pot of third-level martial arts food came out, weighing ten kilograms.

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