Hunting Immortals and Demons

Chapter 237 Reduction in benefits

Lu Yan immediately filled a bowl, ate it happily, and then used the Cold God Palm to refine it.

After a while.

"The effect is almost the same as the martial arts purchased in the market, and the taste is even better."

Lu Yan smiled.

Then he continued to take ten kilograms of level three martial arts food, and soon it entered Lu Yan's stomach.

After going to the martial arts building to receive twenty kilograms of level three martial arts food, he continued to practice.

After eating, Lu Yan continued to cook.

Then take it yourself.

Five days later, all one hundred kilograms of third-level exotic animal meat was consumed.

Success rate, 100%.

But Lu Yan discovered a problem, that is, he was alone and had to spend half a day practicing martial arts and the rest of the time cooking martial arts food. After all, the cooking speed was limited. He could only cook about twenty kilograms a day, plus the free food he received. Twenty kilograms is just enough for his own cultivation, and there is no extra to sell.

“If you want to sell it, you won’t have enough to eat. If you want to have enough to eat, you can’t sell it. How do you choose?

Lu Yan thought.

Finally, I decided to sell it first, earn the price difference, accumulate wealth, and then cook and eat it myself if I have enough silver.

According to Lu Yan's speed, if he cooks during his spare time, he can cook twenty kilograms a day, six hundred kilograms a month.

Earning one hundred and twenty taels per pound, you can earn 72,000 taels of silver a month.

This is equivalent to earning two more third-level martial pills a month.

It’s pretty good, and it’s just idle time anyway.

He immediately went to the market to buy two hundred kilograms of third-grade exotic animal meat and elixir, and started cooking.

"It smells good, Lu Yan, are you cooking martial arts?"

Feng Yuanyi's voice came from outside, with deep surprise.

"Is it any wonder that my master is a master of martial arts and my senior brother is also a master of martial arts? Is it strange that I can cook martial arts?"

After walking out of Wu's kitchen, Lu Yan took over the basics of cooking Wu's food in an understatement.

Feng Yuan thought about it one by one, and it was indeed true, so he had no doubt that he was there.

It is strange that there is a martial arts master master and a senior brother who cannot cook martial arts food.

"Level 3 martial arts, if you want it, I'll sell it to you. If you don't want it, I'll sell it to someone else."

Lu Yan said.

"How's the effect? ​​I'll try it first."

Feng Yuan is together.

Lu Yan filled a plate and gave it to Feng Yuanyi.

After a while.

"It's good, it's very effective. It's better than the third-level martial arts on the market. I'll take whatever you can produce in a day."

Feng Yuan nodded repeatedly.

"Twenty pounds a day."

"Okay, I want them all, and give them to me from now on."

Feng Yuan nodded and reached an agreement with Lu Yan.

Spring passes and autumn comes, and cold and heat alternate.

In the blink of an eye, another year of the Hidden Dragon Ranking Challenge begins.

This is the third Qianlong Ranking Challenge that Lu Yan has experienced since joining the Qianlong Camp.

This year, Lu Yan still didn't take action.

This year, Chu Hongye and Wang Tianyu did not take action.

But this year, Feng Yuanyi challenged a master ranked twenty-ninth and defeated his opponent, ranking among the top thirty. The monthly rewards increased a lot.

This year, Shang Wushang still challenged Mo Wenzhuo, but after a fierce battle, he was ultimately defeated.

Not long after the Qianlong Ranking Challenge ended, Feng Yuanyi found Lu Yan and told Lu Yan that he was going out on a mission and that he might not come back within a year, so that the martial arts food cooked by Lu Yan would be temporarily sold to other people.

In Qianlong Camp, the number of people gradually decreased.

"This Qianlong Camp Challenge is really like the Chinese New Year. When the time comes, everyone comes back, and when the time passes, they go out one after another."

Lu Yan was thinking wildly.

Two months later, Lu Yan encountered a headache.

That is, it has been three years since he joined Qianlong Camp. After three years, he will no longer enjoy the ten free martial arts pills provided every month, and will no longer have the opportunity to seek martial arts for free every month.

Even the level three martial arts food provided every day has been reduced from twenty kilograms to ten kilograms.

This little martial food is not enough for cultivation.

The treatment was completely different, which made Lu Yan feel disappointed.

"Fortunately, in the past year or so, I have made almost one million taels from cooking martial arts. I won't sell martial arts anymore. I can cook it myself and use it. It can last for a while."

Lu Yan thought to himself.

Next, I will cook and take it by myself every day. In addition to the ten kilograms I received, I will take thirty kilograms of level three martial arts food every day.

But without Wuwan's cooperation, the speed of cultivation would still be greatly reduced.

The twenty-one internal energies go hand in hand and require a huge amount of energy.

After half a year like this, Lu Yan began to think about whether to go out to take on tasks.

Only after completing the mission will you be rewarded with merit points, which can be exchanged for martial pills to increase your training speed.

Lu Yan decided to check it out first. If there was a mission that was not very dangerous, he could definitely take it.

Forget it if it's too dangerous.

The place where the mission was received was not in Qianlong Camp.

Because the task is not only to dock with Qianlong Camp, but to dock with the entire Ming Prince’s personal guards.

After leaving Qianlong Camp, we walked around a long alley and headed north five miles to the mission hall.

When I walked into the mission hall, I found that there were a lot of people coming and going, all wearing the robes of Prince Ming's personal guards.

There are three important forces in Prince Ming's Mansion: Prince Ming's army, Prince Ming's imperial guards, and Prince Ming's personal guards.

The main tasks of the Ming Dynasty's army were to guard various places and fight against foreign enemies.

The main task of King Ming's imperial guards is to guard King Ming's city.

The 30,000 Imperial Guards of the Ming King made the defense of the Ming King City impenetrable, and no one could break it for hundreds of years.

Only Prince Ming's personal guards were much more flexible.

The members of Prince Ming's personal bodyguard are highly cultivated, and the worst ones are all at the fifth level of Wuhou. Judging from their names, they are the guards who protect Prince Ming, but this is not the case.

How accomplished is King Ming, why does he need anyone to protect him?

To put it bluntly, if someone really could threaten Prince Ming's safety, it would be useless to rely on these Prince Ming's personal guards.

Therefore, only a few cronies worked beside King Ming.

There are also a small number of family members guarding King Ming.

Most of Prince Ming's personal guards are scattered in various places to solve some difficult problems.

There are twelve counters around the mission hall, and at each counter, someone is asking something.

Lu Yan randomly chose a counter and walked over.

"Are you here to take over a mission? Take this mission list and take a look at it first."

On the counter, an old man waved his hand, and a piece of paper flew straight towards Lu Yan. Lu Yan reached out and took it, and found that there were dozens of tasks written on the paper.

There are two main types of missions. One is single-player missions. Most of them are relatively simple and not dangerous, but the rewards are very low.

The lowest is one merit point, the highest is only five merit points, and it is time-consuming and labor-intensive.

Lu Yan looked around but couldn't find anything suitable.

Then I went to look at the group tasks.

Most of the so-called group tasks have a higher risk factor, but the rewards are also much richer.

But it requires the cooperation of many people.

Of course, if you are strong and confident enough, you can take it alone. There is no hard and fast rule on this.

I looked around and rubbed my temples, not sure which mission to take.

"Lu Yan"

Two figures walked towards Lu Yan and called out.

"Wang Guangyao, Li Chengkong." Lu Yan turned around and recognized the two of them.

These two people are both from Qianlong Camp.

Lu Yan has been in Qianlong Camp for three and a half years. There are only so many people in Qianlong Camp. Even though many people are usually very busy and go out to do tasks from time to time, they still have seen each other for such a long time.

Lu Yan had seen almost all of the more than 300 people in Qianlong Camp and had an impression of them all.

"Are you taking the mission?"

Wang Guangyao asked. He was a tall and majestic man, like an iron tower.

"Not bad, so are you?"

Lu Yan nodded and asked a question.

"Yes, we accepted a group mission, but we are short of an archer. What you are practicing is Thunder Nine Rings. I remember that you just joined the Qianlong Camp for half a year, and you have practiced Thunder Nine Rings to perfection. Now three years have passed, I must have Isn’t the art of archery even more unpredictable?”

Wang Guangyao asked tentatively.

Lu Yan nodded, admitted frankly, and said: "Nine thunder rings, I have reached the pinnacle."

"He is indeed a genius whose understanding is comparable to that of Wang Tianyu. In just a few years, he has cultivated his superb archery skills to the pinnacle. We are far behind. I admire him. I admire him."

Wang Guangyao and Li Chengkong sighed repeatedly, full of envy.

But it's just envy, not the jealousy of wanting to kill the other person because of his high talent.

Not so superficial.

There are so many geniuses in this world, how can we finish them all?

So most people, after seeing a genius, will only think of ways to make friends with him instead of offending him.

Lu Yan smiled and did not explain too much. Instead, he changed the subject and asked, "You just said you took on a group mission. What mission was it?"

"Go to the ancient battlefield of Youlin Mountains and destroy the evil spirits."

Wang Guangyao said.

"That ancient battlefield was left over from the melee in the last years of the Great Ancient Dynasty. Legend has it that more than 200,000 soldiers died in that area. The resentment was overwhelming and the corpse aura was so strong that it was easy for all kinds of evil spirits and zombies to be born. , Feitian Yaksha, etc.”

"Every few decades, the Ming Palace will send people to exterminate them. Otherwise, if the number of evil spirits increases, they will go out to harm people. Because they have to be exterminated every few decades, the strength of the evil spirits there will not be very strong. The strongest It won’t be higher than the fourth level of Grandmaster, so it won’t be difficult to kill.”

"The most troublesome thing is the Flying Yaksha, which can fly at low altitudes and is as fast as the wind, so it requires the cooperation of an archer with strong archery skills. Brother Lu's Nine Rings of Thunder has reached its peak, so it is just right."

"Brother Lu, are you interested?"

Li Chengkong explained in detail.

Lu Yan also had an impression of this mission, and it gave a lot of merit points, reaching 200 points.

"How many people are acting together?"

Lu Yan asked.

"In addition to me and Li Chengkong, there are two other people. If Brother Lu agrees, we will have enough people and we can set off immediately."

Wang Guangyao said.

"So, how will the merit points be distributed at that time?"

Lu Yan asked again.

"For group tasks, according to the rules, they are generally distributed according to the size of the credit. Whoever has greater credit will get more merit points, and vice versa."

Wang Guangyao said.

"By the way, in addition to this mission, we also took on another mission, which was to round up the flower picker Liu Boguang. This man had harmed good women one after another, and after the abuse, he would kill and silence them. He was pursued by the Ming Palace's armed forces. We are on the way to escape into Youlin City."

Li Chengkong said.

Lu Yan's eyes moved. He also had an impression of this mission.

"Introduced on the mission, this Liu Boguang is suspected to be a martial spirit."

Lu Yan said.

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