Hunting Immortals and Demons

Chapter 238 Gold Medal Martial Arts Capture

According to the mission, this Liu Boguang was hunted down by the Ming Dynasty's gold-medal martial arts policemen. He was repeatedly seriously injured, but he recovered quickly each time and continued to commit crimes.

Prince Ming's Mansion dispatched many gold medal warriors, but none of them killed him, so he asked Prince Ming's personal guards for help.

There are two types of mission rewards. If Liu Boguang is not a martial spirit, but just a normal martial artist, then after killing him, the reward will be ten merit points. If he is a martial spirit, the reward will be as high as fifty merit points.

"Not sure yet. The main reason is that Youlin City is just outside the Ghost Mountains. We stopped by and picked it up."

Wang Guangyao said.

"Okay, I'm with you."

Lu Yan pondered for a moment, then nodded.

These two tasks are not dangerous to him.

The monsters in the ancient ghost battlefield are usually at the fourth level of the Grandmaster. To put it a few steps back, Lu Yan would not be afraid even if there were a fifth-level Grandmaster or a sixth-level Grandmaster.

As for Liu Boguang, he was also at the fourth level of Grandmaster, so even a martial spirit was not something to be afraid of.

You can definitely take it, test the waters first and get familiar with the process of the mission hall.

Wang Guangyao and Li Chengkong smiled.

Wang Guangyao said: "Let's go and take you to meet the other two members, but they are two beautiful women."

Lu Yan followed Wang Guangyao and Li Chengkong to the side of the hall and saw two tall women, who were indeed beautiful women.

Both of them looked young, fair-skinned and beautiful, in their twenties.

One of them, whom Lu Yan knew, was also a member of Qianlong Camp, named Zhang Ling'er.

The other person is very unfamiliar and has never been seen before.

Zhang Ling'er introduced that another woman named Zhang Ke was also from Qianlong Camp, but she kept a low profile on weekdays. She was either practicing hard or performing tasks outside, and few people saw her.

Lu Yan didn't think much about it.

The five people discussed it, went back and changed their clothes, and then set off towards Youlin City.

When going out to perform tasks, naturally you can no longer wear the clothes of the Ming Prince's personal guards. It is too conspicuous, so you only need to carry the token.

Youlin City is still in the realm of Mingzhou, located in the north of Mingzhou, tens of thousands of miles away from Prince Ming's Mansion.

But the five of them were all very fast, and they arrived at Youlin City in just a few days.

On the way, the five of them also shared their cultivation bases.

Among the team, Wang Guangyao has the highest level of cultivation. He is at the fourth level of the Grandmaster. He has mastered the inner strength of the ninth level. His attainments in martial arts are not weak, and his combat power is extremely strong. He can completely cross two levels and compete with the Grandmaster. A battle between the masters of the sixth level.

Of course, this refers to the ordinary sixth level of Grandmaster, innate martial body and acquired martial body are not included.

And Li Chengkong, Zhang Ling'er and Zhang Ke are all third-level masters.

Among them, Li Chengkong and Zhang Ling'er have innate martial arts, and their internal strength naturally exceeds the five paths.

And Zhang Ke is the inner god.

Lu Yan also reported his third-level cultivation as a grandmaster, but only eleven points about his inner strength.

After entering Youlin City, a white-haired old man led a dozen people to greet him.

"My gold medal martial officer Tu Yu has met all of you."

The old man cupped his fists.

Under the command of Prince Ming's Mansion, in addition to Prince Ming's personal guards, Prince Ming's imperial guards and Prince Ming's army, there are also armed arresters in all major cities.

It's just that the overall strength is far from comparable to that of Prince Ming's personal guards, Imperial Guards and Prince Ming's army.

There are four levels of military arresters under the command of Prince Ming's Mansion.

They are bronze medal martial arts, silver medal martial arts, gold medal martial arts and purple medal martial arts.

Bronze medal martial artists are usually those who break the restrictions.

Most of the silver medal martial capturers were Wuhou.

As for the gold medal martial artists, almost all of them are at the master level, but there are not many of them.

As for the Purple Brand Martial Arts Officer, they are even rarer. There are only a few in the entire Prince Ming Palace Martial Arts System, all of whom are at the True Body Realm.

In terms of status, the Wu arresters were inferior to the Ming Dynasty's personal guards, so Tu Yu called them adults.

Tu Yu was followed by four gold medal warriors, and the others were all silver medal warriors.

Naturally, it is impossible for a martial artist from Youlin City to have such a strong force. In fact, Tu Yu and others were pursuing them from other cities.

"Captain Tu, is there any trace of Liu Boguang?"

Wang Guangyao asked.

"That Liu Boguang was seriously injured after being chased by us in Sanxi City. He fled all the way into Youlin City and has never been seen again. This man is definitely good at the art of disguise. He has blended in with the crowd. He has been silent for this period of time."

Tu Yudao.

"Have you already left Youlin City?"

Zhang Linger asked.

"It is possible, but it is unlikely. This Liu Boguang is extremely arrogant. Every time he goes to a city, he will attack the most beautiful women in the city. He will not leave until he can. He seems to be deliberately provoking us to arrest her by force. He is bold and reckless."

"So I estimate that after he comes to Youlin City, he will not leave so easily. He will probably hide and recover from his injuries. After his injuries are healed, he will definitely attack the women of Youlin City."

Tu Yudao.

"Is Liu Boguang really a martial artist?"

Wang Guangyao asked.

"There is a 50% chance, because this person was injured by me several times along the way. Sometimes the injuries were quite serious, but despite the injuries, he could always get away, and soon after, he was alive and well again, as if nothing was wrong. Ordinary martial arts cultivators , how can you have such resilience?"

"Although he didn't show his martial spirit power in front of us, I still feel that he might be a martial spirit."

Tu Yudao.

"If Liu Boguang is really a martial arts spirit, then his injuries must have recovered a long time ago. He may attack the women in the city at any time and arrest him. Do you know which women are the most beautiful in Youlin City? Let's split up and wait for Liu Boguang to take the bait. If When he appears, you can sound an arrow to notify him, surround him and kill him."

Lu Yan suggested.

"My lord, what I think is exactly the same as what I think. It's just that we have too few people and not many experts. If we are separated, we will be defeated by Liu Boguang one by one. It will be easier for you, lords, to come."

Tu Yudao.

They had been prepared for a long time and were about to share the information about some of the most beautiful women in Youlin City.

There are four beauties in Youlin City. There are four most beautiful women in the contemporary era. All four of them may become Liu Boguang's targets.

Everyone discussed it.

In the end, it was decided that Wang Guangyao was alone, lurking near one of the beauties.

Lu Yan and Li Chengkong were in a group, lurking near another beautiful woman.

Zhang Ling'er and Zhang Ke were in a group, while Tu Yu and the martial arts masters were in a group.

After they were divided, everyone split up, disguised themselves, and lurked in the dark, waiting for the fish to take the bait.

One day, two days, three days.

For five days, there was no movement.

At night, the moonlight was dim, and in a secret and dilapidated room, two figures appeared.

One of them is a middle-aged man with a thin body and a stern face.

This person is none other than Liu Boguang, the flower picker.

The other one was wrapped in a black robe, and his appearance could not be seen clearly. Even his head and face were shrouded in the black robe.

"Don't worry, it's very private here. There's no one else around, so you don't have to hide your head or tail."

Liu Boguang chuckled.

The other person took off his hood, revealing his white-haired face.

Astonishingly, it was Tu Yu, the gold medal martial artist.

"Are Prince Ming's personal guards here?"

Liu Boguang asked.

"He's here, and he's from Qianlong Camp."

Tu Yudao.

"Qianlong camp? Hehe, isn't that better? How is their cultivation?"

Liu Boguang asked.

"There are five people in total, one is a fourth-level grandmaster, and the other four are all third-level masters. But they are from Qianlong Camp, and their strength cannot be measured by common sense. Wang Guangyao, although he is only a fourth-level grandmaster, has mastered the nine inner energies. , comparable to the sixth level of the Grandmaster."

Tu Yudao.

The information about the members of the Qianlong Camp is generally kept secret from the outside world.

However, Tu Yu had been a military arrester in the Ming Dynasty for more than a hundred years and had a wide network of contacts, so he had heard about some members of the Qianlong Camp.

Don’t know everything, but know a small part.

"Okay, very good, I can eat it completely, hehe, then let them come back without any return."

Liu Boguang sneered.

"What are you going to do?"

Tu Yudao.

"Our people are ambushing the ancient battlefield in the Ghost Mountains. In two days, we will cooperate and lead them to the ancient battlefield, surround them and kill them. Your contribution will be remembered by the Holy Church."

Liu Boguang said.

Tu Yu's eyes flashed with strong murderous intent.

He is old and his life is short.

But he didn't want to die, he wanted to continue living.

The seventh day, late at night.

call out!

Suddenly, a loud arrow shot straight into the night sky.

"Appeared. To the east is the direction where Tu Yu and the others are ambushing."

Lu Yan whispered, and he and Li Chengkong rushed to the east at lightning speed.

On the way, they met Wang Guangyao, Zhang Linger and Zhang Ke who were also coming.

The five people gathered together and arrived at the east side in a blink of an eye, where they met several armed arresters.

These people were obviously waiting for them here.

"My lords, Liu Boguang appeared. We were unable to keep him. He had escaped from the city gate and headed east. Master Tu and the others have chased him out."

A martial artist said.


Wang Guangyao led the way, tall and fast.

Obviously, he also studied first-class speed martial arts.

For a master-level existence, it is not particularly difficult to practice first-class martial arts. Therefore, in addition to the top-notch martial arts that they major in, the members of Qianlong Camp will also take several first-class martial arts to enhance their strength.

In particular, most of the first-class speed martial arts will be practiced concurrently.

Lu Yan and others followed closely behind.

Running with great strides and lightning speed, not long after, a vague figure appeared in front of them, it was Tu Yu and others.

They quickened their pace and caught up.

A total of five grandmaster-level gold medal martial artists were also divided into echelons. Three of them had fallen behind, and only Tu Yu and one other person were chasing after them.

Lu Yan and others overtook the three people behind and chased Tu Yu and the others.

Soon, he also caught up.

"My lords, Liu Boguang is right in front, but his movement is extremely fast and we can hardly catch up."

Tu Yudao.

"Leave it to us."

Wang Guangyao said something and strode forward, surpassing Tu Yu.

Lu Yan and others also followed.

Faintly, a figure could be seen several miles away, running quickly and rushing into a forest.

"He is about to enter the Youlin Mountains."

Li Chengkong said.

"Just in time."

Wang Guangyao said, walking hundreds of meters in one step, flying at lightning speed, constantly shortening the distance between him and Liu Boguang.

Lu Yan didn't stand out too much. He just followed the team and didn't get left behind.

After a while, they were only about a kilometer away from Liu Boguang.

"I come."

Lu Yan bent his bow, nocked an arrow, and shot out.

With this arrow, Lu Yan used eleven strands of internal energy.

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