Hunting Immortals and Demons

Chapter 239 Battle on the Ancient Battlefield

Lu Yan shot out an arrow, and the arrow flew out like lightning.

Bang bang bang bang bang!

In the air, the arrows exploded five times in succession.

This is the ultimate performance of Thunder Nine Rings.

The nine-ring thunder can reach its peak, with five or six sounds, and the ultimate perfection, with seven or eight sounds.

As for the Nine Rings, it requires the combination of man and force to achieve it.

After five rings, the speed of the arrow increased dramatically, and the entire arrow seemed to be surrounded by wisps of thunder and lightning, pointing directly at the back of Liu Boguang's head.

Liu Boguang sensed the crisis and was shocked. He turned around and struck out with his sword.


The sound of gold and iron clashing resounded through the night sky, and the arrow was bounced away, but the sword in Liu Boguang's hand also flew out, and he retreated violently, breaking two big trees in succession, and coughing up blood.

How could a fourth-level grandmaster stop Lu Yan's arrow?

With one arrow, he was immediately injured.

"Okay, Brother Lu's archery skills are indeed superb. I admire him."

Wang Guangyao praised.

Before Wang Guangyao finished speaking, Lu Yan fired his second arrow.

There were five more blasts of thunder, and the arrows were like streams of light.

Liu Boguang looked ugly and jumped into the air to avoid the arrow, but Lu Yan's arrow made an arc and continued to pursue Liu Boguang.


Half of Liu Boguang's body exploded, but a thick black mist immediately filled his body. The exploded body healed quickly, and also grew a pair of fleshy wings. With crazy agitation, his speed greatly increased, and he rushed into the forest.

"Sure enough, it is a martial spirit, and it is a bat type. I have seen this kind of martial spirit three times. It seems that the martial spirits also have the same series, and they are not all different."

Lu Yan's heart moved.

"Martial spirit."

Wang Guangyao, Zhang Ling'er and others also had murderous intentions and pursued them hard.

But after Liu Boguang exerted his martial spirit power, his speed increased significantly and was a bit faster than them. If this continued, Liu Boguang would soon be completely thrown away.

"Everyone, my movement is faster, so I will follow you first."

Lu Yan said something, tapped his toes, and his speed increased sharply, and he rushed out like a gust of wind.

Wang Guangyao, Zhang Linger and others were stunned for a while.

"Lu Yan is worthy of being said to have an understanding comparable to that of Wang Tianyu. I estimate that he has mastered first-class speed martial arts to the point where human and martial arts can be integrated into one, otherwise his movement skills would not be so fast."

Wang Guangyao said.

"That should be the case. A high level of understanding means a person is powerful. He can dabble in all types of martial arts and has no weaknesses. That's what Wang Tianyu is like."

Li Chengkong also sighed.

Lu Yan did not use the Void Step to the extreme to avoid being too shocking, but it was enough to keep up with Liu Boguang.

Liu Boguang seemed frightened when he saw Lu Yan following him. He kept changing his position to avoid being targeted by Lu Yan's arrows.


Ahead, gray fog filled the air, and there was a faint roar.

Liu Boguang's eyes lit up, his wings flapped, he plunged into the gray mist and disappeared.

Lu Yan stopped in front of the gray fog and frowned slightly.

"Is this the ancient battlefield?"

Lu Yan whispered.

He did not act rashly and was waiting for Wang Guangyao and others to come and join him.

Soon after, Wang Guangyao and others arrived here.

"Liu Boguang, fled into the ancient battlefield ahead."

Lu Yan said.

"The malignant transformation of the martial spirit is the spirit demon. It is the master of filthy energy. It can deal with evil spirits and even command them. He wants to use the evil spirits in the ancient battlefield to avoid our pursuit."

Li Chengkong said.

"Huh, naive, just in time to destroy these evil spirits, force him to come out and see how he hides."

Wang Guangyao held a spear in his hand and strode forward into the ancient battlefield.


A low roar came out, and a burly figure rushed towards Wang Guangyao.

The figure was human-shaped, covered in green fur, and its body was like iron. It was clearly a green-haired zombie.


Wang Guangyao thrust out a spear, piercing the heart of the green-haired zombie and shattering the evil crystal in the heart.

Lu Yan, Li Chengkong, Zhang Ling'er and Zhang Ke also stepped into the ancient battlefield. Looking from a distance, there were many figures wandering around the ancient battlefield, like the walking dead.

All are zombies.

Ho ho ho.

These zombies discovered Lu Yan and others and rushed over at an alarming speed.


Wang Guangyao took the lead, shooting out his gun like a dragon, piercing two zombies with one shot, killing two birds with one stone.

Lu Yan stepped forward and used the God of Cold Palm. His palms were as white as jade. He slapped a zombie away with one palm and froze it into a popsicle. Then he hit another zombie with another palm. Also frozen into popsicles.

The two zombies collided and exploded into pieces.

"Han Shen Palm."

Zhang Ke whispered. When she looked at Lu Yan, her eyes were complicated. However, she didn't stop moving. With a flash of sword light, she split a zombie in half.

Li Chengkong and Zhang Ling'er also showed their power and killed zombies one after another.

Even though they all only have the third level of cultivation, they all have the strength to crush ordinary fourth level masters.

If there are those small family masters who have not practiced extreme martial arts, even if they are the fifth level master, they can fight.

And how many people are there who have practiced extreme martial arts?

Within the three states of Prince Ming's Mansion, only Prince Ming's Mansion, Shengxuan Sect and those Zun-level sects have supreme martial arts. Those ordinary Grandmaster-level sects, and even Grandmaster-level sects who are many times more powerful than the Zhao family in Lingwang City, may not have supreme martial arts. Martial arts.

Their combat prowess is considered top-notch within the realm of the Grandmaster.

Most of these zombies were only at the Wuhou level, and a few at the Grandmaster level were no match for them. After a while, more than twenty green-haired zombies were killed.

But the number of zombies is extremely alarming, and zombies are constantly coming.


Deep in the ancient battlefield, there were roars and roars with astonishing momentum.

The ground shook slightly, as if thousands of troops and horses collapsed.

Densely packed zombies leaped over, approaching as fast as cheetahs, numbering in the hundreds.

Some zombies have white hair instead of green hair.

White-haired zombies are a more advanced existence than green-haired zombies.

In addition, there were some flying yakshas covered with black hair, with blood-red eyes and wings on their backs, flying at low altitudes, holding some rotten spears and spears, etc., and threw them down to attack Lu Yan and others.

"Lu Yan, Feitian Yaksha is left to you."

Wang Guangyao called out.

"rest assured."

Lu Yan took out his horn bow and shot an arrow into the air, and a flying Yaksha fell down in response.

call out! call out!

Lu Yan kept firing his bow, and his movements were smooth and fast. In just a few breaths, he shot ten arrows in a row, shooting down ten flying yakshas.

Moreover, each arrow was very accurate and successfully shattered their evil crystals, making them unable to recover.


Several roars were heard, and the zombie army rushed to kill Lu Yan and others without fear of death.

Among the zombies, zombies of the third level of the master gradually appeared, and even five or six of the fourth level of the master appeared.

There are also two heads, which are unusually tall and burly, with thick white hair all over their bodies, and their nails are as sharp as knives.

Zombie King.

Wang Guangyao and others' eyes moved slightly.

Please report to the newspaper that there are only zombies at the fourth level of the grandmaster at most. It seems wrong. These two zombie kings must have reached the fifth level of the grandmaster.


The two zombie kings kept roaring, summoning more zombies and slaying everyone.

Finally, the two zombie kings came to the stage in person, leaping into the field with several leaps. One of them attacked Wang Guangyao, and the other pounced on Lu Yan who kept shooting arrows.

Obviously, the zombie king is very smart and sees that the archers are the biggest threat and wants to get rid of them first.


Wang Guangyao shouted, and thrust out a spear. The spear was like a stream of light, piercing the zombie king's heart.

The Zombie King grabbed both hands, trying to block the spear. The sharp nails on his fingers rubbed against the spear, making a harsh sound and sending sparks flying.

Finally, the zombie king retreated violently, knocking over seven or eight zombies.

This zombie king indeed has the fifth-level combat power of a grandmaster.

But Wang Guangyao's inner strength is so strong that he is not weak even against the sixth level of the Grandmaster, not to mention the blessing of superb martial arts. If the Zombie King's body was not as hard as a magic weapon, the move just now would have been useless.

At the same time, another zombie king was already killing Lu Yan.

The expressions of Li Chengkong, Zhang Ke, and Zhang Ling'er all changed. They wanted to rescue, but they saw that Lu Yan's figure was as light as nothing. He dodged the zombie king's attack with a light flash.

Then shoot three arrows in succession at the zombie king.

Snap, snap, snap, snap!

This time, each arrow fired six times in a row.

This was a performance at the end of the peak, which surprised and delighted Wang Guangyao, Zhang Ke and others.

I originally thought that Lu Yan had only cultivated the Nine Rings of Thunder to the very early stage and could fire five thunderbolts. Unexpectedly, he had already reached the advanced stage and could fire six thunderbolts.

In just three and a half years, this level of talent is astonishing.

Bang bang bang!

All three arrows hit the Zombie King, knocking the Zombie King's burly body away.

At this time, Tu Yu and another gold medal warrior arrived and joined the battle group.

Among them, Tu Yu was the strongest, reaching the fifth level of Grandmaster, and there was also a fourth-level Grandmaster, which immediately relieved a lot of pressure on Lu Yan and others.


After the zombie king was knocked away by Lu Yan, he roared again and continued to pounce towards Lu Yan.

At this moment, Lu Yan discovered that there were several figures among the zombies, rushing towards them at an alarming speed.

This is not a zombie.

Wu Ling!

Lu Yan thought about it and shouted: "Be careful, there are martial arts spirits mixed in, be careful of sneak attacks."


As soon as Lu Yan finished speaking, a figure appeared near Wang Guangyao. The sword was as bright as steel, tearing through the darkness and slashing towards Wang Guangyao's neck.

Quick, accurate and ruthless, the sword is fierce and as fast as lightning. The light of the sword carries a terrifying power, and it is necessary to kill with one strike.

Fortunately, with Lu Yan's reminder, Wang Guangyao increased his vigilance and discovered his opponent in time. He moved his spear horizontally and pushed forward.


The sword struck the gun shaft, making a loud noise. Overflowing with energy, Wang Guangyao took three steps back, while the attacker floated back five or six meters.

"The sixth level of Grandmaster."

Wang Guangyao's face condensed.

"Use all your strength to kill them."

The one who attacked Wang Guangyao was an old man with pale skin. He let out a low drink, and his body was filled with black mist. As his body squirmed, bone spurs sprouted out, and he attacked Wang Guangyao again.

It was indeed Wu Ling.

The old man used the power of martial arts and his combat power was greatly increased. Wang Guangyao had to concentrate on dealing with it. For a while, he and the old man had a fierce confrontation, but Wang Guangyao was obviously at a disadvantage.

Although Wang Guangyao has mastered nine levels of internal energy, which is comparable to that of a sixth-level master, in terms of internal energy alone, he is not weaker than his opponent.

But the old man has obviously also practiced superb martial arts, and with the power of martial arts, his combat power has surpassed that of Wang Guangyao.

At the same time, several other figures also attacked Lu Yan, Li Chengkong and others.

Lu Yan saw Liu Boguang's figure.

In addition to the pale old man, there was actually a sixth-level Grandmaster inside, with powerful combat power. Li Chengkong was almost severely injured. Fortunately, Zhang Ling'er and Zhang Ke came to the rescue in time, and with the combined efforts of the three of them, they were able to stop the opponent.

But there are other martial spirits and a large number of zombies around. They are completely outmatched and at an absolute disadvantage.

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