Hunting Immortals and Demons

Chapter 240 It’s actually Chu Hongye

"Force me, right?"

Lu Yan's eyes were cold, he put away his horn bow, and his palms shook, as white as jade, filled with an astonishing chill.


When he clapped his palms out, a chill filled the air, and the temperature dropped sharply in a radius of tens of meters, as if he had entered a cold winter.

With one palm, he hit the zombie king. The zombie king's body flew out and was frozen into ice.

Lu Yan no longer hid his clumsiness and pushed the power of Cold God's Palm to the realm of the integration of man and martial arts.

Bump bump!

Both palms were continuously shot, and five or six zombies were knocked away in an instant. These zombies were even more unbearable. As long as they were hit by one palm, they turned into ice sculptures, flew out, hit big trees or rocks, and exploded into pieces. Crush.

After knocking away five or six zombies in a row, he jumped up and slapped a martial spirit with one palm.

This martial spirit, who had the cultivation level of a fourth-level master, was frightened and exchanged palms with Lu Yan. In an instant, the coldness spread all over his body and froze him. Even the martial spirit was frozen. .

The terrible chill is quickly corroding the vitality of Wu Ling.

Then, Lu Yan slapped two palms in succession, smashing the martial spirit into pieces.

A fourth-level Grandmaster martial spirit was killed by Lu Yan with a few palms.


Lu Yan roared, his inner energy rolling.

The amount of internal energy he mobilized was constantly increasing, not just eleven.

But twelve paths, thirteen paths, fourteen paths.

It didn't stop until the sixteenth.

Since the Cold God Palm, which combines human and martial arts, is revealed, then it is normal to reveal sixteen internal energies.

Sixteen internal energies stimulated the God of Cold Palm, so that the power of the Palm of the Cold God was greatly enhanced. Each palm rolled up a cold current, and each palm could send a zombie flying away.

Soon, there were dozens of zombies killed by Lu Yan, and finally they faced the fifth-level martial spirit of a master.

Even the martial spirit of the fifth level of Grandmaster was no match for Lu Yan. He was suppressed and retreated steadily, his whole body covered with ice.

"Lu Yan, he actually has such fighting power."

"He is only a third-level master, but his inner energy is so strong. He has mastered more than eleven levels of inner energy."

"His Cold God Palm has become one of human and martial arts."

Wang Guangyao, Zhang Ke and others had thoughts in their minds.

Lu Yan's display of great power helped relieve everyone's pressure, but it made those martial arts spirits, including Tu Yu, look downcast.

Tu Yu was fighting with Liu Boguang. The two looked at each other and approached Wang Guangyao while fighting.

When the two sides were more than ten meters apart, Tu Yu suddenly took action and slashed at Wang Guangyao with all his strength.

And Liu Boguang also killed Wang Guangyao from the other side.

Wang Guangyao had no idea that Tu Yu, a gold medal martial artist, would suddenly attack him. Moreover, he also had a sixth-level martial arts master to deal with, and it was already too late to dodge.

He could only twist his body reluctantly to avoid the vital points, and at the same time exploded his inner energy to protect his body.


Tu Yu's sword slashed across Wang Guangyao's abdomen, disemboweling him, and almost cutting Wang Guangyao into two pieces.

The martial arts old man and Liu Boguang took the opportunity to launch their killing moves, intending to kill Wang Guangyao in one fell swoop.

In Wu Ling's eyes, Wang Guangyao was the strongest among Lu Yan and others, so he attacked him first and wanted to get rid of him first.

"not good."

Lu Yan's expression changed, his legs tensed up, and he planned to use all his strength to rescue Wang Guangyao.

But he was too far away from Wang Guangyao, and even if he exploded with all his strength, it would be too late.

At this moment, a dazzling sword light shot up into the sky, and a chill that was several times more terrifying than Lu Yan's full-strength use of the God of Cold Palm filled the air and enveloped the entire place.

Two rays of sword light flew out.

One attack hit the old martial arts man, and the other hit Liu Boguang.

Before the sword light fell, Liu Boguang felt that the blood all over his body was about to freeze.


Liu Boguang roared like crazy, and a black shadow rushed out of his body, trying to block the sword light.

But when the sword light fell, Liu Boguang's body and martial spirit were all frozen, and then turned into pieces with a crash.

The old martial arts man was also hit by a sword. His whole body was covered with ice crystals and he was almost frozen into ice.


A figure suddenly appeared next to Wang Guangyao, his eyes cold and unbridled, staring at Tu Yu indifferently.

"Chu Hong."

Tu Yu was like falling into an ice cellar, and his body retreated violently, but a sword light swept over Tu Yu, and Tu Yu's whole body was frozen into ice, unable to move.

"Chu Hongye."

Lu Yan was surprised.

Zhang Ke is actually Chu Hongye.

But after thinking about it, I can understand it.

People with the potential of a king-level real body will be targeted by other major forces, so they are all proficient in the art of disguise, and they will change their appearance when they go out to perform tasks.

Chu Hongye patted Wang Guangyao's body gently with her palm, and a chill filled the air, immediately freezing the wound on Wang Guangyao's abdomen to prevent excessive blood loss.

"give it to me."

Chu Hongye's eyes were cold, his murderous intent was cold, and his fighting power was at full strength. On both sides of his waist, there were phantoms of dragons and phoenixes flying into the sky, matching the sword, and the sword was powerful.

Swinging the sword across, the coldness swept out like a tide. In an instant, more than thirty zombies were frozen into ice.

The surrounding area was swept out of a clearing.

The sword light flashed, and two extremely cold sword lights flew out, killing the old man's martial spirit and the sixth-level martial spirit of another grandmaster respectively.

The terrifying sword light made the sixth-level martial spirits of the two grandmasters extremely dignified, and they tried their best to resist.

But Chu Hongye was too strong.

Although he was only at the fourth level of a grandmaster, his combat power was at full strength and he still crushed the six-level martial spirits of the two grandmasters.

With just one strike of the sword, the arms of the old man Wu Ling were frozen into ice. He was so frightened that he summoned Wu Ling to resist Chu Hongye's attack.

The other person was not much better. Half of his body was frozen. Li Chengkong and Zhang Ling'er took the opportunity to attack and beat this person to death.

Of course, this person was a martial spirit, so he would not die easily. Black lines were everywhere, and his broken body was reorganized, but he was obviously much weaker.


Chu Hongye's offensive came again, and the sword light soared into the sky, shrouding the sixth-level martial spirits of the two grandmasters.

And Lu Yan also attacked the martial spirit of the fifth level of the Grandmaster with all his strength.

The body flashed and appeared behind the opponent. Two palms struck the opponent's back, breaking the opponent into two pieces. The broken body was covered with ice and it was difficult to recover for a while.

Lu Yan stepped forward and slapped his palms continuously. The ultimate martial arts combining human and martial arts exerted terrifying power. The power of his palms was like a wave, flowing continuously, one wave after another.

In an instant, eighteen palms were struck.


The fifth-level martial spirit of this grandmaster exploded completely, and the martial spirit also exploded and dissipated into bursts of black smoke.

As a result, of the martial arts spirits that appeared just now, there were only two sixth-level Grandmasters left.

The gold medal warrior who followed Tu Yu had a pale face. He never expected that Tu Yu was also a martial spirit. He seemed to be afraid of being implicated. He was working very hard at this time, hunting zombies as if he didn't care about his life.

After killing the Grandmaster's fifth-level martial spirit, Lu Yan didn't stop at all and attacked the zombie group again, killing more than fifty zombies in a row, including a zombie king.

Then he took out his horn bow, pointed it at the old martial artist, and shot five arrows in a row.

A series of thunder exploded, and the speed of the arrow increased sharply, like a stream of light.

puff! puff! puff! puff!

Four of the five arrows hit the old man Wu Ling. The arrows entered his body and then exploded. The powerful force tore his body apart.

How could Chu Hongye miss such an opportunity? The billowing sword light fell and froze the broken body of the old man Wu Ling. Then with a roll of sword light, the black shadow in the old man Wu Ling's body was shattered into pieces.

However, even so, the old man Wu Ling is not dead yet, the black shadow condenses into a ball and recovers quickly.

Having practiced top-notch martial arts, coupled with his sixth-level cultivation as a master, the old man's vitality was frighteningly strong.

"Hmph, you still want to recover and destroy yourself in front of me."

Chu Hongye snorted coldly, and the sword light rolled down again. Dozens of sword lights appeared in an instant, smashing the black shadow into pieces again.

This time, the black shadow could no longer recover and turned into black smoke and dissipated.

In addition, the martial spirit of the sixth level of Grandmaster did not dare to fight after the elder Wu Ling was beaten for the first time. He turned around and left while Chu Hongye was using all his strength to deal with the elder Wu Ling.

Lu Yan shot several arrows and hit the opponent.

The other party let out a loud roar, and the power of the martial spirit was operating to the extreme. It was on the verge of turning evil, and turned into a huge spider, running wildly with eight long legs, and fled towards the depths of the ancient battlefield.

Lu Yan tiptoed and chased after him.

At this time, Chu Hongye also killed the old man Wu Ling.

"You take good care of Wang Guangyao."

Chu Hongye left a word, brought up a gust of cold wind, and chased after the last martial spirit.

While the spider martial spirit ran wildly, its eight legs kicked up a large amount of gravel and flew towards Lu Yan, trying to stop Lu Yan.

At the same time, while running, he also spit out circles of spider webs and hung them on the big tree behind, also to stop Lu Yan.

Lu Yan used his inner strength to protect his body, ignoring the rubble, and fired several arrows at the same time, specifically at the big tree with the cobwebs hanging on it. The big tree exploded, and the cobwebs fell to the ground.

Lu Yan rushed past, quickly closing the distance with the opponent, and then several more arrows flew out, flying through the gaps in the spider web and shooting at the spider martial spirit.

When he came out this time, Lu Yan brought more than a hundred arrows, which was enough for use.

The spider martial spirit waved its claws like javelins to block the arrows.

At this time, Chu Hongye approached, slashed out with a sword, and a sword energy flew forward, and the spider webs blocking the road froze and exploded.

With a phoenix cry, an ice phoenix figure rushed out of Chu Hongye's sword, spread its wings and soared. Chu Hongye stepped on the ice phoenix and flew forward quickly.

"It can still be like this."

Lu Yan was surprised, the inner spirit was indeed mysterious.

He couldn't help but speed up, following Chu Hongye.


Chu Hongye volleyed his sword in the air and slashed at the spider martial spirit. Although the spider martial spirit waved his claws to resist and blocked the sword light, his claws and most of his body were covered by ice, and his speed dropped sharply.

Lu Yan seized the opportunity and shot three more arrows.

This time, Spider Wu Ling could not resist and was shot straight on.

There is no doubt about the power of the Nine Rings of Thunder. Even if Lu Yan only exerted himself at the highest level and only used sixteen of his inner energy, the power was still very terrifying.

Like three streams of light, they penetrated the thick carapace of the Spider Martial Spirit, and then exploded inside the body, blowing the Spider Martial Spirit's body to pieces.

Wu Ling rushed out and screamed. As the black mist filled the air, his shattered body was recovering.

But Chu Hongye struck down with a sword immediately, and the spider martial spirit was quickly frozen.

"Sir, help."

Spider Wu Ling shouted the last sentence and was completely frozen.

Some brothers responded that this section was relatively dull, and Lao Mu also noticed it. However, because he had just arrived at the Ming Palace, many things needed to be explained. How Lu Yan improved his martial arts and cultivation level also had to be written clearly. These explanations and foreshadowing are also for the future. nice.

Lao Mu speeded up the pace, and later wrote the plot between the Yan family and Shengxuanzong, and it immediately became a series of passionate stories.

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