Hunting Immortals and Demons

Chapter 241 Nine arrows shot out

Chu Hongye's sword light swept down, smashing the spider martial spirit into pieces. The black shadow squirmed, and a dark spider tried to recover.

Chu Hongye didn't give the opponent a chance at all, and the sword light swept out.

At this moment, Lu Yan felt a warning sign in his heart and felt a crisis. At the same time, he also saw a flash of blood coming from not far away at an alarming speed.


Lu Yan reminded loudly, and at the same time shot an arrow towards the bloody light.

Only then did Lu Yan see the original appearance of the bloody light.

It was also a human-shaped bat, very similar to Liu Boguang, but the color was very different.

Liu Boguang's body was completely black, but this human-shaped bat was completely blood red, especially the pair of wings, which looked like blood condensed out of it, making it dazzlingly bright red.

There is no doubt that this is also a martial spirit, and it is very likely that he is the adult mentioned by the spider martial spirit.

This martial spirit was extremely terrifying. He stretched out his hand and caught the arrow shot by Lu Yan. Then he waved his hand and the arrow flew towards Lu Yan rapidly.

Lu Yan shot two more arrows in succession. One arrow blocked the flying arrow, and the other arrow continued to shoot at the blood bat martial spirit.

"Boy, you are seeking death."

The blood bat martial spirit grabbed the arrow, stared at Lu Yan with ferocious eyes, flapped its wings, and rushed towards him quickly.

But after being blocked by Lu Yan for a few times, Chu Hongye had completely destroyed the spider martial spirit. With a turn of sword light, he slashed at the blood bat martial spirit.


The two of them exchanged moves, and a violent roar erupted, and their energy brought up air waves that swept in all directions.

Chu Hongye trembled, and actually stepped back dozens of meters in a row. With a solemn expression, he said, "Senior martial spirit, Lu Yan, be careful. This person is definitely not comparable to the sixth-level martial spirit of a general master."

"High-level martial spirits, martial spirits are also divided into levels?"

Lu Yan's heart moved, and naturally he did not dare to neglect. The bowstring kept vibrating, and arrows flew out one after another. However, they were all blocked by the blood bat martial spirit.

The Blood Bat Martial Spirit's cultivation level was obviously at the sixth level of Grandmaster, but its power was far superior to that of the previous Spider Martial Spirit and the old Martial Spirit.

"Has this guy mastered a lot of inner energy?"

Lu Yan had an idea.

As soon as Chu Hongye retreated, she attacked again, with even greater power. She raised her power to its peak, surrounded by inner energy. She seemed to be wearing an ice armor. Even her black hair was dyed with a layer of frost. Like an ice and snow goddess of war.

She stepped on the ice phoenix, slashed out with her sword, and an ice dragon roared out.

The blood bat martial spirit's face was solemn, and the whole body was filled with rich blood light. A pair of blood-colored wings, like two blood knives, slashed out and collided with the ice dragon.

An astonishing loud noise was heard, and the ice dragon trembled, retreating step by step, exploding inch by inch, and with the final impact, it turned into ice crystals and fell to the ground.

Chu Hongye snorted, retreated violently, and vomited several mouthfuls of blood.

"Little girl, a fourth-level master has such combat power. He is a powerful inner god. Once I drink your blood, my injuries will definitely recover quickly."

"If someone from Prince Ming's Palace hurts me, I will use the blood of the genius from Prince Ming's Palace to heal me. That old guy from Prince Ming's Palace knows what kind of expression he should have, he is so jealous."

The blood bat martial spirit smiled strangely, waving its wings with rich blood, and pounced on Chu Hongye.

Snap, snap, snap, snap, snap!

There were eight consecutive thunder blasts, and an arrow, wrapped in thunder, shot towards the head of the blood bat martial spirit.

Lu Yan didn't hold back on this arrow and almost used all his strength.

Internal energy is no longer sixteen, but twenty-one.

Facing this unfathomable martial spirit, how could Lu Yan dare to hide his strength anymore?

The strength of this martial spirit is obviously higher than that of Chu Hongye. If Chu Hongye is killed, he will follow suit.

After all, his cultivation level is still weak, one level lower than Chu Hongye. Even if he uses all his methods, he may not be as good as Chu Hongye.

His life is about to be lost, and he still hides his damn strength.

The Blood Bat Martial Spirit clearly looked down upon Lu Yan. He never expected that Lu Yan's attack power would increase dramatically in an instant.

Hastily, he waved one wing to resist.

With a pop, the wings were pierced by arrows. The arrows kept hitting the blood bat's body, blowing a big hole in his body.

Chu Hongye couldn't care less about being surprised at Lu Yan's strength. With a slight whistle, she jumped up, held the sword in both hands, and struck out two swords in succession.

Ice dragons and ice phoenixes flew out, dragons and phoenixes chirped together, one on the left and one on the right, and pounced on the blood bat martial spirit.

Lu Yan bent his bow again and set an arrow. Twenty-one internal energy poured into the arrow crazily. The arrow flew out, fired eight times in a row, wrapped in thunder, and shot towards the blood bat martial spirit.

That's right, it's still eight rings.

There are nine thunderbolts. If you want to shoot an arrow with nine thunderbolts, you need to accumulate energy.

It takes time to accumulate strength.

Arrows shot in a hurry can only have eight blasts at most.


The blood bat martial spirit let out an ear-piercing scream, and the blood light surged out like a spring, and turned into blood bats.

In an instant, hundreds of bloody bats appeared, gathering and dispersing as they pleased.

Hundreds of bloody bats formed a straight line to block Lu Yan's arrows.

Puff puff

The arrows penetrated fifty or sixty blood-colored bats, but in the end they were exhausted and blocked by the remaining blood-colored bats.

While condensing the bloody bats, a pair of huge blood claws also formed on the blood bat martial spirit's hands, grabbing at the ice dragon and ice phoenix.

One blood claw grabbed the ice dragon's head, and the other blood claw grabbed the ice phoenix's head. The two sides were in a stalemate for two breaths, and the blood bat martial spirit suddenly exerted force and pressed hard.


The head of the ice dragon and ice phoenix was knocked to the ground, its light dim.

"There is a wound there."

Lu Yan saw a wound as big as a fist on the back of the blood bat martial spirit, which almost penetrated the body. He could also see that the internal organs inside were damaged.

With this guy's recovery ability, he actually didn't recover.

"This blood bat martial spirit said before that it would suck our blood to heal its wounds. It seems that it has indeed been severely injured. The wounds will not heal for a long time. A martial artist at the master level will definitely not be able to do this. Could it be that he was injured by Zhenjin? "

Lu Yan thought about it and suddenly had an idea.

Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!

He exploded with all his strength, and even used some of the power of body-refining martial arts to increase his strength and fire three bows in a row.

One arrow shot straight towards the blood bat martial spirit, but the other two arrows drew strange arcs.

The blood bat martial spirit repeated its old tricks, hoping to block the arrows with hundreds of blood bats.

However, only one was blocked, and the other two arrows were like swimming fish, extremely flexible, shuttled among the bloody bats.

These arrows were so unbelievable that even Chu Hongye and the blood bat martial spirit were stunned for a moment.

Two arrows approached the blood bat martial spirit instantly.

The blood bat martial spirit let go of the ice dragon and ice phoenix and tried to dodge.

"Your opponent is me!"

Chu Hongye, a genius of his generation, could not allow the other party to despise him. With a soft drink, the dragon and phoenix rose again and pounced on the blood bat martial spirit. Wherever he passed, the big trees, flowers, grass, and ground were covered with a thick layer of frost.

Chu Hongye's attack was undoubtedly extremely terrifying. The blood bat martial spirit could not ignore it and could only resist it.

While trying to resist Chu Hongye's attack, he also had to dodge Lu Yan's arrows. He had no skills and could only barely dodge one. The other hit the wound on the back of the blood bat Wu Ling with a pop, and then exploded. Come on.

The tyrannical internal energy directly tore the blood bat martial spirit's body apart.

Black mist filled the air, and the blood bat martial spirit's body was recovering rapidly.

"Chu Hongye, can you hold him for ten breaths?"

Lu Yan said.

"give it to me."

Chu Hongye responded simply, her inner energy surged, her ice-like hair fluttered in the wind, and her waist bloomed with a dazzling light, as if it was about to become transparent.

In the dazzling light, two visions emerged.

On one side, an ice phoenix lay on a big tree.

On the other side, an ice dragon hovered above the stone pillar.

One dragon and one phoenix, whose eyes were closed at first, suddenly opened their eyes and flew out from the big trees and stone pillars.

Compared with the ice dragon and ice phoenix that appeared before, it is more real, more condensed, and more lifelike.

Naturally, the power is also stronger.

The ice dragon and ice phoenix collided with the recovering blood bat martial spirit. The body of the newly recovered blood bat martial spirit exploded again, and its body was disabled and was frozen into ice.


A sharp scream came out, and a bloody bat emerged from the man's body.

This is the body of Wu Ling.

Powerful power erupted from the body of the martial spirit, filling the air with thick black mist, trying to restore the psychic's exploded body.

But a dragon and a phoenix flew around the martial spirit, filling the air with an astonishing chill, and an extremely rich cold wave fell on the martial spirit and the psychic.

Not only the broken body of the psychic, but also the martial spirit itself was covered in ice.

Wu Ling frantically mobilized his power to fight against the ice dragon and ice phoenix.

When Chu Hongye took action with all his strength, Lu Yan bent his bow again and drew an arrow, but he still failed to shoot.

He is gathering strength.

The most powerful move of Thunder Nine Rings must be accumulated.

This is a drawback, but the power is naturally terrifying enough.

After ten breaths passed, the arrow in Lu Yan's hand shone brightly, like a small sun, and thunder flowed above the arrow shaft.

call out!

Arrows flew out of the air, splitting the night sky into two.

Bang bang bang.

Nine consecutive blasts shook the forest and made Chu Hongye's eyes widen.

Nine rings, this is the symbol of the integration of human and martial arts with the nine rings of thunder.

Lu Yan was able to shoot eight shots before, which surprised Chu Hongye, but now, he shot nine shots, which could no longer be described as surprising.

It's reasonable to say that the Cold God palmer can combine martial arts with one, after all, he has been practicing for many years.

But after nine thunderbolts, how many years has Lu Yan been practicing?

Just when Chu Hongye was full of distracting thoughts, the arrow had already hit Wu Ling.


The blood bat martial spirit, including the psychic's body, exploded into pieces.

Small lightning bolts were frantically destroying the vitality of the blood bat martial spirit.

At the same time, the ice dragon and ice phoenix continued to rotate around the blood bat martial spirit, pouring out a huge amount of chill.

It has to be said that the inner strength of the inner god is extremely mysterious. Although there is only one channel, it is extremely powerful and contains amazing destructive power. The destructive power to martial spirits is also extremely amazing, even exceeding the innate martial body of the same level.

The internal strength of the innate martial body is based on quantity.

The inner strength of those with inner spirit is based on quality.

The power of extreme yin and extreme cold is rapidly depriving the blood bat martial spirit of its vitality.

The blood bat martial spirit kept screaming, but the aura on his body became weaker and weaker, and his body became more and more illusory, and finally turned into a shadow, like a residual fire in the wind.

"The Holy Cult will not let you go. The Lord of the Blood Temple will avenge me."

Before he finished speaking, the blood bat martial spirit exploded, turned into black smoke, and completely dissipated. Only the corpse of the psychic fell to the ground.

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