Hunting Immortals and Demons

Chapter 242 Levels of Martial Spirits


Lu Yan took a long breath.

Finally killed this martial spirit.

It’s really hard to kill.

He was the most difficult martial spirit Lu Yan had ever encountered, and he was also injured. He wouldn't dare to imagine it if he wasn't injured.

Chu Hongye put away the ice dragon and ice phoenix, her pretty face was pale, and she staggered back a few steps. Her chest kept rising and falling. It was obvious that the battle just now consumed her very much.

"Are you OK?"

Lu Yan looked at Chu Hongye.

"It's okay, it's just too much consumption."

Chu Hongye said something, looked at Lu Yan curiously, her eyes flickered, and she didn't know what she was thinking. After a while, she said: "Chu Chenzhou has taken on a good disciple."

"Well, um, I heard that Chu Chenzhou seems to be your grandfather. Isn't it a bit bad for you to call him by his name like this?"

Lu Yan said.

"Did he feel bad when he abandoned his wife and children for other women? My grandma died in depression because of this, and my father and mother were also looked down upon. Did he feel bad?"

Chu Hongye asked coldly.

Lu Yan hesitated for a few words and finally had no words to refute.

Although he had a very good impression of Chu Chenzhou, he really couldn't argue with this matter back then.

Moreover, this is someone else's housework, so it's even harder for him to intervene.

"I remember that when you first joined Qianlong Camp, you only mastered eleven levels of internal energy. Now it seems that you have broken through twenty levels. It also took you three and a half years to cultivate the Nine Rings of Thunder to the level of human martial arts. In the state of unity, with such understanding, Wang Tianyu is not even worthy to carry your shoes."

Chu Hongye said.

"Girl, you said the opposite."

Lu Yan muttered in his heart, but with a grimace on his face, he said: "Hongye, I am just very compatible with Thunder Nine Rings, so I practice extremely fast. Please help me keep this matter a secret."

"What did you call me? You're not allowed to call me by my name. Seriously, I'm three years older than you."

Chu Hongye said with a cold face.

"I am your grandfather's apprentice. According to seniority, I am your uncle or master uncle. It is not too much to call you by your name."

Lu Yan muttered.

"No barking"

Chu Hongye's voice rose an octave.

"Okay, let's not call her by name. Can that virtuous niece? Oh, don't be like this, Miss Chu. It's okay to call her Miss Chu."

Just when Lu Yan was about to take advantage, he quickly changed his mind when he saw Chu Hongye's eyes widening, chills rising all over her body, and the ground under her feet was covered with frost.

After changing to Miss Chu, Chu Hongye's aura became restrained.

"Miss Chu, can you keep this secret for me?"

Lu Yan said again.

He had no choice but to expose the Nine-ring Archery Technique just now, but after three and a half years of practice, it was too terrifying to be able to combine human and martial arts. Lu Yan did not want to be targeted by the major princes.

"Don't worry, I'm not a talkative person."

Chu Hongye said lightly, but then turned her eyes and added: "Under normal circumstances, I won't say a word more, but I'm afraid that when I drink too much, I will inevitably talk too much. Of course, the chance is small. Do not worry."

Lu Yan turned bitter and said, "Miss Chu, how can you agree to keep my secret?"

He seriously suspected that Chu Hongye hated Wujiwu because of Chu Chenzhou.

"Practice your sword with me."

Chu Hongye said.

"Practice swordsmanship with you? But I don't understand swordsmanship at all."

Lu Yan said speechlessly.

"Isn't it impossible to practice? You were able to practice Nine Rings of Thunder to the point where human and martial arts become one in three and a half years. Even if it is a relatively consistent reason, it is enough to prove your understanding."

"If you continue to practice the Four-pole Divine Sword, you should be able to practice to a high level quickly. You may even spend a few more years to practice to the point where human and martial arts become one. Then you can practice sword practice with me, right?"

Chu Hongye said.

The Four Extremes Divine Sword is a supreme martial art and one of the eight supreme martial arts that can be chosen when you first enter Qianlong Camp.

Well, she planned to lend his hand to help her practice swordsmanship, and her wishful thinking came true.

How could Lu Yan give in easily and said, "I don't have enough merit points to exchange for the sword manual and divine intention of the Four Ultimate Sword."

"I have a way to get it."

Chu Hongye said.

"this and that"

Lu Yan hesitated.

"I can keep today's affairs a secret and not say a word. In addition, I can help you take the credit for today, but it should be your contribution. I will give it to you no matter what."

"Also, if you practice swordsmanship with me, as long as I make a breakthrough in my swordsmanship, I will be compensated with merit points."

Chu Hongye said.

"Okay, deal."

This time, Lu Yan agreed very readily.

There is free top-notch martial arts training, so it would be strange not to agree.

He was hesitating before, just because he wanted to get more benefits.

"By the way, what did you mean when you mentioned high-level martial spirits before? Do martial spirits also have levels?"

Lu Yan's heart moved and he asked about his doubts.

"Of course."

Chu Hongye explained: "For ordinary people, most of the martial spirits that communicate through special sacrificial methods are ordinary martial spirits and low-level martial spirits. Only a few have extremely high talents, such as innate martial bodies, or those who are particularly compatible with certain martial spirits. People who can communicate with high-level martial spirits are often very terrifying. Whether it is the power of the martial spirit or their own combat power, they are far beyond ordinary martial spirits."

"The blood bat before is a high-level martial spirit. In martial arts, it is comparable to a person with the potential of a top-grade true body. Fortunately, he was injured and his strength was greatly damaged. Otherwise, we wouldn't kill him today. Can’t even escape.”

Lu Yan felt awe-inspiring.

Comparable to a person with the potential of a top-grade true body, that is, a being with ten to twenty levels of inner strength. Lu Yan knew very well how terrifying it would be for such a person to reach the sixth level of a master.

The top ten characters on the Hidden Dragon List are at this level.

"I heard that above the high-level martial arts, there are also king-grade martial spirits, but there are even fewer people who can communicate with the king-grade martial spirits. It is extremely rare. They can compete with the potential of the king-grade true body."

Chu Hongye added another sentence.

"It seems that I don't know enough about Wu Ling. Wu Ling is more terrifying than I imagined."

Lu Yan thought to himself.

While talking, the two quickly returned to the previous battlefield.

Without the martial spirit, only some of the evil spirits were left, which were no match for Li Chengkong and Zhang Ling'er. At this time, the remaining evil spirits had been almost destroyed by them.

The remaining few were also killed by Chu Hongye and Lu Yan.

In addition to Li Chengkong, Zhang Ling'er, and Wang Guangyao, there are four gold medal martial arts arresters.

The other three weaker gold medal warriors also arrived.

The four gold medal warriors gathered together, looking a little uneasy.

"Liu Yan, did you know that Tu Yu betrayed Prince Ming's Mansion and joined the Spiritual Sect?"

Chu Hongye looked at the four gold medal warriors with sharp eyes.

"Sir, we really don't know anything about it. Tu Yu has been loyal to the Ming Dynasty for a hundred years. Who knew he would join the Spiritual Sect? We are also kept in the dark about this matter. Please be aware of it."

The fourth-level Grandmaster's gold medal martial artist bowed and said.

"Now that I think about it, we have also become Tu Yu's pawns. I'm ashamed, but please be more careful."

Another older martial artist sighed and bowed.

Chu Hongye ignored the others, but walked to Tu Yu who was frozen into an ice sculpture, stretched out his hand and patted Tu Yu, and the ice on Tu Yu's body melted.

Hoo ho ho.

Tu Yu gasped for breath and collapsed on the ground. It turned out that he was not dead yet.

It can be seen that Chu Hongye was very thoughtful and had left room for survival when he took action before.

"Tu Yu, you have served the Ming Palace for a hundred years, why did you betray the Ming Palace and switch to the Spiritual Cult?"

Chu Hongye said coldly.

"It's not that I'm afraid of death. In order to survive, I have nothing to say about becoming a king or losing a bandit."

Tu Yu's face turned pale and he smiled miserably, knowing that he would never survive.

"Do you want to live? Have you ever thought about your family and your descendants?"

Chu Hongye said.

Tu Yu sighed and did not answer.

"This time, you and Liu Boguang jointly set up the plan. Tell me how many people the Spiritual Sect has lurked in the three states of the Ming Palace, and how many people from the Ming Palace have betrayed and joined the Spiritual Sect. Let me tell you one by one. Please beg King Ming to spare your family.”

Chu Hongye said.

"Now that things have happened, there is nothing to hide. I can tell you. However, what I know is very limited. How many people are there in the three states of the Ming Dynasty and who are the betrayers? It is impossible for the Spiritual Sect to tell me. , naturally I don’t know either.”

"I only know that those operating in the three states of the Ming Dynasty are mainly the Blood Temple, one of the thirty-six halls under the Lingjiao, and their palace master is also lurking in the three states."

"Prince Ming's Mansion's attitude toward the Spiritual Sect is to kill them all. In recent years, as long as martial spirits show up, they will be strangled, causing the Blood Temple to suffer heavy losses, so they thought of revenge and lured out Prince Ming's personal guards to kill them."

Tu Yudao.

"So, you and Liu Boguang cooperated and acted in a play?"

Chu Hongye asked.

Tu Yu nodded and said: "It just so happened that the blood demon was injured by a real body master before, and the injury was difficult to heal. He needed to absorb the blood of a martial arts master to heal his wounds. That's why he came up with this plan and planned to attract some of Prince Ming's personal guards. Thinking that we actually attracted the people from Qianlong Camp, you are safe and sound. It seems that the blood evil spirit has died in your hands. Chu Hongye is indeed the darling daughter of heaven and the descendant of Queen Ming. I admire you."

The blood evil is obviously the blood bat.

"I've said everything that needs to be said, just give me a break."

Paint jade and lead the neck to kill.

With a flash of sword light, Tu Yu's head flew out, and the martial spirit in his body rushed out, but Chu Hongye also strangled him with sword light.

"The four of you, pack Wu Ling's body and follow us back to Prince Ming's Mansion."

Chu Hongye ordered four gold medal warriors.


The four gold medal military arresters did not dare to refuse. They would definitely have to undergo cross-examination by the senior officials of the Ming Palace to clear away the suspicion.

As for packing Wu Ling's body, of course it is to be taken back for examination, and there will definitely be additional rewards.

If you kill a martial spirit with the potential of a top-grade true body, the reward will never be small.

Soon, after they were all packed up, they quickly headed towards Prince Ming's Mansion.

After returning to Prince Ming's Mansion, Lu Yan followed Chu Hongye and others to report the incident.

Of course, most of the credit goes to Chu Hongye.

As for the blood bat martial spirit, Lu Yan also agreed with Chu Hongye. He did not expose Lu Yan's twenty-one internal strength and the nine thunders of human and martial arts. He only said that the blood bat martial spirit was too seriously injured and was killed by Chu. Red leaves kill.

Lu Yan is just an assistant.

Lu Yan returned to his residence and waited quietly for the rewards to be distributed.

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