Hunting Immortals and Demons

Chapter 246 Return to Lingdong

As soon as Wang Tianyu and Shang Wushang fought, many experts could see that Wang Tianyu had indeed made a breakthrough, and his internal energy increased sharply, definitely reaching twenty levels or more.

Even though in terms of internal energy, it is still inferior to Shang Wuxiang's special internal energy, it is not too far behind.

Coupled with Wang Tianyu's superb martial arts skills, this battle has lost its suspense.

After only twenty moves, Shang Wuxiang coughed up blood and retreated.


With only twenty moves, Shang Wushang, who had just taken the first position, was defeated by Wang Tianyu.

It became the saddest number one in the history of Qianlong List.

"With only twenty moves, he defeated Shang Wushang. Wang Tianyu's fighting power is so amazing. Who can threaten him in the next few decades?"

"As long as you are not over a hundred years old or have not broken through to your true form, you will be firmly ranked first. No one can shake it, not even Chu Hongye."

"Don't forget Lu Yan. His understanding is no lower than Wang Tianyu's, or even higher. His current weakness is his cultivation. If he is given another ten years, he may not be able to fight Wang Tianyu."

"Yes, I almost forgot about Lu Yan. Over the years, Qianlong Camp has really produced a lot of talents."

This time, the Qianlong Camp Challenge has come to an end. It can be said that it is full of surprises and is destined to be recorded in the history of Qianlong Camp.

Three days after the Qianlong Camp Challenge ended, Lu Yan discovered that the rewards for this month's Qianlong Ranking had dropped.

Thirty merit points.

Lu Yan immediately exchanged them all for third-level martial arts pills.

"It's cool. Thirty merit points will be awarded every month. On average, you can practice one martial pill a day."

Lu Yan felt happy.

It's not bad to just stay here like this.

He has the Taoist book in hand, and merit points are credited to his account every month. At most, if he spends a little more time, his cultivation will continue to improve, and he will become a master at the fifth level and the sixth level.

As his cultivation improves, his ranking on the Hidden Dragon List will also increase, and his rewards will increase, creating a virtuous cycle.

Lu Yan was very satisfied with this.

Be content and happy.

So, let those tasks go.

There was no need for him to accept the mission and go out on adventures.

Time flies and one year passes in the blink of an eye.

It’s time for the annual Qianlong Camp Challenge again.

This year, although Lu Yan's cultivation has made steady progress, he is still far away from the fifth level of the Grandmaster, so it is naturally impossible to challenge him.

Chu Hongye also just made a breakthrough last year, so naturally he wouldn't make much progress and didn't take any action.

This time, the Qianlong Camp Challenge could be said to be uneventful.

Wang Tianyu is firmly in first place and cannot be shaken.

Not long ago, Mo Wenzhuo successfully entered the real body realm, condensed the king-grade real body, and left the Qianlong Camp.

I heard that Shang Wushang is also preparing to break through to the true body realm.

After the Qianlong Camp Challenge ended, another two months passed.

It has been six years since Lu Yan came to Qianlong Camp.

"Time flies so fast. It's been six years in the blink of an eye. I really haven't been back to Lingdong for six years. I don't know what's going on with Lingdong. It's time to go back and take a look."

Lu Yan thought.

As soon as I thought about it, I couldn't hold it in any longer.

Lu Yan immediately left Qianlong Camp and came to a main hall.

This place is the palace of Prince Ming's personal guards.

If you leave Qianlong Camp for too long, you need to ask for leave in advance.

The higher ups need to know where you are going because there may be mandatory mission arrangements at any time.

After entering the main hall, Lu Yan soon met a deputy commander of Prince Ming's personal guard, a kind-looking old man named Chu Xu.

"Lu Yan, do you want to take leave and return to Lingdong? The higher ups have just arranged a task for you to do. The departure date is in three months, so you can return to Lingdong, but you must return within three months."

Chu Xu said.

"Is there a mission in three months? May I ask, deputy commander, what is the mission?"

Lu Yan asked curiously.

"You will know when you come back. Go back with peace of mind and meet your family."

Chu Xu said.

Lu Yan nodded, and after registering, he left the Ming Prince's Guards Mansion.

He did not leave immediately, but came to a chamber of commerce.

Before going back, I naturally have to bring back some things that Lingdong doesn’t have.

There are many things in Mingwang City that even if you have money you can't buy them in Lingdong.

For example, there are dozens of other martial arts that enter the Eighteen Paths of Bones, some rare elixirs and exotic animal meat, etc.

His mother, Wang Cui, is not young and is an ordinary person who has not practiced martial arts.

Therefore, Lu Yan wanted to buy a spiritual nourishing and body tempering soup.

This is a third-level martial food. It is not very useful for martial arts practitioners, but it is very useful for ordinary people.

After taking it, it can strengthen the body, calm the mind and nourish the energy, and prevent all diseases. As long as there are no injuries, you can live to be a hundred years old without any problems.

This kind of martial food is not available at all in the six counties of Lingdong, and it can only be purchased in big cities like Mingwang City for thirty thousand taels of silver a piece.

It took most of the day to buy all the things I wanted to buy, and then rented a bird and strange beast in Qianlong Camp. It was a blood roc, a second-level master of cultivation, with a wingspan of thirty meters, and its aura was stronger than that of a blood butcher. Much stronger.

Only a genius of his level can have this special treatment. Birds and beasts are extremely precious and no one else has the right to rent them.

After leaving Mingwang City, the Xue Peng soared upwards and headed towards the east of Lingdong.

"It would be great if I could have a bag of mustard seeds, instead of big and small bags, troublesome."

Looking at the big and small bags on Xue Peng's back, Lu Yan thought to himself.

But thinking about the price of Xumi mustard seed bags gave me another headache.

There are also Xumi Mustard Seed Bags available for redemption in the Qianlong Camp Merit Hall.

But the price is ridiculously high.

The most common Xumi mustard seed bag costs 10,000 merit points.

This price made Lu Yan prohibitive.

He is currently rewarded with 30 merit points every month, which is 360 points a year. It will take him almost thirty years to save up.

Forget it for now.

The Xue Peng was extremely fast, and it took him eight days to reach the foot of the Demon Ridge Mountains. Then he came down and walked with the Xue Peng through the passages of the Demon Ridge Mountains.

Looking at the demonic areas on both sides, even with Lu Yan's current level of cultivation, he felt an inexplicable pressure.

I don’t know what kind of cultivation the great demon who fell in the Demon Ridge Mountains had before the Great Ancient Dynasty.

Passing through the Demon Ridge Mountains, riding the Xue Peng, headed towards Li'an City.

In the distance, I saw a blood eagle hovering high in the sky.

If you look carefully, you can see who it is if it's not Xue Tu.


The Xue Peng let out a long cry and flew towards the Xue Tu.

Xuetu trembled three times in fright, flapped his wings and ran away.

"Trash, you're so scared. What if the enemy comes?"

Lu Yan had great contempt for Xue Tu.

However, Xue Tu had sharp eyes. As he ran away, he turned back and saw Lu Yan on Xue Peng's back.

Suddenly he screamed happily, turned around and flew over.

But he still glanced at Xue Peng from time to time, and the feathers on his body trembled slightly.

"Xue Tu, why are you running so fast? Your courage is getting weaker and weaker."

Lu Yan taught it a lesson.

Xuetu quacked a few times, as if to say that it was either running away or going back to inform Guan Shan.

Lu Yan was scornful.

"Senior Guanshan, is he in Li'an City?"

Lu Yan said.

Xue Tu nodded, spread his wings and flew towards Li'an City.

The military troops in Li'an City soon discovered Xue Peng, but when they saw Lu Yan, they cheered.

Xue Peng and Xue Tu landed at the City Lord's Mansion.

Li Quan, Wang Lin and others came in a hurry soon.

"Meet the City Lord."

When everyone saw Lu Yan, they all bowed respectfully.

Lu Yan looked at everyone, nodded with satisfaction, and said: "That's right, Li Quan, it seems that you have broken through Wuhou, and Zhang Jun, so have you."

"It was a lucky chance. Fortunately, Senior Guan Shan rewarded me with two copies of the Alienated Nine Sections, and I was lucky enough to break through."

Li Quandao.

Lu Yan nodded.

Lu Yan looked at Wang Lin again. Wang Lin also made a small breakthrough and reached the second level of Wuhou.

When I heard that Lu Yan was back, more and more people came.

Lu Yan discovered that everyone had gained a lot in the past six years.

There are more than a dozen Wuhou.

Li Quan and Zhang Jun broke through successively.

In addition, nine of the first dozen or so registered disciples of Sanjue Martial Arts Hall broke through to Wuhou, and the remaining few failed and died when they broke through to Wuhou.

Not only a few disciples died, Cao Hu also died when he attacked Wuhou.

Even with the alienated Jiu Jie's heart, he couldn't save his life.

Lu Yan was a little silent after hearing this.

Cao Hu was an old man who had followed him for a very long time, but he didn't expect to end up like this.

But he also knew in his heart that the road to martial arts was full of dangers every step of the way. If he wanted to climb up, he would face the danger of falling at any time.

The past of resistance has entered a new level.

If you can't resist it, your body will die and your mind will disappear.

"Where is my father, has he broken through Wuhou?"

Lu Yan suddenly thought of Lu Qingshan.

"Not yet, but I heard that we will start making breakthroughs soon."

Li Quandao.

Lu Yan secretly breathed a sigh of relief, luckily he came back in time.

"By the way, where is Wen Yuan? Why don't you see him? Isn't he in Li'an City?"

Lu Yan asked again.

"Wen Yuan seemed to have some problems with his martial arts practice some time ago. Senior Guan Shan is checking his body in the inner palace."

Li Quandao.

"Something went wrong?"

Lu Yan frowned slightly.

"My subordinates don't know what the problem is."

Li Quan bowed.

He felt that Lu Yan's aura was even more terrifying and unfathomable, like a giant beast that had never exploded.

The slight frown on his brows just now revealed a little bit of his breath, making him feel like he was out of breath.

"I gonna go see."

Lu Yan strode towards the inner palace.

When Lu Yan came to the inner courtyard, he happened to see Guan Shan sitting on the stone bench in the pavilion, sipping tea, his brows furrowed, as if he was thinking about the problem.

Wen Yuan stood aside honestly.

When Lu Yan came in, Guan Shan and Wenyuan were immediately alarmed, and they glanced at Lu Yan.


Seeing Lu Yan, Wen Yuan was overjoyed and rushed over.

Guan Shan also opened his brows and smiled. After sizing up Lu Yan, he suddenly waved his hand and the teacup in his hand shot out and flew towards Lu Yan.

The teacup contains strong internal energy. When it is thrown, the tea in the teacup has condensed into ice cubes, roaring through the air, with amazing power.

Lu Yan stretched out his hand and grabbed the teacup firmly in his hand. He also instantly removed the internal energy from the teacup, leaving the teacup without any damage.

Guan Shan's eyes lit up and he said, "Lu Yan, it seems that you have made great progress in the past six years, and your cultivation has surpassed mine."

"Senior has given me too much praise. I have to thank you for taking care of these juniors these years."

Lu Yan clasped his fists and then asked: "Senior, I heard Li Quan say before that there is something wrong with Wenyuan's practice. What is the problem?"

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