Hunting Immortals and Demons

Chapter 247 Wenyuan, the Inner God

Guan Shan smiled and said: "Maybe it's not a bad thing, but a good thing."

"Good thing?"

"Wen Yuan is extremely talented in martial arts, so over the years, when I have nothing to do, I will give him guidance. He has made rapid progress. Not long ago, he has practiced the Vajra Indestructible Kung Fu to the point where human and martial arts can be integrated."

"However, after cultivating the Houtian Martial Body, although his body and Qi and blood have improved a lot, his bone strength is still only one. This is very strange. I checked his body and internal strength, and there is nothing abnormal, so I surmise that Wen Yuan is most likely a person with an inner spirit."

Guanshan Road.

"The acquired martial body and the number of bone strength will not increase. It is possible, very likely."

Lu Yan felt a little excited.

Such examples are often heard in Qianlong Camp.

At the level of Wuhou, most people who practice first-class martial arts to the point of integrating human and martial arts will basically increase the amount of bone strength.

"Wen Yuan's talent is extremely high. If he is really a man with inner spirit, he would have wasted his talent by staying in Lingdong. Next time you return to Prince Ming's Mansion, you can take him with you. Prince Ming's Mansion has its own way to test whether he is a man with inner spirit. .”

Guan Shan suggested.

"I thought so too."

Lu Yan nodded, pondered for a moment, and then said: "Senior, you want Senior Chu Chenzhou's spiritual tablet to return to Prince Ming's Mansion, but Prince Ming has not agreed, which disappoints Senior."

"You don't have to blame yourself."

Guan Shan's expression did not show any disappointment, and he smiled and said: "Prince Ming did not agree, but he did not disagree either, and your treatment in Prince Ming's Mansion has not been reduced, right?"

"Not really, like everyone else."

Lu Yan said.

"That's right. I guess that King Ming is also paying attention to you. Maybe it's a test for you. As long as you practice peacefully and with peace of mind, King Ming will naturally take back your life when you reach a higher level in the future."

Guanshan Road.

Lu Yan nodded and stopped worrying about this matter.

"By the way, over the past few years, I have discovered a talent in Sanjue Martial Arts School that is extremely talented as a martial arts chef. On a whim, I have accepted her as my direct disciple, so that I can take advantage of you. You won't mind, right?"

Guan Shan stroked his beard and smiled.

"Who? It's his blessing to be favored by the seniors. Would the juniors mind?"

Lu Yan said.

"Tofu, come in."

Guan Shan clapped his hands, and a tall young woman walked in.

It's tofu.

Six years later, Tofu is no longer green, and his figure is slim and beautiful.

"Uncle Lu, I became my master, so you won't blame me."

Doufu looked at Lu Yan with some anxiety.

After all, it was Lu Yan who brought her here and focused on training her. She was really afraid that Lu Yan would be offended when she changed her family halfway.

"Hahaha, silly girl, it's too late for me to be happy for you, silly girl. I'm running around and have nothing to teach you. Only by following Senior Guanshan can you truly learn. You have to work hard and not be lazy.”

Lu Yan laughed loudly.


Tofu Yingying bowed.

After reminiscing with Guan Shan, Wen Yuan and others, Lu Yan went back to see Lu Qingshan and Wang Cui, and asked Wang Cui to take the spirit-refining and body-refining soup.

After Wang Cui took it, she slept for a whole day and a night, sweating profusely. After washing, her face was radiant, as if she was ten years younger, and her body was much stronger.

Of course, the Yangshen Body-Quenching Decoction will not be able to fully exert its effect in one day and one night. In the following days, it will subtly improve Wang Cui's physique and truly prevent all diseases.

"Dad, when do you plan to break through Wuhou?"

Lu Yan asked.

"It was originally planned to be one month later, what happened?"

Lu Qingshan said.

"I brought a few martial arts ingredients in Mingwang City to help dad. Once those few martial arts ingredients are cooked, it won't be too late for dad to make a breakthrough."

Lu Yan said.

Lu Qingshan naturally would not object and nodded.

After having dinner with the two elders, Lu Yan summoned Li Quan, Wang Lin and others to inquire about the situation in Lingdong.

In the past six years, Lingdong has been very peaceful, with almost no major wars.

The few surviving grandmaster-level clans have suffered heavy losses and are trying their best to train their juniors and improve their strength.

In the past six years, masters from all major sects have continued to emerge. Not to mention Grandmasters, there have been many more Wuhou.

But Li'an City has undoubtedly become the number one force in Lingdong.

Although no grandmaster has been born, the number of Wuhou is the first in Lingdong, reaching more than eighty.

Except for those directly under Lu Yan's command who broke through, the others all came over.

The suppression of the mountain was well organized and no one had any second thoughts.

"City Lord, when you ordered your subordinates to collect ancient relics, they never dare to forget them. Over the years, they have collected some. Do you want to take a look at them?"

Li Quandao.

"Okay, bring it up."

Lu Yan nodded.

Soon, several large boxes of antiques were brought up, with more than a hundred items in total.

Lu Yantong read the Taoist books and found that there were actually five Taoist food items in total.

Of course, they are all ordinary Taoist foods with limited energy, but a little adds up to a lot.

"Well done."

Lu Yan was in a good mood and really wanted to take Li Quan outside Lingdong to develop an intelligence agency and help him collect Taoist food.

Think about it and forget it.

He himself has not gained a foothold outside.

The outside world is no better than Lingdong. There are many strong people and masters. Without the support of powerful forces, it will be difficult for an intelligence agency to develop.

Let’s wait until later.

Then, Lu Yan summoned four more martial arts masters.

That's right, four.

One is Lu Wenxuan, and the other is from the Zhou family, a newly promoted martial arts master.

The other two are naturally from the original Qiu family and Fang family.

They all took refuge in Li'an City one after another.

Over the years, the captive breeding of exotic beasts under the command of Li'an City has grown to a large scale, and Guanshan even transferred some of its breeders to Kunwu Mountain to raise exotic beasts in captivity.

There are exotic animal meats and martial arts masters, so martial arts are naturally abundant. This is also the reason why Li'an City has developed rapidly in recent years.

"Meet the City Lord."

The four martial arts masters treated Lu Yan respectfully.

The status of martial arts masters is very high. Outside, they are all arrogant, but in front of Lu Yan, they dare not make the slightest mistake.

"Master Lu, long time no see."

Looking at Lu Wenxuan, Lu Yan smiled.

Speaking of which, ten years have passed since Lu Wenxuan was asked to cook martial arts food for free for him.

But he heard from Li Quan that Lu Wenxuan had no intention of leaving at all, and he would even rush to anyone who asked him to leave.

"It's been a long time since I last saw you. The city lord's demeanor is even better than before."

Lu Wenxuan clasped his fists.

Lu Yan smiled and said, "I asked you to come here today to help cook several kinds of martial arts food, including eighteen ways to the bones."

Then, Lu Yan took out all the materials.

These materials were not available in Lingdong. When the four martial arts masters saw them, they were overjoyed and patted their chests to ensure that they would complete the task.

With so many martial arts masters joining forces, the efficiency is unparalleled. In less than half a month, all kinds of martial arts were successfully cooked without fail.

Lu Yan handed all these kinds of martial arts food to Lu Qingshan.

Coupled with the alienation of Jiujie's heart and the combination of the four martial arts, there is no reason for failure.

Sure enough, not long after, Lu Qingshan began to attack the realm of Wuhou, and succeeded in one fell swoop, crossing into Wuhou.

This time, Lu Yan stayed in Lingdong for two months before saying goodbye to everyone. He took Wen Yuan and rode the blood roc towards the Ming Dynasty City.

Eight days later, return to Mingwang City.

Wen Yuan was not allowed to enter Qianlong Camp for the time being. Lu Yan asked Wen Yuan to stay at an inn. He went to Prince Ming's Guards Mansion alone to report and met Chu Xu, the deputy commander of Prince Ming's Guards.

"Lu Yan, in half a month, you will go out on a mission. It is best not to leave Mingwang City during this half month. The superiors will notify you of something at any time."

Chu Xu said.


Lu Yan nodded, cupped his fists and said: "Deputy Commander, I have a disciple who is a genius. Not long ago, he practiced a first-class martial arts to the point where human and martial arts can be integrated into one, but he did not increase his strength. I would like to invite him to the Imperial Guard House. Check it out.”

"Without increased bone strength, could it be that he is an inner spirit?"

Chu Xu's eyes lit up.

"My subordinates think so too."

Lu Yan said.

"Where is the person? Bring him quickly. I will arrange for someone to check immediately."

Chu Xu said.

Lu Yan clasped his fists and resigned, and soon brought Wen Yuan to the palace of Prince Ming's Guards.

Chu Xu had made arrangements to take away part of Wenyuan's blood.

"Lu Yan, please take your disciple to live in your other courtyard first and wait for the news. If Wen Yuan is the inner god, he will definitely enter Qianlong Camp."

Chu Xu stroked his beard, very satisfied.

It was a good story that the master and the apprentice entered the Qianlong Camp together.

Based on his experience, it can almost be concluded that Wen Yuan is the inner god.

I just don’t know what level it is.

Lu Yan said goodbye and took Wen Yuan back to Qianlong Camp to stay.

Three days later, Chu Xu found Lu Yan with a smile on his face.

"Lu Yan, the test results have come out. Your disciple Wen Yuan is indeed an inner god. He has a special liver, contains miracles, and his level is not low. He should have the potential of a top-grade true body, but the details are not clear yet. We need to wait for him. Only after you reach the master level and develop the liver miracle can you finally confirm it.”

"You really have a good disciple. If you can both achieve Yuan Shen in the future, it will really be a good story in Prince Ming's Palace."

"Now, Prince Ming's Mansion wants to invite Wen Yuan to join Qianlong Camp. Wen Yuan, are you willing?"

Chu Xu said.

"Junior, listen to the master."

Wenyuan said respectfully.

Lu Yan naturally couldn't object and agreed immediately.

"Lu Yan, you introduced a top inner god to the Qianlong Camp. There will definitely be a reward. It will be distributed in the form of merit points. You can check it out yourself then."

Chu Xu said.

"Thank you, senior."

Lu Yan clasped his fists.

A few days later, all the procedures for Wen Yuan were completed and he was assigned to a separate courtyard, right next to Lu Yan.

Later, Lu Yan took Wen Yuan to familiarize himself with the environment of Qianlong Camp and chose a top martial arts.

"Master, which martial art should I choose?"

Wenyuan asked.

"There are eight doors in total. Which one do you want to choose?"

Lu Yan briefly talked about the eight top martial arts.

"Whatever the master chooses, the disciple will choose."

Wenyuan said.

Lu Yan smiled. Wen Yuan looked honest, but was actually very shrewd. If he chose the same martial arts as Lu Yan, Lu Yan could naturally give him guidance.

"Okay, then choose Nine Rings of Thunder."

Lu Yan nodded.

As for choosing others that Lu Yan doesn't know how to do, there's no point.

Because of the regulations of Qianlong Camp, martial arts cannot be passed on to a second person.

In other words, even if Wen Yuan chooses body-refining martial arts, he cannot let Lu Yan learn it together.

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