Hunting Immortals and Demons

Chapter 248 Meeting an acquaintance in Xuanhuo City (please vote for me)

A few days later, Lu Yan went to check the merit points and found that there were 500 more merit points.

This five hundred is the reward for recommending Wen Yuan to join Qianlong Camp.

Including the 30 merit point rewards from the Qianlong Ranking every month, the merit points in Lu Yan's account have exceeded 600.

Within a few days, Lu Yan received a notice that Chu Long wanted to see him.

Lu Yan met Chu Long in a study room of Prince Ming's Guards House.

"Lu Yan, you will be going out on a mission in a few days. You should know that, right?"

Chu Long said.


Lu Yan nodded and said, "Commander, I wonder what the mission is this time?"

"Go to Xuanhuo City, keep an eye on the Yan clan, and find out the evidence that they betrayed Prince Ming's Mansion."

Chu Long's meaning is concise and comprehensive.

Lu Yan was shocked: "The Yan family wants to betray Prince Ming's Mansion? How dare they?"

"It's not because of Shengxuanzong."

A gloomy look flashed in Chu Long's eyes.

"Sheng Xuanzong? Aren't you also taking orders from Prince Ming's Mansion?"

Lu Yan said.

Prince Ming's Mansion commanded the three states of Ming, Xuan, and Yunzhou, and Shengxuan Sect was located in Xuanzhou, occupying the only fourth-level bloodline in Xuanzhou, and had always submitted to Prince Ming's Mansion.

"Lu Yan, you don't have a clear understanding of the situation in the three states, so I will explain it to you carefully so that you can have an idea when you carry out your mission."

"The Shengxuan Sect is one of the seven founding sects of the country. Taizu made great contributions to the founding of the country, so it can become one of the few remaining sects. Taizu gave it the Order of Zhenshan."

"And it itself also occupies the fourth-level bloodline, which has been passed down for thousands of years. It has profound heritage and powerful strength. There are many Yuanshen realm powerhouses sitting in charge. Although they appear to surrender to the Ming Palace, in fact, they have never paid tribute. Not listening to the orders of the Ming Palace and developing alone is tantamount to a country within a country."

"Especially in recent years, not only has he not listened to the orders of the Ming Palace, but he has gradually become the opposite of the Ming Palace. His ambitions have grown. He wants to occupy the entire Xuanzhou, dominate one state alone, and become the top prince in the world."

"So, in recent years, the situation in Xuanzhou has become increasingly chaotic."

"In addition, let me tell you about the situation in Xuanzhou in detail. Xuanzhou has twenty-eight counties, but the six counties in Lingdong are barren land with limited resources. The only third-level bloodline is the worst kind. Moreover, it is blocked by the Demon Ridge Mountains, which is an indisputable territory for military strategists, so I won’t talk about it.”

"There are ten third-level blood lines in the other twenty-two counties in Xuanzhou, two of which are occupied by Shengxuan Sect, and the other two have two noble-level sects who surrender to Shengxuan Sect."

"The other six belong to the Ming Palace. Three of them are directly occupied by the Ming Palace. The other three have three noble-level sects who surrender to the Ming Palace. The Yan clan of Xuanhuo City is one of them."

"But in recent years, the Yan family has shown a tendency to defect to the Shengxuan Sect. The purpose of sending you is to find evidence that the Yan family has taken refuge in the Shengxuan Sect."

Chu Long explained it to Lu Yan in detail.

Lu Yan suddenly realized that he had a clear idea in his mind.

"With the power of the Ming Palace, why not send troops to directly crush the Yan clan in Xuanhuo City?"

Lu Yan asked.

With the power of Prince Ming's Palace, it should be easy to defeat the nobles in every district.

"How can it be that easy? This brings us to a huge faction under the command of Prince Ming's Mansion, which is the Zun-level clan faction."

"Hundreds of years ago, when my father had just risen, his strength was not yet strong, so he needed to rely on the power of the respected clans in the three states. These respected clans also became the backbone of the Ming Palace when it first rose."

"Later, these respected clans naturally united and formed a faction to advance and retreat together. Therefore, if you send troops to defeat a respected clan without any evidence, what will the other respected clans think? I'm afraid they will all have different ideas. .”

"So, if you want to destroy the Yan clan, you must first find out the evidence that they betrayed Prince Ming's Palace, so that the other noble clans will have nothing to say."

Chu Long said.

"In Yanhuo City, Prince Ming's personal guards were originally stationed. However, in order to avoid suspicion and arouse the Yan clan's alert, we cannot openly send more manpower. Therefore, when you go, you must conceal your identity and sneak in secretly."

Chu Long continued.

"How long will it take to get there?" Lu Yan asked.

"It can be as short as a year, or as long as it takes. Of course, this is a mission, and there are naturally rewards. There will be ten merit points every month. This is a great job. Many people can't go even if they want to. I am specially doing this for you. You applied for it.”

Chu Long replied.

"Senior, can I not go?"


After saying that, a token appeared in Chu Long's hand and said: "You have extraordinary understanding and are not weaker than Wang Tianyu. Although you don't have the potential of a king-level real body yet, you will have it sooner or later. Your reputation is already outside and you are being targeted by many powerful princes." I'm here, so you go and change your appearance, change your appearance, change your identity, this is for you."

Lu Yan took the token, which was the token for Prince Ming's personal guard, but the name on it became 'Zhang Wei'.

Good. Common name.

"The more common your name is, the less likely others will pay attention to you. Remember, your true identity cannot be told even to other Qianlong camp or Prince Ming's personal guards. This is responsible for your own safety."

Chu Long warned.

Lu Yan nodded. Chu Long would keep this absolutely confidential without having to tell him.

"Okay, I've said everything that needs to be said. Meet here again in three days. Someone will take you to set off together."

Chu Long said.

Lu Yan clasped his fists and said goodbye.

After going back, he explained to Wenyuan, and then used his merit points to exchange for 300 level three martial pills, leaving more than 300 merit points.

Too many to carry.

In the blink of an eye, three days passed.

Lu Yan used his shape-shifting technique to change his appearance into an ordinary-looking man of about forty years old, and walked to the palace of Prince Ming's Guards.

With Zhang Wei's token, he successfully entered it.

In a large hall, Chu Long is sitting at the head.

Below, there were more than ten people standing, all dressed in plain clothes. They must all be going to Xuanhuo City to perform tasks.

Lu Yan walked over silently, checked the token, and stood aside.

Soon, several more people came.

There were fifteen people in front and behind.

"Okay, everyone is here. This mission will be led by Chu Feng. Now Chu Feng will introduce the mission arrangements to you."

After Chu Long finished speaking, a strong man with long hair shawl stepped forward.

Chu Feng, with his aura like a dragon, gives people an unfathomable feeling. He is definitely a strong man in the true body realm.

"This mission is a secret operation and cannot be detected by the Yan clan. Therefore, we must first disguise ourselves as the guards of a caravan and sneak into Xuanhuo City. Then we will become the guards of a large family, stationed in Xuanhuo City for a long time, and investigate secretly. Exploring news about the Yan clan."

"The mission is that simple, so you are relatively free in Xuanhuo City. You can practice on your own when nothing important happens."

Chu Feng said briefly and set off immediately.

Xuanhuo City, as the main city of the noble clan, is located on the edge of the third-level bloodline. It is majestic and majestic. After continuous reinforcement and expansion by the Yan clan, it is several times larger than Lingwang City.

The permanent population exceeds five million.

This population is difficult to achieve in ordinary ancient dynasties. If nothing else, just talking about food, a huge amount is consumed every day.

But in the world of martial arts, it's normal.

One side of the city gate is close to the bloodline and cannot be entered or exited by ordinary people. The gates in the other three directions are wide open and there is an endless flow of people.

A caravan of several hundred people, escorting goods, entered through the west gate of Yanhuo City.

"It is worthy of being a noble family. Although it is not as good as Mingwang City, it is more magnificent than any city in Lingdong."

In the caravan escort, Lu Yan looked around.

After some inspection at the city gate, they successfully entered Xuanhuo City and walked on the street.

"excuse me."

From the front, there was a loud shout, and several horses with blood red bodies and scales came galloping towards them.

Everyone in the caravan hurriedly stepped aside.

Several horses roared past.

"It's him?"

Lu Yan's eyes flashed.

Lu Yan actually knew one of them.

On his first trip to Prince Ming's Mansion, he was chased by the Yan clan because of a bat martial spirit, and later had a battle with a powerful innate martial body from the Yan clan.

The man with the innate martial body who mastered the five internal energies was split open by Lu Yan.

This is the person.

Enemies meet on a narrow road, but they didn't expect to meet this person as soon as they entered Xuanhuo City.

A few horses disappeared in the blink of an eye, and they continued to move forward. Soon they came to the door of a wealthy family, and they helped carry the goods together.

This wealthy family opened a chamber of commerce for Gao Mansion, and its owner, Gao Yuan, was considered a prominent figure in Yanhuo City and was also a master of martial arts.

But no one knew that he was a chess piece placed by the Ming Palace in Yanhuo City decades ago.

Lu Yan and others stayed in Gaofu and acted as Gaofu's guards.

Finding evidence of Yan's betrayal requires careful timing, and it does not happen overnight.

So, the days after that were very peaceful.

Occasionally, I would go out for a walk and get some information. At other times, I would practice on my own.

As for contacting Prince Ming's personal guards who were originally stationed in Yanhuo City, Chu Feng would have to handle it himself.

Just like that, two months passed in a flash.

"Zhang Wei, I heard that the 'World Bank' is going to hold an auction in Shengxuan City. A large number of people from the three states of the Ming Dynasty have rushed there. Do you want to go and have a look?"

A young man in his thirties asked Lu Yan.

The young man's name is Zhao Qingcang, and he also comes from the Qianlong Camp to perform tasks.

"An auction held by World Bank? What's so special about it?"

Lu Yan was curious.

"Naturally special."

Zhao Qingcang was quite excited and explained enthusiastically: "The World Bank is mysterious and has the greatest wealth in the world. Naturally, there are countless treasures. Every once in a while, they will randomly select a big city to hold an auction and take out a large number of treasures. The auction is a great opportunity for the selected city because it will attract a large number of martial arts cultivators in the past and bring major business opportunities."

"Of course, the selected force needs to be responsible for protecting the safety of those participating in the auction. In fact, no one dares to cause trouble at the World Bank's auction."

"I heard that there will be an auction of top martial arts in this auction. Now, a large number of martial arts cultivators have rushed over from the three states of King Ming. After all, top martial arts are of great value to those grandmaster-level clans and even respected-level clans. There’s a fatal attraction.”

Lu Yan was moved in his heart and asked, "Can other people's treasures be auctioned at the auction?"

"Of course you can. As long as the treasure is valuable enough, it can be handed over to World Bank to auction it for you."

Zhao Qingcang said.

PS, it’s the end of the month, please vote for me. Brothers who have monthly votes, please vote. Don’t waste it.

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