Hunting Immortals and Demons

Chapter 249 Profits Industry

Lu Yan's heart became lively.

Yes, he wanted to put his superb martial arts skills up for auction.

Naturally, the Nine Rings of Thunder and the Four-pole Divine Sword cannot be taken out, but the Nine Tribulations Sword, the Golden Body of the Divine Dragon and the Void Steps are all made from the fusion of first-class martial arts. They are his unique martial arts, so they can completely Take it out for auction and exchange it for training resources.

"We are on a mission, will Master Chu Feng allow us to leave?"

Lu Yan said.

"Anyway, I have nothing to do recently, and it won't hurt if I leave for a while. Do you want to come together?"

Zhao Qingcang invited again.

Lu Yan shook his head and said, "Forget it, I've reached a critical moment in my martial arts training recently and need to retreat, so I won't go."

"Okay, I'll find someone else."

Zhao Qingcang didn't take it seriously, said something, and left to find someone else.

The next day, Lu Yan approached Chu Feng to ask for leave, saying he wanted to go to Shengxuan City to attend the auction.

Chu Feng readily agreed, but told him to be careful and not to reveal his identity.

He found a deserted place, changed his clothes and appearance, then galloped out towards Shengxuan City.

Two days later, Lu Yan arrived at Shengxuan City.

Shengxuan City is more majestic than Xuanhuo City, and its scope is almost comparable to Mingwang City.

Walking on the street, people are coming and going, and it is very lively.

Many of the passers-by were airy and vigorous, and they were obviously masters of martial arts.

Just walking around, I saw hundreds of people who were suspected to be master-level figures.

The World Bank's auction is definitely a rare event in Dachu today. It circulates in major cities and only occurs once every three years on average.

Not only the masters from the three major states of the Ming Dynasty will come, but even the masters from other states will come in disguise.

After a little inquiry, Lu Yan knew that the auction would be officially held in half a month.

There are three auctions in total, one held every ten days, one month before and after.

Lu Yan first found an inn to stay at, then found pen, ink, paper and inkstone, and wrote down the cultivation method of the Nine Tribulations Sword. Then he concentrated for a while and drew the divine intention of the Nine Tribulations Sword.

After the calligraphy and painting were dry, Lu Yan went to the Shengxuanzong branch of World Bank and walked to a counter.

"Sir, do you need any help?"

A young woman on the counter said with a smile.

"I want to auction something, is that okay?"

Lu Yan said.

"Of course you can. What do you want to auction? Our World Bank's auction has certain requirements for auction items. Items with less than ten martial arts tickets will not be accepted."

The woman smiled.

"Excellent martial arts."

Lu Yan whispered.

The woman's eyes lit up and she said, "This needs expert appraisal. Guest sir, follow me."

Lu Yan followed the woman to a private room.

Soon, an old man with gray hair also walked into the private room.

"Sir, you are going to auction a superb martial arts. Can you give me your divine intention and secret book?"

The old man said.

Lu Yan nodded and took out the secret book of the Nine Tribulations Sword and the Divine Intent.

The old man flipped through the secret book of the Nine Tribulations Sword for a while, then picked up the Divine Intention and looked at it intently. After a while, he smiled and said: "Yes, it is a genuine and top-notch martial arts. Moreover, I have never heard of this sword technique. I should." It can attract looting.”

"Let's see. The auction base price is set at 1,500 martial arts tickets. What do you think?"

Lu Yan's heart beat violently.

One thousand five hundred martial arts tickets are equivalent to one thousand five hundred level three martial arts pills. If converted into silver, it would be forty-five million taels.

This is such a huge amount of money, and this price is beyond Lu Yan's expectation.

You know, for a first-rate martial arts, the secret book and the divine intention only cost one hundred thousand taels for a bad one, and only two or three hundred thousand taels for a good one.

This price is more than a hundred times higher than that of first-class martial arts.

Moreover, this is the lowest bidding price, and the price will definitely rise when the bidding comes.

Seeing Lu Yan pondering, the old man thought that Lu Yan was dissatisfied with the price, so he explained: "Sir, the reserve price usually isn't very high. It's just to attract bids. I estimate that the final transaction price will definitely not be high." It will not be less than 3,000 martial arts tickets. After all, there are only more than 30 top martial arts schools in the three states of the Ming Palace, most of which are in the hands of the Ming Palace and Shengxuan Sect. The other ones are only available to those high-level sects, but there is at most one. Two doors.”

"If a grandmaster wants to condense his true body and develop his true strength, he must practice the ultimate martial arts. Therefore, those top grandmaster-level clans dream of obtaining a superb martial arts, and those at the senior level, in order to let the martial arts under their disciples Xiu Duo has a superb martial arts choice and will also bid for it, and the price may be even higher when the time comes."

"Okay, just follow the senior's wishes."

Lu Yan nodded.

Then it was time to sign, stamp, and stamp his fingerprints. The old man handed Lu Yan a token. After selling it, he could compare the token with his fingerprints to collect the martial arts ticket.

"A superb martial arts can sell so many martial arts tickets."

After walking out of World Bank, Lu Yan's eyes lit up and a plan came into his mind.

If we collect first-class martial arts and merge them into top-notch martial arts for sale, wouldn't it be a huge profit?

The price of first-class martial arts ranges from 100,000 to 300,000, but that is the price of buying secret books and divine intentions, but if you just borrow them to learn about them, the price will be ten times cheaper.

For example, if you borrow a top-notch martial arts skill from Prince Ming's Mansion to study it, the price will definitely not be more than a few thousand merit points, it is estimated to be one-tenth of the price.

Even if the cost of using immortal bones to improve is included, it is still a huge profit.

The reason why he didn't do that before was mainly because the ultimate martial arts he mastered was enough, and the fusion of the ultimate martial arts could not increase the amount of internal energy or directly improve his strength.

Moreover, mastering first-class martial arts requires energy and resources to improve after all, so I have never deliberately pursued it.

But now, Lu Yan felt hot in his heart.

A hugely profitable industry.

And only he can do this business.

Just do it.

Lu Yan walked around and walked into a large chamber of commerce.

When Lu Yan proposed that he would like to borrow a first-class martial arts and must pay it back within three days and pay 10,000 taels of silver, the Chamber of Commerce readily agreed.

I only borrowed it for three days and made a net profit of 10,000 taels of silver. Why not agree to it?

Could it be that Lu Yan could still master first-class martial arts in three days?

Unless it's Wang Tianyu.

In the view of the Chamber of Commerce, these ten thousand taels of silver were earned in vain.

Of course, a deposit must be paid, just in case Lu Yan takes it and runs away.

After leaving a deposit of more than 100,000 taels, Lu Yan left with a first-class martial arts training, returned to the inn, and immediately began to comprehend it.

With Lu Yan's current attainments in martial arts, it only takes three days to master a first-class martial arts and master the martial arts avatar.

Three days later, Lu Yan returned the body training martial arts and changed it to another body training martial arts, still paying ten thousand taels of silver in three days.

The reason given by Lu Yan was that his major in body training martial arts had encountered a bottleneck, and he wanted to borrow reference materials from other body training martial arts. The Chamber of Commerce did not think much about it.

In this way, before the auction, Lu Yan successfully mastered five body-refining martial arts, and the price he spent was only fifty thousand taels.

As for this chamber of commerce, the only five physical training martial arts that Lu Yan had practiced were all practiced by Lu Yan. Lu Yan planned to change to another chamber of commerce later and repeat his old tricks.

On the day of the auction, there were huge crowds of people.

Lu Yan followed the crowd into the venue and found a seat at random to sit down.

Soon after, the auction was full, and at a glance, there were no fewer than thousands of people.

There are countless masters hidden among these thousands of people.

There must be true body realm.

I don’t know if there are any Yuanshen realms, maybe there are some, but no one can find them if they are mixed in the crowd.

"Okay, the auction starts now."

An old man walked onto the stage, holding an iron box in his hand, and his voice spread throughout the audience.

The venue fell silent.

Generally, the first auction item is a good item because it will ignite the atmosphere of the scene.

The old man introduced himself as Bao Yong, then pointed at the iron box and said:

"The first auction item is a superb sword technique called Nine Tribulations Sword. The starting price is 1,500 martial arts tickets. Each increase in price must not be less than 100 martial arts tickets."

Lu Yan's heart skipped a beat.

Unexpectedly, the first auction item would be the Nine Tribulations Sword.

Excellent martial arts.

At least half of the people at the scene had their eyes lit up and their breathing was rapid.

At least most of them came here for the ultimate in martial arts.

There seems to be only one level difference between first-class martial arts and top martial arts, but they are worlds apart.

In this world, there is no shortage of first-class martial arts, and there are a lot of them.

Not to mention anything else, there are at least hundreds of first-class martial arts schools in the six counties of Lingdong, but there is not a single top-notch martial arts school.

To be precise, Guanshan is not included in the six counties of Lingdong.

The three states of Prince Ming's Palace combined have more than thirty top martial arts schools, most of which are in the hands of Prince Ming's Palace and Shengxuan Sect.

Those noble-level sects have one or at most two.

But there is no master-level family. Without superb martial arts, one cannot break through the true body realm.

Those grandmasters all dream of acquiring a superb martial arts.

Therefore, as soon as Bao Yong finished speaking, someone made a bid, directly adding 500 martial arts tickets and offering 2,000 martial arts tickets, hoping to overwhelm others in terms of momentum.

But how can anyone be afraid of two thousand martial arts tickets?

"Two thousand one hundred."

"Two thousand two hundred."

The price kept rising and soon reached 3,000 coins.

The competition was more intense than imagined.

Not only the grandmaster-level clans want it, but the respect-level clans also want it.

After all, martial arts and martial arts also pay attention to the degree of compatibility. The more consistent it is with martial arts, the easier it will be to practice and get twice the result with half the effort.

Many high-ranking clans only have one supreme martial arts. The martial arts cultivators in the clan have no choice. Even if they are not suitable, they can only practice forcefully. Some of them are obviously talented, but they are delayed because the martial arts are not suitable.

One more superb martial arts means one more choice.

Soon, the price reached 3,300 pieces, and the competition gradually slowed down.

This price, converted into silver, is close to 100 million taels.

In the end, the price of the Nine Tribulations Knife stopped at 3,600 pieces and was auctioned off.

As for who was photographed and taken away, it's hard to say, because most of the people who came here were disguised.

"Three thousand six hundred pieces, that's cool. It's enough for me to reach the fifth level of Grandmaster, or even more."

With a smile on his face, Lu Yan was planning in his mind whether to put up another top martial arts for auction.

The second and third auction items were brought up one by one, and the atmosphere was heated.

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