Hunting Immortals and Demons

Chapter 254 Goodbye Yinuo

It took ten days to successfully cook one portion and condense the clone.

Lu Yan did not swallow the immortal bones to improve, but took out the Tao food with low energy and swallowed it.

After devouring the scattered Tao food, this martial food clone was also promoted to the state of human-food integration.

The two third-level martial arts, food and drink, were combined into one, and Lu Yan's knowledge of martial arts chefs was raised to another level.

Knowing everything about it and drawing inferences from one example makes it much easier to understand other martial arts.

Therefore, when he learned the third level of martial arts, it only took three days to successfully condense the martial arts clone.

Then, it took another three days to condense the fourth martial arts clone.

Then he let the Taoist devour a piece of immortal bone worth twenty merit points, and raised the two martial arts clones to the state of human-food integration.

At this moment, Lu Yan felt that his understanding of the martial arts chef had reached a very high level. Even if he was not as good as the martial arts master, he was not far behind.

He went out and bought a portion of alienated heart meat and auxiliary elixir, cooked it in a pot, and succeeded in one fell swoop.

Then he went to Feng Yuanyi and got a third-level martial arts recipe and ingredients. When he started cooking, it was only the first time that he successfully cooked an unfamiliar third-level martial food and condensed the martial arts clone.

"Level 3 martial arts is no longer difficult."

Lu Yan smiled.

But if you want to cook level 3 martial arts balls, it’s definitely not possible yet.

The difficulty of cooking Wuwan is far greater than that of Wushu. Even the master martial arts chef cannot do it. Only the highest level martial arts chef can cook Wuwan.

Time passes day by day.

There are more and more people in Xuanhuo City.

All martial arts chefs came from all over the country to prepare for the martial arts competition.

Lu Yan started preparations half a month in advance. He disguised himself and checked into an inn, pretending to be a martial arts chef from out of town. He also went to Yan's to sign up and receive an invitation.

Soon, the day of the conference came.

Lu Yan came to Yan's house. After showing the invitation, someone took him to a square.

The wide square is filled with various martial arts and kitchen utensils.

Lu Yan took a look at the materials. They were all high-quality and extremely exquisite.

At least hundreds of people have gathered in the square, all martial arts chefs who have signed up to participate in the conference, and the number is still increasing.

"That is."

Suddenly, Lu Yan's eyes lit up.

He saw a woman with a slim figure, wearing a skirt, revealing a pair of slender legs.

Strange appearance.

But the figure is very familiar.

Shen Yinuo.

Yes, this woman looks very much like Shen Yinuo.

However, he did not take the blame behind his back, but he had a spatula on his waist.

This spatula is Shen Yinuo's spatula.

Lu Yan smiled and concluded that this woman was Shen Yinuo.

Shen Yinuo loves martial arts chefs, so it's normal for him to attend Yan's martial arts chef competition.

The woman was also looking left and right, looking here and there, and suddenly her eyes met Lu Yan's.

The woman was slightly stunned at first and looked at Lu Yan carefully. Then she showed a smile, jumped up and came to Lu Yan, got close to Lu Yan, smelled it, and whispered: "Why are you here?"

"Girl, have you mistakenly admitted the wrong person? How can you behave like this?"

Lu Yan said deliberately with a straight face.

The woman smiled slyly and said, "Are you pretending to me? You still want to hide your humble disguise skills from me? I can recognize you even if you turn into ashes."

Lu Yan smiled bitterly and whispered: "Yinuo, can you speak more nicely."

Yinuo smiled and said: "Why are you here to participate in the martial arts competition? You came here from Lingdong. You don't miss me too much and you came here specifically to see me, right?"

"you guessed right."

Lu Yan sighed, his eyes instantly full of affection, he thought he could rival Wang Tianyu, and said: "Since you left, I miss you so much that I don't think about tea or food, I can't sleep at night, and I have lost a lot of weight. No, I’ve been looking for you for a long time.”

"You really miss me?"

Shen Yinuo looked at Lu Yan's burly figure and clearly didn't believe it.

"I haven't even tried it, how do I know if it's tight to you?"

Lu Yan muttered in his heart and quickly changed the subject, saying, "When you left Lingdong, weren't you attacked by evil spirits?"

"No, are the demons rioting behind you?"

Shen Yinuo blinked his eyes, a little curious.

Lu Yan nodded and calculated the time. Yinuo did indeed leave before the demonic uprising.

"Something happened in Lingdong later, but it has been resolved."

"By the way, when you left, you said that it would be difficult for me to repay your life-saving grace if I didn't defeat Wuhou. Now that I have not only defeated Wuhou, but also become a master, how should I repay you?"

Lu Yan asked.

Shen Yinuo looked Lu Yan up and down and said, "I didn't expect you to take this step so quickly, but let's talk about repayment later. Tell me, what happened in Lingdong these years?"

Lu Yan spoke briefly, and Shen Yinuo asked from time to time.

Although the two hadn't seen each other for more than ten years, they didn't feel unfamiliar at all. They chatted casually and relaxedly.


A voice echoed throughout the entire place.

"It's about to begin."

Lu Yan and Shen Yinuo stopped chatting and looked at a high platform in the north of the square.

An old man was speaking loudly.

"This martial arts competition will be divided into three rounds. The top thirty will be selected in the end and will receive rewards provided by my Yan family, as well as the opportunity to receive guidance from respected martial arts chefs."

"There are many martial arts utensils on display. Each of you can choose a set."

After the old man finished speaking, everyone chose a set of martial arts utensils.

"In the first round of this round, we will cook one of the most common second-level martial arts dishes, braised blood pork. We will provide the ingredients. After you cook it, we will have someone taste it. The two hundred people with the best taste will advance to the next round. "

After the old man made the announcement, people from the Yan family brought out the bloody pork and its auxiliary elixir, one for each person.

If the cooking fails, it will be eliminated directly.

Of course, this is not absolutely fair.

Some people may be familiar with this kind of martial arts, and some may have never cooked it before.

But there is no absolute fairness in this world.

Sometimes luck is also important.

Soon, everyone started cooking in full swing.

Lu Yan has never cooked this type of martial arts food and doesn't know the recipe, but he can ask for it from the Yan family and watch it live.

There are many people like Lu Yan.

After watching it once and going through it again in my mind, I knew it well.

It's just a second-level martial arts. It's not a problem for Lu Yan.

Light the fire, add the elixir, and remove the poison from the blood.

Every step is well organized, neither urgent nor slow, but smooth and smooth.

Shen Yinuo's eyes lit up when he saw it.

Soon, someone had successfully cooked it and brought the finished product to the Yan family for tasting.

Anyone with such speed is definitely a martial arts master.

Immediately afterwards, Lu Yan discovered that Shen Yinuo had also succeeded in cooking, very fast, and was also in the front ranks.

Lu Yan took his time and succeeded in cooking at the middle position.

"Hey, failed."

Some people sighed and beat their chests.

All kinds, to name a few.

After a day, almost everyone was done cooking.

Yan's people tasted them one by one, and then selected the best two hundred.

Lu Yan and Shen Yinuo naturally advanced successfully.

"Three days later, the second round will begin. The content of the second round is to cook one of your best martial arts. It will be tasted by our experts. The eighty people with the best taste will advance to the third round."

"You can bring your own martial arts materials, or if they are difficult to find, you can also report them to me, the Yan clan, and we will help find them."

The old man of the Yan family announced.

Immediately, many people came forward and asked Yan for help in collecting exotic animal meat and elixirs.

Lu Yan and Shen Yinuo didn't stop and walked outside.

"Where do you live?"

Shen Yinuo came over and whispered.

Lu Yan said the name of the inn.

"I'll move to your inn."

Shen Yinuo said.

Soon, the two returned to the inn, and Shen Yinuo opened a room next to Lu Yan.

In Lu Yan's bedroom.

Both men were restored to their original appearance.

Compared with more than ten years ago, Shen Yinuo is slightly more mature. He looks to be in his early twenties, more beautiful and charming.

Lu Yan looked at this familiar face and felt a little dazed. The image of the girl who took the blame came to mind.

"Lu Yan, you have broken the Grandmaster level. How high is your Grandmaster level now?"

Being stared at by Lu Yan like this, Shen Yinuo's pretty face turned slightly red and she opened her mouth to break the silence.

"Not long ago, I just broke through the fifth level of Grandmaster."

Lu Yan didn't hide anything.

Shen Yinuo blinked her beautiful eyes, seeming quite surprised.

She naturally knew that Lu Yan had a secret, but she didn't delve into it. Why didn't she have a secret herself?

"What about you, how old is your Grandmaster?"

Lu Yan asked rhetorically.

He also saw that Shen Yinuo had defeated the Grandmaster, but the specific Grandmaster level could not be determined without fighting.

"The sixth level of Grandmaster."

Shen Yinuo said.


Lu Yan thought he heard wrongly.

The sixth level of Grandmaster?

He controls Taoism and has practiced various martial arts until human and martial arts become one. His cultivation speed is much faster than that of ordinary people, and he is only at the fifth level of the Grandmaster.

Shen Yinuo is actually the sixth level Grandmaster?

What kind of cultivation speed is this?

"What? My cultivation level is higher than yours, are you hit?"

Shen Yinuo clenched his fists and said: "I am a woman who wants to become a martial arts god. How can it be easy?"

Then he lowered his voice: "I am the inner god, and my spleen and stomach contain miracles. I am a furnace of the great sun that can smelt everything. As a result, my speed of refining Mushoku Pills is a hundred times faster than that of ordinary people. As long as I have enough Mushoku Pills, You can quickly improve your cultivation level."

"Of course, the Great Sun Furnace can also assist in cooking martial arts, so my martial arts cooking skills have also improved rapidly, and I am now a martial arts master."

Lu Yan was amazed, what kind of miracle was this? It was so awesome.

The two chatted for several hours before Shen Yinuo went back to his room to rest.

On the second day, the two went out to purchase exotic animal meat and elixirs needed for the competition.

Three days later, the second round began.

What Lu Yan cooked was naturally a kind of third-level martial arts he had mastered. The state of integrating human and food pushed the quality to an extremely high level, so he was naturally promoted without any suspense.

Shen Yinuo is a martial arts master, so there is no doubt about it.

"The third round will start tomorrow. I, the Yan Sect, will bring out a third-level martial food that we have recently developed. Except for a few people from my Yan Sect, no one knows how to cook it."

"At that time, you will cook this kind of third-level martial arts on site. We will refer to your overall performance. The thirty people who use the shortest time and the best quality will be promoted."

The old man of the Yan family announced.

The next day, the third round begins.

With Lu Yan's experience, cooking an unfamiliar third-level martial arts food was not a problem for him. He and Shen Yinuo both advanced and entered the top thirty.

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