Hunting Immortals and Demons

Chapter 255 Evil Martial Arts

Yan brought the first thirty people into a hall.

Soon, two figures came from outside.

A middle-aged man who is not angry and proud, with a burly figure and a strong breath, he is like a sacred mountain, full of oppression.

The other one was an old man with gray hair who looked to be in his sixties and had deep eyes.

"Everyone, this is the head of my Yan family."

Someone from the Yan clan pointed to the middle-aged man and then pointed to the gray-haired old man and introduced: "This is my Yan clan's respected martial arts chef, Yan Shiqing."

Everyone's heart trembled, and they all clasped their fists and saluted.

"You are all elites in the martial arts world, no need to be polite."

The head of the Yan family smiled slightly and waved his hands gently, with a gentle expression.

"Same as in previous years, my Yan clan will give rewards to the top thirty, and Qing Lao will also give personal guidance. In addition, we also very welcome anyone who wants to join my Yan clan."

The head of the Yan family continued.

"I am willing to join the Yan clan and become the Yan clan's martial arts chef."

Someone immediately took a stand.

The head of the Yan family happily accepted.

Every time they hold a martial arts competition, one is to expand Yan's reputation, and the other is to recruit talents and strengthen Yan's strength.

"You may be curious. The martial arts competition held by Yan clan is held once every ten years, but this time it is three years ahead of schedule. The reason for this is that I still have a request from you."

The head of the Yan family said.

Everyone was curious and waited for the next chapter.

"My Yan family is planning to cook a kind of martial arts food recently, but this kind of martial arts food is extremely complicated and requires many masters who are proficient in martial arts cooking. I, the Yan family, are short of manpower, so I have to convene a martial arts chef meeting in advance. Please help me. Cook together.”

"Don't worry, everyone, I will never treat you badly after the event is completed. Each of you will be rewarded with 300 martial arts tickets, and you will also receive a martial arts experience written by Qing Lao himself."

The head of the Yan family continued.

Many people's eyes lit up.

Three hundred martial arts tickets are very attractive to the Grandmaster.

The secret notes of a respected martial arts chef are even more attractive.

"Master Yan, you're welcome. I'm willing to do my best."

"It's just a small matter, but I'm determined to help you."

Everyone expressed their opinions one after another.

Everyone else had expressed their opinions, so Lu Yan and Shen Yinuo naturally couldn't refuse.

The purpose of Lu Yan's visit was to investigate the Yan family.

As for Shen Yinuo, he was very interested in the handbook of a distinguished martial arts chef.

"Okay, everyone, take a short rest and eat some of my Yan clan's special martial arts food. We will set off later."

The head of the Yan family smiled.

Soon, various martial arts and fine wines were served.

Soon, darkness fell and darkness enveloped the earth.

"Everyone, let's go and follow me."

Yan Shiqing said, walk out of the hall first.

They walked out of the side door, and there were already more than a dozen carriages waiting there.

Everyone was curious about where they were going.

To help cook martial arts, it's not in the Yan family's mansion, but somewhere else.

Suppressing their curiosity, everyone boarded the carriage in twos and threes.

Lu Yan and Shen Yinuo naturally shared a carriage, and there was a middle-aged woman traveling with them.

Da da

The carriage started and went along the street. Soon after, it left Xuanhuo City and headed north into the darkness.

Lu Yan used his inner energy to move his right foot, and a small hole was silently opened at the bottom of the carriage. A wisp of powder in Lu Yan's hand fell down from the small hole and landed on the ground, driven by his inner energy.

This is a powder made from the dried saliva of high-grade fragrant swallows.

Before attending the martial arts competition, Chu Feng gave him that as long as he sprinkled this fragrant powder along the road, the guards of the Ming Dynasty could search for fragrant swallows and follow the smell of the fragrant powder.

The carriage traveled very fast and traveled for half a day. Lu Yan estimated that it had already left Xuanhuo City for hundreds of miles.


The carriage stopped.

Everyone got off the carriage and found themselves in a barren mountain.

"Everyone, please, go down through the crack in front."

Yan Shiqing pointed to the front and said.

Everyone saw a large mountain in front of them, but the stone wall of the mountain cracked, forming a crack diagonally downwards.

Under the cracks, it was pitch black.

"Senior Yan, please forgive this junior's doubts. If you want to cook martial arts, why don't you come to such a deserted place in Xuanhuo City?"

Someone couldn't help but ask.

"Juniors also have such doubts. What is under this crack?"

Another question was asked.

Everyone else also looked puzzled.

Yan Shiqing looked gentle and said with a smile: "To be honest, under this crack is a second-level blood vein that my Yan family found. Because it is extremely secretive, we built a castle below to cook some important martial arts. , will be placed under here.”

Even though he said this, it still couldn't dispel everyone's doubts.

"Senior, I just remembered that I have something to do at home. I will not participate in the cooking this time, and I won't use the rewards from the competition. I'll say goodbye."

A middle-aged man clasped his fists and wanted to leave.

"Junior, I also have important matters, so I'll take my leave."

Several people wanted to leave.


A burly figure stepped out and blocked everyone behind him. The terrifying aura was like a mountain, pressing down on everyone.

Real body state.

"Everyone, please take care of yourself now that you've arrived."

In the true state of Yan's body, he spoke indifferently.

Everyone's expressions changed drastically.

"Why, you Yan clan, if you want to use force, if word spreads, I'm afraid it will damage Yan clan's reputation."

A martial arts master relied on his identity to respond.

The next moment, a violent burst of true energy rushed out and hit the martial arts master.

The man retreated tens of meters, coughing up blood, his body almost exploded, and his face turned pale.

"You are so brave to contradict Martial Master. This is a lesson. If you do it next time, kill him."

The voice of Yan's True Body Realm expert became increasingly cold.

Everyone was awestruck, Yan clan dared to be so domineering, what was he going to do?

But in front of the Martial Lord in his true form, no one dared to take action.

In this current situation, we can only endure it for the time being and act according to circumstances.

Because, not only is the person in front of him in the True Body state, but Yan Shiqing, as a senior martial arts chef, is 100% in the True Body state.

In addition to the two true bodies, there are also dozens of strong men from the Yan clan.

"Everyone, please."

Yan Shiqing spoke again, his expression still gentle.

Everyone had no choice but to walk towards the crack.

There was a rope hanging on the crack, and everyone slid down the rope. After a hundred meters, there was a staircase.

Go down the stairs and finally reach the ground.

At a glance, it was a huge underground space filled with the energy of earth blood.

It is indeed a hidden blood vein, and it is wider and larger than the second-level hidden blood vein in Changfeng City.

Yan Shiqing led the way.

Soon after, they saw a castle.

In front of the castle is an empty, flat ground with a large pot on it.

The diameter of this pot is at least over thirty meters.

Around the cauldron, there are dozens of sets of martial arts utensils, large and small.

There are already hundreds of experts from the Yan family waiting here.

One of them has an aura as dignified as a mountain, and he is also in the true body state.

"It is said that the Yan clan has only four true bodies in total. In addition to the head of the Yan clan, there are only three gathered here."

Lu Yan Ancun, knowing that this place must not be simple.

"Are you all ready?"

Yan Shiqing walked over and asked the Martial Lord.

People in the True Body Realm are respectfully called Martial Masters. Therefore, the clans that are in the True Body Realm are called Zun-level clans.

"Ready, we can start right now."

The Martial Lord nodded.

Yan Shiqing nodded with satisfaction and said to everyone: "Everyone, the kind of martial arts we are going to cook next is quite special and requires the cooperation of multiple skilled martial arts chefs at the same time."

"Wait a minute, I will cook it in the main pot myself, and you will cook around it. Each of you two will cooperate and cook a kind of martial food together. After success, wait for my order and add it to the main pot at the same time. .”

"Thirty of you, form fifteen teams with each other."

Everyone could only form teams with each other. Lu Yan and Shen Yinuo naturally formed a team.

Then someone sent them a cookbook and supporting elixirs.

The two looked at it carefully.

"What kind of recipe is this? It actually requires cooking with live exotic animals?"

Lu Yan and Shen Yinuo looked at each other, and then looked at them carefully.

after an hour.

"You should all have read it and memorized it. These martial arts are not too difficult. With your martial arts skills, there is no reason to fail. When you succeed, you will naturally be rewarded. If you fail, don't blame me. You're welcome."

At this time, Yan Shiqing no longer had a gentle smile, but was only cold and cold.

Everyone silently came to a set of martial arts kitchen utensils.

"pull out."

Yan Shiqing ordered.

Within the castle, the sound of beast roars was heard.

Strange beasts were pulled out one after another, along with buckets of pitch-black liquid.

Several strong men poured buckets of dark liquid into the large pot in the middle, and a huge skull appeared out of thin air in Yan Shiqing's hand, as black as ink.

Yan Shiqing carefully placed the pitch-black skull into the cauldron.

"Demon Bones."

Lu Yan's eyes moved.

Lu Yan had never heard of the use of demon bones in cooking martial arts.

"It seems that they are going to cook an extremely evil martial food."

Shen Yinuo whispered.

"What can you tell?"

Lu Yan asked in a low voice.

Shen Yinuo shook his head slightly and said: "Such evil methods have been banned for a long time. I don't know the details. If the situation goes bad after a while, it is best for us to take action."

Lu Yan nodded.


Yan Shiqing shouted loudly.

Under the cauldron, flames were blazing.

Twelve master-level masters gathered around the cauldron, exerting their inner strength to control the size of the flames.

Soon, the black liquid in the cauldron began to boil.

Just like that, it kept cooking for three hours.

The liquid in the pot became darker, like ink.

"Bloody cow."

Yan Shiqing ordered.

Two big men grabbed a thousand-jin blood cow and threw it into the cauldron.

The blood cow struggled in the cauldron and let out a shrill wail.

Yan Shiqing's face was solemn, and he put his palms against the cauldron, injecting real energy and increasing the heat.

For a moment, the blood cow was silent and melted into the dark liquid, leaving no bones behind.

"Tiger with lower scales."

Another strange beast was thrown into it.

In this way, in less than an hour, nine different beasts were thrown in.

"Okay, you guys start cooking too."

Yan Shiqing opened his mouth and motioned for everyone to cook.

Lu Yan and Shen Yinuo started cooking. The martial food they wanted to cook was actually a living exotic animal python and dozens of elixirs, boiled into a martial food soup.

This naturally couldn't stop the two of them, and after a few hours, the martial arts soup was ready.

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