Hunting Immortals and Demons

Chapter 258 Lord of the Blood Temple

Black mist filled the air, demonic energy surged into the sky, accompanied by a rich blood light.

This is an extremely tall figure, in the shape of an adult, but it is twenty meters tall. It has double horns on its head, a wide mouth and fangs, and its body is covered with scales.

Especially on the back, there is a pair of huge fleshy wings that stretch out and are more than forty meters wide.

But it can be seen that its body, including the fleshy wings on its back, are in tatters and covered with wounds.

In particular, there was a blood hole between his eyebrows, which was hideous and terrifying. The flesh buds around the blood hole were constantly squirming, but they were still difficult to heal.

"Ancient demon, an ancient demon that lived long ago. Lu Yan, leave quickly."

Shen Yinuo's pretty face was as white as snow. She pulled Lu Yan's arm and retreated sharply.


The ancient demon roared, the sound shook the world, and its blood-red eyes scanned the crowd, revealing greed and desire.

"Go and kill them."

Yan Shiqing refers to Lu Yan, Shen Yinuo, Xiang Yun and others.


The ancient demon roared and grabbed it in the air. A figure howled in terror and was caught in his hand.

He is actually a grandmaster of the Yan clan.

As soon as he opened his mouth and sucked in, the master of the Yan family was swallowed into the mouth by the ancient demon and chewed.

Yan Shiqing's expression changed, and a bell appeared in his hand.

It jingled and shook.

Ho ho ho.

The ancient demon seemed to be greatly affected, roaring, and the demonic energy filled the air, becoming more intense.

"The ancient demon seems to be out of control, hurry up and get out of here."

Xiang Yun shouted. He and another Ming Prince guard got rid of their opponents, walked side by side with Lu Yan and others, and rushed toward the exit.

That ancient demon had an astonishing aura, far beyond the true body realm, and was most likely an existence in the Yuanshen realm.

It was meaningless for them to continue to stay. Instead, there was only a dead end.


Jingle Bell.

The ancient demon and Yan Shiqing are still in a stalemate. This is their best chance to escape.

The four of them were extremely fast and quickly rushed out of the exit hiding the blood veins.

"Let's go to Xuanhuo City first and meet up with Chu Feng, Lin Lian and the others."

Xiang Yun said.

Lu Yan and Shen Yinuo had no objections, and the four of them rushed towards Xuanhuo City together.

Just dozens of miles away from Xuanhuo City, a terrifying roar came from behind, and a dark cloud rushed towards them.

It was clearly demonic energy.

The huge figure of the ancient demon flew in the sky and chased them.

It can be seen that there are two figures standing on the left and right shoulders of the ancient demon.

One is Yan showing celebration, holding a bell.

One is another martial master of the Yan clan.

"Catch them and swallow them. You can regain a lot of energy."

Yan Shiqing pointed at Lu Yan and the four others.

Lu Yan and the others felt awe-struck and increased their speed to the extreme, dozens of miles passing by in the blink of an eye.

Like gliding birds, they crossed the city and landed at the station of Prince Ming's personal guards in Xuanhuo City. They also saw Chu Feng and Lin Lian, who were having tea with the head of the Yan family.

Seeing Xiang Yun and the others, the head of the Yan family's face changed slightly.

"Something is going wrong. The Yan family cooked evil martial arts and awakened an ancient demon, which is heading here."

Xiang Yun kept his stories short and concise.


Outside the city, a demonic roar came.

"Yan Cong, you are so brave."

Lin Lian smashed the table into pieces with one palm.

The head of the Yan family stood up, stepped back a hundred meters, stood in mid-air, and said with a big smile: "Finally, we have succeeded. From now on, I, the Yan family, will no longer be dependent on others and join forces with the Shengxuan Sect. Why should I be afraid of your Ming Palace?"

Rolling demonic energy surged in overwhelmingly.

A huge demonic shadow appeared in the sky above Xuanhuo City, causing chaos. Countless people screamed in horror, and Xuanhuo City turned into a mess.

Yan Shiqing on the ancient demon's shoulder saw Lu Yan and others at a glance.

"Kill them, leave no one behind."

Yan Shiqing pointed to Lu Yan and others.


The ancient demon roared, with a ferocious face and violent eyes. He suddenly reached out and grabbed Yan Shiqing in his hand.

"what are you doing?"

Yan Shiqing's expression changed drastically, he resisted with all his strength and shook the bell at the same time, but it was of no use at all.

The ancient demon squeezed hard, and Yan Shiqing, a powerful True Body Realm expert, was crushed like an egg and turned into a ball of minced meat.

The ancient demon opened his mouth and sucked the minced meat into his mouth.

It can be seen that the blood on its body is a bit richer, and the wounds on its wings and body are squirming, which is obviously lighter. However, the blood hole between its eyebrows has not changed at all.

The other Martial Master of the Yan clan on his shoulder changed his expression greatly, jumped up, and wanted to leave.

But while it was in mid-air, it was grabbed by the ancient demon, stuffed into its mouth and chewed.

"how so?"

The head of the Yan family turned pale and couldn't believe it. Then he also took out a bell, injected real energy into it, and kept shaking it.

The sound of jingling bells echoed throughout the venue.


The ancient demon seemed to be in some pain. He held his head and roared a few times. He flapped his wings suddenly and turned into a ray of magic light, rushing towards the head of the Yan family.

The face of the head of the Yan family changed drastically and he quickly retreated.

But the ancient demon was obviously faster than him, and he caught up in an instant and slapped him.


The head of the Yan family roared unwillingly, threw away the bell, his fists turned red, and fired dozens of punches in succession.

But this strong man who had reached the fifth level of the real body was slapped by the ancient demon and turned into a meat pie. He opened his mouth and sucked it into his mouth.

At this point, all four martial masters of the Yan clan died.

Three of them died at the hands of the ancient demons they had worked so hard to save.

After killing the head of the Yan family, the ancient demon roared and took a breath at Xuanhuo City. Suddenly, hundreds of figures screamed and flew towards his mouth. When they approached the mouth, they were rolled up by the demonic energy and exploded one after another. It turned into blood mist and was sucked by the ancient demon.

"Jie Jie Jie"

"This is a pure blood demon that survived from the ancient times. How can the Yan clan control it? It's too naive."

A strange smile came out, and at some point, another figure appeared on the ancient demon's shoulder.

This is a tall and thin old man with a pale face, wearing a blood-red robe, with long blood-red hair flying in the wind.

With a wanton and arrogant attitude and cold eyes, he stared at Lu Yan and others who had escaped from the city, and said: "Catch them, kill them, leave no one behind."

The ancient demon roared, fanned its flesh wings, and quickly chased after Lu Yan, Shen Yinuo, Chu Feng and others.

After eating the three masters of the Yan family in succession, the ancient demon's aura was obviously much stronger, and its speed was faster than before.

The ancient demon uttered strange syllables from his mouth, and his wings suddenly flapped. The blood light mixed with the demonic energy, turning into dark red demonic energy, which surged towards Lu Yan and others like a wave.

The speed is extremely fast and frightening, and it is approaching rapidly.


Chu Feng shouted, turned around suddenly, his true strength exploded, inhaled and turned around, and pushed out two palms with all his strength.

The air in front of his palms was compressed sharply, roaring out, rushing towards the wave of demonic energy.

Lin Lian, Xiang Yun, Lu Yan, Shen Yinuo, five people from the Feng family also turned around and took action at the same time.

Lin Lian, like Feng Xi, used his sword to strike out a sword light that was tens of meters long, while Xiang Yun used the power of his spear to strike, and the powerful energy seemed to be a giant pillar, rushing towards the wave of demonic energy.

Lu Yan shot five arrows in an instant, and Shen Yinuo threw five flying knives.

But their attack fell apart in an instant after colliding with the wave of demonic energy.

The gap is too big.

Just when everyone was despairing, a starlight lit up in front of the wave of demonic energy, and then became brighter and brighter, like the sun, tearing apart the wave of demonic energy.

Waves of demonic energy rushed over from both sides, and the place where Lu Yan and others stood became a safe area.

At some point, a figure stood in front of Lu Yan and the others, holding a spear and standing straight like an immortal mountain.


Chu Feng, Xiang Yun and others were overjoyed.

"Chu Long."

Lu Yan's heart moved and he also showed joy.

The wave of demonic energy just now was separated by Chu Long's shot.

"Stay away, this demon has returned to the realm of soul, and you cannot fight it."

Chu Long's voice came out.

"Commander, be careful."

Xiang Yun and others said something, then quickly rushed towards the distance, and did not stop until they were dozens of miles away, watching from a distance.

"Master of the Blood Temple, it seems that you are the one behind all this."

Chu Long looked at the blood-haired old man on the Ancient Demon's shoulder, his voice cold and filled with murderous intent.

"Those idiots from the Jie Jie Yan clan thought they could control the ancient blood demon and tried their best to rescue the sealed blood demon. They thought that with the help of the blood demon, they could be on an equal footing with Sheng Xuan Zong and fight against the Ming Palace together. They were naive, too naive. ”

The Lord of the Blood Temple laughed.

"Everyone from the Spiritual Cult should be killed."

Chu Long stopped talking nonsense and took a step forward. Like a giant beast moving, the ground roared. His body was tall and straight, and his originally gray hair became pitch black.

He held the gun in one hand, and the power of heaven and earth gathered towards him crazily, and then smashed the gun forward. A huge gun light, like a pillar of heaven, suppressed the ancient demon.

The ancient demon roared, demonic energy and blood light erupted, and he punched towards the gun light.


An earth-shattering roar erupted, and the entire Xuanhuo City was shaking.

Then, the ancient demon's huge body floated back a thousand meters, while Chu Long's figure remained motionless.


Chu Long shouted low and soared into the sky. The man and the gun seemed to merge into one, turning into an eternal spear light that flew through the air and pierced the ancient demon's forehead.

The ancient demon roared, and a pair of flesh wings, emitting extremely rich blood light, slashed forward, like two bloody magic weapons.


The ancient demon retreated again, but Chu Long's attack was also blocked.

The ancient demon roared, opened his mouth and sucked in, and hundreds more people in the city flew into his mouth and were swallowed by him.

Chu Long's face was gloomy, and his aura became stronger and stronger. His brows glowed with light, and a figure emerged from his body, rapidly growing in size, becoming a hundred feet high, standing tall against the sky and the earth.

This figure has a bronze body and a solemn appearance. Its left and right arms are wrapped around a green dragon.


The 100-foot-long figure stepped in the air, pressing its huge palm against the ancient demon.

"The Prime Minister, Chu Long, among the many sons of Chu Tianming, you can be ranked among the top three."

The Lord of the Blood Temple's face was solemn, and a rich blood light rushed out from his body. He pushed forward with both palms, and the rolling blood light turned into a sea of ​​blood and rushed towards the Baizhang figure.

The ancient demon also roared, and used all his strength to strike a powerful blow.


The sky and the earth shook violently, infinite energy rolled over Xuanhuo City, and all the clouds in the sky were wiped out.

From a distance, Lu Yan was shocked.

How powerful is this?

He is no longer human, like a god.

When he was hunting immortals in Lingdong, Chu Long didn't use any effort at all.

Now is his true strength.

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