Hunting Immortals and Demons

Chapter 259 The Seventh Refining of the True Body and the Nine Transformations of the Soul

The Lord of the Blood Temple and the Ancient Demon worked together to block Chu Long's Yuan Shen Dharma.

"Chu Long, I heard that your vitality and blood were as strong as a dragon when you were born. Today, let me teach you."

The Lord of the Blood Temple shouted coldly and rose into the sky.

His bloody hair was flying, and blood was billowing from his body. His body was squirming rapidly, and a pair of fleshy wings grew out of his back, like a human-shaped bat, which was fifty-six times similar to the ancient demon.

Then, a figure emerged from his body, quickly grew in size, and turned into a giant of a hundred feet.

This is a giant that is completely condensed by blood and water. It is also the form of his soul, the immortal blood demon.


The two giant statues of heaven and earth, which were hundreds of feet in size, were fighting together, while Chu Long and the master of the Blood Temple turned into a stream of light and engaged in a fierce battle in mid-air.

The ancient demon lost his balance and opened his mouth to scream. People in Xuanhuo City were constantly being devoured by him.

In the blink of an eye, thousands of people were devoured.

At several gates of Xuanhuo City, crowds of people swarmed out in panic.

From various city walls, hundreds of martial arts cultivators jumped out and ran for their lives.

"Evil beast, seeking death."

In the distance, there was an angry shout.

Two streams of light flew towards Xuanhuo City at a rapid speed, like thunder and lightning. In a blink of an eye, they were approaching Xuanhuo City.

call out!

A sword light flew through the air, spanning a distance of dozens of miles, and slashed towards the ancient demon, to be precise, the ancient blood demon.

The ancient blood demon waved its wings and turned into a bloody blade, blocking the sword light.

After such a blockage, two streams of light were approaching, one behind the other, surrounding the ancient blood demon.

One of them was a burly middle-aged man, wearing a battle armor, holding a sword, and his breath was menacing.

The other person was an old man, wearing a loose official uniform and holding a large seal in his hand.

But from the way the two of them stood in the air with ease, it was clear that they were both signs of the Yuanshen realm.

"The Minister of War in Prince Ming's Palace, and Nan Mengren, one of the three commanders of Prince Ming's bodyguard."

The face of the Lord of the Blood Temple changed.

"Hmph, if I had known something was wrong with the Yan family, we would have been prepared for a long time."

The Minister of War snorted coldly, and the big seal in his hand flew out, grew rapidly, and moved towards the ancient blood demon to suppress it.

And Nan Mengren, one of the three commanders of Prince Ming's personal guard, held a sword in both hands. The sword rang out, and the sharp sword light rose into the sky, slashing at the head of the ancient blood demon.


The ancient blood demon roared and tried his best to resist.

But in the long past, he was severely injured and sealed for thousands of years. Although he recovered a lot with evil martial arts, he was far from his peak period and was unable to compete with the two top masters of the Ming Palace.

After a few moves, Nan Mengren cut him in half with a sword.

The Minister of War took the opportunity to attack with a large seal and shattered the ancient blood demon's head.

But the vitality of the ancient blood demon is so amazing, it is many times stronger than the martial spirit.

Demonic energy and blood filled the air, and the broken body reorganized in an instant, and recovered tenaciously.

"The blood demon's vitality is too strong. With our power, I'm afraid we won't be able to kill him. We must use the power of immortals to restrain him."

Nanmeng Rendao.

"I happen to have an immortal weapon."

When the Minister of War raised his hand, a long whip that was tens of meters long appeared in his hand.

This whip was made from the spine of some kind of creature.


Nan Mengren was greatly refreshed and swung his sword to fight against the ancient blood demon.

While the Minister of War urged the big seal to attack, he also urged the long whip to attack the ancient blood demon.

The long whip bloomed with dazzling light, and the rich fairy light surged out, colliding with the evil energy of the ancient blood demon. The evil energy made a hissing sound, just like the flames encountered by ice and snow, which were constantly evaporating.

The demonic energy on the ancient blood demon's body gradually became dim.

In the distance, Lu Yan watched intently.

"There is a huge gap between the True Body Realm and the Yuanshen Realm. The True Body Realm seems to be an ordinary martial arts practice, while the Yuan Shen Realm seems to have entered another level. The weapons can be large or small, and contain amazing power."

Lu Yan thought to himself.

In the true body state, including the true body state, the magical weapons used can only be used as auxiliary services. They are extensions of the warrior's hands and feet. They are sharp and strong, allowing the martial artist to fully display his strength.

But by itself, it doesn't provide much power.

But the weapons in the Yuanshen realm seem to be different.


After a few moves, the ancient blood demon's body was blown apart again.

This time, the Minister of War controlled the fairy bone whip, which turned into a whip hundreds of meters long, like a python, surrounding the remains of the ancient blood demon and spreading a large amount of fairy light.

The demonic energy and blood energy of the ancient blood demon are constantly being wiped away.

The ancient blood demon's recovery became obviously more difficult. Although he finally recovered successfully, his aura was much darker, and the wounds on his body and wings were even more ferocious.

Especially the blood hole between the eyebrows, which was constantly bleeding outward, making the ancient blood demon's aura even weaker.


The Lord of the Blood Temple shouted fiercely and wanted to get rid of Chu Long to help the ancient blood demon. However, Chu Long was such a person and his offensive was so overwhelming that it was difficult for the Lord of the Blood Temple to be distracted.

If you are not careful, you will get tricked.

After a few moves, the ancient blood demon was defeated again and was constantly destroyed by the fairy light. When he recovered, his aura was even weaker.

It was obvious that the ancient blood demon had a hint of fear.

What he was afraid of was not the Minister of War and Nan Mengren, but the bloody hole between his eyebrows.

There, there was a terrible force taking away his life.

If it weren't for this, what could the immortal light of a mere immortal bone do to him?

Back then, he killed more than one adult immortal.

He must eat people and suck blood in order to regain his strength and resist the terrifying power of the blood hole between his eyebrows.

If it can swallow enough people, it can even wipe out that power and completely recover.


The ancient blood demon's body collapsed and turned into a ball of blood.

This time, he was not blown up, but dispersed on his own.

The bloody water rushed in all directions. The faces of Minister of War and Nan Mengren changed, and they tried their best to block it, but it was still difficult to block it all. Some of the blood rushed out of their attack and flew away quickly.

Nan Mengren and the Minister of War quickly chased after him and disappeared from the horizon in the blink of an eye.

"Chu Long, I won't play with you anymore. Let's fight next time."

The Lord of the Blood Temple shouted softly and took action with all his strength. After a few moves with Chu Long, his wings shook and turned into a streak of blood light, rushing into the distance.

And his spirit form also turned into a rainbow light, flew into his body and disappeared.

"Want to leave."

Chu Long's eyes were cold, he also put away his Soul Dharma Appearance, and chased after the Lord of the Blood Temple.

Xuanhuo City suddenly became quiet.

A terrifying battle came to an end.

But the people of Xuanhuo City still have martial arts cultivators, but they dare not return to Xuanhuo City.

Lu Yan, Shen Yinuo, Chu Feng, Xiang Yun and others were also waiting outside the city. It was not until a few hours later that they saw three streams of light flying back. They were Chu Long, Nan Mengren, and the Minister of War. .

After asking, I found out that the master of the Blood Temple had escaped. The ancient blood demon was severely injured, but he managed to escape the pursuit with his broken body.

"The ancient blood demon is causing great harm. He will definitely find a way to devour blood to recover later. He must not stay. I will immediately return to Mingwang City to report to my father and ask my father to send people to track down the whereabouts of the ancient blood demon and kill him."

"Chu Feng, Xiang Yun, Lin Lian, the follow-up matters in Xuanhuo City will be left to you. Yan clan, there is no need to keep them."

Chu Long explained, then looked at Lu Yan and said, "Lu Yan, you have made great achievements this time, and you will be rewarded. First, follow Chu Feng and the others to practice in Xuanhuo City."


Lu Yan, Chu Feng and others clasped their fists.

Swish, swish, swish!

Three streams of light shot through the air and disappeared in a blink of an eye. Lu Yan was filled with envy as he watched. He didn't know when he would reach such a state.

"To develop the Dharma of the Yuan Shen, this should be a realm that can only be achieved at the fifth level of the Nine Yuan Shen. Even if you are placed in the Yuan Shen realm, you are considered a top master. There are only a limited number of people like this in the world."

Shen Yinuo whispered beside Lu Yan.

"Yinuo, you know so much."

Lu Yan said.

"Tell you to read more books."

Shen Yinuo smiled.

"Is it useful to read more books?"

Lu Yan obviously didn't believe it.

Because a lot of knowledge is not in the book at all.

Even if it is in the book, this kind of book is not accessible to ordinary people.

"Yinuo, can you tell me in detail the division between the true body realm and the soul realm?"

Lu Yan whispered.

"Let's go, let's mobilize the army and defeat the Yan clan."

Chu Feng said coldly.

He ran towards the distance first, followed by others.

On the road, Shen Yinuo and Lu Yan walked side by side and whispered: "Seven refinements of the true body, nine transformations of the soul."

"In the true body state, the inside and outside are integrated. The physical body has reached its extreme strength, but it is not yet at the limit. It still needs continuous condensation. Each condensation is a transformation. The true body and true strength will be greatly improved. After seven times , until it reaches its limit, and then it’s time to open up the soul aperture, discover the power of the soul, and cultivate the soul.”

"As for the Yuan Shen, it is even more complicated. There are nine turns, nine levels in total, which are: spiritual consciousness, manifestation, out-of-body experience, spiritual transformation, Dharma form, peeping into the void, refining the void, joining the Tao, and overcoming the tribulation."

"The Dharma of the Yuan Shen is the fifth level of the Yuan Shen."

Lu Yan was stunned.

"The little girl knows a lot, but which force does she come from?"

Chu Feng glanced at Shen Yinuo and asked with a smile.

"My background is not worth mentioning. I just read a lot and know some common sense."

Shen Yinuo chuckled.

Chu Feng and the others didn't ask any more questions.

A few hundred miles away from Xuanhuo City, there is a second-level bloodline. There is also a large city next to it, which is directly under the Ming Dynasty. There are usually two thousand Ming Dynasty troops stationed there.

When they arrived at this city, Chu Feng and others revealed their identities and temporarily took over two thousand King Ming's troops. At the same time, they sent people to other large cities directly under the Ming Dynasty to mobilize troops.

The Palace of the Ming Dynasty and the one hundred thousand Ming Dynasty troops usually stationed in Xuanzhou.

Not long after, 20,000 King Ming troops were mobilized, and under the leadership of Chu Feng and others, they headed straight for Xuanhuo City.

The Yan clan lost its four Martial Lords, which was equivalent to losing its backbone. Even some die-hards tried to resist, but they were defeated. Soon, Xuanhuo City completely fell into the hands of Prince Ming's Palace. The Yan clan Senior officials were questioned and beheaded in public.

Including the innate martial body who mastered the five internal powers who had dealt with Lu Yan in the past.

Later, the Ming Palace notified the three states that the Yan family conspired with the Lingjiao to release the ancient blood demons to harm the people. They were treasonous and unforgivable, and the nine tribes should be punished.

However, King Ming was kind and only killed high-ranking officials, leaving most of the Yan clan unkilled.

The next step is to reorganize Yan's military army.

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