Hunting Immortals and Demons

Chapter 261 The decisive battle

The power of the sword light was astonishing, and the speed was astonishing.

King Ming, who was as strong as Ming, also changed his expression in an instant, and thrust the spear in his hand downwards without hesitation.


A huge earthquake broke out.

From the tip of the spear and the tip of the sword, a dazzling light burst out, like a small sun.

The spear and sword light were in a stalemate for a moment, and the spear shook violently. King Ming's body shook and he flew hundreds of meters upward before he stabilized his body.

Because he sacrificed the primordial spirit, he dispersed too much power, and he was at a disadvantage with the blow just now.

Just as King Ming stopped, a figure suddenly appeared above his head, holding a sword in his hand, and struck the top of King Ming's head with one sword.

King Ming didn't even think about it, so he waved his gun to resist.

With a clang, King Ming's figure quickly landed, and then the Primordial Spirit Dharma Phase dodged and landed next to King Ming. The battle ax on one arm was thrown upward, spinning rapidly, and struck the man above his head.

The man above his head struck out with his sword and blocked the battle axe.

"Tianque Sword, Zhuo Kunsheng."

King Ming spoke indifferently.

Many people in Shengxuan Mountain were shocked.

Zhuo Kunsheng, the contemporary leader of the Tianque Sect, is also the strongest person in the Tianque Sect. He is one of the twenty strongest people in Chu today, and is as famous as King Ming.

"Chu Tianming, our Tianque Sect and Shengxuan Sect are in the same spirit. If you want to destroy them, I will kill you."

Zhuo Kunsheng looks to be in his fifties, tall and domineering.

"Zhuo Kunsheng, you will appear here. It seems that today is your plan. No, Yan's release of the ancient blood demon is also a part of your plan."

King Ming said coldly.

"Hahaha, Chu Tianming, you are really smart. From the time when the Yan clan released the ancient blood demon, and later on, I sent an army of 200,000 to pretend to attack Prince Ming's Mansion. The purpose is just for this moment, to lure you to Shengxuan Sect alone."

"As expected, you, Chu Tianming, are arrogant and arrogant. As expected, you came to kill Shengxuan Sect alone. Today is the end of Chu Tianming."

Zhuo Kunsheng laughed.

While Zhuo Kunsheng was speaking, there were two more figures on the left and right sides of King Ming.

These were two old men with gray hair, but their aura was extremely terrifying.

"The two supreme elders of Tianque Sect have also arrived, but do you think that you can keep me here?"

King Ming spoke, and even though he was surrounded by powerful enemies, his expression remained unchanged.

"Chu Tianming, he's joining us."

A sharp and unpleasant sound sounded.

Behind King Ming, two figures appeared.

One of them was an old man with red hair, a bloody robe, and blood all over his body.

This person is clearly the master of the Blood Temple.

The other person was an extremely fat man, reaching an astonishing five meters in height. He had a round belly and was covered in fat. From a distance, he looked like a huge ball of meat.

The fat man's aura was actually no worse than the master of the Blood Temple. He was obviously a being of the same level.

"Master of the Blood Temple, Master of the Greedy Wolf Temple, Zhuo Kunsheng, your Tianque Sect is also colluding with the Spirit Sect?"

King Ming finally showed a solemn look, but there was a hint of ridicule in his tone.

"Chu Tianming, the current situation has changed. This world is no longer the world where your surname is Chu. Your Chu family can't control others."

Zhuo Kunsheng said.

"Jie Jie Jie, Sect Master Zhuo is right. In this world, you are the only ones with the surname Chu who still resist our Holy Religion. Many princes are open to our Holy Religion. The times are changing and they cannot keep up with the times. You Chu Tianming , destined to be eliminated.”

The Lord of the Blood Temple sneered, and the blood in his body became more and more intense, turning into a sea of ​​blood, covering the void.


At this time, King Ming suddenly moved, his spear vibrated, and it shot out like a dragon, rushing in a certain direction.

This direction is the area guarded by a Supreme Elder of Tianque Sect.

"Take action."

Zhuo Kunsheng and others were already prepared and ready to take action at any time. When King Ming moved, they all moved too.

Their bodies all radiated light, and together they displayed the primordial spirit.

One by one, various sizes of Yuan Shen Dharma Appearances appeared in the air. Among them, Zhuo Kunsheng's Yuan Shen Dharma Appearance was the largest, reaching a height of three hundred feet, and was on par with King Ming's Dharma Appearance.

The six masters took action together to snipe at King Ming. At the same time, the masters from Shengxuan Sect also activated the Shengxuan Tower and crashed into King Ming.

Everyone present, looking at the entire Dachu, they are all top-notch masters. They shot together with astonishing power. They were as powerful as King Ming. They couldn't break out of the encirclement. They were blocked and staggered back. Their faces were pale and the corners of their mouths were hanging. With a trace of blood.

"Five senses, deprived."

The Lord of the Blood Temple used all his strength to activate the primordial spirit. His primordial spirit dharma screamed, and invisible sound waves rushed out, covering King Ming.

King Ming suddenly felt that the sky and the earth were dark, and his taste, smell, hearing, etc. were completely deprived.

"Heaven, Earth and Water Prison."

A Supreme Elder of Tianque Sect shouted softly, and a goose egg-sized orb appeared in his hand, which attracted immeasurable water flow and turned into a water cage, shrouding King Ming in it.


The Master of Greedy Wolf Palace held a giant axe, used both arms to throw the giant ax out, and struck at King Ming.

Another Supreme Elder of the Tianque Sect, holding a pitch-black war bow, shot a dazzling arrow straight into King Ming's heart.

The most terrifying one is Zhuo Kunsheng, the leader of Tianque Sect.

His sword seemed to have affected the power of rules between heaven and earth. Wisps of cyan energy attached to the long sword. He slashed out with a sword. The sword light was like steel, as if it divided the world into two, and slashed towards King Ming's body. neck.

The combined attacks of many powerful men complemented each other, forming a fatal blow that few people in the world could block.

King Ming roared, and the invisible power between heaven and earth was attracted by him. His whole body was filled with dazzling golden light. The spear in his hand, as well as the primordial spirit, were all attached to a layer of golden light.

The entire void was trembling.

Boo hoo hoo.

The immeasurable golden light turned into countless powers and shot out in all directions.

The Blood Temple Lord's sonic attack was immediately defeated.

King Ming regained his five senses, and swung out his spear, triggering golden light. His arm shook, and the spear spun out and penetrated the water cage, colliding with Zhuo Kunsheng's sword light.

Two terrifying attacks formed a stalemate.

But the other masters' primordial spirits and attacks came like a tidal wave, drowning King Ming.


Suddenly, a figure retreated violently, flew tens of thousands of meters, and exploded a large mountain. Countless boulders flying thousands of kilograms flew randomly, and a thousand-meter peak collapsed.

Then, the figure rushed out from the collapsed mountain, and it was King Ming.

At this moment, King Ming was extremely embarrassed, with disheveled hair, pale face, and vomited several mouthfuls of blood.

You can see a palm print on his chest, which almost penetrated his chest.

There was a sword wound on his abdomen, which almost cut his body into two pieces.

King Ming turned around and walked away, turning into a golden light and quickly going away.

"Chase, don't let him escape. Chu Tianming's cultivation is getting more and more advanced, and his mastery of the rules of gold is also extremely advanced. If we don't kill him today, there will be endless troubles."

Zhuo Kun roared, turned into a sword light, and chased after him quickly.

The two supreme elders of Tianque Sect, the master of Blood Temple, the master of Greedy Wolf Palace, and the master of Shengxuan Sect all had serious expressions on their faces.

They had tried their best to overestimate King Ming, but King Ming's strength was still beyond their expectations.

Being besieged by so many masters, he was still able to survive and break out of the siege.

You must know that Zhuo Kunsheng alone is a master as famous as Ming Wang. The two have fought several times, with no outcome, and with the addition of many other first-rate masters, they expected that , besieging King Ming, King Ming will undoubtedly die.

King Ming was severely injured today, so it was the best time to kill him. Everyone used their speed to the extreme to pursue King Ming.

call out!

A Supreme Elder of Tianque Sect shot an arrow that shot through the sun with a golden rainbow.

Compared with this arrow, Lu Yan's nine-ring arrow was like a candlelight and a bright moon, completely incomparable.

The arrow instantly spanned a distance of dozens of miles and shot towards King Ming.

King Ming swung his spear to block it, but it also affected the wound and turned pale.

"Chu Tianming, you will definitely die today."

The Lord of the Blood Temple used the power of his martial spirit, grew a pair of wings, fanned them violently, and moved at extremely high speeds, keeping pace with the sword light transformed by Zhuo Kunsheng, chasing him at the front.

The previous siege had severely injured King Ming, and he was no longer as fast as the Master of the Blood Temple and Zhuo Kunsheng.

The distance between the two sides is constantly getting closer.

Both sides chased and fled, flying tens of thousands of miles away in the blink of an eye.

Seeing that King Ming was about to be caught up.

Ahead, a mountain range appeared.

The mountains are dark and filled with black mist, like a giant dragon crawling on the earth.

"Magic Ridge Mountains."

The faces of the Lord of the Blood Temple, Zhuo Kunsheng and others changed.

Without looking back, King Ming rushed into the Demon Ridge Mountains and disappeared.

Zhuo Kunsheng, the master of the Blood Temple stopped in mid-air, not daring to enter.

"Moling Mountains, legend has it that in the long past, a terrible demon fell and became a demonic realm of its own, where no living thing was allowed to enter."

Zhuo Kunsheng whispered, his face solemn.

Even a master of his level would not dare to enter it easily.

In addition to the two safe passages, other areas of the Demon Ridge Mountains are forbidden areas for others.

Including Zhuo Kunsheng.

Because more than once in history, top experts entered it, but never came out again.

Some people speculate that the big demon in the Demon Ridge Mountains is not dead, but has been resurrected and has been hiding in it to heal.

Some people say that the great demon that fell in the Demon Ridge Mountains was so powerful that it exceeded the Yuanshen realm, so the demon realm formed after death was extremely terrifying.

Opinions vary.

"Aren't your spiritual sect good at dealing with demons? How much do you know about the Demon Ridge Mountains? I wonder if you can enter it and join forces with the demons inside to kill Chu Tianming."

Zhuo Kunsheng said.

The master of the Blood Temple shook his head and said: "No, we don't know much about the Demon Ridge Mountains."

Zhuo Kunsheng was suspicious and obviously didn't believe it.

After all, after a martial spirit becomes evil, it becomes a spirit demon.

It can be said that the source of demons is martial spirits.

Lingjiao, don’t you know anything about the Demon Ridge Mountains?

At this time, the master of Tanlang Hall and the two supreme elders of Tianque Sect rushed over.

"Although the ancient demons are related to the spiritual demons, they are also different. The ancient demons are extremely pure great demons, while the great demons in the Demon Ridge Mountains fell from the great battle five thousand years ago. That level , it’s unbelievable, it’s not something we can guess, and I, a master of the Spiritual Cult, don’t dare to enter it.”

The main path of the Blood Temple.

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