Hunting Immortals and Demons

Chapter 262 Battle with the real killer

"So, even if Chu Tianming enters it, it will be difficult for him to come out?"

Zhuo Kunsheng said.

The Lord of the Blood Temple and the Lord of the Greedy Wolf Palace both remained silent.

Heavenly figures like King Ming can always create miracles time and again, but they don't dare to jump to conclusions.

"Perhaps King Ming only entered the edge and did not go deep, so as to escape our pursuit."

A Supreme Elder from Tianque Sect said.

The others nodded and concluded the same thing.

But they dare not venture in.

They have completely gained the upper hand and there is no need to gamble with their lives.

At this time, the leader of Shengxuan Sect rushed over with several masters.

"Brother Huang, King Ming has entered the Demon Ridge Mountains. I plan to personally guard this place to prevent him from escaping. Without King Ming, the morale of the entire army in Prince Ming's palace will definitely be in chaos. This is the best time for your Shengxuan Sect to take action and capture the entire territory of Xuanzhou in one fell swoop. They are at odds with me, the Tianque Sect, and are slowly encroaching on the remaining two states of the Ming Palace."

Zhuo Kunsheng said.

"That's great. I'll go back and prepare."

The leader of the Shengxuan Sect clasped his fists and led the people away quickly.

"Brother Zhuo, I have to go back and make preparations, so I can help Sheng Xuanzong secretly."

The master of the Blood Temple clasped his fists and stepped away from the master of the Greedy Wolf Temple.

Zhuo Kunsheng took the two supreme elders of the Tianque Sect and guarded outside the Moling Mountains for seven days, but there was no trace of King Ming. After Zhuo Kunsheng gave a few words of warning, the two supreme elders also left.

Shengxuanzong Hall.

Huang Xuan, the leader of Shengxuan Sect, summoned the senior officials of Shengxuan Sect to discuss the matter of attacking Prince Ming's Mansion and unifying Xuanzhou.

The most important power in Xuanzhou is undoubtedly the ten third-level blood veins.

Among them, there are six belonging to the Ming Palace.

Now, after the Yan clan was eliminated, the number of third-level blood veins directly under the Ming Palace has reached four.

The other two, each have a respectable family member.

The Yan's Xuanhuo City is the closest to the Shengxuan Sect, followed by the two noble-level sects, and then the three third-level bloodlines directly under the Ming Palace.

After some discussion, Shengxuanzong decided not to move the two respected sects.

If they directly attack two respected clans, the two respected clans will definitely fight to the death.

Their strategy was to concentrate their forces first, bypass the two noble-level clans, and besiege the two blood lines directly under the Ming Palace and Xuanhuo City.

Once these three blood lines are captured and the two noble sects are surrounded, the two noble sects will naturally surrender without a fight.

Of course, before the army attacks, they plan to send assassins from the Dark Moon Organization to lurk into the three major cities and assassinate the masters stationed in the three cities.

As long as the master dies and the group is leaderless, it can be easily captured once the army arrives, reducing casualties.

Xuanhuo City.

During this period, Lu Yan has been following Chu Feng and others to rectify Xuanhuo City.

Nowadays, the hidden dangers in Xuanhuo City have been basically eliminated. The 20,000 troops of Prince Ming's Mansion are guarding the city. In addition, a commander of Prince Ming's army recently arrived, a powerful man in the Yuanshen realm.

Xuanhuo City has been firmly occupied by Prince Ming's Mansion and completely digested.

The change of dynasty had no impact on the common people or ordinary martial arts cultivators. They were left to do whatever they had to do. Soon, Xuanhuo City returned to its former prosperity.


"Master Zhang, Master Chu Feng invites you."

Two soldiers dressed as King Ming's army paid homage to Lu Yan.

Lu Yan glanced at the two of them and felt that they looked a little unfamiliar.

But he didn't take it to heart. After all, there were as many as 20,000 King Ming troops stationed in Xuanhuo City. He couldn't have seen them all, and the encounter was normal.

"Okay, let's go."

Lu Yan stepped forward, followed closely by the two soldiers of the Ming Dynasty.

But at this moment, Lu Yan felt a strong crisis and felt a chill in the back of his head.

Lu Yan had been fighting for a long time and suddenly felt something was wrong. He did not hesitate to use the golden body of the divine dragon, the battle body of hundreds of beasts and the red dragon body of the Tiangang. His whole body was covered with scales.

Ding ding ding.

Dang Dang!

A handful of poisonous needles as thin as an ox's hair and two slender long swords stabbed him in the back of the heart and the back of the head, but they were blocked by the scales. The poisonous needles bounced away, and the two long swords were swung away. Not a single trace was left.

The two 'King Ming's Army' looked horrified, turned around and wanted to run away.

"court death."

Lu Yan's eyes flashed with sternness, he turned around and jumped out, bringing up a violent wind.

The two 'King Ming's Army' knew they could not escape, so they unleashed all their strength, turned around and thrust out two swords, stabbing Lu Yan's palms.


The two magic weapon-level swords shattered directly, and Lu Yan's palms struck the two 'King Ming's Army' like they were shattering.

The two of them flew out and fell to the ground, coughing up blood and their chests collapsed.

But he wasn't dead yet, Lu Yan deliberately breathed a sigh of relief.

"Tell me, who sent you here? What is your intention to assassinate me?"

Lu Yan stepped forward and spoke coldly.

"Don't expect to hear a word from our mouths."

A killer shouted, black blood flowed from his mouth, his head tilted, and he died.

The same goes for another killer.

"Even if you don't say it, it's not difficult to tell from your methods that you are the killer of the Dark Moon Organization."

Lu Yan's face was gloomy.

After the Yan clan's battle, he already knew from Chu Feng that the Dark Moon Organization was a killer secretly trained by Shengxuan Sect.

Shengxuanzong sent the Dark Moon Killer to kill him. Has his true identity been discovered?

In other words, Shengxuanzong is not targeting him alone?

Thinking of this, Lu Yan's expression changed.

"A promise."

Lu Yan quickly rushed towards Yinuo's room, only to see Yinuo holding a knife and wiping the neck of a maid.

"A master of the fifth level of the Grandmaster actually pretended to be a maid to assassinate me, but he didn't know how poor his disguise skills were."

Shen Yinuo curled his lips.


At this moment, a violent roar came from the center of Xuanhuo City.

Two figures soared into the sky, fighting fiercely.

Lu Yan saw that one of them was the commander of King Ming's army.

He was covered in blood and obviously injured.

The person fighting him was an old man with a thin body and a sinister appearance.

"Li Armadillo, you Shengxuan Sect is so brave."

The commander of King Ming's army shouted angrily.

But the opponent said nothing and attacked with all their strength.

Sheng Xuanzong came well-prepared, and the masters dispatched were extremely powerful and were able to suppress the commander of King Ming's army. In addition, the commander of King Ming's army was injured, making him even more unbeatable. After a dozen moves, he was hit by the opponent's palm and retreated violently. Ten miles.

"Even the commander of King Ming's army dared to assassinate him. Is Shengxuan Sect going to completely rebel?"

Lu Yan's face was solemn.

I felt in my heart that something big must have happened.

"Yi Nuo, let's go, let's get out of here first."

Lu Yan said.

The two of them jumped out of the house and quickly rushed out of the city.

But before they had rushed far, the expressions of Lu Yan and Shen Yinuo changed at the same time, and they felt the crisis at the same time.

But the two looked around and saw no one.

But that crisis has always existed, with no sign of disappearing.

"In the secret, there is a terrible killer who is eyeing us. It is very likely that he is an existence in the true body."

Shen Yinuo whispered.

"This person did not take action immediately, but hid in the dark and waited for an opportunity to take action. This shows that his strength is limited. Even in the true body state, it should be the most common true body state. Let's leave first. When we get outside the city, we can use all our body skills to escape. he."

Lu Yan whispered.

The two nodded silently, no longer stopping, using their body skills, and rushed out of the city.

Of course, the two of them were highly focused and paid attention to any disturbance around them.

However, the other party never attacked, but the sense of crisis never disappeared.

Obviously, the other party has been following them secretly.

Soon, the two of them approached the city wall.

At this moment, Lu Yan's sense of crisis increased.

call out!

An arrow shot out from a certain corner and hit Lu Yan's eyebrows.

The arrow was completely black and almost invisible in the dark night. Coupled with its extremely fast speed, this arrow could be said to be a sure-kill shot.

But Lu Yan himself was a master of archery. He was extremely sensitive to the sound of arrows, and because of his high mental tension, he reacted immediately. With his muscles bulging, he held the sword in his hand and slashed towards the side.

With a clang, the arrow was knocked away.

But immediately, from behind, a handful of slender poisonous needles were fired towards them, followed closely by a slender sharp sword.

This sword pierced Yinuo's throat, swiftly and accurately.

Lu Yan stepped forward and swung out a heavy screen of knives, blocking all the poisonous needles.

And Yinuo didn't know when a pitch black iron pot appeared in his hand. He used it as a shield and moved forward to block the sharp sword.


Lu Yan didn't dare to be careless and used all his strength.

Because when he blocked the opponent's arrow, it was already clear that the opponent was a genuine real body powerhouse.

Facing such a strong man and a terrifying killer, how could Lu Yan dare to hide his strength? While superimposing three body-refining martial arts, he used the Nine Tribulation Sword's most powerful killing move, slashing at the opponent's head.

After being blocked by Yi Nuo, the opponent quickly retreated, swung his sword upward, and collided with Lu Yan's sword.

Lu Yan suddenly felt a terrible force coming along the sword, trying to defeat his inner strength.

This is real strength.

Fortunately, with his twenty-eight internal strength and powerful physical training martial arts, he was able to withstand the opponent's true strength, and his figure only swayed slightly.

"The low-grade true body, after refining the true body, I can compete with him in a head-on confrontation."

Lu Yan's heart moved and his confidence increased greatly.

When he was at the fourth level of his master's degree and had not yet cultivated the Tiangang Red Dragon Body, he faced an ordinary True Body Realm master from the Tianque Sect and received a move from the front, and was immediately injured and retreated violently.

But now, facing such masters, he has no fear.

Feeling braver, Lu Yan launched an offensive like a wave, constantly swinging his sword and making frequent killing moves, attacking the opponent's vital points.

Shen Yinuo, on the other hand, held a flying knife in one hand and wandered behind the opponent, looking for an opportunity to take action.

The palm of her other hand, pinned behind her back, turned blood red, and as time went by, the color became darker and darker.

"No, what are the backgrounds of these two people? They are only at the Grand Master level, but their combat power is so terrifying. Could it be that they are geniuses secretly cultivated by King Ming?"

The killer's thoughts changed rapidly and he already had the intention of retreating.

The killer, who originally missed a single hit, retreated and looked for another opportunity.

Once they go head-to-head, they lose their biggest advantage.

At this moment, Yinuo took action.

She waved her hand and flung out the flying knife, flying towards the killer's back.

And she herself rushed out immediately after the flying knife, and her blood-red palm was like a bloody blade, thrusting towards the killer.

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