Hunting Immortals and Demons

Chapter 269 Kill the real body with one palm

These two fairy beast puppets were different from the previous ones. They were shaped like tigers, with two horns on their heads. They were covered in fiery red hair. Their bodies were filled with a strong, filthy air, and their aura was overwhelming.

"The real body is at the fourth level, but its physique is comparable to the middle-grade real body."

Shen Yinuo spoke.

"Four times of true body training, the old rule is, one per person."

Lu Yandao, after saying that, his body began to swell, and he used four top body-refining martial arts at the same time, kicked off his feet, and rushed out.


The fairy beast puppet waved its sharp claws and grabbed Lu Yan. The wind howled, the void shook, and it made a terrifying roar.

This kind of attack, if placed in front of Lu Yan's true body, he would definitely run as far as he could, otherwise he would be patted into pieces.

but now.

"bring it on."

Lu Yan showed a strong fighting spirit and struck out with one palm without dodging.


The Cold God Palm collided with the Immortal Beast's huge claws like door panels. The Immortal Beast Puppet's huge body shook sharply and retreated tens of meters backwards. Half of its body was covered by a thick layer of ice.

"The ultimate martial arts that combines human and martial arts, it really requires the true body state to exert its maximum power."

Lu Yan's heart moved.

Then he jumped up, rushed towards the immortal beast puppet, grabbed the horns of the immortal beast puppet, swung it up and smashed it.


The entire cave was shaking, a big hole was made in the ground, the body of the fairy beast puppet made a crackling sound, and an unknown number of bones were broken.

But the fairy beast puppet doesn't know pain and will fight back when it struggles.

But the sharp claws grabbed Lu Yan's body, but they didn't even break the scales.

Lu Yan held the head of the fairy beast puppet with both hands, twisted and pulled it out hard, and with a pop, the whole head of the fairy beast puppet was twisted off.

"Easy to solve. It seems that my strength is still beyond my own expectations. There is a fundamental difference between the king's real body achieved by thirty levels of inner strength and the ordinary king's real body."

Lu Yan thought to himself and showed joy.

On the other side, Shen Yinuo is also about to resolve the battle.

He used the Furnace of the Sun to trap the enemy and attacked with his Shura Hands. He was invincible. However, just a few breaths later than Lu Yan, the fairy beast puppet fell to the ground.

After dealing with the fairy beast puppet, the two of them looked at the cave.

There are no shelves in this cave, just some big boxes.

In addition, what is more eye-catching are some patterns carved on the walls.

There are eight paintings in total.

Lu Yan couldn't quite understand the other seven pictures, but one looked like a topographic map, with seven dots connected to form a seven-star pattern.

The third dot is particularly dark in color.

"It seems that the seven-star pattern is the topographic map of this treasure place."

Shen Yinuo said.

"So, there are seven caves in this treasure place, and our location is in the third one."

Lu Yan said, feeling even hotter in his heart.

Seven caves.

They only got one before, both of which were priceless. Seven caves. How many resources are there?

"It's strange. The power of protection in the seven caves increases from weak to strong, as if it was intentional."

Lu Yan said.

Shen Yinuo nodded and said: "This is normal. When the Dagu royal family hid the treasure, the Dagu dynasty had collapsed and was completely hopeless. We can only place our hope on future generations."

"However, future generations may not have high cultivation level, so the difficulty of guarding is also from weak to strong, obtaining resources step by step, and improving strength. After all, if you are not strong but get too many resources, you will get lost, or even have a jade." His crime is being targeted.”

"This arrangement is aimed at cultivating future generations."

Shen Yinuo said.

Lu Yan nodded, agreeing with this statement.

Then the two began to count the harvest.

This cave has more resources than the previous cave.

Of course, the main focus is on strategic resources such as divine weapons, third-level martial pills, fourth-level martial pills, and Ningzhen pills.

But there are more low-level resources than the previous cave.

For example, the second level martial pill.

There are also some martial pills that help break through Wuhou and Grandmaster. In the hands of self-respecting martial arts chefs, the effect is better than alienated nine-section heart meat, black jade heart beads, and phoenix blood heart-protecting soup.

This is completely prepared to cultivate a big force.

There are also several larger Xumi mustard bags, the largest of which is 20 meters long and 10 meters high.

The old rule is that these resources should be shared equally between the two.

Fortunately, I have a large enough Sumi mustard seed bag, otherwise I wouldn’t be able to fit it in.

Then, the two set their sights on the passage leading to the fourth cave, but after thinking about it, they decided to give up.

Shen Yinuo had already had a hard time cracking the wish pattern in the third cave, and the wish pattern leading to the fourth cave was even more difficult to identify.

It cannot be broken in a short period of time.

Moreover, they estimate that the fairy beast puppet guarding the fourth cave has most likely reached the seventh level of the true body, and even the Yuanshen realm is not impossible, and it is not something they can handle.

It's better to get out of danger as soon as possible.


Lu Yan pressed the switch and the bronze door to the third cave opened. The two of them returned the same way and returned to the second cave. Then, Lu Yan opened the bronze door to the second cave.

The bronze door opened, and Lu Yan and Shen Yinuo looked at each other across the passage from the killer of the Dark Moon Organization.

After such a long period of hard work, most of the wish lines in the passage have been destroyed.

Xueyue and others looked at Lu Yan and Shen Yinuo with some surprise, wondering why they suddenly opened the copper door.

"It seems that there is no way forward for them."

One of the killers said.

"Ignore them, continue to attack, break the wish pattern, they will have no way to escape."

Blood Moon ordered.

The killers attacked harder.

Lu Yan and Shen Yinuo did not take action immediately, but watched quietly.

They need to confirm the strength of these killers first, especially the leaders.

Depending on the strength of these killers, their plans will also be different.

If they can deal with these killers, then they must keep all of them. There are still a lot of resources that have not been taken away here. They can try not to be exposed as much as possible.

If the killer is too strong, then they can only try their best to break out and ignore the treasure.

Soon after, Yin Yue, Xueyue and others successively attacked Yuan Wen.

"The strongest blood-robed killer, the five-refined true body."

Shen Yinuo sent a message to Lu Yan with great strength.

"You can stay."

Lu Yan whispered.

Immediately, the two of them chatted over a message and made a plan.

Suddenly, Shen Yinuo's figure rushed out, like a graceful butterfly, shuttled through the passage, stepping on a safe position with every step, and left the area of ​​Yuanwen with a few leaps.

"Kill her."

Drink the blood moon cold.

Boo hoo hoo.

Suddenly, hundreds of poisonous needles as thin as cow hairs shot toward Shen Yinuo like an overwhelming force.

At the same time, there were nine sharp swords stabbing at Shen Yinuo.

Shen Yinuo waved his palm, and the wind stirred up, and all the poisonous needles were knocked away and shot into the walls on both sides.

Then his body flashed, like a dragon swimming through the crowd, avoiding all attacks.


Xue Yue's eyes narrowed, and he took action himself. His weapon was a blood-red scimitar, which cut out a crescent-like blood-red sword light and struck Yinuo's neck.

At some point, a dark iron pot appeared in Shen Yinuo's hand. With a slight block, he blocked the bloody sword light, and used the force to rush forward. Like a phantom, he jumped over everyone and landed in the blink of an eye. At the exit of the first cave, block the exit.

Since we plan to keep all these people, we must first cut off their escape route.


Several killers immediately rushed towards Shen Yinuo.

Shen Yinuo waved his hand, and several flying knives shot out.

These master-level killers didn't even have time to react. They were stabbed through the throats by flying knives and died on the spot.

"True body realm."

Xue Yue's eyes narrowed, and he swung his knife to kill Shen Yinuo himself.

"Great Sun Fist."

Shen Yinuo shouted, his fists emitting red light, like two suns, emitting terrifying high temperatures, and the temperature of the entire cave rose sharply.


The punch fell and collided with the bloody sword light, causing a terrifying roar and the two of them took a few steps back at the same time.

"How can it be?"

Xue Yue's face changed greatly, and he was a little unbelievable. He roared, his true body glowed, and he swung his sword forward again, and the sword light was even sharper.

He is not an ordinary low-grade true form, but a middle-grade one.

With no fear, the furnace from the belly flew out.

Stepping into the real body realm, Shen Yinuo's furnace miracle became more solid, like an ancient treasure, coming across time and space, with terrifying power, integrating offense and defense, blocking Blood Moon's attack.

For a time, Blood Moon was unable to do anything to Shen Yinuo.

When Shen Yinuo landed at the exit, Lu Yan also stepped out. He had already marked the safe area, jumped a few times, and left the wish pattern area, like a humanoid tyrannosaurus, pounced on the group of killers.

The killers fired various poisonous needles, darts and other hidden weapons at Lu Yan.

But Lu Yan completely ignored these hidden weapons.

Ding ding ding.

These hidden weapons hit the scales on Lu Yan's body, as if hitting a magic weapon, and they were all bounced away.

After reaching the real body realm, Lu Yan condensed into a king-level real body, and based on the king-level real body, he displayed four top body-refining martial arts, pushing the power of the body-refining martial arts to an exaggerated level.

At this moment, his body really looked like the body of a dragon, infinitely powerful and indestructible.

Following the hidden weapons were several sharp swords.

But Lu Yan still ignored it. With a big hand, he grabbed the neck of a sixth-level Grandmaster killer, and then swung it hard. The killer's body flew out like a cannonball and hit another killer.

Their bodies collided and exploded into a pulp.


The sound of a sharp sword piercing the air was very terrifying.

The one who took action was a killer with a true body. The sword was sharp and cruel, and it stabbed Lu Yan between the eyebrows.


With his bare hands, Lu Yan struck out with a palm, hitting the tip of the sword. With a bang, the high-level magic weapon-level sword exploded into pieces, and then the killer's arm also exploded under Lu Yan's forceful palm force.

Finally, a palm hit the opponent's chest. The real-body assassin was immediately torn into pieces and died on the spot.

Then, a dozen arrows appeared in Lu Yan's right hand, and he threw them out with all his strength.

More than a dozen Grandmaster-level killers were pierced by arrows and nailed to the wall.

"It's you"

Lu Yan stared at Yin Yue and jumped towards Yin Yue.

When Yin Yue saw Lu Yan kill a real-body killer with one strike, she turned pale with fright. How dare she face Lu Yan head on? She dodged to one side and shouted at the same time: "Let's take action together."

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