Hunting Immortals and Demons

Chapter 270 Muddy the Water

There were a total of thirty killers from the Dark Moon Organization.

Most of them are in the Grandmaster realm, but there are also five in the True Body realm.

But now, Lu Yan had killed more than a dozen people in a row, and there were still more than a dozen left. In addition to Yin Yue and Xue Yue, there were also two true body level killers.

One is refining the real body once, and the other is refining the real body the second time.

Yin Yue reunited with the two real body killers and prepared to join forces to fight Lu Yan.

call out!咻咻

As soon as the Yin Yue retreated, Lu Yan threw out more than a dozen arrows, clearing out all the remaining Grandmaster-level killers.

Then he locked on to the three assassins in the real body state and jumped in to kill them.

The three true body killers, as if facing a formidable enemy, used all their strength to attack Lu Yan.

Lu Yan ignored the three people's attacks. His hands were as white as snow, and his true energy exploded from his whole body. He gathered his palms and pushed them forward.


The strong wind rose and the cold current surged. The swords of the three killers were shaken by the violent palm force, and they staggered around. The cold palm force almost froze them, and a layer of ice crystals appeared on the surface of their bodies.

His movements were also stiff.

Lu Yan stepped forward and hit Yin Yue's chest with a palm. Yin Yue's chest was completely penetrated, her heart was shattered, her body flew out and hit the wall. Her eyes were round and her face was full of unwillingness.

bump! bump!

Lu Yan kept attacking, hitting the other two killers in the real body with two more palms, killing them both.

Killing the true form of the first and second refiners is like chopping melons and vegetables, without any difficulty.

At this point, out of dozens of killers, only Xueyue was left.

Xue Yue's face became extremely ugly.

"Treasures, this place definitely contains amazing treasures. Before, these two people were only at the Grandmaster level. In such a short time, they actually broke through to the True Body level."

Xueyue yelled in her heart, and her offensive became more powerful. She attacked Shen Yinuo fiercely and planned to rush out.

He has begun to think about quitting.

But at this time, Lu Yan had already bent his bow and arrow, aiming at him.

All the real energy in his body quickly poured into the arrow.

In just three breaths, the arrow flew out like a stream of light, firing nine times in a row.

That's right, after breaking into the true body realm, the charging time of the Nine-ring Arrow is greatly shortened.

In such a short distance, the arrow was approaching in an instant.

Xue Yue's expression changed greatly, and he swung his sword in the direction of the arrow with all his strength.


He successfully hit the arrow, but the powerful force made his arms numb and he staggered back.

Shen Yinuo took the opportunity to launch an attack, and the Great Sun Furnace suppressed it while simultaneously blasting out with both fists.


Xue Yue was hit by Shen Yinuo's punch, and his body retreated violently. A big hole exploded in his chest, and blazing flames enveloped him.


Xueyue roared, his body was filled with thick black mist, his face was ferocious, his body was twisted and deformed, and a pair of blood-red wings grew out of his back.

His injuries are also recovering quickly.

"Martial spirit."

Lu Yan and Shen Yinuo both looked at each other intently.

Sure enough, the Shengxuan Sect and the Spiritual Sect were deeply entangled, and the top killer of the Dark Moon Organization had actually gone to Wu Lingyi.


The blood moon looked ferocious, like a bloody bat, charging towards Lu Yan with a knife.

Obviously, he was very afraid of Lu Yan's archery skills and took the lead in attacking Lu Yan, leaving no room for Lu Yan's archery skills to be used.

Lu Yan simply put away his bow and arrows, held the sword in his hand, and swung it to attack fiercely.


The swords of the two men collided together, arousing fierce sword energy that swept in all directions.

The bodies of some killers were struck by knife energy and split into two halves.

Their bodies trembled and they took a few steps back at the same time.

"How is it possible? How can everyone be so perverted?"

Xue Yue yelled in his heart, unbelievable.

Lu Yan and Shen Yinuo were just practicing their true bodies.

And he is a fifth-level real body, and he is still a middle-grade real body. However, when he had a confrontation with Shen Yinuo before, all his attacks were blocked by Shen Yinuo.

But now, after using the power of martial arts, he was blocked by Lu Yan again.

Each one is more perverted than the other.

What level of true form is this?

Ordinary king-level real bodies are far from having such combat power.


As soon as Lu Yan retreated, he advanced, and the sword struck out again, using the Nine Tribulations Sword to its maximum.

The blood moon also struck out streaks of bloody sword light.

Dang Dang Dang.

Both of them exerted their strength and kept swinging their knives. In a few breaths, they collided with dozens of knives, and they were still evenly matched.

At this time, Shen Yinuo successfully accumulated his energy and struck Xue Yue with a palm.

Yes, this is Shura Hand.

Xueyue was startled and swept her wings towards Shen Yinuo.

With a crash, the blood-red palm directly broke the bones of Xue Yue's wings. It hit Xue Yue's chest like a torrent, and half of Xue Yue's body exploded.

Thick black mist filled the air, and wisps of filaments were connected, and Xue Yue's body recovered rapidly.


The Great Sun Furnace took the opportunity to suppress and hit Xue Yue's head, causing Xue Yue's head to explode.

Lu Yan took the opportunity to attack fiercely, slashing dozens of knives in an instant and cutting the Blood Moon Five Horses into pieces.


Xueyue's body suddenly exploded and turned into a ball of blood mist. Then, hundreds of miniature blood-colored bats flew out of the blood mist and rushed outside.

Lu Yan and Shen Yinuo quickly attacked and knocked out the bloody bats one by one.

Unfortunately, there were too many bloody bats, and in the end a small number of them broke through their attacks and rushed out of the cave door.


The two of them rushed out of the bronze gate without hesitation, and saw that dozens of small bats had gathered together, transformed into the blood moon again, rushed into the dark river, and rushed outside crazily.

Lu Yan and Shen Yinuo chased after him.

But Xue Yue is, after all, a master of the five true body refinements. At this moment, while running for his life, he unleashed all his potential and was extremely fast. He quickly rushed out of the underground river and the lake, soared into the sky, his wings fluttering, like a wave. The bloody light flew towards the distance.


Lu Yan rushed high into the sky from the lake. With his true energy surging, he performed the Void Step. He stepped in the air like stepping on water. With the help of a bit of wind, his figure quickly slid forward.

After a thousand meters, his figure began to fall. Lu Yan's left foot stepped into the air again. His true energy hit the air. The air under his feet compressed rapidly, forming a push-back force. Lu Yan rose into the air again and slid forward. .

Shen Yinuo was the same, as light as nothing, stepping on the void, following Lu Yan.

However, both of them had just broken through the real body realm, and they were already in the minority who were able to walk in the air.

You must know that generally only masters of the fourth level of the True Body can walk in the air with their strong true strength. This is impossible under the Four Levels of the True Body.

In addition, the two of them were not that familiar with the use of Zhenjin. It was impossible to imagine how fast they could be. And Blood Moon was blessed with wings and was extremely fast. The distance between the two parties became farther and farther, and finally they were completely lost. Traces of the Blood Moon.

Lu Yan and Shen Yinuo fell to the ground, their faces a little ugly.

Blood Moon is fine. It is conceivable that this treasure place will definitely be exposed.

Most of the people who come next time will be powerful souls from the Shengxuan Sect.

"We can't take advantage of Shengxuan Zong. We will spread the news to other states and the treasures of the ancient dynasty. I believe many people will be interested."

Lu Yan said coldly.

"Yes, let them fight like a snipe and a clam. Unfortunately, our strength is low and we cannot benefit from it."

Shen Yinuo shook his head slightly.

"Leave Xuanzhou first."

Lu Yan said.

The two people's figures flashed and disappeared on the spot.

Originally, the three-month period has not yet come, and the killing blood in their bodies has not dissipated. However, during this period, they broke through the great realm and reached the level of true body refinement, integrating the inside and outside, and the transformation of the physical body. Naturally, the killing blood will be released. Excreted from the body.

Therefore, no one from Shengxuan Sect tracked them anymore.

A few days later, they left Xuanzhou and entered Mingzhou.

"Unexpectedly, the entire Xuanzhou fell into the hands of Shengxuanzong."

Lu Yan sighed.

Prince Ming disappeared, and Sheng Xuanzong suddenly launched an attack. Prince Ming's palace was caught off guard. Prince Ming's army in Xuanzhou suffered heavy losses. Only 50,000 of the 100,000-strong army escaped.

The vast territory of Xuanzhou fell into the hands of Sheng Xuanzong.

During this period, the Ming Palace also organized a counterattack with troops, hoping to regain the territory of Xuanzhou.

However, the Tianque Sect's 200,000 troops turned from virtual to real and attacked Mingzhou, restraining a large number of troops and masters from the Ming Palace.

In addition, Shengxuan Sect had the help of masters from the Spiritual Sect, which greatly increased its strength. Several counterattacks by the Ming Palace ended in failure.

Now, the Ming Palace turned from offense to defense and deployed defenses at the junction of Mingzhou and Xuanzhou to prevent Sheng Xuanzong from attacking Mingzhou.

After entering Mingzhou, Lu Yan and Shen Yinuo spread the news about the discovery of the treasure of the ancient dynasty in Xuanzhou, and also attached a map.

Originally, Lu Yan wanted to pass the news to Prince Ming's Mansion, so that Prince Ming's Mansion would send people to fight for the treasure.

But now, he found out that Prince Ming was missing and that Prince Ming's palace was under attack from both sides. He might not be able to send any experts, so he simply muddied the waters.

Later, Lu Yan disguised himself in disguise, left Mingzhou, entered Qizhou, and spread the news.

After that, there was no need for them to take action. News about the treasures of the Ancient Dynasty spread like a hurricane at an alarming speed.

People who heard this news were filled with excitement.

In fact, the treasures of the ancient dynasty have appeared more than once.

Since the founding of the Great Chu Dynasty, news of the Great Ancient Dynasty's treasures has been circulating in the world, and in the following two thousand years, there have been reports of the emergence of the Great Ancient Dynasty's treasures.

Over the past two thousand years, more than a dozen ancient dynasty treasures have been discovered in various states.

Each time, it caused a stir.

Because each treasure contains a large amount of cultivation resources, even a strong person in the Yuanshen realm will be tempted.

A single treasure can cultivate a powerful military force.

Secretly, many powerful people have already rushed to Xuanzhou in secret.

Just five days after Lu Yan and Shen Yinuo left the treasure of the Ancient Dynasty, four figures came through the sky and landed on the lakeside.

One of them is Blood Moon.

As for the other three, they were all Yuanshen realm powerhouses from Shengxuan Sect.

"Deputy sect master, two elders, that place is in an underground river under the lake. Those two thieves were able to greatly increase their cultivation level in a short period of time. This place is by no means simple."

Xue Yue said.

Now, they haven't heard any news about the treasures of the Ancient Dynasty, so naturally they don't know that this place is the place where the treasures of the Ancient Dynasty are hidden.

"Go down."

A middle-aged man with a goatee spoke. This man was a deputy sect leader of Shengxuan Sect, and his strength was second only to Huang Xuan, the sect leader of Shengxuan Sect.

The four of them rushed into the bottom of the lake, and soon came to the bronze gate and entered the first cave.

There are still some wish patterns remaining in the passage leading to the second cave, but they can't stop the footsteps of the Yuanshen realm at all.

It only takes one person to make a move, and it is like destroying the dead, erasing the wish pattern, and entering the second cave.

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