Hunting Immortals and Demons

Chapter 271 The strong man in the late ancient times

The four people from Shengxuanzong entered the second cave and glanced at the empty cave. The four of them knew that the things here must have been emptied by Lu Yan and Shen Yinuo.

They did not stop and continued walking towards the passage below.

The wish pattern and bronze door leading to the third cave caused some slight interference to them, but it was quickly eliminated. They successfully broke the bronze door and entered the third cave.

When looking at the empty third cave, the faces of several people were a little gloomy.

"The wish patterns here are extremely powerful and complex. How did they get in here?"

A master of the Yuanshen Realm said coldly, it was Li Armadillo, one of the six elders of Shengxuan Sect.

"Perhaps they possess a special treasure. You should all see that there is a dent on each bronze door. That may be the key."

The deputy head of the Shengxuan Sect said, then he glanced at the stone carvings on the stone wall, pondered for a moment, his eyes glowed brightly, and said: "This place is probably the treasure trove of the ancient dynasty."

"The treasure trove of the ancient dynasty?"

The other people were shocked, and then observed the murals and saw some clues.

"Yes, it is indeed a treasure of the ancient dynasty, and there should be seven caves. This is only the third one. According to the strength of those killed fairy beast puppets, the ones behind must be stronger. Even if the two little thieves Even if you break the wish pattern, you can't defeat the fairy beast puppet. Most of the treasures behind it are still there."

The third Yuanshen realm master said, excited.

This person is also one of the six elders of Shengxuan Sect, named Deng Cong.

Of course, his strength is far different from that of Li Armadillo. They are both the six elders. Li Armadillo is known as the first elder of Shengxuan Sect. His cultivation has reached the third transformation of Yuan Shen, the state of leaving the body.

And Deng Cong is just the first change of the soul, the realm of spiritual consciousness.

"Let's go to the fourth cave."

The deputy sect leader takes the lead.

The wish pattern leading to the fourth cave was so strong that it took the four of them two full days to successfully erase it.

They don't understand the wish marks, so they can only use brutal methods to erase the wish marks, which is naturally time-consuming and labor-intensive.

Without the wish pattern to stop them, the strength of the bronze door alone could not stop them. They smashed the bronze door and entered the fourth cave.

Suddenly, two powerful fairy beast puppets pounced on them.

These two fairy beast puppets have reached the realm of the seventh level of the true body. Together with the middle-grade true body, they have extremely strong combat power, but the gap between them and the Yuanshen realm is too big. It’s just the weakest Deng Cong who takes action with two palms. He beat the two immortal beast puppets to pieces.

They looked at the big boxes with hot eyes.

After opening them one by one and reading them, I was even more excited.

"It is indeed a treasure left by the ancient dynasty. Such resources are enough to build a military army."

Deng Cong said excitedly.

He wouldn't care about some third-level martial pills, fourth-level martial pills, or high-level magic weapons.

Because although these things are precious, they are of little use to the Yuanshen realm.

What excited him was that he found the soul crystal inside.

Soul crystals can increase the soul strength of Yuanshen realm masters, and are extremely valuable.

And this is only the fourth cave.

There are three more behind.

"I will keep these resources temporarily and will divide them equally according to merit when they return to the sect."

Huang Mingdao, the deputy leader of the Shengxuan Sect, collected all the treasures into the Xumi mustard bag and put them in his arms.

Although Li Armadillo and Deng Cong were unhappy, they didn't say anything. After all, the other party's status was above them.

Then, they walked towards the fifth cave.

The strength of the wish pattern in the fifth cave was much stronger. It took the four of them working together for half a month to erase the wish pattern and successfully enter the fifth cave.

The fairy beast puppet guarding the fifth cave has suddenly reached the Yuanshen realm.

However, it was only the first change of Yuan Shen, so it naturally couldn't stop a few people.

Several people took action together and quickly defeated the two fairy beast puppets.

The fifth cave is larger and wider, with more boxes stacked up.

"Deputy sect leader, I will collect some of it for you first. Don't worry, I will never be greedy for anything. I will take it all out when I return to the sect."

Deng Cong couldn't hold himself back and rushed towards a bag of mustard seeds.


Suddenly, Huang Ming yelled.

Deng Cong suddenly felt a fatal crisis, the hair on his body stood up, and his soul trembled.

call out!

Behind him, a sharp blade struck directly at his head.

At the critical moment, Deng Cong's head glowed, and a gleaming golden sword flew out from the back of his head, slashing at the sharp blade.

At the same time, Deng Cong also saw what was attacking him.

It was a pitch-black knife filled with strong demonic energy.


The swords collided, and the spiritual treasure that Deng Cong's life was intertwined with was shattered directly, and the magic sword continued.

With a pop, Deng Cong's head was chopped off.

But Deng Cong was not dead yet. A figure rushed out of his head, like a miniature version of Deng Cong.

This is his soul.

But the light was dim, like a candle swaying in the wind.

"help me."

Deng Cong's soul screamed in horror and rushed towards Huang Ming and Li Armadillo.

But a big hand reached out and grabbed Deng Cong's soul, and then squeezed it hard. Deng Cong's soul exploded and turned into pure soul energy, which was sucked into his mouth through a wide mouth.

At some point, a strong man with a height of three meters, bulging muscles, and holding a magic knife appeared in the cave.

This person was wearing a black robe, with a ferocious appearance, a wide mouth, fangs, and a strong demonic aura.

"Beast monsters, no one is mad."

Huang Ming and Li Armadillo suddenly changed their colors and flashed with fear.

"Hey, I haven't been out of the mountains for decades, I didn't expect anyone to remember me."

Mo Renkuang licked his lips and stared at Huang Ming and Li Armadillo with gloomy eyes.

Huang Ming and Li Armadillo couldn't help but lean against each other, holding spiritual treasures in their hands and focusing on alert.

The main thing is that the beast monster has a reputation for being ferocious and can kill people without blinking an eye. Who knows?

Two thousand years ago, at the end of the Great Ancient Dynasty, the world was in chaos, with heroes vying for the throne, and many strong men were born.

Among so many powerful people, Demon Lord is undoubtedly one of the most famous.

The name of the Demon Lord is unknown to the world. It is said that when the Demon Lord was young, he wanted to follow the path of martial spirits, but failed repeatedly. Even if there was a sacrificial method to communicate with martial spirits, he could not successfully communicate with martial spirits.

Later, the Demon Lord found another way. When practicing martial arts, he used demon bones as materials and absorbed the energy of the demon bones to speed up his own cultivation. Unexpectedly, he succeeded instead and created a god-level martial arts, the Dafa of Conquering Demons. .

With this martial arts, the Demon Lord dominated the world and became one of the strongest people at that time, a being who could compete with the Taizu of the Great Chu Dynasty.

But then, I don’t know what happened, and the demon king disappeared overnight without a trace.

But the magic method he created has been passed down.

In the next two thousand years, people often obtained this method and practiced it, but very few succeeded.

A cultivator will either go crazy, or the demonic energy will riot, and the body will explode and die, which is more dangerous than taking the martial arts path.

In the past few hundred years, only one beast demon has mastered this method. With this demonic skill, he can dominate and do all kinds of evil.

Fifty years ago, many powerful souls teamed up to hunt down the beast demon. The beast demon escaped with serious injuries and fled into the Shiwan Mountains in southern Xinjiang. It has disappeared since then. Unexpectedly, it appears here.

"The treasures of the ancient dynasty belong to me. You all must die for me."

The beast demon roared, and its burly body rushed out like a wild beast. The magic knife broke through the air and slashed at Huang Ming and Li Armadillo.

Huang Ming and Li Armadillo tried their best to resist, but the magic knife fell. Their bodies were shaken and they hit the cave wall. The whole earth shook. The cave wall continued to explode, and two hundred meters were smashed out. Deep pit.

The two of them were embedded in the deep pit, coughing up blood and looking pale.

The gap is too big.

"The fifth transformation of the soul, he is the fifth transformation of the soul."

Huang Ming roared, extremely frightened.

Huang Ming and Li Armadillo are both in the third transformation of the soul, and there is a huge gap between them and the fifth transformation.

The beast demon was about to continue taking action to deal with Huang Ming and Li Armadillo, when he saw a pagoda flying in from the outside, emitting thousands of rays of light, and crashed into the beast demon.

The beast demon's expression changed slightly, and he slashed at the pagoda with his sword.

With a bang, the beast demon's arms were slightly numb, and he took a few steps back, and the pagoda fell into the hands of a middle-aged man.

"Shengxuan Tower? Huang Xuan."

The beast demon's eyes narrowed slightly.

The person who came was none other than Huang Xuan, the leader of Shengxuan Sect.

Huang Xuan glanced at the fallen Deng Cong, his expression extremely ugly.

Shengxuan Sect has only nine souls in total, and the loss of one is a huge loss.

He came late.

Originally, he thought that this place was just an ordinary cave. It was interesting enough to have three Yuanshen realm experts come here. He needed to take charge of the overall situation.

The news that this place was a treasure of the ancient royal family first spread in Mingzhou, Qizhou and other places, and even later when it reached Xuanzhou.

After he heard the news, he rushed over immediately, but he didn't expect it to be a step too late.


Huang Ming and Li Armadillo were overjoyed. They struggled out and landed behind Huang Xuan. They took out the martial arts pills and took them to heal their injuries.

"Beast Demon, you're just hiding, but you dare to show up and kill me, the elder of Shengxuan Sect. Today, you will definitely pay the price."

Huang Xuan shouted coldly, and the power in his body was continuously injected into the Shengxuan Tower. The Shengxuan Tower became more radiant and exuded terrifying pressure.

"Huang Xuan, it's just you. I haven't seen you for fifty years, but you are still in the fourth transformation of your soul. You are such a waste. If it weren't for Shengxuan Tower, I would kill you like a chicken."

The Troll Demon grinned, full of mockery.

Huang Xuan snorted coldly, activated the Shengxuan Tower, and attacked the beast demon.

The beast demon was unafraid and swung his sword to meet the attack. He exchanged several blows with the Shengxuan Pagoda, but the outcome was inconclusive.

Neither of them wanted to blow up the place, so when they attacked, they concentrated their strength and only fought in a small area without destroying the cave.

After several consecutive blows, the two stopped their hands at the same time and faced each other.

"Troll Demon, how about we share the treasure here equally."

After a long silence, Huang Xuan spoke.

The beast demon is the fifth transformation of the soul. Even with the help of the Shengxuan Tower, he can't do anything to the beast demon, so he might as well stop fighting.

"Okay, let's split it equally between the two parties."

The beast demon nodded and did not want to continue to entangle.

"If you want to share the treasure equally, you have to count me."

A sharp voice sounded, and then there was a flash of blood, and an old man covered in blood robes appeared.

"Lord of the Blood Temple."

Huang Xuan's face changed, showing fear.

Although he secretly cooperates with the Blood Temple, when it comes to treasures, the Blood Temple will not let him go.

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