Hunting Immortals and Demons

Chapter 274 The Final Blow

High in the sky, a shocking battle broke out and became a mess.

In this way, Lu Yan and others felt at ease.

"That old man must be the guardian of the seventh cave."

Shen Yinuo said, a complex look flashed deep in his eyes.

"It looks like he is a martial artist. Can a martial artist live for such a long time?"

Lu Yan was surprised.

"It should be that the life is locked in a special way and blooms in an instant. After this battle, it will quickly wither."

"They have no time to take care of them for the time being. Let's find a few more boxes and retreat immediately."

Shen Yinuo said.

Lu Yan nodded, and the two of them quickly dodged and rushed a few miles ahead to the left, because they had just glimpsed a small box flying towards there.

Rushing over, there was indeed a box lying in the bushes.

The two of them ducked, Shen Yinuo grabbed the box in the air, and she caught it in her hand.

At this time, behind Lu Yan, the wind roared in his palm, and a figure rushed towards Shen Yinuo.


Lu Yan reminded, and struck out with a palm at the same time.


The two palms intersected, and a figure suddenly retreated a hundred meters, vomiting several mouthfuls of blood, and the spitted blood instantly turned into ice crystals.

The man's face was pale and his eyes were frightened.

He was a man of the Fourth Realm, but he was seriously injured by a palm in a sneak attack. The opponent's combat power was far superior to his, so he turned around and left without hesitation.

Lu Yan and Shen Yinuo did not pursue them.

They are strangers, they are just trying to seize the treasure, there is no need to pursue them.

They were disguised anyway.

After putting away the box, the two of them rushed to the other side.

In the distance, I saw a box stuck between the branches of a big tree.

There was a figure nearby, quickly rushing toward the box. He was also a master of the True Body Realm.

Lu Yan bent his bow, nocked an arrow, and shot out.

He didn't use the Nine Thunder Rings because his features were too obvious and could easily be targeted.

It's just an ordinary archery, but its power is already amazing.

The real master was startled and waved his sword to resist. With a bang, he retreated violently, then turned and walked away.

Lu Yan rushed over and grabbed the small box in his hand.

I took a moment to glance at the sky.

The old man was unparalleled in tyranny, and his whole body was shrouded in brilliant rays of light, like a burning flame. He held a flaming sword in one hand and a blue sword in the other. The water and fire blended together, sparking a monstrous sword light, and the master of the Blood Temple was defeated step by step.

The master of the Blood Temple sacrificed the primordial spirit, but was severely wounded by several swords and was driven back ten miles.

Then, with a flash of sword light, the Lord of the Blood Temple was split into two halves.

The Lord of the Blood Temple roared, the demonic energy soared into the sky, the blood boiled, and the broken body was recovering quickly.

But as soon as he recovered, his head was beheaded again.

The old man's attack was extremely terrifying. Even if the Blood Temple Master could recover, the damage would be very great. Every blow was consuming his vitality.

If this continues, he will really be killed by the old man here.

"This person has been locked up for two thousand years. Once he blooms, he can only fight for the last time. He cannot last for too long. Let's join forces to fight with him and consume him to death."

The Lord of the Blood Temple roared, flapped his wings rapidly, rushed towards Granny Wandu, and joined forces with Granny Wandu.

Granny Wandu sacrificed his spirit form, which turned into a huge poisonous spider. It opened its mouth and sprayed out a huge green net, like a dragnet, covering the sky and the earth, and shrouded the old man.

The old man swung his knife and tore the cobwebs apart, but after such a delay, the Lord of the Blood Temple and Granny Wandu reunited with the beast demon.

Huang Xuan and Zuo Daoxuan also rushed over to join them.

The five masters gathered together.

Huang Xuan was the first to sacrifice the Shengxuan Tower, which was thousands of feet high and stood between heaven and earth like a sacred mountain, suppressing the old man.

"Five senses, deprived."

The Lord of the Blood Temple stood in the sea of ​​​​blood, and the Primordial Spirit screamed, and the sound waves enveloped the old man. The old man felt that the world went dark, and the sky and the earth were dark.


The Spider Dharma of Granny Wan Du spewed out nine poisonous webs in succession, shrouding the old man.

At the same time, the beast demon and Zuo Daoxuan each launched their killing moves.

"Five Colored Divine Sword."

The old man shouted, and his whole figure turned into a five-color knife, its sharp edge shook the heavens and the earth, destroying all illusions.

The Blood Temple Lord's sonic attack was broken instantly.

Then, the five war knives gathered together to form a knife wheel, spinning rapidly, cutting through the nine large nets, and finally blocking the attacks of the Shengxuan Tower, the beast demon, and Zuo Daoxuan.

The five of them joined forces to strike. Although they did not achieve any results, their eyes lit up because they felt that the old man's aura had weakened significantly.

"This old guy can't last much longer, keep going."

The Lord of the Blood Temple shouted loudly.

The five people launched a new wave of attacks, blasting towards the old man.

The five of them are all old monsters and know how to cooperate, so when they take action, they must cooperate with each other. Some will contain them, some will trap the enemy, some will defend, and some will attack.

Maximize the advantage of numbers.

"Yi Nuo, let's leave quickly."

Lu Yan said to Shen Yinuo.

He knew that the peak showdown in the sky would not last long.

Once the winner is decided, those of them who take advantage of the opportunity to seize the treasure will suffer.

It’s good to gain something, don’t be too greedy.

The two of them used their physical skills and continued to move away. Soon, they were running hundreds of miles away.

At this time, Lu Yan and Shen Yinuo suddenly stopped and turned around. Lu Yan shot an arrow with all his strength. The arrow made nine sounds, and the arrow shot into a dense forest like a stream of light.

Shen Yinuo also waved his hand and shot out three flying knives, drawing strange arcs and shooting into the dense forest.

Because, not long ago, they felt that someone had been watching them secretly.

Dang Dang Dang.

The sound of gold and iron clashing was heard, and three flying knives and arrows flew in all directions, causing big trees to fall wherever they passed.


A figure jumped out from the dense forest, holding a short ax and killed Lu Yan and Shen Yinuo.

The expressions on the two people's faces were solemn. The person who could knock away their attacks so easily must be extremely powerful.

Lu Yan directly activated the four body-refining martial arts, held a sword in hand, rushed out, and slashed at the opponent with one strike.


The sword collided with the hatchet, and both of them retreated at the same time.

"The Sixth Refinement of the True Body, the ordinary Sixth Refinement of the True Body, is definitely not that strong. It should be a middle-grade True Body."

Lu Yan's heart moved.


The other party was even more shocked, with a look of horror in his eyes.


When Shen Yinuo's attack arrived, the Great Sun Furnace suddenly grew in size and suppressed it.

This person swung his battle ax and struck the Great Sun Furnace, but instead of knocking the Great Sun Furnace away as expected, a stalemate was formed, with the battle ax seeming to stick to the Great Sun Furnace.

Lu Yan immediately rushed over and slashed the opponent's head with a knife.

The opponent was startled and did not dare to stay. He abandoned his battle ax and retreated quickly.

But at some point, Shen Yinuo came behind him, slapping the man with his blood-red palm.

This person hurriedly waved his palms to resist.

But this person's major in martial arts is obviously axe, and his palm strength is much weaker than that of axe. It's strange that he will end well against Shen Yinuo's Shura hand with his own weakness.


The man's hand bones were broken and he staggered back.

What faced him was a nine-ring arrow that pierced his throat directly. Shen Yinuo then rushed past, his blood-red palm passing like a blade, and the opponent's head flew out.

A middle-grade real master of the Sixth Realm Realm was killed just like that.

The cooperation between the two became more and more skillful and easy.

With such a master, they would never get any advantage if they faced each other alone.

Especially Shen Yinuo, he may not be able to defeat him.

But the two of them joined forces to catch each other off guard and kill them quickly.

But it is also enough to prove that the combat power of the two men is far superior to that of ordinary king-level true bodies.

After groping around the corpse, they found a bag of mustard seeds, and then the two of them quickly walked away and disappeared.

And in the sky above the treasure place, the peak showdown also entered a critical moment.

After several rounds of cooperation, the old man's aura became weaker and weaker, and his strength became weaker and weaker.

"He's dying."

Everyone was overjoyed.

"If I were at my peak, why would I have to deal with you guys like this?"

The old man sighed leisurely, seeming to miss the scenery of the past.

Then, the old man grabbed it with his big hand, and the five swords merged together and turned into a five-color sword.

The old man's body bloomed with brilliant brilliance, his bones and flesh burned, turned into dust, and his essence rushed into the five-color sword under the guidance of the soul.

"Even if I am completely dead, I will still support you all."

The old voice resounded throughout the sky.


The five-color sword pierced the sky, and the light of the sword illuminated the nine heavens, making the heaven and earth eclipse.

This knife was aimed at the Lord of the Blood Temple.

The master of the Blood Temple was shocked and turned pale. He used the sea of ​​blood to protect himself and shouted: "This is his last blow. Block it. Let's attack together to block him. Huang Xuan, use the Shengxuan Tower."

The Lord of the Blood Temple exploded with all his power and used all his methods.

And Huang Xuan also used all his strength to sacrifice the Shengxuan Tower and hit the five-color sword.

But at this moment, the five-color sword suddenly turned and flew towards Zuo Daoxuan.

It turned out that the old man's real target was not the Lord of the Blood Temple at all, but Zuo Daoxuan.

The old man knew very well that he was at the end of his strength, and even with the final blow, it would be difficult to truly kill a martial spirit with the fifth transformation of the soul.

And Zuo Daoxuan, who was originally injured, was the best to kill among everyone.

Zuo Daoxuan was shocked. Although he tried his best to defend, it was all in vain.

The five-color sword flew past, pierced through all his defenses, and passed through his chest.


Zuo Daoxuan yelled unwillingly, and then, countless five-color sword lights rushed out of Zuo Daoxuan's body.

Zuo Daoxuan's body was reduced to ashes in the five-color sword light.

And his soul emerged immediately, but there were still countless sword lights rushing out of the soul, and then with a crash, both body and soul were destroyed.

After the five-color sword killed Zuo Daoxuan, it did not continue to take action, but broke through the air and disappeared into the horizon in the blink of an eye.

The Lord of the Blood Temple, the Beast Demon, Granny Wandu, and Huang Xuan were so shocked that they did not dare to pursue them and watched the five-color sword go away.

"You little thief, if you dare to take my treasure, you are seeking death."

The beast demon roared, stared at a person ten miles away, rushed over, punched the person into minced meat, and took out a large box from the person's package.

The Lord of the Blood Temple and others also took action one after another.

Anyone who is too greedy to retreat will be killed by them.

Of course, most people can restrain themselves, get some benefits, and escape in time to avoid major disasters.

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