Hunting Immortals and Demons

Chapter 275 Tianjiao Sword, Chu Tianjiao

When Zuo Daoxuan was killed and the war ended, Lu Yan and Shen Yinuo had already traveled hundreds of miles.

The two of them didn't stop, and kept going at full speed, shuttling through the mountains and forests.

They didn't walk on empty air.

For the real body state, walking in the air in a short time is fine, but traveling for a long time is not suitable because it consumes too much real energy.

In the blink of an eye, he ran another hundred miles.

Suddenly, the two of them looked up at the sky.

A five-color ray of light came quickly, at an extremely fast speed.

Moreover, looking at the direction, it was obvious that they were coming towards the two of them.

"The five-color sword light is the old man guarding the treasures of the ancient dynasty. Could it be that we took away too many treasures and were targeted."

Lu Yan's expression changed drastically.


The five-color sword light came to the sky above the two people in an instant, and then descended rapidly.

As if Lu Yan was facing a formidable enemy, all four body-refining martial arts were activated. He held the Xingluo Bow and was about to shoot an arrow.

"Don't take action."

Next to him, Shen Yinuo reminded him loudly.


The five-color sword fell in front of the two men and was inserted upside down on the ground, buzzing as if talking.

Immediately, the light dimmed and turned into an ordinary sword.

Deep in Shen Yinuo's eyes, a complex look flashed across his face, and then he walked over, grabbed the handle of the knife, and pulled it out.

"It seems that the senior has died. Lu Yan, you are a master of sword training. You must have been favored by that senior, so you chased after him and taught you this sword."

Shen Yinuo smiled and handed the sword to Lu Yan.

"Favor me?"

Lu Yan had serious doubts in his heart. Why did he have the feeling that this knife was aimed at Shen Yinuo?

"Take it, this sword is a spiritual treasure exclusive to the Yuanshen realm. It is of extremely high quality and is rare in the world."

Shen Yinuo said again.

Lu Yan nodded, no longer polite, and put away his sword.

Afterwards, the two of them continued on their way without stopping, and drove nearly ten thousand miles in one breath before finding a remote cave to stop and take out the small boxes they had obtained before.

The two of them received a total of five small boxes, all of which were guarded by wish patterns.

The two of them worked together to remove the wish pattern on it.

Huang Xuan, the master of the Blood Temple, the beast demon, Granny Wandu, and others spread their spiritual consciousness and searched around, only finding a few boxes, and their expressions were a little ugly.

In the seventh cave, there were previously more than a hundred boxes of various sizes, most of which were taken advantage of by the people guarding the surrounding area.

With a flash of his body, the beast demon was the first to leave, heading south.

Then Granny Wan Du also left and headed north.

"Hall Master, now that our Holy Xuan Sect has lost two generals in a row, our strength is slightly lacking. We will need a lot of help from your sect in the subsequent fight against Prince Ming's Mansion."

Huang Xuan clasped his fists and spoke politely to the Master of the Blood Temple.

"Of course, Prince Ming's Mansion is our common enemy."

The Lord of the Blood Temple nodded and disappeared into a streak of blood light.

Huang Xuan and Li Armadillo, on the other hand, flew away through the air towards the junction of Mingzhou and Xuanzhou. They also wanted to take charge of the overall situation and prevent the Ming Palace from counterattacking.

But before they were halfway through the flight, they stopped.

Because there are people blocking the way ahead.

This is a burly man, sitting cross-legged in mid-air, with disheveled black hair and a full beard, covering most of his face, but it can be seen between his eyebrows that this is an extremely handsome man.

A war sword rested on his shoulder, and in his left hand, he held a wine bottle and drank a few sips.

Huang Xuan frowned. This man was sitting casually in the air. He was obviously a master of the Yuanshen realm. He didn't want to cause more trouble and planned to bypass the man.

But the man's figure was fluttering, always standing in front of the two of them.

"Sir, what does this mean?"

Huang Xuan asked a little unhappy.

"Take your heads."

The man spoke calmly and took another sip of wine.

Huang Xuan and Li Armadillo's expressions darkened, knowing that those who came were evil.


Huang Xuan was very decisive. He struck first and took advantage of the situation. He used the Shengxuan Tower to suppress the man.

Shengxuan Pagoda is a spiritual treasure that was cultivated by the most powerful ancestor in the history of Shengxuan Sect. It has been strengthened by successive generations of sacrifices and has become the treasure of Shengxuan Sect.

With the help of the Shengxuan Tower, Huang Xuan's combat power was suddenly raised to a higher level.

Dispatching the Shengxuan Tower meant that he had used all his strength.

The other party knew his identity and threatened to take his head. There was no way he was a weakling.


The man stood up, unsheathed his sword, and a terrifying sword intent rose into the sky, shattering the sky.

At this moment, the man seems to have transformed into a sword god, the god among swords, and I am the king of all swords.

The light of the sword struck the Shengxuan Tower, which was violently shaken and flew thousands of meters across.

"Tianjiao Sword, you are Chu Tianjiao, you are not dead"

Huang Xuan yelled in shock.


The sound of the sword resounded through the sky, and the stunning sword light eclipsed the sky and the earth. It shot out of the sky and killed Huang Xuan.

The speed was so fast that even Huang Xuan had no time to react.

With a flash of sword light, Huang Xuan froze on the spot, his eyes widened with deep emotions of fear, unwillingness, and disbelief.

The next moment, a bloodstain appeared between his eyebrows, and then his whole body was divided into two.

There is a small person hidden in his head, which is as solid as Huang Xuan.

This is his soul.

When the Yuanshen Realm reaches the fourth realm of transformation, ordinary souls will be transformed into Yuanshen. Compared with souls, Yuanshen is more solid, like an entity. It can also leave the body at will and travel hundreds of miles. It has various mysterious means. Compared with The soul is too strong.

The name of Yuanshen Realm also comes from this.

Huang Xuan's soul was also split into two, then exploded into pieces and disappeared into thin air.

With one sword strike, Huang Xuan, the leader of Shengxuan Sect, died.

The armadillo's liver and gallbladder were both cold, so he turned around and ran away.

But the sound of the sword roared again, breaking through the air and killing.

Li Armadillo, who had not escaped a few meters, followed Huang Xuan's footsteps and was split into two by the sword light, and his soul was annihilated.

The man holds a sword in one hand and steps in the air. Although he has a sloppy beard, his temperament is extraordinary, just like a sword fairy descending to earth.

He grabbed it with his palm and the Shengxuan Tower fell into his hand.

The Shengxuan Tower kept vibrating and seemed to be resisting, but the man's fingers exerted force, and infinite sword energy burst out from his fingers, wrapping the Shengxuan Tower. Soon, the Shengxuan Tower became docile.

"This tower is pretty good. I, Prince Ming, don't have any spiritual treasures of this level yet, so I'll take them."

The man praised it and put the Shengxuan Pagoda into the bag of mustard seeds.

"You are considered the overlord of one party, so I will give you a big tomb."

The man first collected the mustard seed bags from Huang Xuan and Li Armadillo, then slapped the ground with his palm, lifting up a large amount of soil and covering the remains of Huang Xuan and Li Armadillo.

"Next, Shengxuanzong."

The man's eyes were as sharp as a sword, he looked in the direction of Shengxuanzong, took a step forward, and disappeared into the sky.

Soon, the man's figure appeared in the sky above Shengxuan Sect, and a terrifying aura filled the sky and covered Shengxuan Mountain.

"There are enemies."

"Start the formation."

A loud roar came from Shengxuan Mountain.

At the core of Shengxuan Mountain, a series of wish patterns filled the air, turning into a large formation.

At the same time, powerful auras rose up.

Two of them are Yuanshen realm masters guarded by Shengxuanzong, and the others are corpse refiners.

The man was condescending, looking down at Shengxuan Mountain, seeing everything in his eyes. He seemed to be waiting for Shengxuanzong to be ready.


The man drew his sword, the light of the sword broke through the air, turned into a giant, and struck down the Shengxuan Mountain.

The wish patterns of Shengxuan Mountain intertwined and turned into a giant sword to fight.

But when the man's sword light fell, the giant sword condensed with the wish pattern of Shengxuan Mountain only stood in a stalemate for a moment before collapsing.

The sword light continued to fall.

One after another figures rose into the sky, all of them were the refined corpses left behind by those in the Yuanshen Realm.

More than thirty refined corpses joined forces to fight against the sword light.

Boom boom boom.

There was a roar, and more than thirty refined corpses fell like raindrops, hitting Shengxuan Mountain, smashing into big craters in Shengxuan Mountain.

Of course, the ten thousand sword light was also blocked.


The man shouted softly, and the sharp sword in his hand turned into a sword light, which flashed away like lightning and flew into Shengxuan Mountain.


An elder from the Shengxuan Sect, who was in the first level of his soul, didn't even react. He was pierced between the eyebrows by the sword light and died on the spot.

Then, another master of the Yuanshen realm was also pierced by the sword light and killed.


The man in the air shouted softly, his sword vibrated, the sword light split into two, and the two parts split into four. In the blink of an eye, it turned into sixteen sword lights, killing sixteen refined corpses.

"That's almost it. I can't do everything by myself. I have to leave something for others. Let's go see the old man. I heard that he hid in the Demon Ridge Mountains. He said that he was going to use his tricks. Don't you want me to take action?"

The man muttered and walked away.

Magic Ridge Mountains.

Zhuo Kunsheng is still here.

For a person of his level, with a firm mind and a lot of patience, in order to achieve his goal, he can wait not to mention months, but years, decades or even centuries.

At this moment, his eyes lit up.

In the Demon Ridge Mountains, a figure stepped out of the sky, and it was King Ming.

"Chu Tianming, it seems that you have not entered the depths of the Demon Ridge Mountains, but are just hiding on the edge."

Zhuo Kunsheng said.

He felt a little regretful, he should have pursued it.

He had long thought that King Ming might not have gone deep into the Demon Ridge Mountains, but was just hiding on the edge. But after all, he was too afraid of the Demon Ridge Mountains.

"Even in the fringe area, the demonic energy is extremely strong and full of filth. You have to fight against the demonic energy. With the injuries you suffered that day, I don't believe you recovered so quickly."

Zhuo Kunsheng's eyes were like lightning, his sword was in his hand, and his aura was compelling.


King Ming smiled faintly, and the aura on his body was like a volcano erupting, breaking through the sky.

Zhuo Kunsheng's face darkened.

King Ming's aura has clearly reached its peak.

Prince Ming’s injury has recovered!

"Zhuo Kunsheng, you think that your plan is perfect, leading me to the Shengxuan Sect to surround and kill me, but you don't know that I just followed the plan and have already prepared the healing medicine and the method to resist the evil spirit."

King Ming said calmly.

"Oh? Just for this moment? Are you and I fighting alone?"

There was a hint of sarcasm in Zhuo Kunsheng's voice, and he continued: "You and I don't fight once or twice. Even if you improve, you can't do anything to me."

"And me?"

A voice came from behind.

A man with disheveled black hair and a full beard, holding a sword in one hand, came through the air, one behind the other with King Ming, and surrounded Zhuo Kunsheng in the middle.

Zhuo Kunsheng didn't need to turn around to look, his spiritual consciousness had already seen the man clearly.

"You are Chu Tianjiao!"

Zhuo Kunsheng's expression condensed.

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