Hunting Immortals and Demons

Chapter 276 Zhuo Kunsheng is in a desperate situation

"I'm lucky that Sect Master Zhuo still remembers me after three hundred years of absence."

Chu Tianjiao smiled, but the powerful sword intent had already locked onto Zhuo Kunsheng.

"Everyone in the world thinks that you died three hundred years ago. It seems that everyone in the world has been deceived by you."

Zhuo Kunsheng said, his body was covered by the glow, the power of rules surged, and the essence of the soul emerged, reaching a height of three hundred feet.

This shows how much he values ​​Chu Tianjiao, a junior.

Chu Tianjiao, the second son of Prince Ming, was a genius with amazing talents. It was once thought that his future achievements would surpass Prince Ming's.

Wang Tianyu, why is he said to have the best understanding in the Ming Dynasty for three hundred years, why not four hundred years?

That's because three hundred years ago, Chu Tianjiao came out.

Chu Tianjiao was feared by all forces because he was too evil, so he launched a long-planned hunting operation.

The major forces sent one hundred and eight top killers to surround and kill Chu Tianjiao. In the end, only seven of the one hundred and eight killers survived.

They brought back the news that Chu Tianjiao was seriously injured and dying, so he escaped.

For the next three hundred years, Chu Tianjiao never showed up again. Everyone was speculating that Chu Tianjiao must have died from serious injuries.

Zhuo Kunsheng did not expect that Chu Tianjiao would appear here three hundred years later.

Three hundred years ago, Chu Tianjiao had already broken through to the realm of Yuanshen. Now, after three hundred years of dormancy, what level has he reached?

"Chu Tianming, this is your plan. With the combined efforts of the two of you, do you want to keep me here?"

Zhuo Kunsheng said coldly.

"This king is just following his plan."

King Ming said.

"It's a good general's plan. Because of this plan, your Ming Palace lost tens of thousands of troops. Chu Tianming, you are brave enough, but I don't know how hundreds of thousands of Ming troops will feel if they know about it."

Zhuo Kunsheng mocked.

"Since ancient times, necessary sacrifices are inevitable for those who achieve great things."

"Besides, as long as I can get rid of Shengxuan Zong and you, Zhuo Kunsheng, more people will die. If it were you, Zhuo Kunsheng, I would be willing to sacrifice no matter how big it is."

King Ming said coldly, his eyes firm.


Zhuo Kunsheng said no more and took the lead, unsheathing his sword and striking at Chu Tianjiao.

To break through, you naturally need to find a weak link.

He did not think that Chu Tianjiao was stronger than King Ming.

There are many talented and beautiful people in the world, each leading the way and becoming famous for an era.

Every generation of young people has people who are famous all over the world.

But over the past thousand years, there have only been twenty figures like King Ming in the entire Chu State and seventy-two states.

How easy is it to reach their level?

The moment Zhuo Kunsheng took action, Chu Tianjiao also took action at the same time. The Tianjiao sword was unsheathed, and the brilliant sword light was no less than Zhuo Kunsheng's.

Two sword lights of completely different colors collided together, sparking an extremely sharp beam of light that shot up tens of thousands of feet into the sky, as if splitting the entire sky in half.

Zhuo Kunsheng and Chu Tianjiao's bodies were shaken at the same time and they drifted backwards.

"The third Xu of the Wind Rules, Chu Tianjiao, you have reached the peak of Xu Xu."

Zhuo Kunsheng spoke in shock, his face extremely solemn.

The sixth turn of the soul has begun to touch the power of rules between heaven and earth.

Cultivation according to the rules is divided into nine voids. Peeping the void can only be practiced up to the third void.

As for the seventh level of soul refining, the highest level can be reached to the ninth level.

King Ming and Zhuo Kunsheng are both in the third virtual state of the rules and the peak of the virtual world.

Chu Tianjiao has obviously reached this level.

At this level, there are already countless masters in the world.

Of course, just because one has reached the realm, one cannot yet be called the strongest in the world.

Because Zhuo Kunsheng and Ming Wang are both extremely talented. When they are at a low level, fighting by leapfrogging is as simple as eating and drinking.

Invincible at the same level is synonymous with them.

Others, even if they reach this level, are not their opponents.

But Chu Tianjiao was different.

Chu Tianjiao's talent was even higher than that of Prince Ming.


Zhuo Kunsheng's heart sank, and at the same time he exploded with all his strength, activating his Yuan Shen Dharma, and rushed towards Chu Tianjiao, while he himself flew out of the air to one side, trying to escape from here.

The siege by two masters of the same level was even more dangerous than the siege that King Ming suffered.

But how could King Ming allow him to escape easily? A huge spear swept out and blocked Zhuo Kunsheng's way.

At the same time, King Ming and Chu Tianjiao also sacrificed their souls.

Chu Tianjiao's Yuanshen Dharma is not in human form, but it is also a sword.

A simple war sword, full of the breath of time, as if it came from ancient times.

The ancient fighting sword struck down, knocking Zhuo Kunsheng's Yuan Shen Faxiang back.

And Chu Tianjiao personally held the sword, drawing a brilliant sword light, which kept falling on Zhuo Kunsheng's Yuan Shen Dharma. On Zhuo Kunsheng's Yuan Shen Dharma, a series of sword marks appeared, like cracks, and the light began to Became dim.

How could he defeat Chu Tianjiao if he was just a primordial spirit?

Similarly, without the essence of the soul, how could Zhuo Kunsheng be able to defeat King Ming.


Zhuo Kunsheng was shot by King Ming and flew away, coughing up blood.

Chu Tianjiao turned his sword and intercepted Zhuo Kunsheng. Zhuo Kunsheng used his remaining strength to resist, but was caught up by King Ming's Faxiang and suppressed him with a palm, almost breaking his bones.

Dang Dang Dang.

At this time, Zhuo Kunsheng's eyebrows glowed, and a big bell flew out, emitting a melodious chime.

Chu Tianjiao and Ming Wang's bodies were shocked, and they took a few steps back. Their brows glowed, filling the air with circles of ripples.

"The treasure of Tianque Sect, the Soul-Destroying Bell, no, during the Eight Kings Rebellion, the Soul-Destroying Bell was cracked by King Ji Dong. Now it is inseparable from Tianque Mountain. This is an imitation of the Soul-Destroying Bell."

Prince Ming could tell at a glance.

Just like the Shengxuan Sect, the Tianque Sect has a long heritage, a deeper foundation, and also has an incredible spiritual treasure that can suppress the sect.

This kind of spiritual treasures are all condensed with the blessings of generations of strong men, and cannot be cultivated by a power like the Ming Palace that has been rising for hundreds of years.

This kind of spiritual treasure is often extremely powerful, just like the Shengxuan Tower, which can raise Huang Xuan's strength to a higher level.

The soul-falling bell has extremely strong attack power against the soul, especially against the soul's Dharma.

Zhuo Kunsheng said nothing, and kept activating the soul-falling bell to attack the souls of Chu Tianjiao and Ming Wang. Their souls trembled endlessly, and they retreated continuously.

King Ming and Chu Tianjiao simply put away the primordial spirit form and protected it with laws. They bypassed Zhuo Kunsheng's primordial spirit form and killed Zhuo Kunsheng.

"The killing sword of heaven and earth."

Chu Tianjiao pointed his long sword to the sky and his left hand to the ground. The energy between heaven and earth gathered together and turned into nine shocking sword lights, slashing in the air. Each sword light had the power to open up the world.

"Dragon Divine Spear."

King Ming's body was covered with golden light. His spear thrust out, and the roar of the dragon shook the sky. From the spear, a golden dragon flew out, and pounced on Zhuo Kunsheng with its teeth and claws.

There is no doubt that they are all god-level martial arts.

"The Ancient Tianque Sword Way."

Zhuo Kunsheng vibrated the Soul Falling Bell while displaying the god-level martial arts of the Tianque Sect. Sword circles appeared around him, and these sword circles were like shields.

But how could he alone stop two masters?

Chu Tianjiao's sword light fell and Zhuo Kunsheng's defense was broken. King Ming's golden dragon rushed past. Zhuo Kunsheng retreated tens of thousands of meters and smashed a mountain peak.

King Ming and Chu Tianjiao chased after him, their swords and spears blazing like a flood, crashing towards the place where Zhuo Kunsheng fell.

Boom boom boom.

The ground exploded, gravel flew, and cracks spread out in all directions like spider webs.


A few miles away, Zhuo Kunsheng rushed out, his hair disheveled, his body covered in tatters and wounds, and his right leg and left arm were missing.

The Soul-Destroying Bell was suspended above the head, but a crack had appeared.

King Ming was right. Zhuo Kunsheng's soul-falling bell was just an imitation. It took Tianque Sect hundreds of years to refine it. Although it was incredibly powerful, it could only be used once.

After one time, it will break into pieces.

This is also the reason why Zhuo Kunsheng didn't use it when he besieged King Ming last time.

Zhuo Kunsheng was severely injured, and even his soul could not maintain its appearance. It turned into a rainbow light, rushed into the center of his eyebrows and disappeared.

The imitation of the Soul-falling Bell appeared cracked and its power weakened. King Ming and Chu Tianjiao once again sacrificed the dharma of the soul and killed Zhuo Kunsheng together with the main body.

Zhuo Kunsheng is facing a desperate situation.

Even though he was facing a desperate situation, Zhuo Kunsheng still did not give up on survival.

He is the strongest in the world and will never accept his fate easily.

"It's not that easy to kill me. Since I started martial arts, many people have tried to kill me, but they haven't succeeded. Neither the Chu family nor my son can succeed."

Zhuo Kunsheng showed ruthlessness and determination, and with a flash of eyebrows, his soul controlled the Soul Falling Bell and flew forward rapidly, while his physical body rushed towards King Ming and Chu Tianjiao, emitting a dazzling brilliance.

"No, retreat."

Prince Ming's expression changed, he shouted softly, and he and Chu Tianjiao quickly retreated.


Zhuo Kunsheng's body exploded and turned into violent energy, covering an area of ​​dozens of miles.

Zhuo Kunsheng's physical body was so powerful. It was one of the strongest in the world. It had been tempered for thousands of times, and the energy it contained was unknown. It exploded in an instant, and the land with a radius of dozens of miles was turned into death in an instant.


King Ming and Chu Tianjiao rushed out and stood in the void, but they had lost track of Zhuo Kunsheng.

The Yuan Shen controlled the Soul-Destroying Bell and broke the shackles of the physical body. It was almost at its extreme, and even if it chased it, it might not be able to catch up.

"As expected of a generational hero, he is just difficult to kill."

Chu Tianjiao sighed.

"After losing his physical body, even if Zhuo Kunsheng exhausted all the resources of the Tianque Sect, it would take at least a hundred years to recover. This hundred years is enough for the Tianque Sect to decline."

King Ming said.

"Old man, to be honest, I think your strategy this time was not very clever. I heard that you were beaten badly. It's not worth risking yourself."

Chu Tianjiao suddenly changed his voice and said.

King Ming was silent for a moment and said, "How can a person who achieves great things not put himself in danger?"

Chu Tianjiao shook his head and said: "If I hadn't rushed back in time, the situation would have continued to deteriorate. Once the Ming Palace showed signs of defeat, in addition to the Shengxuan Sect and the Tianque Sect, the other princes would probably want to get a share of the pie, and they would lose it by then. It’s not just Xuanzhou, but Yunzhou and Mingzhou.”

"Actually, if you want to deal with Shengxuan Sect, just wait for me to come back, and you and I will join forces to defeat them. It will be easy."

"This time is already the best opportunity, why miss it?"

Prince Ming replied, expressionless.

Chu Tianjiao sighed in his heart, why didn't he understand what Prince Ming was thinking.

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