Hunting Immortals and Demons

Chapter 279 Zhao Sirong’s whereabouts

Lu Yan did not kill anyone.

He and Shen Yinuo stayed outside Shengxuan Mountain, not to kill people, but to find the whereabouts of Zhao Sirong.

"I'll ask you questions. If you cooperate honestly, I'll let you live."

Lu Yan said coldly.

"Okay, you ask, and I promise to answer every question, as long as you let me live."

The other party was very honest and nodded directly.

"Do you know if there is a woman named Zhao Sirong in Shengxuan Sect? She often wears her hair in a ponytail and is quite heroic."

Before he finished speaking, he saw the other party looking at him with strange eyes.

Lu Yan frowned and said, "What does your expression mean?"

"Do not misunderstand."

The other party quickly said: "Just because of Zhao Sirong's name, no one in Shengxuan Sect knows him."

"No one knows?"

"Yes, because he is a closed disciple accepted by the sect master. He is the inner god and has the potential of being a king. Of course, most disciples only know that she has been favored by the sect master and was accepted as a closed disciple. They don't know that she has the king's true body. Only some of the higher-ups of Shengxuan Sect know about his potential."

The other party answered honestly.

Lu Yan was stunned for a moment. To be honest, he was a little surprised.

Unexpectedly, Zhao Sirong had such a talent.

If he had not gone to Shengxuan Sect and lived in Lingdong all his life, I am afraid that such talents would have been buried.

"Where is she now? Is she still on Shengxuan Mountain?"

Lu Yan asked again.

The other party shook his head and said: "As far as I know, the two guardians of the seventh level of the real body left Shengxuan Mountain with Zhao Sirong and another disciple of the sect master, Wang Lian, and took away a large amount of resources, even gods. Level Martial Arts, their direction should be heading northwest to Xuanzhou, to enter Yanzhou."

Xuanzhou is adjacent to the four states.

It is bounded by Yunzhou in the south, Jinzhou in the north, Mingzhou in the west, and adjacent to Yanzhou in the northwest.

"You are honest."

Lu Yan said sarcastically.

Zhao Sirong and Wang Lian were obviously regarded as the seeds of the future of Shengxuan Sect, and they left with a large amount of resources and god-level martial arts to wait for a comeback in the future.

This guy is good, he said everything to the letter.

"Sir, do you have anything else to ask? I'll tell you one by one. If not, can you let me go?"

The other party said.

"there is none left."

Lu Yan shook his head.


The opponent's head exploded.

It wasn't Lu Yan's hand, but Shen Yinuo's shot in the air that killed the opponent.

"He promised not to kill you, but I didn't agree."

Shen Yinuo muttered.

"Yi Nuo, let's go northwest of Xuanzhou."

Lu Yandao waved his hand, took away the other party's package, and together with Shen Yinuo, sped towards the northwest of Xuanzhou.

"That Zhao Sirong must be very beautiful, right?"

On the way, Shen Yinuo asked abruptly.


Lu Yan answered subconsciously, but immediately felt something was wrong. He took a glance and found that Shen Yinuo's big eyes had narrowed, and said hurriedly: "Yinuo, you are more beautiful, unparalleled in the world."

"Really? You mean what you say. I see you are so nervous about Miss Zhao Sirong. In my opinion, your main purpose in agreeing to this mission is for Miss Zhao Sirong, right?"

Shen Yinuo said.

Lu Yan smiled bitterly in his heart. Are women's minds so sharp?

"That's a friend I met in Lingdong. He helped me a lot when I was weak. He is a very good person."

Lu Yan explained, then looked at Shen Yinuo carefully and said, "Yinuo, you won't be jealous, right?"

"I'm such a big-headed idiot like you, will this girl be jealous of you? You are so pretty, I won't be jealous of you, no, absolutely not"

Shen Yinuo was like a tabby cat whose tail had been stepped on. He almost jumped up and bared his teeth.

"I believe you"

Lu Yan said.

"Hey, what's your expression? A look of disbelief. I told you, I won't be jealous of you. Do you believe it or not? Your relationship with me is nothing more than helping each other. How could I be jealous of you? Vinegar?"

"If it weren't for the fact that you have a lot of martial arts resources around you, I wouldn't have followed you. Tell me, do you believe it or not?"

Shen Yinuo rambled on.

"I believe."

Lu Yan said.

"Why do I think you look so insincere? Say it again seriously. Do you believe it or not?"

"I believe."

The two quarreled all the way and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

In less than a day, the two of them arrived in the northwest area of ​​Xuanzhou.


"Dang Dang!"

Ahead, between the mountains, there was a violent roar and the sound of weapons clashing.

Someone is fighting.

Could it be Zhao Sirong? Being caught up?

Lu Yan's heart tightened, and he and Shen Yinuo gathered their auras, running towards the battlefield like ghosts.

After approaching, I quietly climbed up the cliff of a mountain peak and looked down with the help of a large rock.

There were six of them, and they were besieging three.

Those six people were all burly men.

The three people who were besieged were in an extremely embarrassed state, covered in blood, and it was obvious that they could no longer hold on.

These people are actually strong men in the True Body Realm, and they obviously have extraordinary origins.

"Everyone, we can give you whatever you want. Please be noble and let us go."

one of them shouted.

But the six big men remained unmoved and continued their offensive.

There was a scream, and an old man among the three, who was the weakest in cultivation, was decapitated with a knife and died on the spot.

"Don't kill us. I know the whereabouts of the closed disciple of our Shengxuan Sect master. She brings the Shengxuan Sect's largest resource and god-level martial arts. I can take you to find her."

One of the young men, who looked to be in his thirties, shouted, with a look of panic on his face.

This young man has extremely strong cultivation and has reached the sixth level of the True Body. He also has at least a middle-grade True Body physique.

But those six strong men were too strong. Two of them were suspected to be from the seventh level of the real body. They had strong auras and powerful real bodies, and he was no match for them.

After hearing this, the six strong men's eyes flickered a few times, but they still did not stop.

After a few more moves, the remaining two people were severely injured and fell to the ground, unable to fight anymore.


In addition to the young man, another master also had his neck broken.

Only the young man was left.

"Tell me, where are Huang Xuan's closed disciples?"

One of the strong men with a scar on the corner of his eyebrows was condescending and filled with murderous intent, and asked coldly.

"Huang Xuan's close disciple, named Zhao Sirong, has the potential of a king-level true body. The two guardians brought Zhao Sirong and Huang Xuan's other disciple Wang Lian to the northwest area of ​​Xuanzhou, intending to enter Yanzhou."

The young man said quickly.

"It's useless to say it. The northwest region of Xuanzhou has such a vast territory and countless people. Where should we go to find it?"

The scarred man said indifferently, the sword in his hand buzzed and flashed, ready to slash out at any time.

The young man was horrified and said quickly: "I have a way to find them."

"Oh? Do you have any contact with them?"

The scarred man said.

"That's not true."

The young man shook his head, pondered for a moment, and said: "Now that the Shengxuan Sect's Yuan Shen is dead, and the Ming Palace's army is coming, the Shengxuan Sect's destruction is inevitable. The remaining people have different intentions and want to gain some benefits for themselves. Seize a resource and then escape to other states to practice.”

"But Zhao Sirong and Wang Lian control the largest resources of Shengxuan Sect, and even have god-level martial arts. There is no one in the Shengxuan Sect who is not moved. To be honest, I am also very moved."

"So, I secretly poisoned Zhao Sirong. It is a colorless, odorless and harmless poison. But after this poison enters the blood, it will produce a special fragrance, which will be emitted from the skin and last for several years."

"Ordinary people can't smell this kind of fragrance, but the creatures that produce this poison can smell it."

At this point, the skin on the young man's wrist began to squirm, and an insect as thick as a finger, like a centipede, emerged from the skin of his wrist.

There is a tentacle on the top of the insect's head that keeps shaking.

"Is this the bug?"

asked the scarred man.

"Yes, this insect is called the One-horned Centipede. I have cultivated it for decades, and only I can control it. Originally, I wanted to follow Zhao Sirong and the others secretly to see if I could have a chance to seize some resources from them. As long as you let me go, I can take you to find Zhao Sirong and Wang Lian and get their treasures and god-level martial arts."

The young man said.

"You are smart. Okay, I can promise you that as long as you lead us to find Zhao Sirong and Wang Lian, I can spare your life."

The scarred man said.

"It's not about sparing my life, it's about letting me go. You can't destroy my martial arts, you can't hurt me, and they also have to swear an oath."

The young man was obviously very cautious and glanced at the other five strong men.

The six strong men's eyes flashed coldly, but in the end they swore one by one.

Afterwards, the young man took Wu Wan and began to heal his injuries. Soon after, his injuries recovered a lot.

But before the young man could fully recover from his injuries, the strong man with the scar connected his fingers and used his true strength to seal the important acupuncture points around the young man's body, sealing his cultivation.

"lead the way."

The scarred man said coldly.

The young man made a strange chirping sound, and the tentacles of the one-horned centipede kept shaking, and finally pointed in one direction.

The young man took six strong men and headed in that direction.

Not long after everyone left, the figures of Lu Yan and Shen Yinuo appeared.

"Follow quietly."

Lu Yan said, his face a little gloomy.

Fortunately, they encountered them, otherwise, if these people caught up with Zhao Sirong and the others, Zhao Sirong and the others would probably be in danger.

The two restrained their breath and followed quietly.

As long as you follow these people, you will naturally find Zhao Sirong.

The young man's one-horned centipede obviously wasn't that smart either. He kept walking around, and after a day and a night, they didn't go very far.

Thousands of miles away from Lu Yan and the others, in a barren mountain.

Several figures were running away quickly.

There were four people in total, one young woman with a ponytail and good temperament and appearance, who looked like Zhao Sirong.

There was another man who looked to be in his forties.

The other two were a gray-haired old woman and a gray-haired old man.

Over the years, Zhao Sirong has made rapid progress in cultivation, but he is only at the second level of a master. There is a big gap between him and the other three, so the old woman has been leading Zhao Sirong around.

The old man had a deep stab wound on his back, and his clothes were stained red with blood.

Moreover, green gas kept coming out of the wound, which was obviously contaminated with poison.

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