Hunting Immortals and Demons

Chapter 280 The Six Wolves of Tianque

They are being hunted.

"This won't work. Sooner or later, we will be overtaken by Fang's poisonous insects."

The middle-aged man in his forties said.

He is another disciple of Huang Xuan, Wang Lian.

After five refinements of the true body, he became a top-grade true body with excellent talent.

"Senior brother, two guardians, please leave first and leave me alone."

Zhao Sirong gritted his teeth and said.

"What nonsense are you talking about? You are the sect master's close disciple and the sect's hope for the future. Even if I die, I will protect your life."

The old woman said solemnly.

"Yes, anyone can die, but junior sister cannot die."

Wang Lian also followed suit.

He knew very well how much his master Huang Xuan valued Zhao Sirong when he was still alive.

The miracles contained in Zhao Sirong are anything but ordinary.

It is true that people with the potential of a king-level true body have never been born in Shengxuan Sect, but Huang Xuan has never attached such importance to it.

Huang Xuan himself had condensed the true body of Wangpin.

From this, it can be seen that Zhao Sirong's talent is beyond their imagination, and it is not an exaggeration to say that Shengxuan Sect's future hope is great.

"I have an idea. Junior sister's cultivation level is still low. People like Fang are paying more attention to me. Most of them think that the treasure is hidden in me. I will lure them away. The two guardians are waiting for me. After luring them away, you and your junior sister will disguise themselves and go to Changze Village, transforming into villagers of Changze Village to avoid the limelight. When the limelight is over, you can secretly go to Yanzhou, and it won't be too late to go to Taizhou."

"If I escape, I will join you in Changze Village."

Wang Liandao.

"Brother, it's too dangerous for you to do this."

Zhao Sirong shook his head.

"That's it. No need to say more. Sirong, take this bag of mustard seeds with you and make sure to hide it well."

Wang Lian handed a mustard seed bag to Zhao Sirong.

"I'm going with you. One person may not be able to convince the Fang family's brats."

The old man said.

Wang Lian nodded, and then headed toward the rear together with the old man.

The old woman took Zhao Sirong and hid in a dense tree.

"Chase, over there."

"It's Wang Lian, don't let them escape."

Soon after, shouts were heard in the distance, and the sound gradually faded away.

After waiting for a while, the old woman and Zhao Sirong jumped off the tree and walked quietly towards Changze Village.

In the mountains and forests at night, wild beasts roar.

The scarred man and others sat in an open space to rest together with the young man of Shengxuan Sect.

Thousands of meters away, Lu Yan and Shen Yinuo hid behind a large rock, watching secretly.

Following all the way, I heard the conversation between Scar Dahan and the others, and found out that Scar Dahan and the other six strong men were all from Tianque Sect, nicknamed Tianque Six Wolves.

They are six brothers, each with an innate martial body and unique talents. Together they have achieved the state of true form, which is rare in the world.

And that young man, named Yan Qi, was a disciple of a deputy sect leader of Shengxuan Sect.

"Have you ever felt that someone is following us secretly?"

The strong man with the scar suddenly sent a message to the other five strong men.

The five strong men showed a trace of confusion and shook their heads.

"I always feel that there are two pairs of eyes watching us in the dark, following us all the way, probably starting more than a day ago."

The scarred man continued to transmit the message.

"Brother, you are born with a keen spiritual sense. Since you have such a sense, you can't be wrong."

Another strong man said.

"So, there are indeed two people following us secretly. They probably want to fish in troubled waters and be the squirrel behind."

Another big man said.

"Hmph, it's not that easy to take advantage of our Tianque Six Wolves. In this case, we force them to show up."

The scarred man said, and then gave a few instructions.

Three of the strong men stood up, ducked into the mountains and forests, and disappeared.

Lu Yan and Shen Yinuo frowned, wondering why the three strong men left suddenly.

but not long after

"No, we were discovered."

Lu Yan whispered.

Swish, swish, swish!

Three figures appeared behind Lu Yan and Shen Yinuo, forming a siege.

The three people in front also stood up suddenly and rushed towards where Lu Yan and Shen Yinuo were.

call out!

One of them threw a spear, flew over quickly, and blew up the boulder where Lu Yan and Shen Yinuo were hiding. The spear kept stabbing Lu Yan's chest.

Immediately afterwards, another strong man bent his bow and nocked an arrow, and an arrow shot towards Shen Yinuo like lightning.

Lu Yan and Shen Yinuo jumped back. As they were retreating, they put their palms on the bottom of the spear. The spear changed direction, flew towards the sky, and landed a hundred meters away.

Shen Yinuo struck the arrow horizontally with his palm, sending the arrow flying to the left, punching through nine big trees in a row before stopping on the tenth big tree.

Six strong men have surrounded Lu Yan and Shen Yinuo.

The two blows just now were just to test the cultivation of Lu Yan and Shen Yinuo.

"The two real bodies of the fourth level also want to kill them together without knowing whether to live or die without the oriole behind them."

The scarred man waved his hand very decisively.

He concluded that Lu Yan and the others must have known that they had a way to find Zhao Sirong and others, so it was impossible to let Lu Yan and the others leave.

After letting Lu Yan and the others leave, the two brought stronger masters. What should they do?

They were decisive, Lu Yan and Shen Yinuo were even more decisive, and had already taken action before the other party took action.

The two of them killed the three people behind at the same time.

As soon as he takes action, he uses all his strength.

Shen Yinuo sacrificed the Great Sun Furnace, like a hill, suppressing a big man.

Lu Yan, on the other hand, directly used the four body-refining martial arts, used the Void Step to the extreme, and rushed towards a strong man.


The strong man who was attacked by Shen Yinuo had the cultivation level of the fifth level of the real body. His muscles were taut, like a violent bear. He was holding a Langya stick and swung it upwards, hoping to knock the Great Sun Furnace away.

However, when the Great Sun Furnace fell, let alone being knocked away, he couldn't even resist for a moment and was directly crushed into pulp by the Great Sun Furnace.

The strong man who was targeted by Lu Yan was not weak in cultivation. He also had the cultivation of the Five Realms. He swung a machete and struck at Lu Yan.

Lu Yan did not dodge, and reached out to grab the blade. His palm shook. The opponent couldn't hold the machete and staggered back. Lu Yan grabbed the machete and threw it out, and a head flew high into the air.

"Third brother, fifth brother."

A man with the largest physique yelled, his eyes red.

"These two are geniuses. Don't separate and attack together."

The scarred man was relatively calm, suppressed the grief in his heart, and roared.

The remaining four people gathered together and attacked Lu Yan and Shen Yinuo like crazy.

The combat power of these four people was even greater than the two big men who were killed before.

Two real bodies at the seventh level, two real bodies at the sixth level.

Shen Yinuo activated the Great Sun Furnace and suppressed the four people.

Having learned from the previous lessons and knowing that the Great Sun Furnace was extremely powerful, three of the four people took action at the same time, striking one blow each against the Great Sun Furnace.

The fourth person, the big man with the scar, stayed on the defensive and paid attention to Lu Yan.

Dang Dang Dang!

There were three loud noises in a row, and the Great Sun Furnace was knocked backwards, but the three strong men also retreated continuously.

When the Great Sun Furnace was suppressing it, Lu Yan also rushed out, with the sword in his hand, and slashed out with one strike.

The big man with the scar also wielded a machete and fought hard to fight.


The two swords collided with a deafening sound, and the sharp sword light spread outward in circles, sweeping in all directions.

Then, a figure suddenly retreated backwards, it was a man with a scar.

Lu Yan, on the other hand, only swayed slightly before regaining his balance.

"The seven-refined true body is also a middle-grade true body. No wonder it is not weak."

Lu Yan's heart moved.

Little did he know that the scarred man was already extremely shocked.

He has reached the peak of the real body. He once mastered the seven inner powers. Now his cultivation level is three small realms higher than Lu Yan, and he is completely defeated by Lu Yan.

Wangpin's true form is far from being so terrifying.

However, he didn't have time to think too much.

Because Lu Yan's offensive was coming again, the swords were shining heavily, and the sky was full of sword shadows.

He could only wave his sword to attack, and the other three people were unable to intervene to help, because the Great Sun Furnace, like a sun, emitted scorching brilliance and suppressed the three people again.

As long as you are distracted for a moment, you will be smashed into a pulp.

Dang Dang Dang.

Lu Yan and the scarred man exchanged blows with fast knives. They fought with fast knives. In just a few breaths, they exchanged dozens of knives.

"Excellent swordsmanship, it has achieved the integration of human and martial arts."

Lu Yan thought to himself.

Not only the scarred man, but also the superb martial arts of several other big men have almost all entered the realm of the integration of man and martial arts.

Although these people look middle-aged, they are at least two or three hundred years old.

After hundreds of years of hard training, coupled with the guidance of famous teachers, it is not too difficult for high-level real body realms to practice a superb martial arts to the point where human and martial arts become one.

It can be said that after encountering these opponents in the Sixth and Seventh Refining of the Real Body, Lu Yan's advantage at the martial arts level is weakening.

Fortunately, he has four top body-refining martial arts, which can be used in combination, making his strength and explosive power reach astonishing levels. This is an advantage that others do not have.

With this kind of fighting power, Scarred Han could fight Lu Yan dozens of times.

But after dozens of moves, the scarred man was completely at a disadvantage. He was suppressed by Lu Yan and kept retreating.


After another blow, the scarred man staggered back, throwing the arm holding the knife back, leaving the door wide open.

Lu Yan was waiting for this opportunity. He tipped his toes, rushed forward like a dragon, and slashed with his sword.

The Nine Tribulations Sword was destroyed.


The scarred man was split in half from head to toe with a knife. Under the strong force of the sword, the two corpses flew tens of meters to the left and right sides.


The remaining three people yelled, their eyes were blood red, but their hearts were filled with chills.

"Second brother, you two resist for a while. My younger brother will avenge you in the future."

The youngest, a big man, turned around and ran away.

call out!

Lu Yan bent his bow and nocked an arrow, and shot a nine-ring arrow that cut through the void and hit the escaped man, killing him on the spot.

The remaining two people screamed and fought so hard that they shook the Great Sun Furnace and fell backwards.

But Lu Yan shot out another nine-ring arrow, killing the second man who was in the Sixth Level of Realm.

There was only the last big man left who was in the seventh level of his true body.

He knew he was going to die, so he burned with all his strength. After a blow with the Great Sun Furnace, he rushed towards Shen Yinuo like a wild beast, wanting to hold Shen Yinuo on his back before he died.

But what greeted him were eight-shot arrows from Lu Yan.

After blocking five arrows in a row, the sixth arrow hit his knee.

The strong man fell to the ground, and the seventh arrow pierced his head.

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