Hunting Immortals and Demons

Chapter 282 The True Body of the King of War

"It seems that the Fang family from Jinzhou is also here for Sirong."

Lu Yan's heart moved.

Naturally, he had heard about the Fang family in Jinzhou.

In the Ming Dynasty's personal guard, one must have some understanding of the most powerful forces in the world.

"How strong is this Fang Xuansha?"

Lu Yan asked.

It was obvious that the people of the Fang family, headed by Fang Xuansha, who could make others obey them, most likely had strong strength, and were probably the strongest among the Fang family present.

"Very strong."

Yan Qidao, with a look of fear in his eyes: "Our Shengxuan Sect is adjacent to Jinzhou and often deals with the Fang family. I have met Fang Xuansha several times. This person is a rare martial arts wizard of the Fang family. , a person who was born with an inner spirit, developed a king-grade true body, and now has reached the sixth level of true body refinement.”

"The King's real body, the six refinements of the real body."

Lu Yan and Shen Yinuo looked at each other and saw the solemnity in each other's eyes.

This kind of character has extremely terrifying fighting power.

If they were at the same level, they would have enough confidence to suppress it.

But now that we are two floors above them, it is difficult.

But they are not without advantages.

The enemy is bright and we are dark.


Now, they can only wait patiently for the opportunity to come.

Time passed by minute by minute.

Soon, it was the turn of the old woman and Zhao Sirong.

The old woman honestly stretched out her hand and gave it to Mr. Fang to check.

Just when Fang's man stretched out his hand, the old woman suddenly took action and struck the opponent with both palms.

"Just waiting for you."

Fang's man had obviously been prepared for a long time and had been paying attention to guard against a sneak attack, so he was not surprised when the old woman suddenly took action. Instead, he shouted loudly, with great energy, and swung out his left hand to meet the old woman. , the right palm was like a knife, slicing towards the old woman's head.

The old woman could only wave her left hand to resist.

After two collisions, the two of them retreated at the same time.

Seven refinements of the true body.

The old woman's heart sank to the bottom of her heart.


The master of the Fang family shouted coldly, his palms turned dark green, emitting bursts of unpleasant smell, and rushed towards the old woman.

The other masters of the Fang family also surrounded the old woman.

Fang Xuansha stood with his hands behind his back, seemingly not planning to take action.

In other words, an old woman didn't need him to take action.

The old woman waved her hand, and a long whip of more than ten meters long appeared in her hand. It danced like the wind, like a black snake spitting messages, attacking several masters of the Fang family.

"It's now."

Lu Yan bent his bow and set an arrow, and his true energy continued to pour into the arrow.

He is gathering strength.

call out!

The next moment, the arrow flew out like a bolt of lightning and shot directly towards Fang Xuansha's back.

With Lu Yan's current cultivation level, how powerful would it be to shoot a nine-ring arrow with all his strength?

However, Fang Xuansha's spiritual sense was also extremely keen. He immediately sensed danger and pounced forward without hesitation.

However, while the arrow was in the air, it changed its angle slightly, raised it forward slightly, and continued to shoot towards Fang Xuansha.

Fang Xuansheng's pupils shrank sharply, and a terrifying amount of true energy burst out in an instant, spreading a layer of protective true energy in front of him.

Then, he slapped his palms against each other fiercely, trying to catch the arrow.

The moment he clapped his palm, a small snake jumped out from his wrist like lightning and pounced on the arrow.

This little snake is actually extremely hard.

Although it is small in size, its body is like a magic weapon. It actually blocked the arrow for a moment before exploding.

But the power of the arrows has obviously weakened a lot.

Then, Fang Xuansha pressed out his palms and grabbed the shaft of the arrow.


The arrow rubbed violently with Fang Xuansha's palm, sending sparks shooting out. It still moved forward, piercing an inch into Fang Xuansha's chest before being blocked by the true energy and bones, and stopped.

Fang Xuansha was secretly shocked. If the little snake hadn't blocked him, this arrow would have seriously injured him.

Boo hoo hoo.

After Lu Yan shot nine arrows, he opened his bow again and shot six arrows with eight arrows.

Six arrows drew different arcs and shot at Fang Xuansha.

Fang Xuansha's body trembled, and the arrows in his chest flew out. A dark green scimitar appeared in his hand, which instantly struck out six sword lights, blocking all six eight-ring arrows.

"This guy is really strong. He only suffered a slight injury."

Lu Yan frowned, took out an arrow again, and began to charge up.

The power of the eight-ring arrow is limited after all. Only the nine-ring arrow can maximize the power of the martial arts of Thunder and Nine Rings.

But this time, Lu Yan did not continue to target Fang Xuansha, but the Fang master who was fighting with the old woman of Shengxuan Sect.

After three breaths, the energy is accumulated and completed.

The arrow seemed to tear through the night sky. By the time the nine-ring sound resounded throughout the mountain village, the arrow was already only one meter away from Fang's master.

One meter, this distance is too short for the nine-ring arrow.

Fang, a master of the Seventh Realm of the Real Body, tried his best to move his body laterally to avoid the vital point in his heart, but he was still hit by an arrow on the left shoulder. The shoulders and arms exploded into bloody foam.

The old woman of Shengxuanzong took the opportunity to kill him. She strangled the opponent's neck with a long whip like a snake, and pulled hard, and the opponent's head was pulled off.

A master of the Seventh Form of True Body, died.

"Damn, there's someone over there, an archer, go and force him out."

Fang Xuansha shouted loudly, kicked off his feet, and rushed towards the big tree where Lu Yan was standing like a strong wind.

At the same time, he raised his hands, and two balls of green powder filled the sky, which could seriously interfere with the line of sight.

This is poison powder. From such a long distance, it naturally cannot poison Lu Yan, but it can hide his figure and avoid being targeted by Lu Yan.

He was still frightened by Lu Yan's nine-ring arrow.

In addition to Fang Xuansha, two other people also chased after Lu Yan.

Lu Yan rushed out from the big tree and ran quickly towards the distance. At the same time, an arrow was already placed on the Xingluo Bow and was charging up.

After three breaths.

call out!

Nine-ring arrows flew out of the air.

This time, the target was locked on a person standing in the air.

How could that person, who was only at the fifth level of the True Body, avoid Lu Yan's full-strength arrow?

His body was like a watermelon, and it exploded in the air with an arrow.

There were seven people in the Fang family, but now, there are only five left.

Fang Xuansha's eyes turned red and he rushed towards Lu Yan crazily.

As long as the distance is shortened, the archer's performance can be restricted.

But Lu Yan was extremely fast, constantly shuttling through the mountains and forests, circling the village.

Then, he continued to bend his bow and nock an arrow, aiming at another person in the sky.

The man was so horrified that he dared to stay in the sky as a target. He fell rapidly, but before he hit the ground, he was shot by Lu Yan with an arrow.


There are four left.

At this time, one of them was fighting with the old woman of Shengxuan Sect, who was also a person from the Seventh Refined Realm.

This time Fang Xuansha came out and brought with him all the best of the best.

Among them, there are three people who are in the Seventh Level of True Body.

The two real bodies were at the fifth level, while he and the other person were at the sixth level.

Now, the two people chasing Lu Yan together with Fang Xuansha are the Seventh Refinement of the True Body and the Sixth Refinement of the True Body.

Moreover, none of them are low-grade real bodies, they are all middle-grade real bodies.

When one of them passed the big tree where Lu Yan was hiding just now, Shen Yinuo suddenly jumped out. His palms had turned blood red, and he stabbed the man like a bloody knife.

This person is a real body of the sixth level, a middle-grade real body, and his combat power is very strong.

But facing Shen Yinuo, who was charging up a blow, it was not enough.

With just one move, the man's arm exploded into pieces, and then Shura's hand drove straight in, piercing the man's heart. The man flew backwards and died on the spot.

There are three left.

"Evil thief."

Fang Xuansha's eyes were blood red.

The ones he brought out this time were all the elites of his lineage. This battle resulted in heavy losses.

I don’t know how many resources it would take to train a master of the fifth real body refinement or above, let alone a master of the sixth and seventh real body refinement.

The Master of the Seventh Realm who followed Fang Xuansha in pursuit of Lu Yan quickly changed direction and rushed towards Shen Yinuo. With one palm shot, a stream of poisonous water rushed towards Shen Yinuo driven by his true strength. .

Shen Yinuo pushed with both hands, and the Great Sun Furnace appeared, blocking the poisonous water, and then crashed towards the opponent.

The scorching flames distorted the air. The master of the seventh level of the real body did not dare to be careless. His palms turned into dark green, and he slapped them out in succession to resist the furnace of the sun.

Shen Yinuo dodged and attacked from one side, his fists flashing with scorching light, like two small suns, blasting towards the strong man who had attained the seventh level of his true form.


The two of them exchanged several moves in a row, and the strong man from the Seventh Level of Real Body from Fang staggered back, losing to Shen Yinuo.

Fang's man gave a low drink, his body emitted a bright green light, and green powder flew out from every move he made.

These are highly poisonous things that ordinary martial arts cultivators at the same level as him would not dare to touch. They have the terrifying power to corrode the true body.

But he met his nemesis.

Shen Yinuo's attack has a terrifying high temperature, and any poison will be burned as soon as it gets close.

For a moment, Fang, the seventh-level real body, was suppressed and beaten. He could only barely support himself and complained endlessly. He hoped in his heart that Fang Xuansha would deal with his opponent as soon as possible and come to help him.

"Don't even think about escaping."

At this time, Fang Xuansha shouted, and Lu Yan heard a buzzing sound coming from the surrounding trees, and densely packed poisonous insects suddenly rushed toward him.

"No, this guy silently put a lot of poisonous insects into the bushes while chasing me."

Lu Yan's heart moved. He held a bow and arrow in one hand and waved the cold palm with the other hand.

The ice-cold palm power roared out, and each poisonous insect was frozen and fell to the ground.

However, there were too many poisonous insects to kill. After killing a batch, more came over.

Lu Yan's body was hindered. Not to mention killing the enemy with arrows, his speed was also greatly reduced.

Fang Xuansha took the opportunity to rush forward, threw the scimitar in his hand into the air, spun rapidly, and struck Lu Yan.

Lu Yan simply put away his bow and arrows, using the force of his palms, coldness surged, and large swaths of poisonous insects were frozen. Then he slapped the side of the scimitar with his palm, and the scimitar changed an arc and flew away.

"Die to me."

Fang Xuansha finally caught up, his palms turned dark green, with a strong fishy smell, and he slapped down towards Lu Yan.

Just that smell made Lu Yan's head spin.

Highly toxic.

Fortunately, Lu Yan's real body was extremely powerful. He just fainted for a while at first, but he immediately adapted to it and expelled the poison from his body while his true energy was running.

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