Hunting Immortals and Demons

Chapter 283 Yin and Yang to Poison Palm

Using his true energy, he forced out the poison, and then used the four body-refining martial arts at the same time. The surface of his body was covered with red scales, like a humanoid tyrannosaurus.

At the same time, he raised the Cold God Palm and struck out with both palms.


The God of Cold Palm faced Fang Xuansha's Poison Palm, and coldness and poisonous gas spread around. Within a radius of a hundred meters, half of the vegetation turned into ice crystals, and half of the vegetation immediately withered.

Fortunately, this is not inside the village, but outside the village, some distance away from Changze Village. Otherwise, just the aftermath of the fight between the two would have killed the villagers of Changze Village.

When Lu Yan ran before, he also deliberately stayed away from Changze Village so as not to implicate innocent people.

Lu Yan and Fang Xuansha both retreated.

The difference was that Lu Yan took eighteen steps back before he regained his balance, while Fang Xuansha only took five steps back.

"It's so strong. It's worthy of being a real king. It's two levels higher. I'm no match for it."

Lu Yan thought to himself.

His palms became a little dark, which was a sign that the poison had entered his body. However, he had four kinds of top-notch body-refining martial arts body protection, which were so powerful that he blocked the invasion of the poison in an instant, and The poison was forced out of the body, and the color of his hands became normal.

Fang Xuansha looked at his palms covered with ice crystals, and his heart was horrified far more than Lu Yan.

He had always been the only one who jumped up to fight, but now, he was being jumped over to fight by others, and it was still two levels. This feeling was uncomfortable, and his self-confidence was severely hit.

"This person must be a top genius secretly cultivated by Prince Ming's Palace, far above Shang Wuxiang Mo Wenzhuo."

Fang Xuansha thought to himself.

He knew that Lu Yan came from Prince Ming's Mansion before when Lu Yan used the Thunder Nine Rings Archery Technique.

Fang Xuansha's murderous intention became even stronger.

After the fall of Sheng Xuanzong, Xuanzhou was destined to fall into the hands of Prince Ming's Palace. From then on, the Fang family would be adjacent to Prince Ming's Palace, and the two forces were destined to be unable to coexist peacefully.

It would be the best to get rid of the supreme genius in Prince Ming's Mansion.

With a wave of both palms, the dark green of the palms became thicker, like ink jade, emitting a glistening light, and a layer of green mist filled the air.

The powerful combat power was filled with poison and charged towards Lu Yan.

Lu Yan dodged to avoid the sharp edge, and then touched his chest with his right hand. A top-grade magic weapon-level sword appeared and slashed towards the opponent's wrist.

With the isolation of the sword, the power of the opponent's poisonous palm will definitely be weakened a lot.

Fang Xuansha's expression changed slightly, his palm technique changed, and he twisted his wrist slightly to avoid the sword, and then slapped the blade with two consecutive palms.

The sword vibrated, and a green poisonous gas quickly spread along the sword and rushed towards Lu Yan's palms.

Lu Yan burst out with real energy, but the green poisonous gas only reached half of the blade before being blocked.


Lu Yan shouted softly and slashed out with his sword. The green poisonous gas flew out with the light of the sword and slashed towards Fang Xuansha's neck.

Fang Xuansha waved his palms, defeated the sword light, stepped forward, and slapped Lu Yan with both palms continuously.

In a head-on battle, Lu Yan couldn't defeat the opponent, so it was naturally impossible for him to confront the opponent head-on. He used the Void Step to get out of the way and kept fighting with the opponent.

In this way, the two sides went back and forth and exchanged dozens of moves.

Although Fang Xuansha took the initiative and Lu Yan was more avoidant and defensive, for a while, Fang Xuansha was unable to do anything to Lu Yan.

But the master of the Seventh Refining of Fang's True Body who was fighting against Shen Yinuo was already in danger.

The gap between the middle-grade real body and the king-grade real body is too big. Although that person has the cultivation level of the Seventh Real Body, his combat power is far inferior to Fang Xuansha.

"We can't tangle with this kid any longer."

Fang Xuansha was a little anxious. He knew that if the master of the seventh level of the real body was killed and Shen Yinuo came to join forces with Lu Yan, he might not be able to defeat him.

Lu Yan must be eliminated first.

"Yin and Yang reach the poisonous palm."

Fang Xuansha's palm technique suddenly changed. One palm turned pitch black, while the other palm turned snow white.

Even his pupils became white and black.

Both palms flew towards Lu Yan, and the power of the palms surged like a mighty river.

The power of his palm was much stronger than before. Before he could reach his body, Lu Yan felt the power of his palm cutting into his body like a blade. The scales on his body clanged and sparks shot out.

"Is this god-level martial arts?"

Lu Yan's pupils froze, he didn't dare to confront him, and he ducked out of the way.

But Fang Xuansha's palm power was like a gangrene attached to the bone, continuously and continuously, one palm after another, the palm power became stronger and stronger.

Moreover, with every palm shot, there was black mist and white mist filling the air. After a dozen palms, it seemed like a heavy fog had arisen between the sky and the earth, and hundreds of meters in radius were covered in mist that confused black and white.

This mist contains extremely poison.

Even if Lu Yan holds his breath, this mist will penetrate through the gaps and pores of his scales.

Lu Yan felt like his body was on fire for a while, and like it was frozen for a while. His energy and blood were not flowing smoothly, and his head was a little dizzy.

Lu Yan bit his tongue sharply and woke up a little. Lu Yan was shocked.

With such a powerful real body, and the blessings of four top body-refining martial arts, he couldn't withstand it, which shows how terrifying this poison is.

It is indeed a god-level martial arts, but its power is far from comparable to that of top martial arts.

"Fight with you."

Lu Yan suddenly shouted, with a desperate look on his face. Instead of dodging, he rushed towards Fang Xuansha and slashed at Fang Xuansha with his knife.

Fang Xuansha was not surprised but happy.

Lu Yan's blind dodging gave him a headache. Now that Lu Yan took the initiative to fight with all his strength, he could quickly deal with Lu Yan.

He put his palms together, and with strong palm power, he patted Lu Yan.

Suddenly, there was a flash of light on Lu Yan's body, and a figure rushed out.

It is the golden avatar of the god dragon.

The divine dragon's golden clone punched and collided with Fang Xuansha's palms. With a bang, the divine dragon's golden clone was blown away a hundred meters away, and its arms were twisted and deformed.

The divine dragon's gold clone only had 60% of Lu Yan's normal strength.

The normal situation refers to the situation where the four top body-refining martial arts are not superimposed.

The power is far different from Fang Xuansha.

But this is enough.

The moment Lu Yan's golden dragon clone appeared, he twisted slightly and slashed towards Fang Xuansha's neck with the blade.

Fang Xuansha could not have imagined that a figure would suddenly rush out of Lu Yan. In his haste, it was too late to fight back.

But he was extraordinary after all, and he remained calm in the face of danger. He suddenly bent his body backward to avoid the blade, then clasped his hands together and pressed the blade between his hands.

"Give me the knife."

Fang Xuansha shouted loudly, and the yin and yang poisonous palm exploded. The black and white poisonous palm power spread rapidly towards Lu Yan's arm along the sword.

But the light and shadow on Lu Yan's body flashed again.

The clone of Tiangang Red Dragon appeared, like a humanoid tyrannosaurus, pounced on Fang Xuansha and hugged Fang Xuansha.

"Of course I will give up the knife."

Lu Yan whispered, abandoning his sword and retreating quickly.

A dazzling light burst out from Tiangang Red Dragon's body, and then exploded with a bang.

A hundred meters in radius was enveloped by the terrifying power of destruction, and everything was reduced to ashes.

"This guy should be dead."

Lu Yan stared ahead.

Soon, the smoke and dust dissipated, and a large crater with a diameter of a hundred meters and several meters deep appeared on the ground. Everything inside seemed to evaporate out of thin air and turned into ashes.

It can be seen that the self-explosion of Tiangang Red Dragon's body is terrifying.

The Tiangang Red Dragon Body has 60% of his normal strength. In other words, his powerful real body has also been copied. Such a real body, self-destruction is naturally terrifying.


Suddenly, Lu Yan's eyes narrowed and he quickly retreated.

A figure rushed out of the pit. It was disheveled and extremely embarrassed. There were blood marks on its face and one of its ears was missing.

It was Fang Xuansha.

His clothes had long been reduced to ashes, but his body was covered with a layer of inner armor, covering his torso, thighs, and arms.

"Is this a spiritual treasure used in the Yuanshen realm?"

Lu Yan's heart moved.

This guy is really taken seriously, and he is even given a body protection weapon and spiritual treasure that is exclusive to the Yuanshen realm. Could he be the illegitimate son of Fang's ancestor, Granny Wandu?

"Boy, you're dead."

Fang Xuansha's eyes were blood red, like a wild beast, and his hatred for Lu Yan was extremely strong.

Just now, he almost really died.

Fortunately, there was a spiritual treasure given by the ancestor. At the critical moment, he curled up into a ball and protected his head with his body and arms. Otherwise, he would really be dead.

This feeling was so uncomfortable that at this moment, he was holding back a blazing fire in his heart, threatening to tear Lu Yan into pieces.

Lu Yan turned around and left.

The golden clone of the divine dragon was also spinning around, looking for an opportunity to take action.

At this moment, an unwilling scream came.

The master who was fighting against Shen Yinuo, who was a master of the seventh level of refinement, finally couldn't bear it anymore. After being beaten by the furnace of the sun, Shen Yinuo seized the opportunity and punched him in the chest. Wear it, and the hot flame envelopes this person and burns brightly.

The man was not dead for a while. He let out several screams before falling to the ground.

Shen Yinuo immediately rushed towards Lu Yan. With a wave of his hand, three flying knives flew towards Fang Xuansha like lightning.

Lu Yan immediately stopped, the Xingluo Bow reappeared in his hand, he bent the bow and nocked an arrow, and began to charge up.

As soon as he saw Lu Yan taking out his bow and arrow, Fang Xuansha was startled. He clapped his hands several times and knocked away Shen Yinuo's flying knife. He was about to rush towards Lu Yan, but a hot furnace fell from the sky and hit Fang like a mountain. Xuansha.

Fang Xuansha dared not ignore such an attack, so he could only block it with his palms.

Dang Dang!

The furnace of the sun shook, and it was knocked upside down.

Shen Yinuo came closer and struck Fang Xuansha with his fists like the sun.

"Be careful with his palms. They may be god-level martial arts and contain poison."

Lu Yan quickly reminded.


Shen Yinuo had already exchanged two moves with Fang Xuansha, and his figure drifted back, his pretty face turned pale slightly, but he still smiled and said: "Don't worry, my boxing technique can burn poison, and his poison is ineffective on me. "

After saying that, Shen Yinuo rushed forward again.

The greatest power of Poison Palm lies in its poison.

Once the poison fails, its power will be greatly reduced.

As far as the strength of the palm is concerned, it is far inferior to other palm techniques of the same level.

call out!

Snap, snap, snap, snap, snap, snap!

At this time, Lu Yan shot out an arrow, which fired nine times in a row, and the arrow hit Fang Xuansha directly between his eyebrows.

This arrow brought a fatal crisis to Fang Xuansha. He quickly rushed to one side, trying to avoid the arrow.

But unexpectedly, Lu Yan seemed to have expected that he would dodge like this, and the arrow drew an arc and still shot towards his eyebrows.

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