Hunting Immortals and Demons

Chapter 288 The Structure of Spiritual Religion

Soon, 10,000 level four martial pills were in the hands of the two of them.

"Yinuo, please accept it. You need a fourth-level martial pill to break through now."

Back home, Lu Yan pushed all the fourth-level martial arts pills to Shen Yinuo.

If he now wants to break through in cultivation, the number of martial pills he needs, ten thousand is far from enough.

After Shen Yinuo used ten thousand years of stone liquid, she was not far from the fifth refinement of her true body. Ten thousand fourth-level martial pills might be able to transform her true body.

It is most appropriate to give a promise now.

"I will compensate you later."

Shen Yinuo smiled, put it away without any politeness.

In the practice room, Lu Yan sat cross-legged, took out a martial arts secret book and started reading.

The palm technique is called Dragon Flame Palm, which he exchanged from Prince Ming's Mansion not long ago.

The effect is opposite to that of Cold God Palm. Once it is used, the palm power is extremely hot, like a blazing flame.

After cultivating to the highest level, he can spit out his palm power, like a flying dragon, killing the enemy with astonishing power.

It will be difficult for him to break through his cultivation level in a short period of time. Now he should calm down and improve his martial arts.

Anyway, I got a lot of immortal bones from the ancient dynasty's treasure trove, but there was no use for them.

In addition, they also obtained some superb martial arts in the treasure land of the ancient dynasty. There are more than a dozen martial arts in total, but Lu Yan plans to master the two martial arts he exchanged from Prince Ming's Mansion first before he can master those.

Because the two top martial arts in Prince Ming's Mansion have a time limit, and they must be returned when the time is up.

"I wonder if the ultimate martial arts can be integrated into a god-level martial arts. If so, how many martial arts? Or nine?"

Lu Yan thought to himself.

He has now practiced martial arts to the point of combining human and martial arts, with a total of nine martial arts.

Among them, there are four disciplines: body training martial arts.

The ultimate sword technique, one, is the Nine Tribulations Sword.

Footwork, one method, void step.

Swordsmanship, one discipline, the Four-pole Divine Sword.

There is one palm method, Cold God Palm.

One archery skill, nine thunderclaps.

According to previous experience, it is difficult to integrate archery, knife skills, sword skills, etc. with palm skills or physical training martial arts.

However, fist and foot martial arts such as palm techniques, boxing techniques, and footwork can be integrated with physical training martial arts.

Then, Void Step, Cold God Palm plus the four body-refining martial arts would reach six.

If the nine gates can be integrated, there are still three gates left.

But Lu Yan now has a confusing point.

The fusion of footwork, palm techniques and body training martial arts is equivalent to a hodgepodge. The integrated martial arts has relatively balanced functions, taking into account footwork, palm techniques and body training.

But balance means not outstanding and not pure.

For example, the power of the new martial arts that is integrated with the nine body-refining martial arts will be very pure. If the power of the body-refining martial arts is brought into full play, the strength and defense will be astonishingly improved.

Or, if the nine palm techniques are fused, the new palm technique will have amazing palm power.

In the same way, the nine steps are integrated, and the body movements are so fast that they are proud of their peers.

Obviously, the fusion of martial arts of the same type is the best choice, and Lu Yan prefers this.

But the disadvantage is that it is too difficult to get it all together.

It would be easier to put together a hodgepodge of fusions. If it could be integrated into a god-level martial arts, he could quickly master a god-level martial arts and greatly increase his strength.

Each has its pros and cons, making it difficult to choose.

"No matter what, practice first and then see. If there is a chance to perfect the Nine Strikes of the True Dragon, then there is no need to fuse god-level martial arts so quickly. You can slowly gather martial arts of the same type and then fuse them."

Lu Yan made a decision, and then studied the Flame Dragon Palm carefully.

In just ten days, Lu Yan had mastered the basics of Flame Dragon Palm and formed a martial arts avatar.

Immediately afterwards, he began to understand another martial arts exchanged from the Ming Palace, the ultimate sword technique, the Spring and Autumn Sword.

At this time, the news of the Qizhou battlefield came back to the Ming Palace like snow flakes.

Zhuo Kunsheng, the leader of the Tianque Sect, was seriously injured and could not escape. Another Supreme Elder died. His strength was greatly damaged and he was unable to resist the Ming King's army.

Wherever King Ming's army passed, all the major cities and sects descended. In just ten days, they captured the seven counties of Qizhou, hundreds of large and small cities, and three third-level bloodlines, heading straight towards Tianque Sect's gate. Go away from the mountain.

More than ten days later, Chunqiu Dao also understood the basics and condensed the martial arts avatar.

Later, Lu Yan took out the immortal bones and swallowed them, successively improving the two top martial arts to the realm of human and martial arts.

At this time, some changes also occurred in the Taoist book. Not only was the distance between the clones from the body increased to thirty miles, but four clones could appear at the same time.

During this period, news from Qizhou continued to come.

A few days ago, King Ming's army captured half of Qizhou, occupying six third-level blood lines, over a thousand large and small cities, and countless people.

And they fought all the way to the gate of Tianque Sect Mountain.

But here, Prince Ming's Mansion encountered obstacles.

This obstacle does not come from Tianque Sect itself.

Although Tianque Sect's sect-protecting formation was strong, and Yuanshen Corpse Refining was far superior to that of Shengxuan Sect, they could not compete with the combined efforts of King Ming and Chu Tianjiao.

Instead, two mysterious powerful men appeared and blocked King Ming and Chu Tianjiao.

Lu Yan was shocked when he heard it.

Those who can block King Ming and Chu Tianjiao are obviously strong men of the same level.

But looking at the entire Da Chu, there are only about twenty masters who can match King Ming and Chu Tianjiao. Even if you include some masters who are slightly weaker than the twenty strongest men, there are not too many.

There is absolutely no such master in Tianque Sect, and there are only two of them.

"I'm afraid that they are strong men from other major forces. The Ming Palace was already very strong, and now there is another Chu Tianjiao, who has become one of the strongest princes today. I am afraid that it has aroused the fear of all the princes. Those people never want to see the rapid expansion of Prince Ming’s Palace.”

Shen Yinuo analysis.

Lu Yan nodded, agreeing with this view.

Nowadays, in the Chu state, the princes are vying for hegemony, and the situation is complicated, a bit like the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period in the previous life.

Once a certain company becomes big, it will arouse the vigilance of other companies and join forces.

This is one of the reasons why no one can unify the Chu state after hundreds of years of chaos.

A few days later, more precise news came.

The person who stood in the way of King Ming and Chu Tianjiao was the White Tiger Saint King, who came from the Spiritual Sect and was one of the four great guardian saints of the Spiritual Sect.

And the other one is the leader of the Tianjian Sect, one of the seven founding sects.

The strength of Tianjian Sect is no worse than that of Tianque Sect.

"As expected, the Lingjiao really intervened. Prince Ming killed Wu Ling. Prince Ming's Palace and the Spiritual Cult are naturally on opposite sides. The one who least wants to see Prince Ming's Palace become bigger is probably the Spiritual Cult."

Shen Yinuo said.

"Are the four great guardian saint kings higher than the thirty-six hall masters? Yinuo, how much do you know about spiritual religion? Can you tell me about it?"

Lu Yan asked.

Shen Yinuo nodded and said: "The top leaders of the Spiritual Religion include a leader, a deputy leader, the left and right envoys, the four guardian saint kings, the masters of the thirty-six halls, and further down, there are the chief elders , the elders of each palace protect the Dharma, and the helmsmen and helmsmen are assigned to each place."

"So strong"

Lu Yan took a breath and looked horrified.

A blood temple master can fight against Chu Long and can be called the top master in the world.

And there are thirty-six such characters?

The four great guardian saint kings are comparable to King Ming or Chu Tianjiao. How strong must the chief and deputy leaders and holy envoys above them be?

Who in the world can resist?

"What I'm talking about is that the strength of the Spiritual Sect at the end of the Great Ancient Dynasty must be different from what it is now. I don't know how much strength the Spiritual Sect has recovered now. I estimate that these positions should be uneven. Otherwise, No prince in the world can rival the Lingjiao, and the Lingjiao will no longer be so low-key."

Shen Yinuo said.

"Not even?"

Lu Yan was confused.


Shen Yinuo nodded and said: "For example, the Thirty-sixth Hall of the Spiritual Sect. Although it is called the Thirty-sixth Hall, not every hall has people, and not every hall has a master. As far as I know, the Spiritual Sect has There are strict requirements for the appointment of the palace master."

"First, the communicating martial spirit must be king-level."

"Second, your cultivation must reach the Yuanshen realm before you can be appointed as the master of a certain hall."

"If not, then a certain hall will be empty. Therefore, the Spiritual Sect has restored several halls now, and those hall masters cannot all reach the level of the masters of the Blood Temple."

"Similarly, the holy envoys on the left and right, and the four great guardian saint kings, may not be there either."

Lu Yan nodded, having a general understanding of the Spiritual Cult, but his fear of the Spiritual Cult has not diminished.

If the spiritual religion can reappear, it must have a leader.

The leader is definitely above the Holy King of Guardians.

In other words, the Spiritual Sect will have at least one master who is above King Ming.

This is still the most conservative estimate.

"The stronger the spiritual religion is, the more chaotic this world is destined to be. Compared with those masters in the Yuanshen realm, I am still far behind. I must break through to the Yuanshen realm as soon as possible in order to be able to initially protect myself."

Lu Yan thought to himself.

Then, he took out another martial arts study.

This martial art was obtained from the treasure trove of the ancient dynasty. It is also a top-notch physical training martial art.

Among the dozen or so top-notch martial arts obtained from the ancient dynasty's treasure trove, there are a total of three physical training martial arts. One has already been practiced before, and there are two left.

In addition, there is one of the five top martial arts schools given by Zhao Sirong.

Taken together, Lu Yan's top body training martial arts can reach seven levels.

It’s not enough for nine, but I’ll practice it first.

King Ming's army was blocked at Tianque Mountain and did not continue the attack. Instead, Chu Tianjiao left Chu Tianjiao to lead 100,000 King Ming troops to guard Qizhou. King Ming led his army back to Mingzhou.

Obviously, King Ming is also very aware of the current situation. If it expands too fast, it will definitely be feared by all parties, and they may even join forces to suppress it.

This time, the Ming Palace occupied the entire territory of Xuanzhou and gained half of Qizhou, which was equivalent to an increase of one state in the territory.

The land in this state is enough for the Ming Palace to digest for a while.

Just accept it as soon as you see fit.

Ming Palace, meeting hall.

King Ming is sitting at the top, and below, there are several figures standing, all of whom are the sons of King Ming.

Chu Long was among them.

"Father, Lu Yan, the disciple of Shenzhou, has been exposed. He has made great contributions to Xuanzhou this time. Moreover, he is extremely talented and has extraordinary understanding. I am afraid he is not weaker than Wang Tianyu. Can you give me a god-level martial arts?" Give him training?"

Chu Long said.

"Oh? Revealing his true form so soon?"

King Ming's eyes moved and he was quite surprised.

"This boy was so brave that he went to the place where the treasures of the ancient dynasty were hidden, and while those souls were fighting, he got some treasures, so he broke through all the way and entered his true body."

Chu Long said.

"It's really good to be brave and resourceful."

King Ming nodded.

"Father, I don't think it's appropriate to grant god-level martial arts right now."

At this time, a voice sounded.

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