Hunting Immortals and Demons

Chapter 289 One Hundred Thousand Mountains in Southern Xinjiang

The speaker was Chu Jie, the eighth son of Prince Ming.

Chu Jie took a step forward and continued: "Father, god-level martial arts are strictly controlled by any clan or prince. If you want to be taught, you must check them at all levels and confirm their loyalty before you can be taught. .”

"Or maybe you can teach it only after you have made great achievements. When Lu Yan was investigating the Yan clan in Xuanhuo City, although he put himself in danger and made great achievements, his achievements were not enough to be taught god-level martial arts. .”

"In my palace, there are many people who have set foot in the real body realm, but have not yet practiced god-level martial arts. They are still waiting for the opportunity to practice god-level martial arts. If it is passed on to Lu Yan so easily, I am afraid it will be difficult. Convince the public, those who do not practice god-level martial arts will be dissatisfied."

"Also, I'm afraid there will be complaints from Fifth Brother's side, which makes me feel uncomfortable."

Chu Jie said.

The fifth brother he was talking about was naturally the fifth son of Prince Ming.

Back then, Chu Chenzhou let go of a woman from a hostile force and accidentally killed a cousin.

That cousin is the son of Prince Ming's fifth son.

Therefore, Prince Ming's fifth son had always had a grudge against Chu Chenzhou, and his attitude towards Lu Yan was naturally not much better.

But with King Ming's pressure, the fifth son of King Ming did not dare to deal with Lu Yan blatantly, but it was still possible to block some things under reasonable circumstances.

King Ming glanced at Chu Jie.

He knew exactly what Chu Jie was thinking.

Chu Jie, who was on good terms with his fifth son, was opposed to teaching Lu Yan martial arts, which was reasonable.

"Laoba, what you said makes sense."

Prince Ming nodded, then looked at Chu Long and said, "Old Qi, do you have any way to get the best of both worlds?"

"Father, recently in the hundreds of thousands of mountains in southern Xinjiang, the mountain people have been acting abnormally. They have repeatedly attacked our mineral veins and blood veins. We are about to send people to investigate. It is better to send Lu Yan there. If Lu Yan can investigate clearly, it will be a great achievement. , when the time comes to teach him god-level martial arts, I can stop Youyou from talking, and I believe Fifth Brother will have no objection."

Chu Long bowed.

"Lao Qi has a good idea, let's do this and let Lu Yan leave as soon as possible for southern Xinjiang."

King Ming finally made the decision.

Then, they skipped this topic and discussed other things.

After King Ming returned, Lu Yan also met with his team members.

He, the captain, acted as host and treated everyone to a meal, and the relationship immediately became much closer.

Of the nine team members, only two are at the peak of Wuhou's cultivation, and the other seven are all at the Grandmaster level.

Among the three thousand Mingwang personal guards, the majority are Grandmasters, while the number of Wuhou and True Body Realm Martial Lords is smaller.

When there was nothing else to do, the main task of Lu Yan and his team members was to guard Prince Ming's Mansion, so their life was easy.

Lu Yan would also find time on weekdays to wander around the major chambers of commerce in Prince Ming's Mansion, collecting first-class physical training martial arts.

The best is not enough, the first-class will make up for it.

Anyway, as long as there are nine first-class martial arts, they can be integrated into a superb martial arts.

In more than a month, Lu Yan had managed to collect nine first-class body training martial arts.

However, body training martial arts are already rare. The more you master, the more difficult it becomes to find martial arts that you have not practiced before.

In addition, Lu Yan also used his identity as Prince Ming's personal guard to read a large number of books to find clues about the dragon.

The number of dragons is very small. Once they appear, they are easily hunted by martial arts experts. Therefore, they usually live in inaccessible places. They have consulted a lot of books and do not have a specific address.

For example, dragons may appear in the hundreds of thousands of mountains in southern Xinjiang, as well as in the extreme north and endless grasslands.

However, the territory of these two places is vast. Generally speaking, there are dragons infested without specific addresses, which is like looking for a needle in a haystack.

Lu Yan had a headache, so he could only put down his plan to practice the Nine Strikes of the True Dragon for the time being, and concentrate on studying the body training martial arts, with fusion as the primary goal.

At this time, Chu Long sent someone to summon Lu Yan.

Prince Ming's Imperial Guard Mansion.

"Commander, do you have any questions for me?"

When Lu Yan met Chu Long, he cupped his fists and asked.

"Lu Yan, I went to see my father yesterday and mentioned the matter of teaching you god-level martial arts."

Chu Long said.

When Lu Yan heard this, he immediately became energetic.

"However, god-level martial arts are not easily taught after all. Many of the real bodies in Prince Ming's Mansion have not yet practiced god-level martial arts."

Chu Long changed his voice and briefly recounted the process of yesterday's discussion.

"Lu Yan, you have to understand my father. He commands the huge Ming Palace. He must make a bowl of water even, otherwise he will not be able to convince everyone."

Chu Long finally said.

Lu Yan nodded, expressing understanding.

"But my father also personally promised that as long as you complete your mission in southern Xinjiang, the day you return will be the time to teach you god-level martial arts."

Chu Long continued.

"Mission in Southern Xinjiang?"

"Well, Yunzhou is adjacent to the Hundred Thousand Mountains in Southern Xinjiang. The Hundred Thousand Mountains are rich in resources. Not only do they contain many blood veins, but also various elixirs, mineral veins, etc. The Ming Palace has sent experts to mine various kinds of minerals in Southern Xinjiang all year round. resources, but recently, the mineral veins and blood veins of the Ming Palace in southern Xinjiang have been repeatedly attacked by mountain people."

"Although the folk customs of the hundreds of thousands of mountain people in southern Xinjiang are fierce and everyone practices martial arts, those ordinary mountain people are not very cultivated. They rarely attack mineral veins and blood veins. Why don't you take people to investigate? what reason."

Chu Long said.

"One hundred thousand mountains in southern Xinjiang."

Lu Yan whispered, and information about the Hundred Thousand Mountains in Southern Xinjiang suddenly appeared in his mind.

During this period, he checked Jiaolong's resources and many books pointed to the Hundred Thousand Mountains in Southern Xinjiang, so Lu Yan read a lot of information about the Hundred Thousand Mountains in Southern Xinjiang.

The Shiwan Mountains in Southern Xinjiang, located in the south of Dachu, is a vast and boundless virgin forest with a very large territory.

At the peak of Da Chu, he ruled the one hundred thousand mountains in southern Xinjiang and divided the one hundred thousand mountains in southern Xinjiang into five states.

By now, the hundreds of thousands of mountains in southern Xinjiang have long been out of Da Chu's control.

Moreover, there are hundreds of thousands of mountains in southern Xinjiang, with thousands of walls standing on them. The mountains are criss-crossed, the terrain is complex, extremely steep, and filled with all kinds of poisonous insects, miasma, etc.

In addition, it is said that in the ancient times before the ancient times, the Hundred Thousand Mountains in southern Xinjiang were the lair of demons. Therefore, there was a lot of filthy air there, and even demonic air was often permeated there. Therefore, many evil spirits and strange things were also bred there.

It is said that the mountain people living there often encounter strange things, so the practice of cultivation is prevalent.

Moreover, in history, many vicious and evil people could not survive in other places, so they would flee into Shiwan Mountain.

This also resulted in the situation in Shiwandashan being extremely complicated, and no prince or clan could rule there.

We can only send experts in to explore the resources there.

This information flashed through Lu Yan's mind. Lu Yan cupped his fists and said, "Yes."

"This time, in addition to your team, four other teams will be sent together so that we can take care of them. We will set off in three days. You can go back and prepare."

Chu Long said.

Lu Yan nodded, said goodbye, and went back to talk to Shen Yinuo. Shen Yinuo's eyes lit up and he naturally wanted to follow.

In her words, the Hundred Thousand Mountains must have given birth to many strange beasts that could help her improve her martial arts skills.

Three days passed in a blink of an eye.

A total of five teams of King Ming's personal guards gathered together and set off towards southern Xinjiang.

More than ten days later, they passed through Yunzhou and entered the southern border.

Looking up, all that comes into view are wild mountains and towering peaks, one after another.

The big tree, hugged by several people, is densely packed with countless roots.

Surrounded by all kinds of unknown weeds and vines, it is difficult for ordinary people to move here.

In addition, not long after they entered, they encountered swarms of mosquitoes, poisonous bees, and various unknown poisonous insects. They often saw mottled poisonous snakes flying through the weeds or hanging on trees. .

Fortunately, Prince Ming's personal guards are all masters of martial arts, and the weakest one is also at the peak of Wuhou.

They jumped on the branches, their breath emitted, and snakes and insects did not dare to approach.

"There is a miasma ahead, so take a detour."

Suddenly, a big man in front shouted. He was the captain of another team and had the cultivation level of True Body.

Lu Yan saw that the mountains and forests ahead were filled with purple-green poisonous gas, which looked quite penetrating.

They bypassed the miasma and continued on their way.

After another three days, they finally arrived at the destination of their trip, a third-level bloodline.

Prince Ming's Mansion occupies a total of two third-level bloodlines in the Hundred Thousand Mountains. They have people guarding them, and they also send breeders to raise exotic beasts here to provide meat for Prince Ming's Mansion.

There are also more than a dozen mineral veins that can mine various rare metals and create magical weapons.

These are strategic resources.

"Everyone, we are going to another bloodline. Let's say goodbye here."

said a squad leader.

Lu Yan and another team were responsible for guarding this third-level bloodline, while the other three teams were responsible for the other one.

After the other three teams left, Lu Yan and others entered this bloodline and handed over to the people who were originally here.

Originally guarding here was a battalion of King Ming's army, numbering several hundred, and the leader was also a master of the True Body Realm.

In the past, few mountain people attacked them. Their main defense targets were the monsters and monsters in the mountains.

However, in recent years, it has been attacked by mountain people again and again, so it can only send more manpower.

After the handover, I briefly understood the situation.

The last time the mountain people attacked was two months ago, they took away many strange beasts and several of the Ming King's troops.

"Abducted a living person, didn't you kill him?"

Lu Yan asked, a little curious.

"That's right, I didn't kill him."

An old man nodded. He was the battalion commander of King Ming's army guarding this place and a master of the real body, Xiao Ran.

"What's the purpose of seizing strange beasts and taking away living people? What's the purpose of those mountain people? It's strange."

Lu Yan whispered.

"We have recently investigated an even stranger thing. The mountain people in the 100,000 mountains were originally scattered and divided into small tribes. But recently, these small tribes have converged towards large tribes and developed into If the trend of large cities continues like this, it is not impossible for a kingdom to appear in the Hundred Thousand Mountains in the future."

Xiao Ran said.

"The Hundred Thousand Mountains have experienced thousands of years. Those mountain people live scattered and rarely gather. But now they suddenly gather. There must be something abnormal. Something must have happened that we don't understand."

Lu Yan said.

Perhaps, as long as he investigates the anomaly behind it, he can complete his mission.

After that, they stayed here.

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